3 Hit the Road Jack (16 page)

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Authors: Christin Lovell

BOOK: 3 Hit the Road Jack
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I pulled the paper from where it was still tucked into my bra. I hadn’t even read it yet.

London Bridge is falling down.

“London. We’re going to London next,” I firmly stated, passing the paper to Kalel and the others. “I’m going to take a quick shower and change. Then we can leave.”

I ruffled through my dwindling pile of clothes. How many more outfits would I lose on this mission? Not that I was lacking thanks to Aunt Claire, but still. I sighed, grabbing my familiar comfort staples from my suitcase: VS capri sweats, a slim fit tee, hoodie, panties, a bra, socks and sneakers. I needed to call Aunt Claire. I’d left her a voicemail before I left and a note, but after what happened just now, I couldn’t help
remember my parents and inevitably worry about her.

Five minutes later I was fresh and clean, hair thrown into a messy bun, old clothes in
a bag to be disposed of somewhere besides
the trash, and bag packed and ready to go.

“I called
for a taxi van
,” Al said, walking out the lobby doors where we’d just checked out.

Kellan hugged me to him as we waited for them to arrive. I was feeling much better; clearer, but still uneasy.

“Give me your cell phone.” John held out his hand. I passed it over to him, throwing caution to the wind where he was concerned. I didn’t know if I could trust him, but I knew I didn’t not trust him. He could have easily finished me off back there, but chose not to. That had to count for something. “I just programmed my number in
your phone and called my phone so I’d have yours. I’m going to pull some files back at the embassy. They have a lot more info than they let on about Jack. As soon as I secure it, I’ll contact you.”

“Thanks John.”

“Johnny,” he scowled sarcastically.

“Sorry,” I smiled. “Thanks Johnny.”

“No prob. You take care of yourself. You’ve got something Lex. I don’t know what it i
s, but it’s big. I can feel it,” his Australian voice melted around the English words.

“I didn’t picture you as the sensitive type.”

“I’ve got my walls up, but I’ve learned to trust my gut.” He paused. It looked like he wanted to say more, but didn’t continue.

“Thanks for the help. I appreciate it.” I extended my hand. He looked down at it before placing
his own within it. His grip was
firm, self-assured, yet careful at the same time.
The same tingles I’d received the first time I touched him reappeared, quickly sending my body into a flutter.

“I’ll be seeing you,” he said. In a blink he was gone, fast as lightning. I was left somewhat shaken
and longing
, staring into emptiness.

“Cab’s here babe.” Kellan pulled me from my wonderment.
I nodded, still trying to process everything; knowing I had to get a grip on
before I lost it all, especially where my love life was concerned.

"Well, Spain was nice, at least what I saw of it," I sighed as we climbed into the large van.

"Didn't you live here?" Gabi asked.

"Yea, but I was young and don't remember much."

"Send in the cleanup crew," Kai ordered. He immediately hung up and returned his phone to his pocket. I guess we did leave a pretty big mess behind us that
to be cleaned up for the humans.

The ride to the airport was silent and tense. We all knew we were heading straight into a trap, but no one opposed.

Thankfully I'd healed quickly after everything was removed. I snuggled into Kellan; he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, running his fingers in a lazy circle on my upper arm. He was trying to remain calm on the surface, but I knew all too well the turmoil within.

I didn't want them walking into this trap with me, but I didn't know how to ditch them, especially when they could read me and my thoughts so well. I couldn’t do anything right now. Knowing this, I allowed myself to relax until we arrived in London.

Chapter 16


London was a dreary mess of cold, snow and lots of gray.

"This certainly isn't the London of my day," Will said, staring out the taxi window. We had to separate into three cabs since they seated a maximum of three customers at a time.

"When was the last time you were here?"

"Nearly sixty years ago," he replied. The cab driver turned wide-eye
at Will. "Oh bloody
," he cursed under his breath.

"I'll take care of it after," Kellan offered nonchalantly.

"Take care of me? What will you do to me? I'll not tell anyone what I've heard. I don't know a thing. You say nothing to me. I heard nothing." The driver was bordering a panic attack, his middle-Eastern accent thickening the closer he got to hysteria.

"Take the wheel Will," Kellan ordered, grabbing the driver by his chin and forcing him to face him
in the back
. The driver's eyes bugged out; I heard his heart nearly leaping from his chest it was beating so hard and fast, yet he was holding his breath. Kellan demanded his focus, locking their eyes. I knew the moment Kellan was in control since the guy instantly calmed. "You have heard nothing out of the ordinary. We are only customers
you will drive
and drop off at their hotel. Once you lose sight of us, you will forget you ever saw us. Now face forward and drive us to our hotel." Kellan released him. He faced forward, a dumbfounded look on his face. He shook his head in confusion. I saw his brows were furrowed through the side mirror as if he was trying to solve a riddle, as if he was trying to grasp what had happened. He wouldn't remember though. That's the beauty of being brain-washed; you never remember
it actually happen

All three cabs arrived together.

May Fair
? Really guys? You couldn't choose something a little less... I don't know... flashy?"

"They have good security and only guests can access the rooms," Kai explained. I guess it made sense after what happened in Spain, but it was a steep bill for security.

The bellman promptly
offered his assistance as we walked through the revolving
Kai and Al headed straight to the front desk to check us in under the Bladangs company cards.

