Chocolate Honey (18 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Spence

BOOK: Chocolate Honey
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you. My family, my freedom and I brought shame upon my family!” Julian could not believe, Christine, believed that being with him has brought shame on her family. “Christine, I risked everything to be with you. Paul McClelland could have found us in Blake Bach’s closet and killed me!. I am shocked and saddened that you believe that being with me is so inconvenient for you. Maybe you should just pack and leave and go back to that pig of a father you have and leave me the hell alone! I love you so much, but

I will not take the blame or bear the shame of you not being with your family.” Christine got dressed and sat staring at Julian, she felt so guilty of her last remarks, and he looked so pained and stressed. She spoke, “Julian, I am so sorry, I foolishly told Becky where we were. I am sorry, I said, I brought shame to my family because of you.” “Christine, things said in the heat of an argument are usually the truth. Why didn’t you tell me you felt

ashamed being with me? I would have let you go and kept my children. Only say the word now and I will leave you alone.” “First of all no one, said anything about a divorce and when did our boys become your children only?” “I only assumed that you keeping our children would have caused you pain and disgrace. I will never allow my children to feel unwanted especially by their mother!” “How dare you, Julian Livingston, how dare you? I bore those two children for nine months! I felt pain and love delivering them. How

can you assume that I do not love Joshua and Jules?” “Then, why did you put me and our

children at risk, by telling Becky where we lived? Give me a good answer to my question.” Christine replied, “Julian, I can only say that I was naive and stupid. I should never have told that lying, deceitful cow where we are. Please accept my apology, I hate it when you are angry with me, please look at me“! He turned and she noticed, tears were streaming down his face, “Oh my God, I have really hurt you. You are crying, please sweetheart why don‘t you stay with me tonight?” “No! I hate screaming at you, I want to be with you, but I am so angry now. I hate feeling this way, but I can‘t be with you now”. With that Julian went to the guest bedroom and Christine fell asleep. Crying.


Julian, was kept awake by his thoughts, he knows that Christine has a very trusting and forgiving soul. He just felt that she should have listened to him and not inform Becky where they were. He felt betrayed by her. She disobeyed his request and now they are all in danger. On the other hand, his being angry with her is their victory. He loved and cared for his wife and felt he should be with her. He believed in God, as it is a miracle that he and Christine have survived the hell they have been through to get where they were. He knows that God wants them to be together and He will not want Paul McClelland to cause a dissolution of their marriage.


It was about 2:30 AM when Julian entered their bedroom, he crawled into bed and awoke Christine, by using his tongue to trace the outline of her lips. Her lips were one of his weakness, about Christine, no matter how upset he gets at her, during their arguments, it was always her lips that calmed him. She awoke with a smile, “Julian, what are you doing?” “I want to talk with you, I don’t want us to ever fight again! We should not allow Paul to destroy what we have. I love you and the children too much, I do not want us to ever argue anymore.” “That is impossible, you know how you get. You are neat and I am

always messy, even that we have to fight about.” She kissed his lips, then held his hand

and sucked on his fingers. “Christine, do not start something you know you won’t be able to stop. It’s 2:30 AM.” “Who says I want this to stop? She giggled; I love making love to you.” She laid him on his back, then straddled him around his waist. First she took his pajama top off, then licked his bare chest, and traced the outline of his Julian’s stomach with her tongue. She let her lips travelled back to his lips and kissed him, passionately. Julian moaned in ecstasy, he held her to his lips and allowed her to kiss him, just a bit

longer than she expected. She then concentrated below his waist, kissing him around his manhood, then his legs and stroked him. Julian went wild, he started moaning. And he was feeling loved and needed. He then, started kissing her all over her body, her breasts, her hips, lips and all over. God she felt and tasted so good, he loved pleasing her and loved the way, and she always takes charge in the bedroom. He then entered her and they

became one. Each rhythmic, squeak of their bed signified their love. When they were finished, they peacefully went to sleep in each other’s arms. Christine was unlike any woman his friends speak about. They would never initiate sexual contact with their husbands. Not even if they were as horny as a cow. He loved his wife for her independent attitude.


