Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (3 page)

BOOK: Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Nate ran his hand down her side. His fingers itched to cup the abundant breast, and feeling her arch into his touch was all the invitation he needed. Cupping the heavy weight in his hands, he curled his fingers into the top band of the tank and slipped it over the mounds, freeing the most beautiful pair of breasts he had ever known. Moving his left hand up to cup her throat, he held a breast with his right hand. Opening his eyes he watched the emotions filter across Ty’s face. He wished he could see the little angel’s face, but not wanting to break the wonderful spell they were all enjoying, he was content to watch Ty take her mouth in the ruthless way they were going to take her body.

“Wait.” Ashton pulled away, breathing hard. “I need to go. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I don’t do this sort of thing. I certainly don’t do it with men like y’all.”

Nate restrained the hands that attempted to cover her pretty breasts.

Ty’s eyes took on a hard glint and he immediately questioned Ashton in a defensive, almost angry tone. “What do you mean by men like us? Do you mean gay men? You have a problem with us being a couple? I love Nate and I don’t give a damn if you approve or even like it.”

“No, that’s not what I said. You know how hot you both are, and by the looks of this place, you are well-off on top of that. So why would two rich, sexy gay guys want to fuck the fat nurse?” She got as far as the door only because Nate was so stunned. It was clear she didn’t think she was attractive when it was obvious they both would give their left nuts to have her.

Nate grabbed her around the waist and spun her around, pinning her to the door. Taking her lips, he kissed her mouth and ground his cock into her upper abdomen. When he got tired of hunching his body down to enjoy her mouth, he cupped her backside and easily brought her off her feet, nestling her pussy against his dick. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Stroking his cock up and down the hot little juncture, they both were breathing hard and moaning. Her back was sliding against the smooth wood, and in only moments, when she crested in her orgasm, he did something he hadn’t done in nearly twenty years—he came in his jeans. Feeling his cock jerk and spurt made his knees weak and arms tremble. When Nate looked down into her face, he could see she was flushed and her eyes averted, avoiding his gaze.

“Hey, look at me. That was amazing. Not how I wanted our first encounter, but I don’t regret it, and I don’t want you to either. I know to you this doesn’t make sense, but let’s just talk and figure this out together. Have you had breakfast? Let’s go into the kitchen and we can talk—no pressure, no strings. Let’s just clear the air so you aren’t upset and we don’t lose this opportunity to get to know you.”


* * * *


Ty led her to the kitchen, and though she seemed reluctant, she followed their lead, which reaffirmed in his mind that she was a closet sub. A new sub like her would be a joy to train, an unending task. Her feisty attitude would give them plenty of opportunity to discipline and please her. He sat her at the table while Nate stepped out to the hall bathroom to clean up. Surprised, she didn’t comment on the fact there were only three chairs at the kitchen table. He hoped that she would soon understand they had been waiting for their third.

“What would you like to eat, baby? Nate and I ate omelets. Would you like one? There is also some fruit in the fridge.”

“No, I don’t eat eggs. Some fruit would be fine.”

Seeing Ashton hesitate, he questioned her more as Nate made his way back into the kitchen. “What do you really want?”

“I’d really like two pieces of toast smeared with peanut butter and some syrup on it.” As both men cringed, she stood, seeming to regret saying anything. Ashton moved to get up, and Nate slid behind her and gently pushed her back into her chair with a smile.

Ty quickly dropped her toast, and he grabbed the plate and utensils as Nate poured her juice. After the toaster popped, Ty generously smeared the bread with peanut butter and grabbed the syrup bottle, bringing it over so Ashton could pour to her heart’s content. They were pleased to watch her eat, and when every last gooey bite was gone, they impatiently dove right in, wanting to know more about her.

