Chocolate Honey (15 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Spence

BOOK: Chocolate Honey
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She spoke to the office manager, Mrs. Clarke as she hurried through the building. “Mrs.

Clarke, can you manage without me for a while? I will be at Julian’s office. Only call me if the building is on fire ok.” She ran out before Mrs. Clarke could reply. Within twenty

minutes she was Julian’s office and flew into his arms. She kissed him hungrily. Julian said, “God I needed that. Mmm you smell nice. Kiss me some more.” They kissed for a few minutes before coming up for air. He rocked her from side to side; lifted her and placed her on the couch. “Hey, you are pretty spontaneous today! I like that.” He smiled and licked her lips. “Make love to me Chris here and now!” She naughtily said, “Why

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just little old me. What will you be doing?” “I will just let you do anything you want to

me.” “Oh okay, anything.” She pulled his shirt buttons and began licking his chest. He laughed, nothing could make his day any happier, but there was a damn knock at his door. “Oh God, who the hell could that be?” “Better answer it, we can continue this at home ok.” Julian quickly buttoned his shirt and walked to the door. He then frowned and stomped his feet, then opened the door. Damn, damn it was Mr. Faulkner. Chris would have to leave. “I am sorry. am I interrupting anything?” Julian wished he could say yes, you are hindering me making love to my darling wife. “No sir, my darling wife is just here for a visit.” Mr. Paul Faulkner was a roguishly handsome man. Tall about 6’, with greying blond hair and the deepest blue eyes, he had an small nose and a slightly slanted mouth. “Good, to see you again Christine, you are looking as lovely as ever.” He said. With that he took her hand and kissed it. “Why thank you Mr. Faulkner, for that compliment.” She then walked over to Julian and kissed him on the lips. “I’ll see you at home my darling. Love you so much.”


As soon as Christine, returned to her office, Molly walked in. “Hey what's with the happy face?” Christine giggled, “I just came from my darling’s office!” “Ooooh can you pee straight?” “We didn’t get to make love, his stupid boss interrupted us. I tell you I would have Julian moaned God’s name and mine over and over and over.” “Pity, his boss walked in. Hate to hear of a missed opportunity of lovemaking.” “You are telling me, it would have helped my damn frustration too.” “What frustration?” Christine groaned her aggravation out before replying. “It’s his damn cousin again. Daniel borrowed five hundred from Julian recently. Such a leech.” “Is Daniel the one that was in Uber.” “Yes. Him.” “Is he gambling again?” “Don’t know, he won’t let Julian know what the problem is.” Christine’s next words were filled with dislike for Daniel. “We saw him spending like a millionaire last night at Lees.” “Oh I see, it’s not gambling he just wanted a good time on

Jules’ money. Such a bastard.” Christine, drummed her fingers on her desk impatiently,

while shaking her head. She could not believe that Daniel, was so unpleasant with her, the most hurtful aspect of her visit, is Daniel scorn when he called her “Lilly white”. She felt hurt all over again, when she thought about his cruel words and his gorging of Jules’ pockets. “You know Molly, I confronted the bastard today. You know he had the nerve to say I am no good for my husband!” Molly was so shocked she was speechless. Finally she said, “What?! You are joking right? Who is he to determine if you are right for Julian?!” “He would rather Julian marry that wretch Lizzie.” “Lizzie, who is that?” “She

was engaged to Julian, while we were in Uber.” “Oh I remember you mentioning her a while back. As I recall he left her before you two began courting.” “Yes, he left her as, she only wanted him to service her. There was no love left between them even before

poppa sold her. Jules thought if he married her, he could love her again.” “That was

years ago, Daniel should accept that you and Julian are forever!” Christine, sank deep into her chair and smiled, somewhat sadly, as she thought about someone else who

objected to her love for Jules. “Speaking of the past, I received a letter from Becky Macintyre today.” Molly, gave a worried look. “Oh, Christine, I hope you did not give her your address.” “No, I’d never do that. For all I know poppa may still be plotting to have men come for Julian. Her letter was sent to my design house in Paris, which is the address I used, when I contacted her.” “Whew! glad to hear that. What did she say?”

