Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (2 page)

BOOK: Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“I love you,” Ty brokenly whispered.

Looking into his eyes, Nate returned the sentiment. He knew how hard it was for Ty to show his feelings, and Ty was especially struggling with the unease he had been dealing with lately. Putting that aside, he brought Ty up to speed with the previous night’s occurrences.

“We had some trouble last night at the club.” Distaste of the situation from last night made him grimace.

Pulling back, Ty asked, “What happened?”

“A guest Dom got out of hand and lashed Sophie.”

“Shit! Is she all right?” Anger was evident in Ty’s gaze.

“Keith and security took him down, but not before he got out a few that broke the skin. Mike took care of her, making arrangements for her to have care and take some time away from her job to recover. I arranged for the sponsoring Dom’s yearly fee to be transferred into her account as per our rules in this instance, and more is available if she needs it until she is ready to return to work and the lifestyle. Mike said the annual fee was nearly what she makes in a year, so it should help cushion her until she can get past this.” Shaking his head, Nate tried to get the image of sweet Sophie crying out of his thoughts.

Ty looked concerned, but nodded.

“Ty, Sophie has been one of the most natural subs we have ever helped train. I wish she was the one we are looking for, but she’s not.” Nate saw Ty flinch as if he’d voiced his very thoughts and continued, “On a side note, I do believe that it most definitely got Mike and Keith moving, though Keith nearly killed the guy and Mike was a train wreck. Only the fact that Sophie needed him got him stirring. The last I saw, Mike was holding Sophie while Keith was making preparations to take her back to their house.”

With a sigh, Nate broke away from their embrace. “Come on, let’s have breakfast.”

As Ty moved toward the cabinets that disguised the refrigerator, he grabbed some juice along with the ingredients for ham omelets.

Nate grabbed the stuff from the counter, set the table, and poured juice into their glasses. Sitting back he couldn’t help but admire Ty’s dexterity in the kitchen. Nate had always enjoyed watching Ty work. When it was time, Ty finished up, folding the omelet in half. Ty flipped the stove off, and divided it between them and sat down.

When they were done eating, Ty tried to clear his throat, “I’m sorry…”

Interrupting him before he could get anything else out, Nate gripped the back of Ty’s neck and brought them eye to eye. “Don’t apologize for how you feel. I know you’re struggling with everything. I just need for you to know that I’m not going anywhere and we will get through this. I want to find the right sub just as much as you do.”

The doorbell sounded and then a pounding on the door began. They both shared a “what the fuck” look and got up to go to the door. The hammering got very impatient, and out of the corner of his eye, Nate saw Ty grab the nine millimeter out of the drawer. He shook his head at the ever-present paranoia Ty displayed, and they exited the kitchen, heading toward the sound echoing off the huge wood door. They hurried a little more and, checking out the monitor at the door, were shocked to see a young woman standing on their portico.

Ty quickly put away the gun in the table positioned in the foyer, and Nate took another look at their guest. She was short but nicely-rounded, with reddish-brown hair that was a touch curly and long, maybe a little past halfway down her back. They could see her profile, but not a clear shot of her face. As she moved to beat on the door again, Ty snatched it open, and she tilted forward, nearly falling on her face.

The girl wasn’t particularly beautiful, but wholesome and sweet looking. Her little upturned nose was pert, and her eyes large and green, topped with prettily shaped eyebrows. In fact, the most accurate description of her was cute, like a voluptuous little fairy—sweet but apparently feisty.

“Where is she? Where is Sophie? Look, don’t make me call the cops. Just let me take my friend home, and you both won’t have to go to jail.” She barreled past both men into the house, where she continued shouting at the top of her lungs.

“Sophie! Come out.”

When Nate grabbed her arm and turned her around, it was like electricity shooting through them both. Her eyes widened, and she sputtered and tried to jerk away. It was if she felt the feelings jumping between them too.

“What are you talking about, lady?” Ty asked.

