You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side (21 page)

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Authors: Sherrie Dillard

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Parapsychology

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for breakfast and opened the paper to the astrology section. I am

a Pisces and my horoscope told me to
follow my dreams.
I felt as if God had spoken to me through that horoscope. My life seemed

to change at that moment. I felt an electrical current run through

my body and I decided then and there to become an astrologer. My

family of course, had a fit. But, it didn’t matter. I knew in my heart that this was the right choice for me. Instead of going to nursing

school I went to college and studied psychology and astronomy. I

did this mostly to appease my family. I thought these areas would

help me as an astrologer. I found a professional astrologer and at-

tended his classes in the evening. I will never forget the first chart that I worked on. It was magic. In class I was given the birth information of a person who I did not know. Something in me opened

up as I charted their planets. I had insight and awareness to in-

140 ~ Stuck in Three Dimensions and Activating Your Sixth Sense
formation about the person that was more than just what I was

learning from their chart. Do you think that she helped me choose

astrology as a profession?”

“Your aunt is telling me that you have the gift. She just helped

nudge you to recognize it.” I tell her.

Millie excitedly continues. “Sometimes when I am in a session

explaining a client’s chart to them, it feels as if there is someone else present. I feel like I am being given help and direction from the spirit world. I wonder if this is my Aunt helping me. Would you ask her?”

“Your aunt is sending me the message that she is close to you

when you do astrology. When she was here in the physical realm

she studied astrology and now in spirit she is learning even more.

There is an energy connection between you both. She sends you

information and guides you.” I tell her.

Millie does not seem too surprised by this. “I often feel a guid-

ing presence when I am working. I didn’t know that it was her. But

it makes sense. Please tell her that I appreciate her help.”

I explain to Millie that she does not need me as a go-between

with her aunt. They already have an open line of communication.

Millie just needs to become more aware and conscious of it. The

session seems to be winding to a close when I feel Aunt Adeline’s

energy begin to get stronger.

She has another message for her niece. “Your aunt is telling me

that you are helping her. She wants you to know that she appre-

ciates you very much.” I share this with Millie and she looks sur-


“How can I help her? I would think that in the spirit realm she

has advanced teachers and access to so much knowledge.” She tells


Aunt Adeline again sends me images. “I again see your aunt

when she was here in the physical. She is alone in the attic office, working on what appears to be her astrology charts. I get the feel-Stuck in Three Dimensions and Activating Your Sixth Sense ~ 141

ing of loneliness and frustration. As you know she had to hide her

interests. Anything outside of the confines of organized religion

would have been upsetting to the family. She was conflicted and

upset. She was thought of as kooky by the family and astrology was

thought to be either connected to the devil or pure nonsense. She

never had a chance to share her gifts with anyone.” I explain to Millie.

“I understand.” Millie shares. “It could not have been easy. “

“Your Aunt wanted to help others through astrology.” I tell Mil-

lie. “She never did. Now through you she is getting this opportu-

nity. There is so much gratitude that she has for you. Her heart

opens with warmth and thankfulness that she can work and help

others along with you.”

Tears come to Millie’s eyes. “I know how she feels. My family

does not understand me either. I can’t imagine what it was like in

her time. I don’t even know how she discovered astrology. She can

work with me all she would like. I think we make a great team.”

142 ~ Stuck in Three Dimensions and Activating Your Sixth Sense


The Chain Gang,

Cure for Negativity

There is an Aesop fable that tells a story about a competition

between the sun and the wind. In this children’s story they

challenge one another in a contest to see who can cause a man

to take off his coat more quickly. The wind begins and blows as

hard as it can to rip the coat off of the man. But in response to the winds force, the man pulls his coat tighter around his body. When

it comes the sun’s turn, its warm rays shine bright over the man.

Within a few minutes he sheds his coat from the heat.

This story can be symbolic of the physical and spiritual realms.

In the physical world we tend to hold on to our beliefs, attitudes

and judgments. When we encounter something that opposes our

views and beliefs we usually react by holding on tight to our per-

spectives. We pull our beleifs closer and rarely entertain opposing views. We may judge others and form negative opinions and attitudes about them and their ideas and perspectives.

Once we pass over into the spirit realm however, divine love is

like the rays of the sun. Our hearts are warmed and comforted by

a love that surpasses whatever judgments and attitudes we clung to

in the physical world. We begin to shed the layers of human atti-


tudes, emotions and beliefs that cover our soul. Whatever keeps our soul from experiencing pure love is shed.

The Lesson of Negativity

Here on earth, we all feel negative, judgmental and critical from

time to time. This is a world of duality. Male and female, day and

night, right and wrong, happiness and sadness and negative and

positive, we are offered the full spectrum of experiences. Like a

color tray of unlimited paint choices, differing experiences give us the opportunity to know who we are. When we experience something that we do not like, we generally form a negative opinion

about it. We may even become judgmental and critical. Yet, the

earth lesson of negativity is really one of discernment. When we

experience something that we do not like, we begin to know more

about what does work for us. Knowing who we are often begins

with knowing who we are not. We miss the lesson when we dwell in

negativity instead of using it as a catalyst to choose and create positive experiences.

