Words Heard in Silence (46 page)

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Authors: T. Novan,Taylor Rickard

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Historical, #Sagas, #Historical Fiction

BOOK: Words Heard in Silence
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"He should be forced to eat Sergeant Jackson’s rabbit stew." Someone piped up from the back, causing a roar of laughter from the rest of the group.
"Now that is punishment. Other suggestions?"
None of the men seemed to keen on naming a punishment of one of their own. They shifted back and forth.
"Well, since Mr. Nailer got into trouble for defending Miss Rebecca, I think that assigning him as her permanent bodyguard seems appropriate. Of course, that means he is always on duty one way or another. What do you think, Colonel Polk?"
Polk cleared his throat and hid the smile behind his hand. "I think that is a good idea, Sir. He can accompany Miss Rebecca into town and the likes when you are unavailable.
Charlie turned to the troops. "Gentlemen, what do you think of that idea?"
"I have seen Miss Rebecca when she is riled up about something. I feel sort of sorry for Nailer, sir." One man at the end of the row offered. "Nothing worse than a southern lady having a full blown conniption."
"All right, men. Unless one of you still has a problem with President Lincoln's orders or with my command?"
They answered all at once as a proper unit. "No, Sir!"
"Then, gentlemen, our orders are to find a way to get the citizens of Culpeper County through this winter in one piece –– and along the way, maybe make the reconstruction of the Union we have fought for so long and hard a little easier.
The men shifted a bit, expecting to be dismissed. Instead, Charlie talked quietly with Polk for a moment, and then turned back to the troops. "While I have you all here, I have another announcement."
They formed back up, waiting to hear what else their commander had to drop on them.
"As part of our holiday celebrations, I hereby announce a formal Gymkhana, to be held on the 22nd and 23rd of this month. The winning company will serve this spring as my personal guard and the vanguard of the Regiment. The man with the most points within that company will serve as the color bearer. There will be appropriate prizes for the winners of each event. Gentlemen, it is an opportunity to hone your skills as soldiers, horsemen, and members of a crack fighting team. Events will include the traditional and cross-country endurance races, horsemanship, and demonstrations of skill with saber, lance, rifle and side arms. We will invite the civilians of the community to observe our games. You have a fortnight to practice. I expect every one of you to participate in some event."
A cheer went up from the men. Such events were usually fun and they enjoyed the challenge. Anyway, showing off to the locals sounded like a good idea.
Charlie smiled. The men were distracted from their latest crisis and there seemed to be universal approval for the gymkhana. "Dismissed."
The men disbanded and returned to their various duties with a buzz of excited chatter.
ebecca stripped the linens from the bed. Part of her wanted to be mad and upset over what had been said about her but she could not. The fact of the matter was, she could understand why Charlie’s men would think such things. What did make her mad, were the nasty things said about Charlie.
She put the old linens in the basket and placed new ones on the bed, remaking it quickly. "Fools, can they not see how hard Charlie is working to make things better." She grumbled as she continued puttering around the room.
Rebecca looked up to find Em standing in the doorway. She went over and scooped the little girl up. "What are you doing here sweetheart and where is your Mama?"
"Mama sweep. Em want Papa."
"Oh, honey, I do not think right now is a good time to disturb Papa. Let us go down and have some apple slices."
"Apple!" Em bounced around in Rebecca’s arms.
"Yes, ma’am."
She carried the baby down stairs, meeting Elizabeth at the bottom. "Good afternoon, Rebecca."
"Good afternoon. Care to join Em and I for some tea and apples?"
"I would love to. I have finished my rounds. Tell me what happened just a little bit ago."
"One of the troopers got into a fight with Duncan. Apparently he had some unkind things to say about Charlie and I and Duncan took him to task over it."
"Oh dear," Elizabeth looked down the hall at Charlie’s office. "Give me a few minutes and then you and Em come join me in Charlie’s office."
"Do you think that is all right?"
"It will be more than all right. And very necessary." Elizabeth turned on her heel and went to Charlie’s office, knocking on the door.
