Winds of Heaven (36 page)

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Authors: Kate Sweeney

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Romance, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Winds of Heaven
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Casey gave her an incredulous look. “What are you talking about?” she asked over her shoulder as she walked into the kitchen.

Liz grinned as Casey walked up and kissed her. “Yummy, you taste like spaghetti sauce. And speaking of sauce, has my grandmother been drinking? She just said the oddest thing.” She kissed Liz again. “I love you. How was your day?”

“I love you, too, and it was fun. Meredith kept me entertained.”

Casey sneaked a piece of lettuce; she thought she heard a bitter tone in Liz’s voice.

“What’s the matter, honey?” She leaned against the counter.

Liz sighed and took the sausage out of the refrigerator. “Nothing really. I’m just tired of still feeling pregnant.”

Casey opened her mouth and Liz shoved a carrot stick in and grinned. “I know. There’s a whole chapter about postpartum depression.” She leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Oh, and we’re having Christmas. It’s in a week. God, so much has happened I can’t believe it’s Christmas already. Anyway, I invited Meredith, you can ask Niles. Is that all right?”

“Sure, it’s fine with me. I’m looking forward to Christmas. Hey, and remember you said nothing expensive between us.”

“Yep. Now go get cleaned up for dinner.”

As she turned, Casey playfully slapped her behind. Liz screeched and whirled around. Casey was already gone.

Christmas morning finally came. Skye was beside herself and she patiently waited for Casey to get out of bed.

, peas,” she begged as she pulled on her arm.

Casey feigned sleeping as she let out a snore. “Mom,” Skye said nose to nose.

Casey let out a low chuckle. “Now I’m mom, huh? Okay, you little dwarf...”

“Casey...” Liz insisted at the doorway. She was burping Tara as Casey rolled over and took Skye with her.

naked again,” Skye said, and Casey pulled the covers up and covered her breasts.

Liz glared at her as Tara belched.

“Traitor,” Casey mumbled and tickled Skye, who shrieked.

, Santa come,” Skye pleaded.

Casey reached for her robe. “Okay, give me a minute.”

Skye jumped down and ran up to Liz.

“C’mon, sweetie. We’ll change Tara,” Liz said. “That way, Casey can get dressed.”

Casey winced when Liz put the emphasis on the last word and slipped into her robe. “I need to get a pair of PJs...” she mumbled. She walked into the nursery and leaned against the door.

Liz was rocking with Tara in her arms. Skye was gently touching the baby’s arm. “Teeny hands, Mama.”

Liz grinned and put the sleeping infant back in the crib.

It was a modest Christmas. Liz told Casey not to go overboard with the gifts. Casey agreed...

Liz shook her head as Skye sat here amid her stuffed animals. Mostly fish. “So many, Mama. Santa knows I love

Casey grinned and drank her coffee, her new scarf draped across her neck. “I love my present, Mommy.”

“And I love mine, as well, darling.” Liz touched her new sapphire earrings.

“Maybe Tara would like a few,” Casey offered as she looked at all the stuffed animals.

“Can I? I give
some for her bed,” Skye said.

“That’s a good idea, sweet pea. You’re a good big sister.”

“Well, that seems to be all,” Casey said and looked by the piano. “Hey, what’s that over there?” Casey asked as she sat on the arm of the couch next to Liz.

Liz frowned curiously and looked up at Casey. “What did you do?”

“Nothing...” she insisted. Skye noticed the blanket covering something. She looked at her two moms. “Go ahead and take the blanket off,

Skye gently lifted the blanket and screeched. It was a miniature grand piano. Skye did not know what to do. “Mine own
?” She was almost afraid to ask.

Casey nodded. “All your own,
,” she said affectionately, and Liz leaned against her.

“You are amazing,” Liz said and rested her arm on her lap and caressed her leg.

Casey swallowed with difficulty. This was the first physical display of affection other than kissing and cuddling that Liz had shown. Slow down, Bennett, Casey thought.

“Now. I’ve got one more,” Casey said.

“We said modest...” Liz whispered and looked back at her.

Casey grinned and pulled her back into her arms, kissing her deeply, her hand wandered up her neck gently to cup Liz’s face. She was pleasantly shocked when Liz kissed her with gusto. Casey nearly lost her balance and fell off the arm of the chair. “Wow,” she whispered. Casey pulled back breathlessly as she searched Liz’s face hopefully.

Liz nodded as she grinned and wriggled her eyebrows. “Merry Christmas, Mom,” she whispered in a seductive voice that Casey had yet to hear. It went right to her toes.

Casey closed her eyes and grinned. “Thank you, God!”

She then reluctantly slid out from behind Liz, walked over to the piano, and opened the bench. Skye was unaware. She was happily sitting on the floor, playing the piano like Schroeder from the Peanuts comics.

