Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (12 page)

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Kelsey swallowed heavily. “Fine. That’s what I want, but if you don’t finish what you start, I’ll take matters into my own hands.”

Gabriel’s cold smile filled her with apprehension. “You’ll be very sorry if you do.”

Chapter Seven


Gabriel disconnected and tossed his phone aside, smiling as he watched Kelsey through the shower door. He hadn’t been able to concentrate on his conversation worth a damn. He’d been too distracted by the sight of Kelsey standing wet and naked only feet away, and had ended the call abruptly. His cock jumped when her hands moved over her abdomen and started lower. “Keep those hands away from your clit.”

Biting back a laugh at the gesture she made, he adopted his sternest expression and opened the shower door, letting his eyes rake over her wet body. “Giving me the finger isn’t any way to show respect for your Master.”

Kelsey’s eyes flashed. She opened her mouth, but snapped it closed almost immediately, her eyes shooting daggers at him.

He wanted to laugh, knowing that her bad mood came from an arousal she knew wouldn’t be satisfied unless he allowed it. He’d expected it, but hadn’t counted on how responsive she would be to his every touch. Every look.

Everything about her delighted him.

Gabriel’s cock throbbed with the need to sink into her, getting even harder when her gaze lingered on the bulge at the front of his loose pants. “The proper response is, ‘I’m sorry, Master.’” He’d never tame her, which thrilled him immensely, the thought of the years ahead filling him with a sense of anticipation and excitement.

“I’m sorry.” Her sarcastic apology, followed by an equally sarcastic smile stirred the Dominant inside him as no other woman ever had. Turning her back on him, she reached for the shampoo, completely oblivious to the storm raging inside him.

Gabriel couldn’t resist teaching her a lesson, and giving her a glimpse of what he had in store for her.

“Turn around.”

Pausing in the middle of shampooing her hair, she stilled, her eyes closed tight. “What?”

He adopted his sternest expression, his cock throbbing at the sight of her naked, wet, and with bubbles streaming down her delectable body. “Turn. Around. Hands on the wall above your head.”

She started to lower her hands, in what he assumed to be an effort to rinse them. With shampoo suds running down her face, she couldn’t open her eyes, which suited him just fine.

“Keep your hands up. You don’t need to see.” Pleased to see that he’d shaken her a little, he reached out to grip her by the shoulders, his hands flexing on her slick skin as he turned her to face the shower wall. “Take a step back.”

He wanted her a little off balance, knowing she would try to fight him as soon as he delivered the first slap to her well-rounded ass.

“Gabriel, what the hell do you think—ow!”

With an arm wrapped around her stomach, he rubbed the spot he’d just slapped. “Keep your hands on the fucking wall. You will address me the way I told you to.” He delivered another slap, this time to her other ass cheek, biting back a groan at the way she felt wiggling in his arms. “Your spanking will continue until you apologize for your rude gesture, and for calling me by my name. After each apology, you will address me properly.”

Her tight ass bounced with each slap, turning pinker by the minute. Each cry from her was like a stroke to his cock, each attempt to evade the spanking he administered making him even more determined to earn her submission.

After several more slaps, her cries of outrage filled the room, the combination of them and her wet, wiggling ass stoking the dominant need inside him to new heights.

After about a half-dozen slaps, he paused, caressing her bottom to hold the heat in and because he couldn’t resist touching her, waiting while she settled some.

“You son of a bitch!”

Gabriel held on to her so she didn’t fall, aware of the fact that he’d placed her in a position that kept her off balance. Smiling at the hunger in her voice, he let his hands move over her, the need to possess her far more than just physical. “That’ll cost you another apology. That’s three.”

“Fine. All right, damn it. Just stop spanking me.”

She sounded slightly desperate and more than a little confused by the fact that each slap raised her level of arousal, something she couldn’t hide.

Gabriel sighed, hiding a smile as he faced her. “I can spank you as much as I want to. This ass is mine, remember, darling? However, I only see the need to punish you if you disobey me. If you’re bad, you get spanked. If you’re good, you get to come. See how easy it is? Now, I want my apologies, and then you can finish your shower. We have to eat and then you have an appointment.”

“What kind of—ow, damn it!”

Knowing she couldn’t anticipate his slaps kept her squirming restlessly, a sight Gabriel enjoyed immensely,

“No questions. I want my apologies. Now.”

“Fine. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

Gabriel bit back a groan at the soft, husky apology, more delighted with her by the minute. “You’re forgetting something.” He ran his hand over her warmed bottom, giving her a light, warning slap when she wiggled.

“Master. There. Satisfied?”

He slid his hand lower, grinning in satisfaction when he felt a slickness between her thighs that had nothing to do with the water raining down on her. “Again—and without attitude.”

He bit back another groan when she parted her thighs, his satisfaction growing that she opened herself to him so readily.


A groan escaped before he could prevent it, the effect of her whisper on his cock overwhelming.

Righting her, he held her while she got her bearings, grabbing a towel from the nearby rack to wipe her face dry. Holding her with an arm around her waist, he felt her hands go to her bottom, but decided to let it go.

After drying her face and tossing the towel aside, he cupped her chin, lifting her face to his. “Again.” His stomach tightened, the anger and need on her face satisfying the dominant side of his personality and increasing the hunger inside him for more.

Lifting a hand, he cupped her breast, running his palm over her nipple, his cock jumping at her sharp intake of breath.

With a sigh, the anger on her face softened, her eyes fluttering closed. “Master.”

The satisfaction that swelled inside him stunned him.

She was so precious to him. Perfect for him.

Struggling to hide the depth of emotion he felt for her so as not to scare her off, he pinched her nipple, holding her gaze when her eyes popped open again. “Very good, darling.”

