Chocolate Honey (14 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Spence

BOOK: Chocolate Honey
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Chapter 12



The Daniel Situation.


“Julian, I thought you would have called last night. I wanted to come and see Christine and your boys remember?” “I am so sorry, but when I went home last night I found someone waiting for me.” “Who, Lizzie?” “No, why would you ask that? God no!” “Ok okay, you don’t have to look so repulsed at the mention of her name. You were lovers once.” “Daniel that was a long time ago. But the person that was waiting for me was Harper McGuire, one of my father’s lawyers.” Daniel, was speechless, he is the only person apart from Christine who knew how Julian felt about Gregory. Why is Julian even calling Gregory “my father?” “What does a lawyer for that yellow bellied rat wants with you? Please tell me.” “Daniel, please don’t call him that---” “What, seems like you have forgotten his disgraceful treatment of you? God, what is wrong with you? First you marry a white woman, then you defend Gregory to me.” “Daniel, I ask you once before to respect my choice to be with Chris, and will you shut up so I can tell you why I have forgiven Gregory.” Julian related the entire episode to Daniel, who had his mouth in an O the entire time. “Whew, he really loved you. What will you do with the money from the trust fund?” Julian noticed that Daniel, did not ask him once, how he felt about Gregory, but decided against chiding Daniel, but said, “I am saving it for a rainy day. But not before I buy you a house with some of it. After all you helped me through his rejection of me. Plus coaxed me through my depression of being a slave. Daniel, you helped me so much. Without you back in Uber I would probably be dead now.” “Oh, thank you for offering to build me a house. I was glad to be there for you.” “Good, so I take it from your answer that you have accepted my offer.” Daniel said, “Yes, I have. Will you build it in your area?” “It’s up to you, check out the near-by areas, and tell me which one you like. I will then make the arrangements to build that house. Christine and I will build our dream mansion. It will be a few miles outside Manhattan, in Graceton, you know that upscale neighbourhood?” “Yes, I have heard about it. So you are moving on up! a long way from being an uneducated slave. I am being taught to read too, I am a forty year old man, just starting to read.” “Daniel, that is no fault of your own, you were enslaved from birth until what, three months ago. If it weren’t for Christine, I myself would probably be illiterate, now.” “Yes, the lovely Christine is she still beautiful?” “Ha, even more now both inside and out. Hey, I sorta told her once how you felt about her, you know, you blamed her for breaking Lizzie and I.” “Julian, why’d you do that? She must can’t stand me.” “I am afraid so, I am sorry, but I was so upset that you gave Blake that horrible message those years ago.” “I know, it was pretty hateful wasn’t it?” “Yes, it was, you said, never trust that White woman, she is poisonous and seduced me into giving up Lizzie. You even said Chris should drop dead! Still blame me for telling her?” “God, it was that bad? I know she must hate me. Hope she can forgive me one day.” Julian, chuckled. “Don’t count on it.”