“She was happy to her from me. Happy to hear I was happily married with children. I

know she is lying as she hates Julian. She wants to come and visit me in Paris.” Christine, please continue to let her believe you are in Paris. Remember dat girl betrayed you. Causing McClelland to almost discover you and Jules in Blake’s closet. Please don’t tell her where you really are!” “Don’t worry Mol, I have not even told momma where I am really living.” “Sweetie, I hope you’ll get to see your momma again, ’fore is too late.” “Becky said, momma and poppa are still living at the O‘Connor Estate.” There was silence for a few minutes before Christine started to sob. “God I just wish I could see momma again. But I can’t Blake Bach said his sources say poppa is still sore with me. He lost all his possessions and slaves. He has share croppers on the estate now. Poor momma must be in hell now!” Mol walked over and comforted her friend. She wished she could make Christine’s pain go away. However, all she could do was hug her. “Shhh don’t worry, you will get to see your momma again. Just pray that day will come soon okay.” “Mol, I am sorry to be such a whimpering idiot. It hurts so much sometimes.” “Does, your baby know you feel this way?” “Yes, Julian said it would be okay if I visited her. But with a thousand body guards, just in case poppa or Paul may try to do anything underhanded. But the idea of body guards is really scary. It brings home the point that I won’t ever be safe if I go.” “I understand. When you feel comfortable to face your poppa you should go.” “I send money to them, every month. I only hope poppa is giving it to momma. I always address the envelope in her name. So hopefully, she is getting some.” “You still at least care enough to send money, especially to Jim.” “What time is it?” “Almost four. I have to go, Peter is coming home tomorrow from England. Gotta go buy something sexy to ensure I won’t be able to pee straight for days. You gonna be alright.” Christine laughed. “You are a naughty, naughty girl. Go on have fun, I’ll be fine.” As she hurried out, she yelled. “Christine, go home and let that man of yours, make sweet passionate love to you. Bye!”


Hey darling, you are home early.” “The court has recessed until tomorrow. Thought I’d come home and cook you a surprise dinner. Ahem, actually asked Bessie to cook you a surprise dinner. Ha!” “Hmm, very, very funny! I love you anyway.” Julian kissed her and said huskily, “Plus I wanted to finish what we started in my office.” Christine, nibbled at his neck and licked his lips in reply. Julian said, “I love it when you do that, so sensual and sweet.” “I can’t wait, mind if we take a bath first, I am feeling kinda sticky.” “I know, it’s unusually hot for fall. Heat has been merciless. Can’t wait for winter.” Christine, laughed, “Julian Livingston, you are just about the only person that I know who loves winter!” “Hey, I am a southern boy, still can’t lose my fascination with the snow.” “I know, -fix I have seen you frolicking with the boys. You become more of a child
than they are in the winter.” Julian, bowed his head and laughed. “Yes maam, you better be prepared for next winter. We will be taking you frolicking with us!” Christine, used her southern drawl in her response. “Y’all gonna have to catch me first.” “Oh don’t you worry your pretty little head, we will!” “Speaking of the boys, where are they?” “They are spending the night with Bessie. You don’t mind do you?” “No, I just wish I could have seen them tonight, as I left them asleep this morning.” “Oh, my darling I am sorry, I

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could have Jacob go and get them.” “No that’s ok. I will call them. I really want to be

alone with you tonight. What is Bessie’s telephone number?” “It is right by the telephone.” “Operator, give me KL-555-663 please. Hi Bessie, are my darlings nearby?” “No, they ain’t but I could go get them for you. Who do you want to speak with first. As they are playing.” “Put Joshua on, he is the talkative one.” “Oh, hold on a minute maam.” “Hi momma! We are having so much fun here!” “Hey my baby Joshua. I miss you. You are obeying Bessie right.” “Don’t worry momma we are little angels Julian and I.” “That is good to hear. Did you finish your lessons, especially cursive.” Joshua writes as if he were a doctor, Christine wondered if his script will ever improve. “Yes momma every last one.” “That is good I am so proud of you. Can you get Julian Jr. on the telephone please. I love you.” “Love you too momma, bye. Julian come to the telephone its momma!” “Joshua, don’t yell, go over to your brother and tell him to come to the phone. Okay.” “Sorry momma, love you bye!” “Hi momma, can I live with Bessie and Matthew?” “Julian Jr. that would make your poppa, me and Joshua very sad. Why do you want to move away from us?” “I love playing with Matthew, he is not a big bully like Joshua.” Matthew, was an orphan slave, Bessie adopted a few months ago. Christine spoke in a most reassuring voice. “Joshua loves you baby, don’t forget that. Tell you what anytime it’s okay with Bessie, you can spend weekends with Matthew, okay.” He sulkily answered, “Okay, can I go now?” “It is may I go now. Yes you can, I love you. Tell Bessie to take the telephone.” “They are off playing again, Miss Christine. Don’t worry I will put them to bed promptly at 8 P.M.” “I know you will Bessie. If there is a problem, please call. Kiss them goodnight for Julian and I.” “Okay goodnight maam.”


