Candid Confessions Bundle #3 (2 page)

Read Candid Confessions Bundle #3 Online

Authors: Daniella Divine

Tags: #erotic romance, #short story anthology, #erotic short stories, #short story collection, #erotica short story collection, #erotica short story anthology

BOOK: Candid Confessions Bundle #3
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Fuck! Or maybe no fuck. Not if she got there

I gave her a sweet smile for Jacques’ sake, because
I didn’t want him to think I was a bitch. She gave me an equally
sweet smile in return, presumably for the same reason. You would
have thought we were best friends.





I soon discovered that
skiing is a whole lot harder than it looks. The skis seemed to have
a life of their own. Sometimes they pointed together so that my
legs got tangled and I fell head over heels into the snow. And
sometimes they decided to go in opposite directions, so that I did
the splits and fell on my back.

As you will have noticed, the common theme here was
me spending a lot of time horizontal in the snow. Luckily, everyone
else seemed to be in the same predicament, and Jacques was very
patient. By the end of the morning lesson, we were all improving,
and I spent most of the afternoon working on my new skills. By the
end of the day, I was able to navigate down a modest slope without
killing anyone, and was even getting the hang of turning and

Go, Angel, go!

The next morning was Christmas Eve, which is usually
one of my favorite days of the year. But on this occasion, I didn’t
wake up with as much enthusiasm as usual. Boy, was I sore! I had
aches in places where I never knew I had places, and I was so
exhausted I could hardly move. But after a good breakfast and a
couple of Anacin, I was ready to face the slopes again.

When our lesson started, I could see that most
people in the group had improved a lot since yesterday. I guess we
had all put in a few hours of practice the previous afternoon. Even
Bailey the Bitch had got the hang of it, much to my disappointment.
But I soon discovered that pride comes before a fall – literally.
Just when I thought I had this skiing thing cracked, I fell flat on
my back halfway down the slope. I had been going way too fast for
my skills. Serves me right for getting too adventurous.

Jacques glided over and helped me to my feet.

‘Angel, are you OK?’ he asked. ‘That looked like a
nasty fall. Did you hurt yourself?’

‘No more than usual. Now even my bruises have got
bruises, so I hardly notice anymore.’

‘I saw what you did wrong. You were leaning
backwards instead of forwards. This is a very common problem, but
very easy to fix. Let me show you how to balance.’

Next thing I knew, Jacques’ arm was around me,
coaxing me into the right position. Even through all the heavy
clothing, it was good to feel his body next to mine. Oh yes, this
was much more like it! Jacques spoke into my ear, his face just
inches from mine.

‘Your balance is very important when you are skiing.
You must not lean backwards. You must lean forwards over your

‘You mean like this?’

I leaned forward so that my chest jutted forward,
pushing my boobs towards Jacques. I was gratified to notice him
staring at them for a second or two, before forcing himself to look
away. I hoped Bailey was watching…this would make her as jealous as

‘That’s better,’ Jacques said. ‘But you are still
not committing yourself. You must lean further forward.’

‘Like this?’ I pushed myself forward so that my
boobs were bulging almost into Jacques’ face. This time he wasn’t
able to tear himself away. He stood there staring at my favorite
assets with undisguised enthusiasm. Things were going very well,


…something whacked into me from behind, sending me
sprawling forward into the snow. I landed off the edge of the
slope, with my face buried in a foot-deep drift. My head hit solid
rock. I came up spitting snow and spluttering, turning to see what
had crashed into me. I should have known.

It was Bailey the Bitch.

Jacques was helping her to her feet, and she had
both arms around his neck, doing a fantastic impression of a damsel
in distress. She looked him in the eye and fluttered her eyelashes

‘Oh, thank you, Jacques! I don’t know what happened.
I was just coming down the slope and that silly girl got in my way!
She could have really hurt me.’

Jacques had both arms around her waist. ‘Don’t
worry, I have you now. I’ll take good care of you. Are you in pain,

Now it was Bailey who was thrusting her boobs at
him. ‘I did hurt my chest a little…right here.’