“Hey, can you spot me a hundred?” “Daniel. I just loan you fifty dollars! Why do you need another hundred?” “I went out last night, played cards and lost it all.” “Gambling, Daniel, that’s no good. Only trouble follows gambling. Sorry, I only have fifty on me, I don’t travel with a lot of money. I will give you the rest later.” Over the next few months, Daniel constantly borrowed money from Julian, following one gambling disaster to the next. It got so bad, that Julian was getting disgusted by Daniel being in his life. He already told Christine, who suggested that he stopped lending Daniel money immediately. Julian could not just coldly stop lending him money. However, an end had to be in sight. “Daniel, I need to speak with you, come to my office, today.” “Daniel sounded intoxicated over the telephone. “Daniel, you ok? You sound drunk.” “I went out again, picked a girl up and had a few drinks with her. What’s the problem with that?” Julian decided then and there he would discuss the problem immediately. “Daniel, I am so sick and tired of bailing you out of your gambling messes with my money. I want you to stop gambling. You know I love you, but I may have to disown you as my cousin. It is that serious, you are causing me stress.” “You don’t have to scream at me Julian, remember I helped you in Uber. Why you being so ungrateful?” “I am not being ungrateful, you are just stressing me out. You are getting too involved with this gambling, please stop for the sake of our relationship. You know Christine is threatening to let you have it.” “Alright, I have a gambling problem. I will figure it out myself, go back to your white queen, I’ll be fine. But could you please think about your treatment of me.” Julian, groaned and said, “Look, I have to go; I have to research my cases I have before me, okay.” Things seem to subside with Daniel for a couple months. But in the middle of fall, Daniel borrowed more money from Julian, but swore it was not for gambling. “Daniel took a loan from me again today. I know he is in trouble again, but won’t let me know what.” Christine looked incredulous at Julian and blurted out, “A loan again, this is the third time in six months. Does he think you are the Bank of America now?” “I think he is gambling again.” Christine walked over to Julian and kissed him softly. “My darling, how much this time?” “Five hundred dollars.” “Oh Lord, if I am correct that is about two thousand since he started borrowing from you. That is so disgusting of him.” “I just wish he would just confess that he is gambling again. He swore up and down that he wasn’t.” “I hate that he takes advantage of you, my darling. You built him a house, loaned him money. You have repaid his kindness to you in Uber.” Christine was so upset that she was trembling with anger. “Christine, I could never repay him for the love and support he gave me back in Uber.” “Honey, I appreciate that he was there for you, while you were a slave. But that does not excuse him taking advantage of you.” Julian pulled her close and kissed her forehead. “Shh my darling. I will find out what his problem is.” Christine adamantly said, “You know he will have to pay you back, every last penny he has borrowed. He hates me already so tell him, I am the one that is demanding that he repay you.” “I can’t ask him to repay me. I’d feel terrible.” “That is why he does it. He knows you are too kind to say no and too damn nice to ask him for your money back. Arrgh I hate him!” “Hey, let’s stop talking about Daniel. How was your day?” Christine, sighed and decided it was best to stop talking about Daniel, as she felt her blood pressure rising. “Oh, alright. I landed a major client today. Ever heard of the Neumann's?” “Yes, who hasn’t, that powerful family from New England. They own and spend money like water.” “Well Sarah Neumann, who attends balls and theatres as often as we breathe, came walking into my store today asking to see my designs. Seems she fell out with her last designer.” “Wow, that is good, congratulations. We should go out and celebrate.” “Yes, we should, but it will just be you and I as it is too late for the boys. We will celebrate with them on the weekend.” “How much is her account valued?” “I am looking at about five hundred thousand per year. We signed a six month contract to start. If she likes me and my designs after six months, we will sign another six month contract and so on.” “I am confident that you will be her designer for a long while. You are a damn good designer.” “Wow thanks for the vote of confidence. So how was your day?” “Well, I received the surprise of my career today.” Christine was anxious to hear, as his eyes lit up suddenly.

“I was allowed to take first chair today in a murder case we are defending.” Christine squealed with delight. “First chair that is impressive. Guess Faulkner finally realised he has a brilliant lawyer in you.” “Yeah, I remember when he would only let me research cases, then second chair. He just came into my office and told me without a warning that I would be on my own today. Tell you the truth I was nervous.” “God, after years you

are finally on your own. We without doubt, have to celebrate our successes tonight.” “Yes, we will, we will go to “Lees Place” downtown. You know Faulkner says he may end up giving me some more cases of my own, and will provide me with a research

assistant. Such a long way from Uber, and I owe it all to you and your kindness to me.” “You are welcomed, but you did all the work, I just got you interested in learning, plus at the time I had ulterior motives.” Christine and Julian ended up at “Lees Place” it was a

swanky Black owned restaurant and bar in downtown New York. Christine was dressed