Casey handed Liz a wrapped box. Liz grinned as Casey sat, facing her. She opened it and pulled back the tissue paper and held up sheet music. Her eyes flew open as she looked at it. “Winds of Heaven,” she said as she read the title page. Tears formed in her eyes as she looked at Casey, who was grinning sheepishly. “You told me you gave it up. You finished it.”

“That’s what I’ve been working on at the studio these past couple weeks. I didn’t want you to find it.” Casey then went over to the piano. “Only for you,” Casey said and started playing.

“You wrote this for me?”

Casey gave her a lopsided grin. “Well, yeah, you nut.”

Liz sighed happily as she listened to the romantic chords her lover was playing for her. She actually shivered as she listened. Liz took a deep contented breath and turned the page. She frowned in confusion as she looked at the bottom of the page. Casey wrote a small note.

My Only One,

The winds of heaven brought you to me. I can’t imagine my life without you. This is my gift to you: my love and my life.

I said once there was only one way I would have a family. I meant it then, I mean it even more now. Let’s live as the winds of heaven and mix forever. Please, Liz Kennedy, marry me, be my partner, my companion through this life. Don’t deny my love. I could not bear going through this world alone, without you and the girls.

I’m making love to you right now...

Liz looked up through teary eyes. Casey was right. She was making love to her right now, through that song. It was haunting and romantic. Liz walked up to the piano as Casey smiled and watched Casey as she played. It was then Liz noticed the small blue box on the corner of the piano. Casey grinned and nodded, then winked.

Liz opened it and put a hand to her mouth. It was a stunning small sapphire with two diamond chips on either side. They matched the earrings perfectly. She looked up at Casey; their eyes met as Casey finished the song with a slow sensual chord.

Without a word, Casey took the ring out and slipped it on her ring finger. On shaking legs, Liz walked around and Casey stood, wrapping her arms around her waist. Liz flung her arms around her neck.

“I love you, Casey Bennett,” she whispered against her ear.

“Marry me, Liz. I’m lost without you,” Casey pleaded as she kissed her neck.

“I will. I will marry you...” Liz cried and Casey lifted her off the ground and twirled her around.

Skye quickly stood, not wanting to be left out, “Me too.
...” she exclaimed.

Casey lifted her into her arms and the three of them kissed and hugged each other as they danced around the living room.



Chapter 23

It was a glorious Christmas Day. Skye played with her piano and gave her little sister several stuffed animals. Liz made dinner and Casey had a choice. Play the piano or help in the kitchen.

She and Skye sat at their respective pianos…

Niles and Brian came over for dinner and Skye again had a visit from Santa.

Niles and Brian made fools out of themselves with Tara, who grinned and spit up, then grinned again.

But it was Meredith who noticed the ring first. She held on to Liz’s hand to examine the ring. “Well, I’ll be,” she said with a sigh. “It’s beautiful, Liz. How romantic.”

Liz sniffed back the tears and nodded. “She finished the song, Meredith.”

“What?” Meredith was shocked and didn’t hide it when Casey walked into the living room. “Casey, all these years. You finished your song.”

“Liz’s song, Gram.” Casey put her arm around her. “Mom said someday I’d find the right one, and I’d be able to finish it. She was right.”

Liz kissed her cheek and walked into the kitchen. Casey turned to her grandmother, who smiled and kissed her, as well. “Eleanor would be so proud of you. She is proud of you. I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks, Gram.”

“You love her always?” Meredith asked.

Casey nodded. “For always. God help the poor woman.”

They were both laughing when they heard Niles screeching from the kitchen. He ran out with Liz behind him, shaking her head.

Niles hugged the life out of Casey. “It’s wonderful,” he said. “It’s, well, it’s so romantic. And you finished your song for Liz? Oh, my God, that’s, well, it’s…”

“Romantic,” Meredith said.

Casey rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen. “We need champagne.”

Niles looked at Liz. “She’s not kidding, is she?”

“Nope. She loves me,” Liz said happily and followed her into the kitchen.

Casey was opening the bottle; Liz walked up behind her and put her arms around her waist, kissing the back of her neck. Casey closed her eyes and shivered.

Then Liz’s hand wandered up gently to touch her breast. “Oh, God, Liz... Don’t do this now...” She moaned and trembled.

Liz was happy to see she had not lost her touch. It had been quite a while. The anticipation of their first time was killing both of them.

“You’ve been so patient. I won’t let you wait any longer, sweetie...” Liz gently cupped her breasts and kneaded them slowly.

Casey closed her eyes. Her breathing was off the charts.

“After we get the girls to bed. Save a bottle of that champagne…” Liz whispered and let her go.

Casey groaned helplessly as she looked at Liz, who picked up a celery stick and munched on it. She walked out of the kitchen leaving Casey aching and unable to move.


Casey ushered Niles and Brian out early. Meredith laughed wickedly as she put on her coat. Liz hid her eyes in embarrassment.

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