Elizabeth entered the office and closed the door behind her. "I knew it," she said as she crossed the room and settled into a chair.
Charlie was sitting at his desk with his head in his hands. He looked up sourly, "What?"
"That you would be in here brooding."
"Well, what would you have done? I had rebellion in the ranks. I tried the nice way. It did not work. How many more men believe what those do and do not have the guts to say so?"
"I know, Charlie, trust me. This must be very difficult, but sitting here brooding over it is not going to help. You and Richard are very good commanders. You will handle it, I am sure."
"And to have them use Rebecca as the excuse. I made her a target and they took the shot. So how much of this really is my fault?"
"You made her a target? Did she not ask for your protection?"
"Damn it, Elizabeth. I could have offered her my protection without sleeping in her bed."
She smirked at her friend. "No you could not. Charlie, I love you. We have been friends a long time and I am very fond of Rebecca. I think she suites you, but Charlie she did this to herself by inviting you into her bed."
"Are you saying that little……" Charlie bit back what he was going to say "was justified in calling Rebecca a whore?"
"No, I am not saying that at all. No one has that right. But the simple fact is, people think you two are carrying on a torrid affair and as a result people have formed opinions about a widowed woman who is apparently giving her body to the Yankee Colonel."
"So which one of us is worse - the traitorous southern woman or the devil Yankee colonel? And God help me, I am more than eager to make her an honest woman. You know that, Elizabeth."
She chuckled again. "Charlie, Rebecca is an honest woman, a good woman. And you are no more a devil than Mr. Whitman," She paused and rethought that with a smile. "All right, you are no more a devil than I am. This war has caused many hard feelings, Charlie, and you have to know your men are tired and are going to lash out. I think the plans you have for the winter festival are wonderful and will go a long way to boosting morale. Remember, Charlie, these men miss their wives and children and sweethearts and they see you up here with Rebecca and you seem so happy. They must resent that."
Charlie closed his eyes and then buried his head in his hands again.
If they knew. If they only knew what I go through to keep them clothed and fed, to get them the care they need when they are sick. They are like my children. When they face the enemy and die, cut down like cattle. When I have to write their parents, their wives. When I see them lying in the infirmary missing an arm or leg.
"Elizabeth. I cannot do this any more. When the cease fire is declared, I will muster out as quickly as I can."
"Charlie, I know this has been hard on you. I know you are happy here with Rebecca and looking forward to coming back and starting a life with her. I want that for you both, I want you both to be happy, but you must know that there are people in the community who feel exactly as some of those men. They are not going away and chances are they are going to be more verbal about it. You cannot come to your office and brood every time. You will sink into despair and I assure you Rebecca will grow tired of it. You have to be prepared to be strong and make a stand."
"I know you are right, Elizabeth. But, damn it all! It feels like I have had people hating me all my life." In a much sadder voice, a lost voice, he added. "What is wrong with me, Elizabeth?"
"My dear friend, there is nothing wrong with you. Do Richard or Jocko hate you?"
"No." Sullenly.
"Do Whitman or I hate you?"
"Does Rebecca Gaines hate you?" She gave her friend a grin and a wink.
"No." Charlie got a wry look on his face. "You are trying to back me into a corner."
"Not at all. I am just pointing out that there are people who love and care about you. And save Richard, all the rest of us know exactly who you are, Charlie, and not one of us hates you for it or anything else. Moreover, one of us loves you because of it. I hate to break this to you, my friend, but if you were truly a man, I do not think you would have had such good fortune with Rebecca."
Charlie looked at Elizabeth with vast confusion. She had just put forth an idea that had never occurred to the good colonel.
"I mean, I gather from things that have been said, that she was treated badly, true?"
"Yes." Charlie spoke slowly, his mind working overtime to try and process what Elizabeth was suggesting. "She was abused terribly."