“My roommate, Sophie, is a member of your little club, and she didn’t come home last night. I want to know where she is now! She always tells me if she isn’t going to be coming home, and we specifically made plans to go shopping this morning. She never made it home, though, and now I want to know where she is. I know that she knows y’all both. Sophie always talks about how great y’all are, but I don’t buy into this slave bullshit! I want my friend, and I want her out here now!” the little hellion yelled.

“How did you find our house?” Ty demanded.

“I went through her computer and found your names in one of her files. I had to call a friend to find your address. He called me back after he got it from your driver’s licenses,” the imp replied like he was a complete moron for having asked.

“Look, Sophie is fine. I will get in touch with her and have her contact you,” Nate soothed.

“Fuck that. I want to see her now!”

Nate bristled at the obscenity coming from the sweet little sub’s mouth, and she would be a sweet sub, he contemplated. One made only for them. The training it would take to make such an obstinate little baggage listen. It would be a joy for them to dole it out for years to come. And it would take years to train her just right, if ever. Of course, her little mouth could give them continuous work and they would never get bored.

“No cursing,” Ty calmly ordered her as Nate was lost in his thoughts.

“Huh?” she asked, puzzled.

“You aren’t allowed to curse,” Ty instructed.

The dominant tone in Ty’s voice made Nate’s cock go from semi-erect from watching the little baggage to hard as a rock. He could tell it affected her too as her eyes dilated, her nipples hardened, pressing against the bra cups, and her breath quickened.

But she moved forward, worry over her friend paramount. “Fuck you, pal. I want Sophie down here now, you bastards!” Her breasts heaved with her indignation and anger.

Grabbing her by her upper arm, Ty swatted her ass with three swift and hard strokes and repeated his order, “I told you no profanity. You do it again and I am going to tie you to the St. Andrew’s cross downstairs, warm your bottom, and fuck you over and over, without once letting you come. Do you understand?
All night long!
I will have you begging for release until your voice is nothing more than a rough moan from your cries.”

Nate groaned internally. Ty often said things without thinking them through first. Nate saw the whole situation spiraling out of control. He quickly grabbed the petite vixen before she could sink her sharp, pretty little white teeth into Ty and possibly scratch his eyeballs out. She was obviously pissed off, so violence was definitely possible.

Keeping his arm around her small waist, her breasts moving against his arm with her harsh breathing, Nate spoke to her soothingly while continuing to hold her to his body, restraining her from doing any bodily damage to Ty, who stood there arms folded, unperturbed. “Listen, Sophie is fine. Give me just a moment and I will try to get her on the phone. I know where she is. She stayed last night with some very close friends after an upset at the club.”

Taking his cell from his pocket, he dialed Keith’s number. After getting his voice mail, he called Mike’s number instead.

After it rang a couple times, Mike picked up and impatiently asked, “What?”

Nate sighed. It was just not his day. Everyone seemed to have the attitude like something was shoved up his ass. Cutting to the chase, Nate bit out a quick explanation and asked for Sophie to be put on the phone, telling her that her roommate wanted to speak to her.

Handing the phone to the little vixen, he was surprised by her suddenly sweet tone, one yet to be aimed at either him or Ty. He looked over at Ty, and his heart quickened when he saw the same excitement in his eyes. It had been too long since he’d seen interest displayed from Ty for a woman. Nate couldn’t help the curl of anticipation snake through him, at the thought of this hot little handful potentially being between them or maybe on her knees in front of them.

Chapter Two


Ashton pulled herself from the man’s hold and moved herself out of both men’s reach, gently talking to her friend, a finger twirling around one of her curls as she spoke.

“Honey, are you okay? Why didn’t you call? I was so worried that one of these deviants was hurting you or had you kidnapped.”

