Chocolate Honey (20 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Spence

BOOK: Chocolate Honey
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Page 80


Chapter 22


Confronting O’Connor


Christine, arrived in Uber by train around, 12 pm. Texas as usual was very hot and muggy, making Christine wished she hadn’t left the cool spring temperatures in New York. She looked around and noticed a few changes, the roads were paved, wider, there were a lot of general stores, horse shoe businesses, were still in existence, but not as plentiful as before. She then headed to the O’Connor Estates with four of Blake’s men. What she found was a dilapidated and run-down estate, a far cry from its glorious presence ten years ago. There were no slaves around, the cotton and sugar fields were bare. She shuddered at thought of what her poor mother has to face daily, tears sprung to her eyes, as she suddenly felt ashamed and guilty for never returning to visit her momma

earlier. She knocked at the door and after two minutes, Felicia opened the door. What Christine saw made her gasp and recoil in horror. Felicia was in a rusty wheel chair, she was filthy mostly skin and bones and her hair which was always remarkable was dry and matted. Tears suddenly sprung to both her and Christine’s eyes. “Momma, what happened to you? You are in a frightful state!” Felicia, spoke her voice was shaky and sounded so old. “Christine, is that you? Oh my darling daughter come and give me a hug.” Christine, hugged Felicia and was sure that her momma was malnourished. “Men, could you wait outside, I need to speak with momma alone.” “As you say Mrs. Livingston, we won’t be far.” Christine, knelt down before Felicia, and gently caressed her face and whispered. “Momma, what did poppa do to you? Who has been taking care of you?” Felicia, kept whispering Christine’s name, whispered how good it was to see her daughter again. “Momma, please tell me what happened to you, has anybody been taking

care of you?” “No one really, Chris, once ever so often, a red headed girl comes by. I am guessing one of Jim’s whores, to bathe and change me. That’s about once a week or whenever the hell it suits her.” “Momma, have you gotten any of the money I have sent over the years?” “No, I get food and medicine, he never told me you wrote or sent money, that evil bastard.” Felicia suddenly burst into tears and cried as if her heart was breaking over and over again. Christine, hugged and shook Felicia and said reassuringly, “I am here now momma, I will take care of you. Please tell me how you ended up in a wheel chair. When we left ten years ago you were a vibrant and healthy woman. Look at you now.” “After, Becky left you and Julian, she came back here and told Jim, I was the one who helped you and Julian to escape. He raped me repeatedly and beat me to a bloody pulp. I never knew if I would have remain alive. I did live but now I am crippled and useless!” Christine, wailed on hearing the horror her mother endured. “Oh momma, this is all my fault.” “No my child, this is Jim’s fault. I knew you loved Julian, from the day of that dinner with him and Lizzie. I knew that if Jim ever found out that the baby was Julian, he would have killed you both! So all of this is the result of Jim’s hate.” “Where is that bastard mama? Did you know that he sent Paul and a bunch of hooligans to New

York, to take Julian back here so he could be tried and hung.” “Yes, I know, Paul came back a few days ago, cursing that Blake Bach’s men rescued Julian.” “Yes, thank God for

Blake, it weren’t for him. Julian would have been dead by now. Julian and my children are all under tight security. We think that Paul and poppa will try again. Paul is still feeling humiliated that I chose Julian over him. Poppa also feels that I cost him his fortune.” “I am glad that you did not end up with Paul, I am not too happy though that you married Julian.” “Momma, not now I love Julian and that is never gonna change. Where is poppa? I need to speak with him.” “He is in the dining room, come back when you are through speaking with him.”


