Chocolate Honey (12 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Spence

BOOK: Chocolate Honey
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Chapter 10


Three Years Later


It has been three years since Christine, opened her first design studio. Now she has a total of four successful studios, one in Boston, New York, Toronto and yes Paris. She was away from Julian, for an agonising eight months, while, spear-heading the opening of her store in Paris. By far that store has been the most profitable of all the stores she owned. She was fast becoming a millionaire, which is a far cry from slaving away at

Charlotte’s for next to nothing. The last Christine, heard of Charlotte, is that her business went bankrupt about a year after Christine left. Julian, was also enjoying success with his career, he was hired at a young law firm, Faulkner and Bryant, for a fair salary. He was told in no uncertain terms, that as a coloured he had to work twice as hard as anyone else, if he wished to succeed. That challenge did not deter him; he was determined to rise above his past as an uneducated slave. Besides he thought, anything they can do, I can do better. He wasn’t allowed to first or second chair in any of the firm’s court cases.

He was delegated to doing research for the firm. However, they were always, always, pleased with his work. Julian also had another reason, to be happy with life. He and Christine recently had another child, a boy. He was the splitting image of Julian, down to the shape of his fingers. Which is why, he insisted on naming the baby, Julian Livingston Jr. He doted on the baby, and hated it every time; he had to leave for work.


One day, while he was in his office, someone knocked at his door. He was more than shocked when he saw who it was. “Daniel! What are you doing here?” “I am free and the first person I wanted to see was you. Looks like life has treated you well.” Julian, hugged and rocked Daniel, and kissed the side of his face. Julian, spoke in his Texas accent, which he has tried to hide over the years! “It sure good to see you Daniel, been a lonely eight years without you some. You my favourite cousin.” “What, you talking ‘bout, I is about the only cousin you got!” Julian was grinning from ear to ear and playfully, punched Daniel. “I know, you is my only, cousin. God it’s so good to see you!” “Mr. Bach tells me you are a lawyer now.” “Yes, I was apprenticing for a couple years, but now I have a real job.” Daniel, got serious for a while and then asked, “Is it true, you married Christine O’Connor? I knew you two ran off together, but marriage. By the way, thank you for telling me of your affair!” “Yes, we did get married, I knew you wouldn’t approve, if I told you of our affair while we were in Uber.” “Damn, right I wouldn’t approve. Why you pick up with a white woman, anyway? Wasn’t Lizzie good enough?” Julian frowned at Daniel and looked offended. “Oh, ok I won’t spoil our reunion. Where is she now?” “She is at one of her offices, the one on Broadway.” Julian, smiled and proudly stated, “My darling Christine, is a successful fashion designer now, you know.” Daniel sucked his teeth and said, “Designer, shouldn’t she be at home, having young ‘uns?” “We have all the children we need right now Daniel. Plus we recently had another son, he’s a year old. He is the splitting image of me, his name’s Julian Jr., you will meet both him and Joshua soon.” “That’s a baby; Christine should be home, taking care of him. White women, I tell you always changing the order of things.” “Now, you see why I never admitted to Chris and I being together, while we were back in Uber? Look, I can never change your opinion of courting someone of a different race, but please respect my choice, and more importantly, please respect my wife.” “Sorry, I won’t disrespect her. You been to lunch already I am starving!” “Just give me a few minutes; my lunch time is in a couple minutes.” Daniel, strolled around Julian‘s office as he waited. He was impressed by the furnishings. His desk was oval shaped; his book shelf was full with legal books, works by Shakespeare and his text books. Daniel felt his heart skipped a beat, when he saw Julian’s law degree from the New York University. He remembered Jules as a little slave child, who is now a successful lawyer, husband and father. He couldn’t help but believe that he had something to do with his cousin’s present successes. His thoughts were interrupted by Julian’s voice. “Daniel, did you find a job as yet?” “I got a job as I arrived in New York. The Quakers, they found me a job as a bagger in a general store. Been staying in a hotel, until I git situated. I won‘t get paid ‘til Friday” “Good, to hear you have a job. We just moved into a three bedroom house. If Chris is willing, you can stay with us for a while. I am assuming you’re broke. I’ll pay for lunch and loan you some money. How much you need?” “I don’t wanna come off as being needy. Just spot me a hundred, ‘til Friday.”


