Chocolate Honey (26 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Spence

BOOK: Chocolate Honey
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Chapter 32


The End- A Death


Back to the present, Julian and Christine, as promised, made love as if it was their first

time. “Well, nice and cozy. Sorry to interrupt your little sex romp!” The person who said those words, interrupted Julian and Christine’s love making. With the strike of a match the intruder was revealed. It was Lizzie! “Lizzie, this is his highly inappropriate. What are you doing here? God if I say that one more time I am going to scream. Get out

now.” Christine said. “We ain’t in the plantation any more, Miss O’Connor, so I won’t

take orders from you.” She said scornfully. Julian spoke, “Lizzie are you mad? What exactly are you doing here?” “For this. I have longed to use this on her from the day I met her.” From under her cloak she revealed a small hand gun and pointed it directly at Christine. Christine, screamed and Julian gasped in terror. “Lizzie, no! What are you

thinking? I am sorry I no longer love you but that is no reason to commit murder.” “Julian, what a frigging ego on you. I am not committing murder ‘cause you no longer love me. I stopped loving you, the last time I saw you, as you scornfully rebuffed my efforts of getting you back.” Julian was puzzled, “Then why are you doing this?” “This is about me and that self serving wife of yours. Ever since she came to Uber, she has wanted you. Looked down her pretty white nose at me. Well it ends here tonight as she is going to die.” Christine, who was deathly afraid, but vowed never to let on, spoke with venom at Lizzie, “Why you sniveling little bitch, my instincts were right about you the first time. You are a little sociopath, you hated me from the first time and I did you no wrong. You hated me all because, back then I liked Julian, as a bright and honourable person. You are snickering. You want me to beg for my life don’t you? It will never happen.” Lizzie, snarled. “You know what you idiot, it does not matter if you beg or don’t beg. You are gonna die anyway.” After her statement, fear filled the room. She cocked the barrel of the gun to double check for bullets. She pointed the gun at Christine, with her finger on the trigger. “You know I was perfectly willing to leave you both to wallow in this filth you call your unending love. But no, missus here had to hold a scissors to my throat, and then I overheard, that she slept with your enemy, Julian and you are still in love with her!” She laughed as if she had gone mad. Her laughter sent chills down Julian’s spine. Christine, kept watching Lizzie, like a hawk through her rambling all the while praying that God will intervene somehow. My life cannot end like this, by a mad woman. This is not fair she thought, its not meant to end like this. “You, know Christine, you have your swiftness to thank for grabbing that scissors. I was about to plunge it in your heart, had you not grabbed it from me.” Julian, hugged and kissed Christine, when he heard how close she came to dying. “Lizzie, why are you doing this? You need to know I never meant to hurt you, please put the gun down before you do something we all will regret.” “Julian, tell me the truth, when did you stop loving me?” “Lizzie, please put the gun down and leave us alone.” “I want to know when, you bastard tell me now!” Julian, hesitated and decided not to reply, but he saw a look of madness in Lizzie‘s eyes and decided to answer her question. “Ok, I’ll tell you. I came home one day, about a week after Chris started teaching me. I told you she said I could become a doctor or lawyer, which I am today. You laughed at me, scornfully I might add. You said, I should stop dreaming as I am nothing but a slave and I will die a slave. You also said I should get you pregnant, so O’Connor will favour us. Satisfied? Now you know.” “Bastard! you should have told me, you needed me to support you more.” “A man should never have to tell his fiancé

that. It should come naturally.” “And, queen shit over here supported you did she?” Julian chose not to reply, as Christine, did not deserve that derogatory description. “You, know what? I am thinking I should just kill her and frame you for her murder. God knows, white folks do not take kindly to us killing one of their own. Doesn’t matter if you

are mulatto or full Negro, they will hang you just the same. You will get the hanging you