Christine, then joined Julian in the bath. There were candles all over, the bath was filled with a sweet scented soap liquid. They both had a relaxing bath. They then ate and made, wild and passionate love, then fell asleep. Christine, stirred awake at about 1 a.m. and found Julian, standing by their bedroom window. “Hey my darling, what’s wrong?” “I was just thinking about Daniel. Do you think he could be gambling again? I have an uneasy feeling about him.” “Jules, I visited him this morning that is where I was when you called this morning.” He crept back into their bed and snuggled beside her. “Christine why would you do something like that? You both hate each other.” “I was so upset about the money he kept taking from you; then to have the audacity to be spending like a fool at Lees.” “Did he tell you what the problem was?” “No not his present problem, but he so kindly reminded me of his ongoing problem.” Julian sighed and held her close, as he knew fully well what Daniel’s problem was. “Yep, he insulted me, called me a lily white black woman. He even was cruel enough to say I was not good enough for you.” “What! how dare he disrespect you like that? I am going to wring his neck.” “He is not worth it; his words though hurt me so much, I almost cried.” “What time is it?” “It is about 1:20 now, why?” “Because I am going over there to teach him some damn manners!” “Jules, it’s way too late, plus I love you, snuggling right here with me. It’s okay I am fine now.” He grunted and worry lines came across his forehead. “Cousin or no cousin he has no right being disrespectful to you. You are my wife and if he wants to remain part of my life, he better respect you.” “Jules, please try and get some rest. We

will deal with this tomorrow.” “Now I see that I have to be less sympathetic towards him.” Christine, kissed him and said, “We love each other and that is all that matters.” Julian said determinedly, “I am not finished with this.”


“Daniel! Daniel, open the door I know you are still here!” Julian pounded on the door, so hard it shook. A female voice inquired who it was, and opened the door. The person, who answered the door, gave Julian quite a shock. “Lizzie, what are you doing here?” She smiled and looked appreciatively at him before replying. “Oh Julian, it is so good to see you. You are a thousand times more handsome than the last time I saw you.” He replied coolly, “You are looking well yourself. Where is Daniel?” “That is all you have to say. ”Where is Daniel?” He is in the bathroom. Come and give me a hug.” Julian reluctantly strolled over to her. He gave her a hug and kissed both her cheeks. “I hardly have a lot to say to you. The last time I saw you, was not a pleasant experience for me.” “Oh God, I am so sorry about that. I heard these rumours about you and Christine and I was angry at you.” “Oh I see. That was in the past so all is forgotten.” “It’s so good to see you. I heard you are now a lawyer and a part owner of your wife’s design houses. Congratulations, that is a far journey from being a slave.” Julian smiled for the first time since he arrived. “Thank you, so how about you what have you been doing? How long have you been free?” “I am living in Greenwich Connecticut with Mrs. McGregor. She sold her estates about three years ago and took me North with her.” “That was kind of her. I guess she really cares for you.” He noticed a sad look in her eyes when he said that. “Lizzie are you alright?” “Yes, it’s just that I remembered the day I was sold to her.” “That was a terrible day for both of us, really terrible!” “Speaking of that how Christine is?” Julian wondered why, she brought up Christine‘s name after her last sentence, but decided to say. “She is fine; she is a most sought after designer, both here and abroad.” “I know she is famous with all the white folks in Connecticut.” “Julian, what are you doing here so early? I see you have seen Liz, isn’t she beautiful?” Julian, deliberately decided not to comment on Daniel’s last statement. “Can you come by my office around 2

pm? There is an important issue that needs to be addressed.” “Can’t we discuss it now?”

“No come by my office. I have to leave soon, as I will be in court all day.” “Boys, if this is so important I can leave the room, so you may discuss it now, rather than later.” Julian, thought for a moment then said. “I can’t deal with this at work. Lizzie it was good to see you again. Can you give us a minute please?” “Okay, Julian it was good to see you again. Christine is one lucky woman.” As soon as she was out of earshot, Daniel spoke, “What is this early visit for? You seem upset about something.” “And why would you think I am

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