A Surprise


“Sir, I don’t know when, Julian, will be home, its lunch time now, he may come for lunch. May I give him a message?” Christine came home as usual, at lunch to check on the children and found, Bessie, speaking with an elderly gentleman, who was very anxious to speak with Julian. “Mrs. Livingston, I have urgent matters to discuss with your husband. I must speak with him, a message won’t suffice.” “Do you need his legal services?” “No maam, I am a lawyer myself. I’ll wait for Mr. Livingston, if you don’t mind.” “I hope your visit is not to cause him any pain. That is all that matters.” Christine telephoned Julian‘s office and spoke with his assistant Shane. “I just phoned his office. They said he, left for lunch about ten minutes ago. He should be here shortly, do you want a drink?” “No thank you. I am fine.” Julian, arrived about twenty minutes, after they said he left his office, Christine, pulled him into the kitchen, and said, “Someone, is here to see you, an elderly gentleman, a lawyer he said.” “Did, he say why, maybe I am being offered another job!” “Well, we won’t find out until you see him. Let’s go. I am curious as hell, he made the matter seem so urgent and mysterious.” “Ah, Mr. Livingston, I presume, sure enough, you have his deep dimples.” “Who, is the owner of the dimples?” “Your father, Gregory Livingston, of course.” Julian, felt suddenly sick inside and hoped he heard incorrectly, that this man knew his no-good father, Gregory. The man kept looking at Julian and kept shaking his head and smiling. Julian looked perplexed and wondered about the sanity of the stranger in his living room. “Julian, I am Harper McGuire, I am a lawyer for your father.” Oh so I heard correctly. Julian, sounded bitter when he said, “Father, you say I have no father. He disowned me and I him.” “I know, he abandoned you Julian, and he regretted that poor decision every day of his life since then. When a man is weak for a woman, he will do everything she wants, just to please her.” My nightmare has been given new life, Julian thought, I thought the cruelty of this man, my father would have withered away, in all these twenty-seven years of my life. But it is still here, aching and scraping at my heart right, here in my damn living room. I should kick, this man out of my life and my living room now. But I am curious, to know, what excuse, that bottom feeder as a human being, called my father has to say. “Look, sir, I don’t mean to be rude, but say what you have to say; get out and never bother me or my family again. I have done exceptionally well, without the help of that half human, and I will continue to excel without him. Where is the sorry bastard?” Mr. McGuire swallowed hard before answering, “Gregory is here in New York and he wants to see you.” Julian suddenly trembled and felt weak. He was shocked and dismayed, so Gregory is in New York and wants to see me. “Why? He has some nerve I don’t need him anymore. I am partner in a successful firm, I have a wonderful career and last but my no means least, I have a wonderful family. I do not need Gregory.” “Please Julian he is dying to see you, he wants to apologise to you and make up for lost time. Please say yes and visit him, I have his address. Plus he wants to set up a trust fund for you five million dollars to be exact.” Julian, let out an agonising groan and said, “Listen, Mr. McGuire, I don’t want any blood money. He earned his wealth through the blood, sweat and tears of slaves, I want no part of it.” “Julian, this money is from his legitimate businesses in Europe, his oil and ship building companies. Money from the sale of his estates was given to the abolitionist movements. Please believe me.” “You, know what, I really don’t care, where he got that money from. I just don’t want anything from that man.” Tears welled in his eyes as he spoke and he fought hard to maintain his composure. “But, your father did not totally abandon you Julian, think back, on your time at the O’Connor estates.” “It’s only pain, why would I want to dredge up the most painful period of my life?” “No, just think on how, your cabin was one of the biggest and cleanest on the estate. You had decent clothes, shoes, food, bed linen, wash cloths, toothbrush and toothpaste, in limitless supply. Your father, on a monthly basis, paid Jim O’Connor to allow you these luxuries he provided, plus he paid him, not to allow you to be whipped or sold.” Julian really started to sob, as he remembered, those little luxuries, he had. He thought that O’Connor was kind, as his work in the fields was always above average. Now he knew why O’Connor treated him so kindly. “But, why’d he leave me to rot, without anyone’s love? If it weren’t for Daniel, I would be mad by now.” “As, I said he was weak and foolish for the love of that cruel woman, who killed your momma.”

Julian was in complete anguish, accepting his father’s money, would mean that he has forgiven Gregory for abandoning him. On the other hand, he did not completely abandon me. He called out to Christine, as he needed her strength and warmth so much right now. “Julian, I know that you are hurting with, the sudden reappearance of your father in your life. This must be dredging up horrible memories, of being deserted by your father. I am so sorry that my presence is doing this to you!” Julian, softly spoke. He always spoke softly when he was worried or confused. “How would you feel sir? He left me in slavery, when he did not have to, he did not once reconsider his decision. You know what, please leave my home now.” “Julian, I know, I know. Please forgive me.” Julian, thought for a moment and realised, none of this is McGuire‘s fault. “Mr. McGuire, please forgive me for being so short with you. None of this is your fault.”