They awoke in each other’s arms. Bessie, was already making breakfast. The boys were

awake and came in their parents’ bedroom. Joshua spoke, “Poppa you look so much better, and did you and Momma make up?” Julian looked seductively at Christine and winked at her before replying. “Yes, I am better. How did you know your momma and I were fighting? “I could see that you were both very sad and prayed you would both be friends again soon. I am glad God answered my prayers.” Julian decided to take an extra day from the his office and called Mr. Faulkner. He had an assistant Shane, who was more than capable of trying Julian’s cases. “Julian, take a couple days. If Shane becomes too overwhelmed. I will call you to come in.” Julian spent the next days, being with Christine and the children, they went for dinners, visited the parks and stayed home enjoying being a family.




Chapter 19


Julian went to his office, after his brief time off, looking refreshed and ready to work. After reviewing his clients’ files at about 12 noon, Paul McClelland, along with six scruffy looking men entered the his building. Julian was shocked, as he thought Paul was out of town. He regretted his error, as he should have hired a body guard. Not to mention that Gregory is in Europe. I can‘t believe I just re-united with my father, and now I am to be murdered. Seems as if faith does not want me and him to be together for very long. His thoughts were interrupted by Paul, annoying drawl. “Boy I told you I would be back, and look I brought a few friends of mine.” “What do you want McClelland, we said all we had to say to each other a few days ago. I have no patience for whatever non-sense you have to say to me now!” “Oh, I am through talking, it’s now time for action. Jimmy, put that “Closed” sign on that door, no one is coming in or leaving out for now.” Shane, his assistant spoke, “What are you doing this is Mr. Faulkner’s law office. He has clients to assist and a business to run. You can’t just arbitrarily come in here and close our business!” “Jimmy take care of this one for me.” Jimmy, withdrew a pistol and used the handle to hit Shane, rendering him unconscious. “My God man you have killed him!” Julian rushed to the his side and found that the Shane is still breathing, which was a relief. Paul, pulled Julian to his feet, spat and punched him in the face. Julian felt a searing pain, from his face to his groin. He said angrily, “You are mighty and bad with you gun hands here now McClelland, I guess you have to compensate for the many things you are lacking with a gun!” “You know for a man whom is facing certain death, you sure have a mouth on you. Why don’t you just shut up for your own good!” “What and die like a whimpering cowardly fool. You are an ass and no matter if you kill me, Christine WILL NEVER LOVE YOU OR WANT YOU.” “Jimmie gag this fool before I kill him and spoil my plans.” Paul sounded rattled as he gave his orders to Jimmie. Julian struggled as the tape was being placed against his mouth and cursed against it. “Boy I guess you should know, that you are going back to Uber to face a hanging and that bitch, you call a wife and your young ‘uns will witness your death!” Julian struggled against Jimmie as his tears fell, he could not bear the thought that his wife and children would be subjected to such cruelty. “What do you know, the proud bastard looks like he wants to beg for his pathetic life after all. Remove that tape to allow the poor bastard to do a little begging, this should be interesting.” Jimmie mercilessly ripped the tape from Julian’s mouth, which caused a bruising at the side of his mouth. “Please do not submit Christine and the boys to this unnecessary cruelty! Please take me to them, for me to say good-bye, please do not let them witness my murder, please!!” “Oh no things will go according to MY PLANS, YOU HEAR AND NO OTHER WAY.” “You are a pathetic and sore loser! may you rot in hell.” "Jimmie, you and the boys take that filth outside and go on ahead; I have a stop to make and I will catch up with you later. Please do not lay a finger on our Mr. Julian. I want him in perfect condition for his bitch to see before he dies.”


Christine had an uncomfortable feeling that something dreadful has happened or is about to happen. She left work about an hour earlier than usual and headed home. She asked Bessie, if Julian had come home for his usual lunch, and was told no. She started to worry as this was unlike Julian, he loved the lunches Bessie prepares and come hell or high water he never misses any of her them. She figured that he was probably tied up in court or the office. He will soon be home she thought. Six o’clock came and went and he still hadn’t arrive home, she knew the courts were over and decided to call his office, when she called no one answered; she decided she must go there to find out exactly what is happening with her husband. “Bessie, can you stay a while longer and watch the boys, I am going to the Faulkner’s to find out why Julian is still there and hasn’t called.” Just as she got her

