Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology (23 page)

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Authors: Nicolas David Ngan

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology

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3. You can be very destructive.

4. if there is a 9-9 in the other karmic position, you may

feel emotionally disturbed.

Physical Talents

1. Totally self-contained inside; once you have this

power, you are able to produce/reproduce in any area.

2. You don’t need to learn, you can just remember; very


Physical Goals

To learn to access all your capabilities within and share

them with the world

Spiritual Karma

1. very intense; you can feel like the ‘messiah‘ returned

when awareness of christ frequencies occurs because

your connection to source is distorted.

2. May have abused spiritual power in a past life. You

need to learn not to misuse power.



Spiritual Talents

1. You unconsciously know you have the ability to pull

the three parts of yourself – mind, body and soul –

together and to express it.

2. You can shift gears quickly

3. You can draw upon the multidimensional nature of

your spirit to create success.

Spiritual Goals

1. Final incarnation of cycle; you will teach from a com-

plete point of view, not a partial one.

2. To acknowledge totality of yourself as a creation of the

Trinity of soul, self (personality) and god inside your

circle of soul

Soul Destiny

1. Final incarnation of cycle, more so here than in goals

2. set up vehicles that do not require your presence in

order to function to create perpetuation

3. Real energies of completion


Chapter 9:
The Word

Transmissions from God

The Word is a progressive story, used for the dominant vibration.

This is where you have four or more of the same numbers in your

soul contract aspects. These are direct channellings from god

in their original form. Read out aloud to yourself the Word for

your Dominant vibration number. if there are multiple dominant

vibrations, read them out in ascending numerical order as they

will build on each other. This can be quite emotionally moving

as it can touch the very essence of why your soul is here on Earth.


The beginning

in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was god. and

god ruled. god was Being. god was intelligence. god was all

there was – the most powerful force in the Universe, the greatest

strength in the Universe.

god, being the beginning, had no karma – nothing for which

to be rewarded, nothing for which to be punished.


The first commandment says, ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy

god with all thy heart, all thy mind, all thy soul …’ god is love,

mind and spirit. i am love, mind and soul. ‘… and thou shalt have

no other gods before me.’ Jesus says that if you obey this com-

mandment, that is all there is. There is no more.

The energies of this symbol are powerful. They grab you in a

vice from which you feel you cannot escape. Then you are gently

released and given a choice – to stay or go. You choose to stay, and

while it grips you powerfully, you feel loved and protected and do

not want to leave. You prefer to be one with god.

BETH: B: 2

and the spirit of god said, ‘it is time for you to go forth and

manifest your Being in a physical form – to be god in man. stand

upright. show the face of god in Man. Express my love, my power

and my strength.

i stand with open arms. call upon me when you need me. i

will always be with you. We will always be one, although to appear-

ances we will be two.’


as you go forth, my beloved child, i will guide you and lead you.

all you have to do is keep in tune with me. i will project into your

mind thoughts that will guide you and help you along the way.

We are now three in one – god (spirit), your physical body

and your constant communication with your higher self – your

Father in Heaven.



You now have love, power, strength and intuition. i instruct

you to go forth as my emissary and express truths i have given you.


My child, i give you the abundance of the Universe. Each star in

the Heavens pours out its wealth to you in things of spirit, mind

and matter. all is yours, to learn the lessons of having and achiev-

ing. The vibrations of abundance are creative, and you can create

abundance in any area in which you choose. But, you must learn

to use it, to appreciate it, and to share it with whoever needs it and

asks for it. This is tremendous power, my child. Do not abuse it.

HEH: H, E: 5

I now release the rigidity from your body, allowing it to flow and

move and have motion. With this i unlock the secrets of caring for

and maintaining this vehicle which i have given you to express me.

i breathe life into you that you may emerge as a living, physical

being. open your eyes and look upon all i have given you. accept it

with the love in which it is given.

VUV: V, O, U, W: 6

You now have love, power, strength, abundance, the ability to move

and to act. With all my love i would not lead you into temptation,



but, because i love you so, i will permit you to create your own

temptations and then figure out how to get out of them. I will help

you any time you are inextricably involved if you will call on me.

The important lesson for you to learn is that each lesson is

of your own choosing. all avenues will be open to you. it is up to

you to choose the one that is right for you. The choice is always

between your will and mine.

ZION: Z: 7

in your new role apart from me, and yet a part of me, you will

encounter many who are seeking (as you are) through the laby-

rinth of experiences, the answers to the problems they have

created when they chose their will instead of mine. They will look

to me and say, ‘Please help me’, then close their eyes and ears when

i draw near.

if you choose to keep the channels open between me and thee,

i will instruct you to answer their pleas for help. You will serve

as my liaison, bringing people together with people, and people

together with situations for which they have implored my help.


i will introduce you to the elemental spirits of nature who are also

ready and willing to help you achieve either your eventual com-

plete reunion with me, or your complete separation from me. i

have given you that freedom of choice. These elementals can be

invoked by you for good or harm – as you choose. only remember,



you are now under the law of karma, and whatsoever you do

unto others will come back to you multiplied. it is one of my

irrevocable laws.