Christine, walked through the living room and noticed how filthy and ugly the furnishings were. Nothing remotely resembling their former splendour. She found, Jim sitting in one of the great chairs. “Christine, it is a surprise seeing you here. You managed to tear yourself away from that nigger long enough to visit us. Nice job by the way of having that Quaker rescue him from certain death.” “First of all, I never want to hear you referring to Julian as nigger again. You will respect him as a human being who is very kind and considerate. He is also my husband who I love, so you will address him by his name Julian Livingston. Do you hear me?! I said do you hear me.” Jim, spoke slow and deliberate, “Forcing me to respect your
will not change the way I feel about him and your unholy union!” “Never mind, I came here to warn you, never ever attempt to destroy my family again. I will kill you myself if I have to. I ought to have you arrested for what you did to momma.” “You momma is a nigger lover, she had it coming to her. You’d better put your boy under lock and key y’ hear.” “Poppa, I can be just as ruthless as you are. If you
let anyone harm Julian or even touch a hair on his head. I will destroy Paul’s companies, I will sabotage his shipping, slave trade and everything else he has his dirty fat hands in. I have powerful friends, the likes you and he have never known. I will ensure that you will live in the streets for the rest of your unnatural life. So you keep your hate and plots for revenge under lock and key y’ hear.” Jim growled, and moved towards Christine, “You little bitch! I could wring your neck. I took you and that slag in when you had nothing and now you are willing to stab me in the back, all over a nigger.” Christine, met him half way, and slapped him. “From this day forth you are no longer my father. I disavow you, and another thing, I will be taking momma away from here. You don’t deserve being in her presence.” “You can take her, she is useless to me. Crippled bitch, can’t even fulfill her wifely duties. I have plenty of whores to keep me company.” Christine, laughed bitterly and said, “How much longer? Once they find out you are dead broke, they will run like thieves in the night. Don’t forget what I said, I will make yours and Paul’s lives a living nightmare, if you ever try to hurt Julian again.” Jim, barked and told her he will be successful in his quest for revenge. Christine, knew that she had no choice but to perhaps keep Blake’s men as guards, until when she did not know.


She stormed from the dining room and bumped into Paul. “So the conspirators meet again? What dastardly deed you have plotting now, dare I ask?” Paul, smirked and swept his eyes lustfully over Christine’s form. “Well, well the prodigal daughter has returned.

To what Uber, Texas owes this magnificent visit, dare I ask?” “You are a sniveling son of a bitch! I should spit in your face right now.” “And I would just lick, lick it all off,

hope it will still taste as sweet as you look my darling.” Christine was boiling with anger, but cooled off. She knew Paul wanted her to be angry and distraught. “I just have one thing to say, leave Julian alone.” “Oh I am done with that project, it’s a bore. I have no time to be chasing a Negro all over. I hate New York, too cold. Plus I am fucking that little whore Becky, no time to be chasing another whore. No time at all.” “You are such a pig! In life the fox always calls the grape sour, when he knows there is no chance in hell he will ever taste it. Still smarting aren’t you, that I dumped you for Julian. Can’t live it down huh?” “Christine, my darling--” “I am not your darling.” “I am over you a long time ago. I only took him for fun, plus I wanted to please your daddy. He offered you to me. You are a good looking woman, you can bear me some nice children, plus he was still hoping to get money if you and I were married. You see I don’t love you, but I want to still feel myself in your tight pussy, plus get some beautiful children.” “You are and will always remain a pig and a brute. You will never get the pleasure of fucking me again. Yes I said fucking, as you only fuck, you are a pig you never make love.” “Tsk, tsk, so vulgar my darling. Guess that what happens, when you live in New York. God I hate that place.”

Christine, ran her hand through her hair, and massaged her neck. “Paul, I would really love to remain and chat with you. I however, have to catch the next train from here, plus its getting really stink in here. I wish you good day Mr. McClelland.” Christine, stopped in her tracks and turned to face Paul, who was still staring lustfully at her. “I never knew, you associated with homosexuals. The next victim you wish to kidnap, don’t send someone like your boy Jimmie, he almost raped my husband. You sick son of a bitch.” Paul snickered and said, “Well, well never knew that about Jimmie. Sorry he didn’t succeed with your husband.” Christine shook her head in disgust and walked off. As soon as Paul disappeared, Christine, stood by the dining room door and listened. Jim said, “How are you plans to have that boy killed?” “The men I have are waiting in Connecticut, I told them to kill him in the next two days. I know where they live. My men are sharp shooters and take out the body guards then go for their target.” Good, when she goes back, she will find a dead nigger. Brilliant plan Paul. Just brilliant. “I can’t help but feeling sorry for Christine though, although it’s against God’s laws she really loves that Julian.” “Well, that’s sad for her. Knowing my ex-daughter Christine, she will return here to Uber for comfort, with Felicia. She said she is taking Felicia to New York, but I know for sure Felicia will not go to there.” “Jim, if I do this, killing Julian, Christine has to marry me immediately. I am not joking around this time.” “She will marry you even if I have to point a gun at her!” Christine, recoiled in horror, there is no way she can protect Julian with a bounty on his head. She decided that she has to speak with Paul to convince him not to follow through with Jim’s plans. After Paul left, she rode to his estates alone. She was angry and nervous, as she hated the thought of begging Paul for anything. Plus she was scared he may not listen to her and kill Julian. “Christine, to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?” “I need to speak with you about yours and poppa’s plan to murder Julian--” Paul, coyly answered, “Murder Julian, my dear I have no idea, what you are speaking of.” “Look, I have no time for games. I heard you both!” “Oh, ok, so what do

you want of me?” Christine, pleaded, “Please Paul, you can get anyone you want. I love Julian so much, I’ll die without him. Please don’t do this. Poppa does not want any

money from me. I offered, all he wants is revenge on both Julian and I.” “Let me, think about this for a while. I will get back to you, leave now.” “Please Paul, do not put a bounty on Jules’ head. I know this is a lot to ask, but I love Julian and I need him in my life. Please.”


