Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (14 page)

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Standing naked before him, Kelsey grinned and closed the short distance between them, rubbing her nipples against his chest. “Looking forward to it. I’ve been horny all day.”

Gripping her upper arm, Gabriel sighed and led her across the room. “I know when you’re aroused, Kelsey.”

To her surprise, he headed toward the door on the other side of the room, a door that had been locked when she’d checked it earlier. “What are you doing? That door’s locked. Isn’t it an adjoining room? Holy hell!” Gasping when he swung the door open and she got a glimpse of what was inside, she froze, wondering what the hell she’d gotten herself into.

Gabriel urged her forward, and into a room that gave Kelsey the chills. “I unlocked it before we went out. You are never to come into this room without my permission. Stand in the middle of the room, below the hooks.”

Shaking with nerves and heightened awareness, Kelsey wrapped her arms around herself and moved to the middle of the windowless room. The lighting in the room gave it a strange, dungeon-like feel. Each corner remained in darkness, while the light shining down in the center of the room seemed exceptionally bright. “I didn’t even know this was here.” Looking around, she squinted in an effort to see as much as she could, partially blinded by the bright light.

A padded table stood on one side, complete with the same restraints that had been on the table in the spa. She gulped, trying to hide her nervousness as she took in the variety of ropes and hooks coming from the ceiling, floor, and walls.

Gabriel closed the door behind him and bent to pick up a large black case that stood against the wall, just inside the door. “Each room in the hotel has a room like this. It’s called a
. The condos will have one, too. Each Master must supply his own toys, though.”

He set the case on the large metal table in the corner, and unzipped it. “I want you to know that the things I have in here were purchased for you. I haven’t used them on any other women.”

Swallowing heavily, Kelsey watched him take an assortment of objects out of the bag, some she didn’t even recognize. Some she did, and the sight of them increasing her nervousness. “Are you trying to tell me you’ve never used toys on a woman before?”

“No. I’m telling you that the items in
this bag
have never been used on another woman.” Turning, he came toward her with what appeared to be some kind of cuffs in his hand. “I only brought a few of them. The rest are in the playroom in my home.”

His eyes held hers. “Waiting for you.”

Entranced by the aura of erotic intent and power surrounding him, Kelsey couldn’t look away, drawn to his strength like never before. Shivering with anticipation, she didn’t fight him when he took her wrist in his hand and fastened a padded cuff to it. “You don’t have to do this, you know. I won’t fight you.”

Shivering again at the incredible sense of helplessness of having her arm raised and her breast totally vulnerable, she tugged at the cuff experimentally.

Gabriel glanced at her as he reached up to cuff her other wrist. “I don’t care if you fight me or not. I just don’t want to have to deal with your resistance this time. This is so I can explore you without your hands getting in the way.” Once he’d cuffed her wrist, he tapped a nipple, sending a sharp stab of pleasure to her slit. “I don’t want to have to deal with your squirming and efforts to stop me when the pleasure becomes too strong.”

Tugging to test the restraints, Kelsey grinned, surprised to find them loose enough for her to drop her hands to her shoulders. “There’s no such thing as too much pleasure.”

Gabriel went to his bag again and returned with what appeared to be a thick, leather pad. Squatting low, he placed it at her feet. “Kneel on this.”

Eyeing him curiously, Kelsey obeyed him and lowered herself to her knees, an action that tightened the rope attached to her cuffs just enough to keep her arms over her head.

He’d accurately judged just how loose to make the ropes, making her wonder just how many times he’d done this kind of thing before, and just how far his expertise in this kind of thing went.

Watching him move back to the bag again, Kelsey squirmed, rubbing her thighs together against the ache and struck by the knowledge that Gabriel purposely kept her on edge. “I guess it takes a lot of practice to judge the rope just right.”

Gulping in air, she inwardly winced at the twinge of panic in her voice, panic caused by not knowing what he would do next.

Gabriel paused, his eyes narrowing. “I guess it does. Look at me. Concentrate on me. We’re the only ones here. You’re the one with the power.” Reaching out a hand, he ran his fingertips over her, giving her goose bumps as every inch of skin he touched quivered with awareness.

“Concentrate on my voice. All you have to do is use your safe word, and everything stops.” Leaning forward, he brushed his lips over her cheek, her jaw, her temple. “You and me, Kelsey. No one else. You’re mine, and there’s nothing more important to me than your safety. Your pleasure. Satisfying those needs no man has ever satisfied. There’s no anger. No ugliness here. Just you. And me. Us. Pleasure.”

Melting under his soft caresses, the brushes of his warm lips, the soothing gentleness in his voice, Kelsey’s vulnerable position became less frightening. She turned her head, losing sight of Gabriel when he moved in behind her. “What are you—?”

“Spread your legs, Kelsey. I want to explore each and every inch of you.”

It took less than a minute for him to cuff her ankles to the floor, leaving her spread wide enough to give him complete access, but not wide enough to make her uncomfortable.

feel more sensitive.”