In the physical world negativity can become a habitual and

judgmental perspective on life. It can crowd out positive thoughts

and feelings and attract more of what we do not want. Immersed

in a negative perception the world becomes a threatening environ-

ment where loss, pain and disease lurk around every corner. Happi-

ness is elusive, loss inevitable and life is against us.

Negativity on the Other Side

Negativity, judgments of others, criticism and arrogance are expe-

rienced very differently in the spiritual realms. When someone who

has adopted a life-long negative perspective passes over, they begin to realize the damage they have caused to themselves and others.

On the other side the prevailing energy of love is in sharp contrast to the negativity that we generate in the physical world. The environment of the spiritual realm is always one of calm, creativity, love
144 ~ The Chain Gang, Cure for Negativity

and possibilities. We cannot blame our feelings and attitudes on

anything outside of ourselves. It becomes obvious that our negativ-

ity is self-generated. If we choose to live in this energy, than we do so alone. Our feelings do not affect others and we have no power

to make anyone else’s life difficult. There is no pay off to our harsh and damaging feelings and attitudes. We become isolated as there is nothing in our environment that reflects our inner discontent. We

eventually realize that we have to learn, change and grow in order

to accept and embody the love that is everywhere.

In the spirit realm we have free will and choice. There are some

souls who resist the positive loved filled environment of spirit. If a spirit does not release their earthly destructive thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and feelings they are rapidly drawn back into the earth

realm. Because this energy cannot exist in the love of the heavens

a soul either releases their negativity or quickly incarnates into another life. In their new incarnation there will be negative influences which reflect their inner state of being. Inner negativity quickly

manifests in what appears to be “bad luck” or “random circum-

stance.” It is in this way that we eventually come to realize the pain that we are producing and become willing to generate and create

the positive.

Chains of Love

I include the following story because it is a common one. When

we make choices and decisions from a negative perspective the im-

pact on others is usually harmful and damaging. Many people pass

over without acknowledging the harmful affects their actions have

had on those that they love. For those who are estranged from their loved ones at the time of their passing, it can feel like the door to reconciliation is forever shut. Death can appear to be final. But this is not the case. All that we do and do not do is reviewed once we

pass over. We are made whole through confronting and healing our

human frailties and missteps. Those who we left behind with un-

The Chain Gang, Cure for Negativity ~ 145

resolved pain and heartache cannot be forgotten and denied. The

spirit realm offers a new perspective and motivation for healing. If you have a loved one who passed over before hurts were healed and

problems confronted, know they are with you, learning to love.


It is always a nice surprise for me when I have a client who ra-

diates positivity. April, a professional in her mid-thirties, was this kind of client. When I opened the door for her to enter my office

I immediately felt her upbeat energy. As we sat down to begin the

session, it was clear that she was nervous. Never having had a reading, she did not know what to expect and became quite talkative. I

tried to settle her nerves with an attempt at humor, but I was not

very successful. April told me that she was not sure why she sched-

uled an appointment with me. A woman that she works with had

come to see me and she was fascinated by her experience.

“I am not sure why I am here.” She said. “I almost cancelled, but

thought I would follow through with this.”

I began the session as I usually do with a short prayer. As I

looked at her energy it was clear to me that she was a person that

gave a lot to others.

“You have a beautiful heart.” I told her. “Your guardian angel is

showing me the deep felt love and concern that you have for others.

It is known and seen in the spiritual realms, even if you feel that it is not always noticed here in the physical.”

For all of the love and care that I felt in April’s energy, I also felt that she was lonely. Work occupied most of her time and it was

obvious that despite her positive attitude she did not have many

close relationships. I spent a fair amount of our session talking

about love, past relationships and what was coming her way. Still,

I felt that I was not getting to the core of April’s issues. I felt her
146 ~ The Chain Gang, Cure for Negativity

wounded heart and I knew that to fulfill her desire for intimacy,

healing this pain was essential.

I asked the angels for help. I immediately felt the presence of a

middle aged man from spirit. He was a boxy broad shouldered man

who I knew was April’s father who had passed over. He was quiet

and reluctant to communicate with me.

“A man who feels like your father just came in.” I told her. I

heard a gasp from April and felt her tighten up.

“He died about five years ago.” She said. “We had a difficult rela-

tionship. I did not see him for about ten years before he died. I am surprised that he is here.”

April clearly was not comfortable with her father’s presence. He

must have felt this to. I felt his shame and hesitation. Yet despite this he began to communicate with me.

“Your father is sending me an image of himself with chains on

his hands and feet. He is swaying back and forth in a line along

with other similar spirits who are chained together. He wants me to tell you that he cannot hurt you. He is in the chain gang.”

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