“Christine, where have you been? You left almost an hour ago.” “Momma, I was taking care of business. Are you finished packing?” “Yes, where will I live in New York? I do not wish to live with Julian and your children.” Christine, sighed angrily and said, “Momma, why do hate Julian so. If you only knew, what joy I feel with him. He is a wonderful husband and father, plus he is one of the sweetest persons on earth.” “He is a coloured boy, no right mixing him with a white woman.” “Momma, you know I am not fully white. Why do you care about Julian’s skin? You were married to a mulatto too, my real poppa remember?” “Of course I remember. Don’t be rude child, your poppa passed for a white man, and I fell in love with him, before I knew he was coloured. Christine, Julian even though Julian is mulatto. His skin colour he favours his momma, even though his poppa is a blue blood Englishman.” “Momma, you are so pathetic! God!” Felicia, rambled on and ignored Christine’s last statement. “I thought you would have stopped loving him by now. I knew the first time you fell in love with Julian.” “What?” “I found out when you invited him and that girl, Lizzie to dinner. That is why I convinced Jim to get rid of her.” “You did what momma? I cannot believe what I am hearing. How could you destroy two lives like that?” “I did it for you! even though it was against my wishes. I wanted you to have some fun, before you married Paul, but then you became pregnant.” “Momma, why, why did you not tell me this before, why?” “What would you have done? Left him? I don’t think so.” “I ah don’t know, I would have told him, God I feel like our relationship is a lie.” “Christine, you love Julian. Your love is genuine, you almost attacked me once for him. Remember. That is all in the past now, forget it.” Christine, chuckled. “You are right momma, by the way how did you convince Jim to exchange Lizzie, for the younger slaves?” Felicia, wheeled closer to Christine and said earnestly, “Sit, down what I am about to tell you, is not pretty.” “Why, what could be so horrible?” “Well, Jim was reluctant at first to get rid of Lizzie. I kept at him for weeks and still he wouldn’t relent.” “One thing about, my dear poppa, he will never sell slaves that are committed to marriage.” “Well, I told him that Lizzie was, hmm.” “What, what did you say.” “I ah I told him, that Lizzie is barren and couldn‘t bear any slave offspring.” “
What? Momma how could you?
” Felicia, hugged Christine and looked fiercely in her eyes. She spoke barely above a whisper, “Christine, don’t chastise me. I saw your anguish back then, the way you reacted when you saw Julian and that Lizzie together.” “Yes, but I didn’t want to get him that way. I feel everything is a lie now.” “Christine, you love Julian don’t you?” Christine, softly spoke and a feeling of contentment overcame her. “I love him, more than anything in this world, and I’d do anything for him.” Her voice trailed off, “Anything.” “Well, there you have it. My deceit was worth it. You know initially, I just wanted you to have an affair. Never dreamt you’d, get pregnant and

run off with him.” Christine, hugged and kissed Felicia. “Momma, about me almost hitting you back then. Please forgive me.” “Christine, all is forgiven. I loved your father

as you love Julian. I would go to prison, run bare feet over hot coals for him if I had to.” “Oh, momma I never knew you loved poppa so much!” “Yes, he was the kindest and most passionate man I ever knew. He also worked magic between the sheets.” “Momma!” Felicia, raised her brows and winked at Christine. “Christine, I am so sorry, we have never had a mother and daughter, talk as this before.” “Julian is also a firecracker in bed, God he is so passionate. His love making ranges from slow and gentle to fire!” “You, see I could not deny you, that pleasure. I am still not happy you married him.” “Momma, please don’t I love him ok. Lets concentrate on getting you out of here. I will have the guards take us to the hotel. The sooner the better.” “Aren’t you gonna bid Jim goodbye?” Christine, snorted, “I have said all I have to say to Mr. Jim O’Connor. The more I speak with him is the more despicable I find him.”

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