“We’re all in
Studio Suites
,” Al announced, passing out room keys. “Everyone has their own room except Gabi and Rafi and Kellan and Lexi.” Al stopped and looked pointedly at Kellan. “This isn’t the time to be indulging yourself son.”

I instantly blushed and looked away. I knew he was right, but the fact that he thought we were or would do it was too much.

Kellan laughed it off. “Sure thing Dad.” He flashed me a devilish grin.
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
A chill ran down my spine.

“Let’s drop our stuff in our rooms. I’ll be around to install door alarms; this way we’ll know if anyone entered the room,” Kalel said.

“What about housekeeping?”

“These are silent alarms. It’ll send an alert to me, Kai and Gabi’s phone.”

“Oh, ok.”

“Let’s get out of the lobby.” Al headed towards the elevators leading the pack.

“Lexi, may I speak with you privately in my room?” Will asked. He always seemed a bit off, slightly nervous, or it could just be that he pays attention to every detail and the details overwhelm him; regardless, he appeared anxious.

“Of course. Kellan, will you take my luggage?” I focused on Will the entire time, unable to pull myself from him. His anxiety was rubbing off on me. Nerves crawled through me forcing my serum upwards.

“I got it babe,” he said, taking it from my hand.

The elevator ride seemed to take forever, but alas we finally made it. I followed Will to his room; I was glued to his side, my mind reeling with ideas of what could be so disconcerting to him.
I knew I was overthinking it; I knew I was making myself sick with worry probably for no reason, but I couldn’t stop myself. I couldn’
t control my wondering thoughts.

He opened the door and stood back, allowing me to enter first. I couldn’t even appreciate the beauty of the room, too consumed by what was about to be revealed.

“What’s going on Will?” I cut to the chase. I peeked through the lavish curtains out to
the bustling city
below. I turned back to find him removing his tie and folding it before lying it on the dresser.

set down his oversized leather briefcase on the bed. I didn’t know why he didn’t carry it around rather than the pile of books
, especially now that he’d lost a few
. He removed the binder and a thick, warn leather book. I recognized them instantly; my stomach knotted tightly as my serum rose high in the back of my throat. Something was wrong. Something was coming.

“I know you read the translation I provided you detailing the prophecy, and well, I must apologize but I purposefully omitted quite a bit and generalized the rest.” He didn’t fidget or stutter; he looked straight at me as he spoke the words, no apology in his voice.


“Because you would find a way to change things when there isn’t a way. You would drive yourself mad.”

“And Kellan dying?”

“I’m not revealing anything around that.”

“Why did you want to speak to me Will?” I crossed my arms over my chest defensively. He certainly had me on edge, if not before then definitely now thanks to his revelation of honesty.

Something big is coming very soon for you.”


“You need to prepare yourself emotionally and physically,” he riddled on.

“Will, I don’t want games. I want you to come straight out with it.”

“Barkatu,” he whispered.

“What does that mean?”

“Forget I even spoke with you. Now you must be going. Important things are ahead,” he said. He walked over to me, placed a firm guiding hand on my mid-back and
ed me towards the door.

“But –“

“I’ll see you tomorrow Lexi,” he stated, officially getting me outside the door and promptly shutting it in my face.

I stood staring at the door completely befuddled by my Eislom. He was the one who asked to talk to me, and rather than come out with anything worthwhile, he beat around the bush and admitted to doing so in his translation as well. He was supposed to guide us through this whole experience, but I didn’t feel like he was.

“You going to stare at the door all day?” Kai asked. I turned towards his voice; he stood outside his door a few rooms down, hands tucked inside his dark jean pockets, his muscles bulging through his gray sweater.

“Um, no,” I shook my head, still trying to pick my brain for ideas as to what Will could be hinting at.

“Want to go for a walk?”

“Sure.” I gave the door one last glance. I didn’t know why I did it; I felt like I was leaving behind a task that needed to be completed
and therefore
felt a tug towards it. I had the inkling that Will only broke his code to warn me of something big. Given my past though, big could be anything, and that was the troubling part.

We walked outside back into the busy city streets complete with wind, snow and freezing temperatures. It didn’t affect me too badly. It felt about the equivalent of sixty degrees to me.

What’s on your mind Leka?” he asked as we navigated through the midday lunch crowd.

“Too much.” He merely nodded his head, facing forward, looking at everyone and everything except me.

We walked in silence for a bit. I didn’t know where we were going and didn’t bother asking.

“What does barkatu mean?” I asked, thinking back over what Will had said.

“I don’t know the language well since it’s for vampeens, but I think it
means ‘I’m sorry’
in Euskara
.” He finally glanced over at me. “Why?”

“Kai.” I stopped walking, turning towards him; I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. My muscles were stiff, and I… I wanted to eat. Or drink. I wanted to do what half the women in the world did when they were stressed
or upset
; I wanted to eat.

“Leka?” He frowned as he stared down at me.

“Can we go sit somewhere?” I glanced around, looking for a restaurant or coffee shop to settle into.

“Let’s go to the coffee house across the street.”
He grabbed my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine. He scowled, glancing down at my ring the moment he felt it. I tried to ignore his reaction.

We settled at a table in the far corner of the quaint shop. I was surprised by how busy they were at this time of day though I suppose it was no different than any Starbucks back home. While the shop boasted upgraded counters and pastry showcases, everything else seemed a bit aged but in a meant-to-be sort of way.

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