Finally, when she was content that Sophie was okay and had secured a promise that she would call tomorrow, Ashton hung up the phone. Looking at the two men a bit sheepishly, she handed the phone to Nate and quickly made her way to the door for a fast escape, but just as her hand reached the handle, Ty’s hand landed on the wood above her head, preventing her from escaping as planned. When she turned to face the two huge men, it was very cautiously, her anxiety at a new all-time high. She knew her behavior was not acceptable in their world.

“I am so sorry. I was really worried about Sophie. I always worry when she goes to your club. I guess I am not all that comfortable with her lifestyle choice and I always imagine the worst happening. Please forgive me.”

When she made a move to open the door again, Ty pushed it shut, continuing to stop her exit. Her body started to tremble, not only with a touch of fear, but with more arousal than she would ever admit. She needed to get out of there before she gave in to her need and made a huge mistake—like kissing each one senseless.

They were, by far, the hottest men she had ever seen, and it wasn’t just their large, shirtless, muscled bodies. The blond was really fierce in appearance. He piqued her apprehension level to an all-new high. The dark-haired one was just as hot, but she instantly felt safe, almost at home with him. He made her think of running to him with her day, good or bad. Separately, these men were the stuff fantasies were made of, but together they were devastating.

She had always struggled with Sophie’s choice, not because she hated the lifestyle, despite what she had said earlier, but because it invoked feelings she just wasn’t comfortable with, an interest she was afraid to admit to, much less explore. These men would be her Achilles’ heel. They were beyond handsome, so tall and masculine. She knew they were lovers from her many discussions with Sophie. It must be a Dom’s need for obedience that had an electrical feel in the air. It couldn’t possibly be a sexual pull toward her. Making a last attempt to leave, she tugged on the door handle without success. Whirling around she steeled herself to blast them, knowing she couldn’t show weakness. Men like the ones in front of her were the consummate predators. Like a shark, they were the type to smell blood in the water so to speak. Ashton knew she had no choice but to be strong, even when her knees were almost the consistency of jelly at nothing more than the close proximity to them.


* * * *


Nate knew Ty would keep his hand firmly on the door to stop her flight. Nate soothingly offered, “Princess, why don’t we start over? I’m Nate Marquez, and this is Ty Hollis.”

He could see she had started to calm at his gentle introduction, and she responded in kind. “My name is Ashton Harris. I’m Sophie’s roommate. Look, I’m sorry if I came across as disrespectful, and I apologize for barging into your home and disturbing your Sunday morning. That wasn’t my intention, but I freaked out when I realized Sophie hadn’t come home. I just thought the worst, but now that I know she is okay I think I will just go and leave you to enjoy what’s left of your morning.”

Turning, she grabbed the handle to the door, and again Ty pushed it shut.

Whipping around, she snapped at Ty, “Look, buddy, I said I was sorry! Get the hell out of the way and we both can forget about this little incident and each other.”

“Oh no, sweet thing, we have no desire to forget about you,” Nate said, taking her arm.

She attempted to pull away, and Ty stepped in, yanking her up to her tiptoes. Ty slammed his mouth over hers and devoured her. She attempted to fight the kiss at first. After a few seconds of her resisting Ty’s kiss, Nate watched her melt into Ty’s arms, moaning into his mouth.

God, she is beyond what we could have ever wished for

They saw beautiful women every night in the club, but Ashton was so different. Her clear green eyes, so pure in color, were innocent in appearance. It made him yearn to make her need and love the dirty sex they were going to teach her to crave from them. Nate couldn’t wait to taste her mouth as Ty was doing, to take her mouth after Ty had coated it in his seed. They could share his desire in a kiss that would be, despite the taste of his release, full of the flavor of Ashton. God, his dick was throbbing with the thoughts running through his mind at the sight of the two of them consuming one another.

Nate moved in behind Ashton, hooking a finger into the strap of her tank top he slid it aside. Brushing his lips across the pretty bared shoulder he inched up her neck with featherlight kisses. Feeling her body shudder between them was better than any wish he and Ty had hoped for when talking about expanding their relationship.

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