in a red flowing dress, her hair was down, past her shoulders and parted in the middle. Julian was also elegantly dressed in a three piece grey suit; his hair was in a low cut, and very wavy. They were greeted by the head manager of “Lees Place”, Paul Smith. The restaurant was their favourite. “Well if it isn’t my favourite couple. How are you both doing?” Julian answered, “We are both fine and in wonderful spirits. We are here to celebrate our successes today. Got our favourite table?” “Yes, if you would both step this way. Ooh you are looking as lovely as ever Christine.” “Ahem, stop flirting with my wife!” Julian joked. “Well, she is tempting to flirt with.” “Why thank you Paul, you always know the right things to say to a girl.” About halfway through the meal, Daniel walked in, with a caramel coloured, girl about half his age. He flipped twenty dollars to Paul as tip, whilst Christine and Julian looked on in shock. He froze when he saw them. It seemed he wanted to leave, but realised it was too late. Julian beckoned him over. “Daniel, are you celebrating something tonight?” Christine shot daggers at Daniel and never spoke with him. “Nah, I met this filly. She has lots of dough on her. Insisted that if she pays I must take her to a fine restaurant. Nope no celebrating for me!” Julian sounded sad when he spoke, “Don’t spend all her money now. Would you both care to join Chris and I?” Christine, gently caressed Julian’s leg beneath the table. Daniel said, “What?” “No nothing, go and have fun. Talk with you later.” “Christine, you are looking as beautiful as ever.” Before she could respond he cockily strolled off. “Girl with money my knickers! You see now why you should never lend him another penny.” Julian sighed heavily and said. “I am so disappointed in him. Why he’d lie I don’t know. That girl, no offence to her, did not look like she owned much more than was wearing.” “Now I know he has to pay you back every penny he borrowed.” Christine hated to see Julian upset. Little lines were being formed across his forehead; they only are present whenever he is worried. She knows he is not worried about the money, but more so about Daniel. “Jules, I have suddenly lost my appetite. I want to leave.” “My darling, don’t let him ruin our evening. We are here to celebrate our love and our careers. Please let us dance at least one waltz.” She agreed and danced a few songs with him. They decided to leave after Christine, became very tired. He agreed and went to get their carriage. As soon as Julian disappeared, Daniel walked over. “He is disappointed in you, you know?” Daniel, apologetically replied, “I know, I could see it in his eyes. I didn’t mean to hurt him, I am so sorry.” Christine whispered fiercely, “It’s not me you should be apologizing to its Julian. I hate that you are taking advantage of him this way.” “But I ain’t doing that. I’m just on hard times. Ima pay him back.” “Humph, I am not in the mood to hear your sob story. I am going home with my husband. I’ll make love to him, then arise for another day. Let your conscience be your guide.” “Hey, Julian enjoy the rest of your night. I will come by your office tomorrow.” Julian, said flatly. “Yes Goodnight.”


The next day, Christine stopped by Daniel’s. “Oh God.” he groaned. “I know I woulda get an unpleasant visit from you.” “Well if you are such a fortune teller you should have known, Julian and I were at Lees and not show up.” “What do you want, Miss High Almighty Christine?” Christine was direct in her reply, “What I want is for you to stop borrowing money from my husband. Bear the responsibility of your own life.” Daniel was defensive in his response. “I comforted Julian, whilst your daddy had him in bondage; when as a child you were merciless to him. Your meanness to him affected him deeply and I held and comforted him. So you know nothing about me and my cousin!” “First of all, don’t bring that mess about when we were both children. I learnt then what my-- Jim O’Connor taught me. Secondly Julian has forgiven me about that and last but no means least, Julian owes you nothing. You hear me?” “I know you wish I was a thousand miles from him; but it will never happen. So count your loses and leave now, ’fore I say summtin that we will regret.” Christine, was angry beyond words, and slowly spoke, “You, blatantly lied to him, there is no way that girl had money. You want a better life. Why not earn a better living, instead of leeching off my husband’s money.” Daniel narrowed his eyes and said, “You know, Julian coulda done better. I never liked you for him. Lilly white! Black woman!” Tears stung at Christine’s eyes; however she never lost emotions and cried. She coldly spoke. “I always knew you felt that way. You’d rather he ended up with Lizzie. Well too bad I am his wife. I love him and he certainly loves me. She lost!”
“After you stole him.”
“Look you bastard, my visit here isn’t about how I ended up with Jules. I’ll say this only once more. Do not ever come to him with any sad story about needing more money; ‘cause you never gonna get another dime from my husband!” “Alright you made your point now leave. Ima square things off with Julian soon.” “Make sure you do that!” With that she stormed through the door which quickly slammed shut!



Chapter 14


Christine was in a foul mood all day, until her telephone rang. It was Julian. “Hi darling, called to say I love you.” She felt her soul at peace when she heard his voice. His voice always does that. “Oh darling you just made my day a whole lot better. I love you too.” Julian chuckled and kissed her through the telephone. “I am on a break from court and thought I should call. Called earlier, they said you weren’t in.” “Oh, I had to make a stop somewhere. Oh I am sorry I missed your call.” “That’s ok I am talking with you now. Can you come by my office, say in an half hour?” “Yes, I sure can. But why?” “I Want to kiss you and can’t wait until later. Want to taste your lips and that smooth tongue of yours.” Christine, breathed heavily and moaned. “God I wish I wish I could be there in a second. I am coming now!” “I’ll be waiting. Bye.” She ran through her office doors.

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