"By her husband, a man in every sense of the word. She told me what kind of life she had with him. That he all but raped her when he wanted to. She has never known tenderness from a man. I think if you had been male, she would have been far more skittish. Tell me Charlie, did she invite you to share her bed, before or after she found out?"
"After." Charlie looked wary. This was a perspective that he had never even begun to consider.
"I will bet you a month’s pay that if you had been a man in every sense of the word, you would still be sleeping in your tent. Rebecca loves you because you are a woman. In every sense of the word."
Charlie slumped back in his chair, his mouth literally hanging open. Scenes were running through his head, scenes of the two of them together, of Rebecca telling Charlie how beautiful she was, how important her tenderness was.
"Charlie Redmond speechless? My, my I will have to write this down in my journal."
Charlie looked up at Elizabeth. "So you think she really wants me?"
Elizabeth smiled. "That is easy, Charlie. Yes. I know she does. Anyone who looks at her can see that."
"But... I mean. The first time we had dinner. She challenged me to convince her. She wanted me to be a gentleman. She treats me like a gentleman. She wants to be my wife."
"She is a very bright woman, Charlie. She knows you will have to continue to be a man to the outside world and she is adapting to that so that she will not accidentally reveal your secret. But when you are alone and especially when you are alone in your bedroom, what are you there?"
Very slowly a smile of extraordinary serenity spread over Charlie's features. "That is the only time when I am a woman. I am just me."
"Right, and has Rebecca turned away or been repulsed when you are ‘‘just you’?"
A blush rose up Charlie's cheeks. He was remembering her desire to touch and please him, to learn that she could please him. "Apparently not."
"Indeed. So, my dear friend, get rid of the gloom and doom and prepare to get on with your life with this wonderful woman."
There was a well-timed knock on the door. Charlie was grateful because he could tell Elizabeth was about to go off on a rant.
"Come in." He grinned at Elizabeth. She had a habit of reading him riot acts when he got too morose. Avoiding them was always a good thing.
The door opened and Em bolted in, running as fast as her little legs would carry her to Charlie. "Papa!" She screamed as she giggled and flung herself at him.
Rebecca carried the tray in, trying not to laugh.
Elizabeth smiled at her friend. "Does she hate you, Charlie?"
Charlie looked at his friend and shook his head, while coping with a small, dark haired, blue-eyed monkey who was rapidly climbing his body. "Elizabeth, you are a terrible manipulator. Em, do not chew on Papa's buttons." Charlie tried to rescue his uniform from her ever-inquisitive hands and mouth.
Rebecca laughed as she poured tea for all of them. "She’s teething, Charlie. What do you expect?"
"Papa good."
"I swear, I am going to soak a piece of rawhide in honey to give her something to chew on that does not involve my brass buttons. My expensive brass buttons."
When Charlie raised his voice, Em’s movement stopped and her lower lip poked out as tears formed in her eyes. "Papa?" She choked out.
"What is it, little one? You are a good girl, a very good girl. Just do not chew on my buttons." He smiled at her and reached into his pocket, pulling out a piece of soft undyed leather that he had picked up to work into a braided hair piece for Rebecca. He could get more where that came from. "Here, little one. If your teeth are hurting, you can chew on this."
She took the leather and turned it over in her hands then offered it to Charlie. "Papa bite?"
Elizabeth was doing her best to hide the smile on her face but failing. Rebecca handed her a cup of tea then placed one in front of Charlie.
Very seriously, Charlie folded the strip of leather in half long ways and took a solid bite in it, leaving very clear indentations in the leather.
Rebecca laughed and relieved Charlie of Em. "Papa’s silly?"
Em straightened in Rebecca’s arms and gave her a very serious look as she grasped her leather in her hand. "Papa good."
Charlie laughed. "Well, ladies, do you believe the youngest member of your sorority or have I managed to totally demean myself in your eyes with my little display of temper?"
Elizabeth chuckled. "You know how I feel, Charlie."
Rebecca leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "And I think you are good, too."
Em simply refused to remain with Rebecca. "Papa hold Em." She reached for him.

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