Winds of Heaven (32 page)

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Authors: Kate Sweeney

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Romance, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Winds of Heaven
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“Skye, sweetie. Do you love the baby?”

“Mmm-hmm. I have baby sister to play with growing in Mama’s stomach.”

“What if Mommy has a baby brother? Would that be okay?” Casey asked as Skye watched the parade intently.

“Sure,” she said as she watched.

“What should we name the baby, Skye?” Liz asked.

“Mama, Santa
’,” Skye insisted. Then she shrieked with excitement. “Santa! He
’,” she cried and jumped up and down. She then crawled up onto Casey’s lap. “
, Santa

The baby’s name would have to wait.


Thanksgiving dinner was nearly ready. “I love that smell.” Casey took a good sniff while she and Skye set the table. Liz entertained Niles and Brian and Meredith.

“Let me do the honors,” Brian said and stepped up to the bar. “Martini, Meredith?” He didn’t wait for a reply as he mixed the cocktails.

“Liz, I cannot believe the change in Casey...” Niles said. The sound of silverware clanging to the floor stopped him.

All four gracefully ignored it. Niles continued, “You’ve been a lifesaver for her. You and the goddess.”

Liz watched and smiled as she heard Casey instruct Skye where to put the silverware. “She’s done the same for us…” She stopped and closed her eyes as another clang rang out. “...I have a great deal to be thankful for.”

One more clang and Casey’s head popped out into the living room. “We’re almost done. Sorry,” she said sheepishly.

“I detect that note of hesitation again.” Meredith took the stemmed glass from Brian. He handed Liz a glass of ice water. Liz smiled her thanks.

“Make me something exotic,” Niles said.

“You’re exotic enough,” Brian said; Niles kissed him.

Meredith and Liz laughed at their playfulness, then turned her attention back to Liz. “Now tell me.”

“I was just thinking of Casey’s stance on children. They deserve a mother and father, and I wondered if she truly meant it or maybe she just does not want that with me.”

Meredith seemed to understand as she watched her. “Well, all I know is Casey does nothing but talk about you whenever I see her. Niles says the same thing. She talks of you and Skye all day. He said it was becoming quite annoying.”

Liz blushed and rested her head against the back of the couch. “I do love that piano player, Meredith.”

“I know, dear. And the piano player loves you. Be patient,” Meredith said and held on to her hand.

Casey sat at the head of the table, Liz at the other. Skye sat next to Niles and Brian on the other side; Meredith sat next to Liz. They gave their thanks and Casey raised her wine glass. Liz raised her water glass and Skye grinned, raising her
-cup like everyone else.

“Nobody knows better than I how much I have to be thankful for. In a couple weeks, we’ll have to add another chair at this table,” Casey said. The tears welled in her eyes as she looked down at Liz, who mirrored her look. “I am so blessed. Happy Thanksgiving,” she said, her voice breaking with emotion.

Glasses gently touched and Skye giggled as Niles touched his glass with hers. Casey winked at Liz.

Liz watched Casey’s long slender fingers hold the knife, and with one deft movement, the turkey slid off the platter and onto the table.

Meredith laughed outright along with Niles and Brian. Skye laughed in pure childlike innocence. Casey winced and laughed nervously as she picked up the turkey and gently replaced it on the platter.

Much to Casey’s relief, the rest of the meal went without further incident, and the holiday season began.


Chapter 20


Liz was rearranging the cupboards in the kitchen when she heard the doorbell ring. She groaned and quickly waddled up to the door, not wanting to wake Skye from her nap. There stood two men, each grinning. “I got a delivery for Liz Kennedy. Where do ya want it?”

“It goes it the back room, she told ya,” the other man grumbled as he held the furniture.

“Well,” Liz said and stood back. “The back room is on the right.”

He nodded and both men walked the boxes back into the room. Liz was confused as she watched the men open the boxes.

The older man looked up and grinned. “I’m supposed to tell you to go sit down and put your feet up,” he said and Liz’s eyes widened. “Go, we’re getting paid by the hour.”

Liz gave them a wary look and walked into the living room. They made several trips as Liz watched them parade back and forth. In an hour, both men had apparently finished.

“Okay, you can look. Merry Christmas,” he said and shook her hand.

Liz was completely confused as she walked them out. Then right behind them, the doorman was grinning as he walked up to her, loaded with packages and boxes. “Santa’s come early, Ms. Kennedy. Casey told me to tell you to go sit down—”

“And put my feet up, I know, Mike. C’mon in,” she said, chuckling. “I think those probably go in the back room.” She suddenly sniffed back her tears.

The doorman winked and walked down the hallway. “Merry Christmas, Ms. Kennedy,” he said and tipped his hat as he walked out.

Liz cautiously walked into the room and put her hand to her heart.

A crib was set up, a rocking chair next to it and a dresser on the opposite wall; a small changing table sat next to that. The gift-wrapped boxes and packages were set in the crib. A Disney mobile hung over the crib; she then noticed a card dangling from the mobile. She sniffed back her tears once again and opened the card.