He chuckled at the flash of fury in her eyes and released her nipple. “Quiet. Don’t ruin it. Finish up. We have things to do.”


* * * *


Kelsey finished putting her hair up in the high ponytail Gabriel insisted on before he left, a little surprised that he’d provided a variety of colored scrunchies for her to use.

Her stomach rumbled as she walked back into the bedroom, enticing her to hurry. Finding a turquoise sarong laid out on the bed, she slipped it on, fastening the matching jeweled clasp at her hip.

Frowning when she didn’t see the matching top, she pushed the tangled sheets aside, first one way and then the other, cursing when she couldn’t find it. “Gabriel!”


Startled, she looked up to find him standing in the doorway, her heart pounding furiously. Thrilling at the feel of his gaze on her breasts, she kept her hands at her sides and arched toward him. “I can’t find the top.” Surprised at the breathless quality in her voice, she waited, her stomach muscles quivering.

His eyes hardened and narrowed as he adopted that cold, ruthless look that excited her so much. “Address me properly, Kelsey.”

Gritting her teeth at the reminder that he’d honored her wish to keep this purely physical, Kelsey blew out a breath, her bottom still warm from the last time she’d forgotten. “Master, I can’t find my top.”

Taking her arm, Gabriel turned her toward the doorway. “It’s in the other room. You don’t need it until we go out.”

A bubble of nervous laughter burst free. “So I can cover my ass, but not my breasts?”

Gabriel smiled, leading her to her seat at the small breakfast table. “You’re covered, or bare, at my whim. Eat your breakfast.”

Damn, he excited her when he spoke in that dark, silky tone. If she could bottle his sex appeal, she could make a fortune

Under his gaze, the tingling in her nipples became unrelenting. Reveling in the pleasure, she ate her breakfast, moving restlessly in her seat and enjoying the view.

Gabriel had changed into white, pleated trousers and a dark green T-shirt, one that emphasized his muscular biceps and wide chest.

Taking another sip of the fragrant coffee, Kelsey smiled. “I thought dominants liked to feed their submissives.”

Inclining his head, Gabriel sat back and sipped from his own cup. “Some do. I may occasionally feed you, but I find myself fascinated by the way you eat. You shovel it in like you’re starving.”

Shrugging, Kelsey picked up another slice of bacon. “When you’re in a foster home, you’re afraid that if you don’t eat fast enough, someone will take it away. When I ran away, I was always hungry, and as soon as I got something to eat, I didn’t waste any time getting it into my stomach. I was too young to work above board and got jobs in places that didn’t exactly give lunch breaks, so I had to eat fast.”

Memories of her revulsion and fear of that time in her life threatened to choke her. Not about to let it, she bit into the crisp bacon, washing it down with another sip of coffee.

“If I worked in a fast food place, I could steal fries, a slice of tomato, a pickle, you know, bits and pieces here and there. If I didn’t get caught, I wouldn’t have to pay for it and could afford to pay the rent.”

Uncomfortable with the anger in Gabriel’s eyes, she leaned forward and winked in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere. “I never got caught.”

Gabriel didn’t give her the smile she’d expected. “I don’t doubt that for a minute.”

Seeing the pity in his eyes, Kelsey got up from her chair, and rounded the table to him. “Are we going to play your games, or are you going to sit here and throw a pity party for a woman who no longer exists?”

Arching her back, she thrust her breasts toward him, her nipples beaded and tingling with anticipation for his touch. “I want what you promised. Are you going to give it to me or not?”

Gabriel’s expression cleared. With a small smile, and the gleam of possession and devious intent in his eyes, he drew her onto his lap. “I’m going to give you exactly what you need.”

Rubbing her hip, he placed a hand over her breast, sending sharp need through her. He kept his touch light, but moved his hand with a possessiveness that she craved—an eroticism that she’d dreamed of experiencing her entire life.

Staring down at her breast, he pinched a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it with a nonchalance that contrasted sharply with the riot of sensation his small movements created inside her.

When she reached up to cover her breast in an instinctive move to protect herself against the slight pain, Gabriel frowned in disapproval and slapped her hand away.

To her surprise, he pinched harder. “I won’t tolerate interference in what I’m doing. This is mine to give pleasure or pain as I wish.” His eyes held hers. “Tell me the truth. Does the pain you’re feeling now diminish your arousal, or enhance it?”

Sucking in a breath, she bit her lip, amazed at the shock of need to her system. She didn’t know how the slight pain could feel so good, but it sharpened her arousal in a way that made it impossible to think about anything else.


“Before you answer, you should know that any lies from your lips will earn you punishment.” He pulled her nipple away from her body, making the pain more intense, eliciting a cry of shock and delight from her. “If you tell me it doesn’t arouse you, I’ll have to inspect your pussy and see how wet you are.”

Moaning, her breath coming out in short bursts of desperate hunger, Kelsey fisted her hands on his shoulders, throwing her head back. “Yes. I don’t want it to, but it does. Just don’t make it hurt too much.”

Gabriel released her nipple, rubbing it as the blood rushed back into it, his other hand moving over her back. “You’d be surprised at the amount of pain you can endure, if the pleasure outweighs it.”

Gabriel smiled and got to his feet, steadying her with a hand on either side of her waist. “Pleasure and pain. Soon, it’ll be hard to tell one from the other.”

He reached over, retrieving the strip of turquoise fabric from where he’d placed it on the padded bench, and wrapped it around her breasts, securing it with the clasp. “Slip on your shoes. You have an appointment at the spa.”

Aroused and very conscious of her body and femininity, Kelsey made her way on shaky legs to the elevator with Gabriel. When the door closed behind him, she turned to him, once again struck by his elegant but powerful good looks. Need made her even more brazen. “You gonna fuck me today, or are you just going to keep playing with me?”

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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