Nate sent her a barrage of questions her way. “So you are a nurse. Do you work at the hospital with Sophie? How long have you been a nurse? Do you like it? How old are you?” “Yes, I work at the same hospital. Let’s see…I’ve been a nurse since I was twenty. Yes and no—I like to help others, but I’m so tired of the drama and death in the ER,” Ashton replied laughingly at the sudden rush of questions.

“Twenty is awful young. How did you get school done so fast? Don’t think I didn’t notice you avoiding the age question,” Ty remarked.

“Well, I graduated when I was sixteen. My parents were divorced and Dad started a new family when I was only twelve. My mom decided that she couldn’t stand to be alone, so she proceeded to go through one rich boyfriend after another. Before I turned fourteen, she married Stan. He was great, but she wanted to start her a new life, too, without a teenage daughter in tow. So he came to me one day and asked if I would want to go to a boarding school for advanced students.

“At this point I didn’t want to be around either my mom or my dad, because they both were too selfish to see beyond themselves. My mom couldn’t understand why shopping and losing weight weren’t the only things I could think about, and my looks were always a huge disappointment to her. They really had ignored me most of my life, anyway, so why stay around? Stan was nice enough to pay for the school, and he made sure his assistant got me settled. He even set it up so that on vacations I could take any one of my advisers and go away each holiday. I never did. I was content to stay at school and study.”

Listening to Ashton talk, Ty understood exactly what it was like not to have anyone care for her. The bitch who birthed her would stay far away from her if it was up to him.

“When I graduated, Stan flew to my graduation even though by that time my mom had divorced him. I was the closest thing to a daughter he had ever had, and he was always so proud of my grades. He asked what I wanted to do and, when I said I wanted to be a nurse, he got me into college. I finished in four years. He was just the best, but he died last year in an accident. Other than Sophie, he’s the only one who has ever cared about me. I was lucky to have him. I met the latest man my mom hooked up with a couple months ago. What a loser! He thought a mother-daughter tag team would be fun, and the creep actually suggested it. The whole time my mother just sat there giggling like a teenager. Luckily I don’t have to see her very often,” Ashton said with a shudder.

Ty knew he would protect her with everything in him from predators like her mother and the asshole she was with. It was amazing Ashton turned out as sweet as she had. No, they hadn’t seen much of that side of her so far, but he knew it was there. Both the nature of her job and the tone in which she spoke to Sophie conveyed as much. Despite what she thought, it took a caring person to be a nurse, a nurturing soul. Well, they were going to give her plenty to nurture. If she would give them the opportunity they could start building something, not just training her as a sub but maybe someone more to them.


* * * *


Nate listened to Ashton with a heavy heart. Getting up, he walked over to the window, looking at the perfectly manicured lawn and wished he could make Ty and Ashton’s worlds perfect. He loved Ty and all his hurts that came with him, but Ashton was bringing her own pain. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. She could destroy Ty just when Nate had managed to build up his delicate trust. He might have a warrior’s body, but he had the trust of someone battered and broken. It had taken Nate years to get Ty to accept a birthday cake or presents, and Christmas was even worse. He felt like he had finally broken through all these levels of ice, and the idea of going through it all again had him second-guessing this plan.

He had always planned and hoped for a woman who could help him love Ty like he needed to be loved.

Taking a deep breath, he addressed her, hoping this would end well. “Ashton, please spend the day here with us and allow us to take you to the club tonight so you can learn a little more about our lifestyle. It might help you understand Sophie’s choices a little better. We promise no one will hurt or frighten you. You might be surprised and actually enjoy yourself. The people who choose our world are happy, well-rounded people. Most are professionals like doctors, lawyers, teachers, CEOs and, yes, even nurses. They are people with high-stress jobs that have found a safe way to ease some of that stress and frustration in their lives. Most of all, give us the opportunity to get to know you,” Nate requested.

He watched Ashton look at both of them, and he could see the inner tug-of-war. He couldn’t help but wonder if her desire for adventure would win.