deserve.” “You, know what Lizzie, go ahead and shoot. I am through being pushed around by every, Tom, Dick, Harry or Mary. Just know if you kill Christine, you have to kill me. As I am not letting you through that door, still breathing.” “Ha. How very noble of you Julian Livingston. I may take you up on your offer and shoot you as well. Get up

from that bed now! I am talking too much as is.” “I have no clothes on, throw my pants and shirt to me.” “Here! no please in your vocabulary is there Julian?” She threw the pants into Julian’s face. He spoke to Christine as he was putting his clothes on. “Chris, I love you.” “Shut up Julian, any final words for hubby, Missus?” Christine shuddered as she knew at any given moment, Lizzie would squeeze that trigger and end her life. “Julian, I love you ever so much, please be strong for me and the children. Whatever, you do please do not let this wretch get away with killing me.” “I love you too my darling. I love you so much, that words cannot describe. Please know I will always love you.” “Enough! I tire of this overdramatic performance. Julian, get over here now. Don’t worry Julian, you will see her soon once you are hanged for her murder. Good bye Christine, rot in hell now.” As she squeezed the trigger, and Julian leapt before Christine in an effort to catch the bullet for her! No shots came from the gun. Lizzie, looked confused, “What happened here? Not that you are in luck, O Queen Christine. The bullet may have been stuck in the chamber, let’s see here.” Lizzie, flipped the pistol open and saw the intended bullet was stuck in the chamber. “Get over here Julian, trying to catch a bullet for your beloved. How noble of you. Get your rear over here now! Lets finish this! First open up a window, this room is rank from your sex.” She pointed the gun at Christine again, and a voice yelled out, “Liz, put the gun down!” A deranged Lizzie, turned and saw Daniel. She sighed a breath of relief. “Daniel, thank God, you are here. Come help me kill this woman, she has been the source of my malady for years.” “No Liz, it’s not worth it. I won’t help you end Christine’s life and destroy yours.” “Daniel how did you know she was here?” Julian said. “I woke, up suddenly with a feeling of dread. I left Liz in a poor state today. I called her hotel, they checked her room, said she was not in. I knew instantly she was here. Liz, please put the gun down.” Lizzie said pleadingly, “But Daniel, you are my friend, help me.” “I am your friend, which is why I want you to put the gun down. Maybe I can convince Julian and Christine not to file charges. Then you can go back to Paris to Louis. Wouldn’t you like that?” He cajoled. Meanwhile, Christine, ran to Julian, with the sheets wrapped around her. She kissed his shoulder and hugged

him tightly. “Jules, what are we to do?” Before he could reply, Lizzie screamed, “Get back in that bed now. You are gonna die in your favourite position on your back.” “How, dare you!” Julian said. “Shut up, shut up! shut up.” Lizzie, started laughing, even guffawing. “Look down your damn nose at me, steal my man and hold a scissors to my throat will you?” She started waving the gun with her finger on and off the trigger. “I HATE YOU CHRISTINE O’CONNOR.” Julian, spoke “Lizzie, please listen to Daniel

and put the gun down.” “You’d like that wouldn’t you. How could you tear your love away from me Jules, how could you? I am gonna take your love away from you. You will get a taste of your own medicine.” There was so much confusion in the room. No one knew what to say. Julian noticed Daniel, was advancing towards Lizzie, whilst she