Christine, came to the porch and spoke. “Jules, you and Mr. McGuire should come inside. It is getting a bit chilly out here.” Julian sad, “Here, take my coat. I don’t want the children, to hear and see my pain.” Christine, could see the breaths from their breathing, and wondered why it was so cold and dreary. It is supposed to be spring; maybe the weather is matching the mood on the porch. She hated to see her baby in such pain. She decided that she would support him in whatever he decided to do. Mr. McGuire’s voice broke her thoughts. “Julian, could you raise your shirt and show me your back?” “What a strange request, why would I do that?” “Because, I want to offer you another proof that Gregory loved you with all his heart. I know that last comment, sounded like a bag of crock to you. I bet there are no whip marks on your back.” Julian chuckled, as he remembered the way he usually ran his mouth and wondered why he was never severely beaten, at least once. “No, I have never been whipped, always wondered why. Lord knows, I have pushed my luck several times!” “Well, you can thank your father; he is the reason why you were spared the whip. He paid Jim O’Connor not to let you get beaten. Even if you sneezed a doctor was there.” Christine was speechless, and wondered why her father was so greedy and ruthless. Now, I know why he sent men after us. He was protecting his investments, Julian and I. That man’s greed has never ceases to amaze me.” Julian’s voice was thick with emotion as he choked out his next word. “Why, didn’t he visit me, when I was in bondage huh? I have been hurt by him so much. I sorta thought he was behind, my close to human treatment in Uber. But he never once visited me.” “Julian, do you remember when you were around sixteen. There was a fuss around a supposed investor that was about to visit the O’Connor estates?” Julian’s eyes suddenly flickered with the memory of the man’s visit. “I remember, he came into my cabin, looked around and seemed pleased. Mmm, he said he was glad I received everything.” Mr. McGuire, excitedly spoke, “Did he hug you?” “Yes, he did and I thought it was rather strange---Oh my God!” Christine, ran to Julian, and kissed him. “Darling are you alright?” “Julian, I am thinking you just realised that the man that visited was Gregory Livingston, your father. You met your father, that day eleven years ago!” Julian suddenly felt weak in the knees and tears sprung to his eyes. Christine hugged and kissed him. She wanted, to take his pain away, and wondered how much more, he could stand. He felt, so sad and depressed and held onto his wife for dear life. “Shh, my darling, its okay, let it all out. Remember, the boys and I love you so much. No matter what, we will always be here for you. “I feel so hurt. Couldn’t he at least whispered he was my father?” “I wish I could tell you why he didn’t. But he will explain it all to you when you visit him. I don’t know why he did half the things he did. I know he loved you so much. I cannot count the times, that greedy bastard Jim O’Connor demanded more money from Gregory. I hope I did not offend you Christine, by my description of your father.” None, taken, sir. My father has always been a greedy pig.” “I cannot understand, why Gregory didn’t purchase me from O’Connor, the day he came to visit?” “I can only assume that he did not want to bring you, to his home as that woman was with him.” “It would have been so wonderful to have a parent instead of being practically raised an orphan.” He broke down and started to sob; he’s never cried and felt so sad in his entire life. Christine, hugged him, and tried to kiss his tears away. They held each other for what seemed like forever, which was broken by Mr. McGuire’s words, “Julian, you don’t have to make a decision right away. He purchased a mansion on Sackson Street here in New York. If you need someone to accompany you, I am staying at the Belmont Groove Inn, in Manhattan, room 12. You may contact me there for the next two days; I really hope you will visit him. He wants to make amends with you.” “I really need to think about this. If I do, what will his wife and my half brother do? I do not want my family or myself to be hassled in anyway.” Mr. McGuire sighed as if he was upset at someone. “My God, I have been neglectful in my duties, I forgot to mention Stephanie and William Livingston both died four years ago from scarlet fever.” Julian sank into the chaise. Christine, fell to her knees before him, and held his face in her hands. “Sweetheart, I wish I could erase all these memories, but I can’t I can only love you and comfort you as best as I can. My darling, I love you and hate to see you suffer so.” She made a nervous chuckle and kissed him on his nose and buried his head, deep into her chest. “Chris, do you think I should visit him? I do not relish the thought of seeing him. I have not forgiven him.” I do not understand his weakness. However, I realise he really protected me as well.” Julian’s voice trailed off, he felt like a massive load has been lifted from his shoulders. Only to be replaced by confusion.

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