She pointed at her left breast, and Jacques gave it
a close examination that seemed to have little to do with medical
concern. Meanwhile, I was left to struggle to my feet on my own.
Jacques seemed to have forgotten I was in the same universe. He was
too focused on helping Bailey down the slope, one hand on her
waist, the other holding her ski poles for her. As they passed me,
Bailey turned and gave me a knowing smirk.

The cow. If that collision was an accident, then I’m
a virgin. And you know what the chances of that are
(hint for
new readers – none at all).




Of course, the best
part about skiing is not the fun on the slopes, but the fun at the
après-ski parties in the evening. And seeing as this was Christmas
Eve, there was a whole lot of fun lined up at the resort. I called
my folks back home to send them holiday wishes and all that, then I
got myself tarted up for the big event. I was still determined to
have a crack at Jacques, even if it meant taking Bailey on
head-to-head in a snowball fight.

After going through all my clothes, I realized I
didn’t have anything that was hot enough to compete head-on with
Bailey. I couldn’t let the bitch out-dress me, so I went down to
the resort shops to see what I could find. The resort had quite a
decent mall. A lot of rich people vacation here, so I guess there
is enough demand to make it worthwhile. I found a store that seemed
to do good business in après-ski gear. I imagine a lot of people
arrive with lots of ski clothing, but without thinking of clothes
to wear in the evening.

The shops were a little pricy, but I found a dress
that was half-price on special. Just what I needed. It was a cool,
red number guaranteed to attract attention. And it had a plunging
neckline that was guaranteed to
attention – especially
from men. Any guy with a pulse would get a hard-on within twenty
seconds. Exactly what I needed. So I invested some hard-earned cash
into improving my sex life.

By the time I was ready to go downstairs, I felt I
was looking pretty hot. Except for one thing. I now had a bump on
my forehead from my fall into the rocks. I tried to cover it up
with make-up, but there was no hiding the fact that it was there.
Still, there were plenty of people around with skiing bumps and
scrapes, so I wasn’t going to let it slow me down.

By the time ten o’clock rolled around, I was in the
bar having a lot of fun with some of the people from our ski lesson
group, including Jacques. It was good to see him in regular
clothes, rather than ski gear. He showed up wearing a check shirt
and tight jeans, and I wasn’t the only girl who was taking sly
glances to see what he was packing downstairs. To my surprise,
there was no sign of Bailey, though. I hoped she had picked up a
guy earlier in the evening, and was now doing the horizontal mambo
in her hotel room. Absence certainly didn’t make the heart grow
fonder – I was glad the bitch was out of my hair, giving me a clear
run at Jacques.

I had been making progress throughout the evening,
assisted by the low cut of my dress, which gave my guy ample
opportunity to see what had cushioned my falls in the snow.
Although there were other girls in the bar, Jacques didn’t seem too
interested in them. I thought I had cornered the market in Swiss
ski instructors, and was closing in for the kill. But then, just
after ten, who should show up but everybody’s favorite blonde.


Bailey waltzed into the bar, looking like a million
dollars. She must have spent the previous few hours getting ready,
because she was as over-dressed as a movie star showing up for the
Oscars. Her hair was beautifully styled to emphasize her curls, and
she was wearing more make-up than a Las Vegas hooker. But that
wasn’t what made me gasp.

It was her dress.

Yeah, you’ve guessed it, right? She was wearing
exactly the same dress as me! Not just a
dress, you
understand – but
the same dress. I groaned when I
realized what had happened. She must have done the same as I had
done – looked at her clothes and decided she didn’t have anything
hot enough. So she went to the resort mall, and turned out to be as
big a cheapskate as me.

She had gone for the red dress on special offer.

I could see why she had chosen it, though. It did
look fantastic on her. Her boobs exploded from the dress like they
were supported by scaffolding. The dress hugged her figure tightly
enough to highlight her hips, whilst also stopping short enough to
show off her thighs.

Hell, that was exactly why
had chosen it.
This was so unfair. They should have a rule in that shop – only one
dress of each design to be sold each week. Otherwise this kind of
thing is bound to happen in a small resort. You know what I mean,
girls…is there anything worse than going to a party and seeing a
woman wearing the same dress as you? Heck no, I would rather tear
my own toenails out with pliers than have that happen.