was rambling and waving the gun. Suddenly Daniel grabbed her around the waist and they started to struggle for the gun. Lizzie, was remarkably strong and she freed herself from Daniel’s grasp. “You too, Daniel, you too? Why?” “Cause I love you Liz. Don’t do this, think about Louis and Paris.” “One, more time Julian, please leave her.” Anger, took a hold of Julian, and he exploded. “Lizzie, get the hell away from me. I wish I never met you, why are you trying to destroy my life?” Liz, did not respond, but turned to Daniel, she lamented. “Even, you have betrayed me, Daniel?” She kept on repeating, “You too, you too.” Suddenly she turned to Julian, “You want me out of your life?” He did not reply but looked away and waited, as she was too far gone, to be reasoned with. All he knew only God, alone can speak to Lizzie now. Suddenly, she said, “Well, this is for you, Jules.” She did something that shocked everyone in the room. She raised the gun, pointed and fired. Christine, screamed and ran to Lizzie’s side. “Liz, Liz, why have you done this? Why?” Julian and Daniel were frozen in their spots with mouths hanging open. “Go get Doc Connors please. Julian, Daniel, please go. I will try to keep her alive.” Lizzie, started to gasped for air. “Christine, is that you?” “Shh, yes its me. Don’t talk save your strength.” Lizzie, started to breathe heavily. “Am I gonna go to heaven? Am I?” Christine, shook with fear. “Yes! yes, you are going to heaven but not now. You will be okay.” Lizzie, feebly spoke. “No. I won’t I am dying. Forgive me for all I have done please.” Christine, was having mixed emotions. Here lies a woman, who had caused her endless grief. Even tried to kill her. She thought about Lizzie’s request and decided to forgive her. I am never becoming as hateful as Jim O’Connor. “I forgive you, Lizzie. Maybe we will become friends after all.” Lizzie, coughed and started breathing rapidly. “I forgive you too Chris. This is not your fault---” Christine, kissed her on the forehead and started to sob. “Why’d you have to go shoot yourself, and right in the stomach too.” “Chris, you are--” “Liz! Liz O God no! stay with me.” She shook her, but realised it was too late. Lizzie died in her arms. Almost immediately, Julian, Daniel and Doc Connors came rushing in. “Chris, here is the doctor. Is she still with us?” Christine sobbed. “No Julian, she just died. Why’d she go and shoot herself?” “Shh, this is so sad. Are you okay? Doc, Chris may need something to soothe her nerves.” “Jules, that’s not necessary. She just died like that, but not before we forgave each other.” Daniel, bent over Lizzie’s body and kissed and stroked her hair. “My sweet, darling I should have dragged you back to Paris myself. I can’t believe you are gone.” “Daniel, she will be okay. We prayed together before she died. I know she will get to heaven.” Daniel asked, “You prayed with her?” Christine, nodded yes. Daniel came over and hugged her. “Now

I know why Julian, loves you. You are one of the greatest people in the world. I have ever known. You could have left her to die, miserable and alone. Thank you for being there for her.” Doc Connors spoke, “We have to call the mortician and the police. The body will have to be removed. Where will you people spend the rest of the morning. What time is it now?” “It is almost 6 am.” Daniel, said. “From, my preliminary

investigation this was a suicide, but the police will be asking general questions. You know part of the job.” Julian said, “Perhaps after they release her body, we can help with the funeral. Think she would like that?” Christine kissed him and said, “Jules, just to let you know, she said, this was none of our fault. Lizzie, was just lost. I really hope she will find peace now.” After an hour, the mortician came and examined Lizzie’s body. The police came, examined the scene, and asked a few questions and concluded it was a suicide. Days, passed by. Christine and Julian, decided to stay at the Posh Royal, with the children and Bessie in tow. They decided to sell their mansion, as too many bad memories existed there. However, they decided to remain in Manhattan, only they’d live in a different home. The day of the funeral was rainy, it was a small affair. Daniel, Christine, Julian and Ruth attended. Louis, did not arrive in time, but came a few days after and spent quiet moments at Lizzie’s grave. He was a small man, in his mid-forties, plain with milky white skin. He was so calm and gentle not once did he blame, Christine or Julian for Lizzie’s death. He only said, he wished Lizzie, had told him of her obsession with Julian, maybe he could have given her the help she needed. After, leaving Louis’s hotel, Christine and Julian rode back to their hotel. On their way Christine, said, “You know Jules, we never did get to take, that intimate holiday two years ago did we?” “No we didn’t. Want me to make arrangements, first thing tomorrow?” “Yes. We deserve a holiday, after the past harrowing few weeks.” They both strolled arm in arm to their suite. Both hoping tomorrow will bring great things to come.



The End













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