TES: T: 9

You now stand upright as a total reflection of me. My wisdom is

your wisdom, my strength and power is yours. You have been given

the ability to express my love to all who are capable of receiving

and accepting it.

You may hide what i have given you under a shadow, or you

may spread your wings and share it with everyone with whom you

come in contact. You will learn that the more you give of me, the

more you will receive in return and in like kind.

YOD: I, J: 10

i stand beside you wherever you are and wherever you go. You may

ignore me. You may not listen, but i am always here. You know it.

You feel my presence. You may not always speak to me, but, if you

choose to do so, i will answer.

You know your destiny. You know where you are going. You

have been given priceless gifts to take on your perilous journey.

Use them wisely, and when you have been, and seen, and expe-

rienced all my truths, my doors and arms will open wide for your

return, and the light is kept burning eternally.



CAF: C: 11

Nine triangles and two squares make up the symbol for these ener-

gies. The triangles represent the Trinity, and the squares represent

the Earth. Each triangle (trinity) has a vibration of its own.

god, united with the mind (The Word), and created. First you

have mother–father–son, referring to the moon–sun–humanity.

Earth is a square composed of two triangles, being of the

substance of spirit and matter. spirit is composed of the triad:

god–love–intelligence. Matter is the lowering of these vibrations

into mineral–plant–animal.

There is one cohesive force that binds all form together. it is

called love, life or energy. as god–Being–creativity expressed itself

on the Earth plane in six triangles (six days), man was created to

have dominion over god’s world and Word.

Man is a complex being, manifested in material form and

motivated by his soul, which is attached by an umbilical cord to

god, the Father of all.

LAMED: L: 12

Man has within all the attributes of spirit-god. Within the heart

of man is a seed which carries the Word, over which he has

dominion. The Word of god contains all the truths, all the laws,

all the commandments from the beginning. it can be triggered by

obeying the will of god, by trusting in Divine protection and step-

ping forth with complete faith and acceptance.



Having the faith and trust of a new born child, looking to the

Father for guidance, the soul makes its journey through the maze

of time and space to the ultimate goal of returning to the Father’s


MEM: M: 13

The duality of the physical embodiment is expressed in these

energies. The feminine, protective part of the human being over-

shadows the strong masculine child of god. No matter how far

man travels, over what diverse paths, he always seeks to return to

the protection of the mother love which was his comfort from the

moment of his conception.

Man must learn to be soft and protective, as well as strong and

masculine. To feel and express love, for this duality exists within

all and is for the benefit and use of all humanity.

NUN: N: 14

in lifetime after lifetime, man swings to and from god like an

accordion, playing the melodies of happiness and sadness, abun-

dance and lack, power and poverty, male and female, saint and

sinner until all the lessons implanted in the heart of man are

learnt. Then, with one final chord, the instrument is set aside and

the soul transcends to become one with the Father.



SAMECH: S, X: 15

Wherever man is – god is. Man may choose to ignore, to deny,

to battle with, to hide the god within, but it is still there, buried

within the recesses of his heart. That great god within – smoth-

ered, crushed, profaned is still the vital force which animates,

inspires and motivates all children of god.

When the awakening comes, as it will to all of god’s children,

it may come as a ray of hope, a flash of intuition or a life-saving

warning. Then shall man kneel and face the lord with humility,

acceptance and love. To recognize the god within and be at one

and in harmony with that vibration is the goal of all.

AYEN: Y: 16

Negative forces will always be at work to drag mankind into the

pits of darkness, despair and deprivation. it is the nature of man,

rooted in materiality, to look at any symbol to represent the ulti-

mate, to accept what is visually represented to them. The physical

senses rule them and dictate their actions.

Their eyes must be opened. They must be brought to the

knowledge of their ultimate goal and the help that lies within at

all times.



PEH: P, F: 17

There is a way out. While one may feel stagnated in a lake of

muddy water, there is a channel to safety and eternal protection.

These energies represent the dead sea from which all life is driven.

Unseen to the physical eye, but visible to the soul is an outlet …

the love of god. if one will but concentrate on this light of love, all

prayers will be answered, all problems solved.

The dead sea represents the emotionalism and guilt.

Tremendous burdens which we assume as we stray from the path.

When we leave them behind, we can go forth, assuming our right-

ful positions as emissaries of god.


The gift of life. The well or spring spewing forth like a gusher, all

wisdom, all knowledge, growth and perfection. it comes forth to

be given, to be shared, not to be capped or hidden. it acts as a

magnet, drawing to itself and repulsing. its power strengthens

some and frightens others. it cannot be harnessed, but it can be

channelled. it is like water, it can be life-giving or it can be destruc-

tive, depending upon your acceptance or fear of it.

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