Yet it had happened, and when Bailey looked over and
saw me, it was clear that she was equally mortified. If looks could
kill, they would have taken me out of there in a hearse, leaving
the staff to mop horrific blood stains off the walls and

But I’ll say this for Bailey, she took it in her
stride. She was smart enough to know that ignoring the elephant in
the room was not going to work. Someone else would pick up on it,
and then we would both be the butt of the joke. So she sashayed
over to me and gave me one of those false-yet-seemingly-genuine

‘Oh, Angel – you do look lovely in that dress. I see
you have wonderful taste!’

And to be fair, I was quick enough to respond in
kind. ‘So do you, Bailey. You look very sexy!’

Best friends forever, or what? Of course, we were
both thinking about poking red-hot needles into each other’s
eyeballs, but that’s beside the point. Luckily we were interrupted
by Jacques before one of us threw the first punch.

‘Ladies! You are wearing the same dress!’

Of course, only a man would be dumb enough to point
that out in public. But you can’t expect a guy to have both brains
and brawn, and seeing as Jacques was over-represented in the brawn
department, I was prepared to cut him some slack. But he did redeem

‘You both look very beautiful, and very desirable.
And if the designer of the dress was here tonight, he would be
amazed that his genius had created such stunning loveliness.’

Not bad, huh? Especially for someone who speaks
English as a second language. At that point, he could have invited
Bailey and me back to his room for a threesome, and we would have
both agreed to fuck his brains out. But then he went and spoiled it

‘Now, please stand together while I take a photo.
This is going on Facebook!’

Oh, no…this was so NOT going on Facebook. There was
no way that I wanted a permanent reminder of my fashion faux pas.
Fortunately, Bailey felt the same way.

‘Maybe later, sweetie,’ she said, her voice dripping
with condescension. ‘Now why don’t you buy us ladies a drink and
tell us more about how lovely we are?’

‘Of course!’ Jacques exclaimed enthusiastically.
‘And I know exactly what drink to buy you.’

‘What’s that, sweetie?’ Bailey asked, as if she had
never heard this line before.

‘A Baileys! And for Angel, an Angel’s Delight!’

Well, at least he didn’t suggest an Angel’s Tit.
That’s what I usually get. Jacques was delighted with his little
joke, and Bailey and I both tried to outdo each other by laughing
at his wonderful sense of humor. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t
quite fancy Jacques so much now I knew he was deficient in the
brains department. Plus he had knocked back a couple too many
drinks, and I didn’t think he would be much use in the bedroom.
However, I was now determined to seduce him, just to poke my tongue
out at the blonde bitch from hell. I guess Bailey’s intentions were
very similar.

Jacques was in his element, with two hot women vying
for his attention, one on each side. He had no clue there was a
hidden agenda, and was very much enjoying being the man of the
moment. Bailey touched his arm as they spoke, so I ratched it up
another notch by cuddling close to his side. Next thing I knew,
Bailey had his arm around Jacques’ chest, so I responded by
whispering in his ear. If things had carried on accelerating at
that pace, we would all have been having sex on the floor of the
bar within minutes. However, Bailey chose that moment to throw a
spanner in the works.

‘Such a shame about that bump on your head, Angel,’
she said. ‘If only you had listened to what Jacques taught you, you
wouldn’t have got into that mess.’

Hmmm. As I recalled it, she was the one who had
shoved me into the rock. But I was ready with a reply.

‘Oh, I know, Bailey. But I can’t help it. I’m just
so clumsy. Things like that happen to me all the time. Ooops! Oh,
no…I’ve done it again.’

As I spoke, I pretended to slip and fall forward so
that the contents of my cocktail glass – including several lumps of
ice - spilled directly into Bailey’s cleavage. Did she jump or
what? Yes, she jumped quite a lot. She was about to scream
something very rude at me, but I saw her clench her fists and
control her anger. This time, she was way ahead of me.

‘Oh, Jacques…look what that stupid woman has done.
Quickly, dab my dress with some tissues before it’s ruined.’

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