* * * *


Nate and Ty led her into their home media room and gestured towards the different pieces of furniture for her to make a selection. Nate sat first and Ty plopped down beside him, and the smile Nate threw her made her stomach clinch with interest. Hoping to take her mind off how attracted she was to these men, she took in her surrounds. The room had a masculine-yet-stylish appeal. She had a feeling the whole house would be the same. The crowning glory seemed to be the humungous flat screen hanging on the wall. The men where lounging on leather sofa that had reclining seats. Both men kicked back and out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of their hands brushing the others with affection. Her heart melted at the tender touch. It made her yearn for such a thing in her own life.

Ashton couldn’t help but mull over the different things she didn’t like about her life that had brought her to this point, and one of them had always been sex. It was never absolutely horrible but it was definitely nothing to brag about. The fact was the only time she had ever gotten off was by her own hand or a vibrator. It seemed that the men she’d always been with either didn’t care if she got off or were clueless. The ones that were lost always needed her to tell them what to do and that just flat out turned her off.

Seeing the male perfection that was sitting across from her that was currently laughing at the comedy, she wanted to know more about them other than how spectacular they looked. Nate was an inch or so shorter than Ty, but both men were built so well. She would guess them both to be around two-fifty and somewhere around six foot two and six foot three.

Curiosity got the best of Ashton and she asked. “Tell me your favorite food Ty?”

With an obvious laugh, he replied immediately. “Steak. Meat, and I do mean any kind of meat. I only eat the vegetables because Nate says we have to.”

Ashton couldn’t help but smile at the way that he was so obviously proud of the fact that he was a carnivore. Grinning at Nate she questioned him. “So you like the vegetables huh?”

“Not really, but I know we need them. Ty would eat steak for breakfast, followed by pork chops for lunch and steak for dinner and chicken as a snack in between. I happen to think he needs some rainbow in his diet and I don’t mean candy.” Nate explained with a chuckle.

“Do you both cook?” Ashton asked.

Nate took point on this and answered her. “Yes, but Ty has a knack for it. Plus he’s a control freak. Once I said I needed vegetables in my diet he threw himself in full force learning different recipes for various vegetables I liked and ones he thought we needed.”

“Ha! I’m just better at cooking is the only reason. You burn everything admiring my body.” Ty defended himself, yet his cheeks were slightly tinged pink with apparent embarrassment.

Ashton laughed. “I have to admit, I am bit of a meat eater too. We probably wouldn’t have any good stuff in the cabinets if it wasn’t for Sophie. She’s also the cook. I can help but to be quite honest, I suck in the kitchen. I would rather do almost anything else except cook,” Ashton admitted.

“How long have you two been together?” Ashton asked.

Ty spoke. “Six and half years.”

“How does your family feel about you being together?”

Ty remained quiet but Nate jumped in, “My folks love Ty, my brothers don’t care as long as I am happy. They were shocked though when I brought home a guy. They’d never seen me with anyone but women so they were pretty surprised.”

Smiling, Nate looked over at Ty and continued. “The truth is my brothers probably think Ty is basically an asshole, and the only reason each family gathering goes so well is because they can all see how much Ty loves me. They see all the little things Ty does to make me smile and take care of me. Like the way Ty insists on grilling my steak himself, because everyone else always overcooks it. Or grabbing an extra napkin because he knows how messy I am and how he always keeps an extra pair of sunglasses in his truck because I’m always losing mine.”

An obviously embarrassed Ty got up and stomped out of the room. Nate gave her a smile that was a bit sheepish. He must have realized he made Ty uncomfortable with his musings. Nate’s face became serious and he went on. “We’ve been through some pretty hellish times together and separately. I know without a doubt I want to be with that man in there for the rest of my life. That’s all I need to know. I will do anything to make him happy, and well, when he’s happy I’m pretty damn happy too.” Nate’s smile was beautiful. His pretty white teeth were such a contrast against his beautiful tanned skin that made her warm and yearn for that smile to be directed at her.

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