My darling Liz,

Motherhood looks so good on you. Our baby cannot come into this world and have nowhere to sleep. Have Skye help you… Tell her it was from Santa Claus!

I love you, only you. Merry Christmas, My Only One.

Always, Casey

PS. I understand you’re nesting, but sit down and quit cleaning the cabinets.

“Our baby…” Liz whispered. She held the card to her heart and looked around the room.

“Mama,” Skye’s sleepy voice called out.

Liz turned to see the flushed face as Skye walked into the room and gazed around.

“Santa came early for the baby,” Liz said.

Skye’s blue eyes widened in amazement. “He come too soon, Mama.”

“I know, but he knew we needed
-this and h-he loves us...” She sat in the rocker and started crying.

Skye ran up to her and put her head on her lap. “Mama happy?”

“Yes, sweet pea, Mommy’s very happy,” she said and dried her eyes. “Now let’s see what Santa brought.”

For the next hour, Liz rocked in the comfortable chair as Skye tore into the packages. Liz shook her head in wonderment at all the baby clothes. She laughed when she saw the colors. All white, no preference between boy and girl. Rattles, teething rings. Liz smiled at the idea of Casey Bennett loose in a baby store. God help those poor clerks.

Then Skye opened one and gave it a curious look. “What it say, Mama?” She walked over and handed the shirt to her mother. Liz read it and laughed.

“Casey Bennett, you idiot...” She laughed once more.

It read
Pianists do it Upright
in big red letters across the front of the T-shirt. She read it to Skye, who frowned, apparently not getting the joke and shrugged, then concentrated on the last of the boxes.

“All for the baby?” Skye helped Liz clean up the discarded wrapping.

“Yes, sweetie, wasn’t that nice of Santa? Wait until he comes for you,” her mother said. Skye grinned and clapped her hands. “We have to send your letter to Santa. How about we do that after dinner?”

Skye was beside herself with excitement.


Casey whistled “Jingle Bells” as she struggled with the huge tree. Mike, the doorman, laughed. “Good grief, Case, will that fit into the elevator?”

Casey stopped and looked at the tree. “Shit, I hope so. Help me with the bags, will ya, Mike?”

He shook his head, picked up the bags, and followed Casey to the elevator. “Was she surprised?” Casey asked.

Mike nodded. “If I wasn’t there, she’d have been bawling like a baby.”

“I’ve gotta get this all set up. The baby’s due in a week or so,” she said as she struggled into the elevator. The smell of pine permeated the elevator.

“You’re getting sap all over the place,” Mike grumbled as the elevator door opened.

“You have no romance in your soul, Michael,” she scolded and kissed his cheek.

She put her key in the door and opened it. “Ho, Ho, Ho!” she said in a low voice and Skye screamed with laughter.

… A tree!” Skye jumped up and down.

Liz came out of the kitchen and laughed as she shook her head. “Casey…” she said, chuckling.

Casey was grinning like a kid. She propped the tree against the wall and walked up to Liz and kissed her deeply. “Hi,” she whispered. “Were you cleaning again?”

“Yes and yes, I’m nesting. Thank you,” Liz whispered against her lips. “You smell like pine.”

Casey laughed. “Hey,
,” she said and scooped the girl up and swung her in her arms.

Within a half hour, she and Skye had the tree in the stand, right next to the fireplace.

“Wait…” Liz said, sitting on the couch with her feet up. “There’s a bare spot. Turn it just a bit.”

Casey turned it slightly. “Little more…” Liz encouraged and Casey grunted as she turned the huge tree.

“Lil mo,
…” Skye mimicked her mother and Casey poked her head out from around the back and narrowed her eyes at the little curly top. Liz hid her grin as Casey struggled.

“Perfect!” Liz said quickly. “Right, sweet pea?”

“Wight…” Skye nodded.

Casey flopped down next to them, exhausted. “I need a drink. So anything happen today?”

With that, Skye remembered. “
, Santa come too soon!” she exclaimed and pulled at her hand.

Casey helped Liz up, and Skye ran down the hall ahead of them. Liz stopped Casey and gently cupped her face. “You’re a good woman, Casey Bennett,” she whispered and kissed her tenderly.

!” Skye called.

Casey grinned as she put an arm around Liz as they walked down the hall.

“Holy cow!” Casey exclaimed as she looked around the room.

Skye was so excited she almost swallowed her tongue. “Can you be-eve it?” she exclaimed and clapped her hands. “All for baby. Mama loves rocking,” Skye said, standing next to the rocker.

“I knew she would,
,” Casey said tenderly and winked at Liz.

For the rest of the evening, they decorated the tree as the Christmas music rang out throughout the apartment. Then they all sat back on the couch to admire their work. Between the blazing fire and the soft lights on the tree, a warm comfortable glow bathed the living room. Casey had her arm around Liz, whose head was resting comfortably on her shoulder. Skye was sleeping, laying her head on her mother’s lap, her feet sprawled across Casey, who absently caressed the little leg.

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