coat on, there was a knock at the door; Bessie answered and Paul and Becky barged in. “What the hell are you two doing here in my home?” “Oh it is nice to see you too.” Paul drawled. “I repeat, myself why you both are here in my home?” “Oh we have some wonderful news for you Christine and decided to tell you in person; Paul and I are....” “No Becky, let me tell her, it will be more effective coming from me, you will see.” Christine, glanced over at Becky and saw that she was blushing and kept touching a ring on one of her fingers. “Wondering, why your Julian is not home as yet?” “Darling what

does our news, have to do with her husband’s whereabouts, tell her quickly.” “Tell me

what? Look I have no time for games, I have important matters to attend to!” “Okay, let’s see, how can I put this gently for our dear Christine? Your husband is on his way back to Uber to face a hanging that’s what. He will be hanged for running away, as well for having the audacity to fornicate with a white woman. Ah, that felt good, you should see the look on your face Christine, and it’s priceless.” Becky spoke, “You bastard, you only snuggled up to me to get her address, and you never intended to marry me. You are still hot

for her! how could you hurt me like this?” She went over to him and started to thump him on his chest; he caught her arms and said, “You little tramp, did you really think I would marry you, you are beneath me. Think about it, I did not even want to have relations with you; when you shamelessly offered yourself to me. You pathetic foolish girl!” “You pig! Christine, please believe me, I thought we were coming here to tell you of my engagement. I had no idea what this rat bastard was up to.” “It does not matter what you believed Becky, your actions may have dug a grave for my darling Julian. You should have told me this pig would be accompanying you, I would have taken better precautions to protect my husband!” She started to sob as she knew from day one, Paul and her poppa wanted to kill Julian and now it looks like they may have gotten their wish. “Paul, I hope never to lay eyes on you ever again, please do the right thing and return this woman’s husband to her. She did not love you ten years ago and certainly does not now. Have you no shame or decency? You repulse her.” “Get the hell out of here you little tramp. Chalk this as experience never to believe anything a man says to you, now off with you. Anytime I am horny and desperate; or if my queen here refuses me; I will come to your rat hole and take up your earlier offer.” “Do you really think I wanted to be with you

for anything but money and prestige? You are a sight for sore eyes, fat beyond belief and what the hell is going on with your face? YOU ARE UGLY AND DISGUSTING. I find you grossly unattractive; you really are a sight for sore eyes.” Paul shook his head from side to side and swung his arms. “Compliments, compliments will get you nowhere with me, sweetheart, I thank you for noticing me, I know I am irresistible.” “I have had enough of the repartee between you two, I want my husband to be returned to me this instant now!! please get a bit a conscience in the heartless body of yours.” “I am afraid, I can’t do that my darling, his death will be my payback for being humiliated, by you and he, so I am afraid, I cannot comply with your request.” “There is a special place in hell for you Paul, I sincerely hope you will get there soon. I tell you this I will never, let you touch me with a ten foot pole, let alone marry you; I would soon kill you, if you follow through your plans to murder my husband.” “What and deprive yourself, of my superb lovemaking.” “Ha! you called what you did ten years ago lovemaking? You flopped

around for two minutes and fell asleep, I have never felt so dissatisfied in my entire life! You are a pathetic bore in the bedroom; instead of being so evil, you should learn how to satisfy a woman.” “I concur with Christine, Paul, you lasted a minute and a half with me, your gut got in the way!” “I wish, I could hang around with you ladies and continue to receive more compliments, but I have to run. I have a trail to catch, people to hang. Christine, you have fourteen days to come to Uber, before we hang your Julian high and dry, see you darlings.” Christine, ran to Paul and grabbed his arm, “Please tell me, at least

you did not hurt him.” “Ah, no. But he was, he was disciplined for being insolent. Apart

from a few bruises he is fine, at least you can take comfort in that.” “Gregory Livingston, Julian’s father is alive and well; if you harm Julian, there will be hell to pay!” “Pooh, I am shaking in my boots. He is in Europe and not expected back for now. If he ever comes to Uber, I will hang his ass, and bury him beside your husband.” After he left, she started to sob uncontrollably.

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