Gabriel came around to stand in front of her. “I know. You like the way it feels, don’t you?” Reaching out, he slid a hand over her cheek, his eyes hooded. “You’re a very physical woman, a very sensual one. But, you’ve never really explored that side of yourself, have you? You’ve never really taken the time to savor anything—not even when you eat.”

Kelsey wiggled, testing the ropes again. “I enjoy sex and food, Gab—” Snapping her mouth closed, she looked away, finding it difficult to call him
, especially while in such a defenseless position. Bristling at her helplessness and the effect of it on her senses, Kelsey turned away.

Holding her face between his hands, Gabriel turned her toward him and stared down at her, his eyes steady and searching on hers. “I find it interesting that you resist calling me
addressing me in a way that makes this a purely sexual relationship, one in which I take all decisions out of your hands, which is all you claim to want from me. Sex, pure and simple. Right?”

Kelsey swallowed heavily, her body humming with a desire that made it difficult to remain still. “Of course.”

His eyes hardened as he ran a thumb over her bottom lip, his look cold and distant. “My friends and lovers call me
, and since you don’t want either friendship or love from me right now, you aren’t either. It’s never more important to call me
than when we’re in the playroom.”

Releasing her, he drew a strip of black fabric from his pocket. “I get to play with you. Explore you. Enjoy you—as my possession.”

Not about to let him see how much he intimidated her, she smiled up at him, arching her back to thrust her breasts out to him. “Do your worst,

She drew in a shaky breath when he moved to stand behind her, chills breaking out all over her skin when he slipped the dark, silky fabric over her eyes. No longer able to see, she shivered as he tied the blindfold, her senses sharpening.

Arching again at the slide of his fingertips over her back, she couldn’t hold back a moan. “Oh, that feels—”


Shocked at the effect his authoritative tone had on her, she snapped her mouth closed, biting back another moan—this one of frustration—when he removed his hands. Wondering where he would touch her next, she trembled with anticipation, turning her head to listen for any sound that would give her a clue.

She felt him move away, and then heard the sounds of him delving into his bag again. Keeping her head turned toward him, feeling his gaze on her, she trembled helplessly. The mental image of what she must look like to him in her present position had her tugging at the ropes as the awareness in her breasts and slit grew.

Jolting at the suddenness of his warm breath against her ear, she leaned back into him in an effort to get as close as possible.

He tugged at her hair, tilting her head back. “I’ve been looking forward to having the chance to explore you. You won’t find everything I do comfortable, but this is my body to do with as I wish. Remember that. You have no say in anything I do to you. You accept it. You endure it, because you know that everything I do to you pleases

The feel of his finger, coated with cold lube, thrusting into her vulnerable bottom startled a cry from her, the reality of being impaled in her most private opening heightening her sense of defenselessness. “Oh, God. Oh, God. Ahh!” Chills wracked her body as he slid his finger deep, cries pouring from her as he moved it around firmly as if he owned her ass and she had no say in what he did to it.

She struggled against her bonds, her inability to evade even the slightest touch more alarming than she would have imagined. No matter how much she tried to move, she could lift up slightly, but she couldn’t close against him. Biting her lip to hold back more cries, she stiffened as he stretched her, pressing against her inner walls with a ruthlessness that had her clenching on him as he awakened nerve endings she hadn’t known existed.

With the same suddenness, he slid his finger free, leaving her clenching at emptiness, the sense of loss unbearable.

Before she could catch her breath, something slim and slippery was pushed into her, the sense of relief and desperation for more forcing her to push back against him.

Struggling to adapt to having her ass filled, she concentrated on Gabriel’s movements, his breathing, and forced herself to be as still as possible. She couldn’t identify the sound she heard at first, but as the item Gabriel had inserted into her got bigger, she realized that it was the sound of it being inflated.

“You wondered what would happen if I did something to you that you didn’t like—something that turned you off. At the time, I assumed you were talking about your ass and the prospect of pain, and assured you that I wouldn’t do it again if you didn’t like it. If you come while this is filling your ass, then this gorgeous ass is fair game in the future.”

Kelsey’s breathing grew harsher with every pump, as each filled her ass with the plug even more. She felt so full, so
, that she couldn’t catch her breath, the chills that raced through her now stronger than ever.

He stretched her with every relentless pump, making her ass burn, but still she wanted more.

Wiggling against the fullness, she bit her lip to keep from begging him for more, begging him to move it inside her. She tugged harder on the ropes, the inability to escape her bonds adding a layer of excitement and freedom she hadn’t expected.

“I can t–take whatever you. Ah. Dish out. Holy hell. Yes. Take me. Fuck me.”

The pumping stopped, and Gabriel’s hand slid over the cheeks of her ass, his fingers flexing as if testing the resilience. “You don’t have any choice, remember? This is a fine ass you have here. Soft. Firm. Round. I’ve had more than a few fantasies about this ass. Since I won’t punish you unless—until—you disobey me, I won’t turn you over my knee and give you the spanking I’ve dreamed about. Yet.”

Chuckling, he slid his fingers lower, pushing at the inflated plug. “Believe me, my pet, I’m very much looking forward to it. You’ll have a much larger plug inside you when I spank you, and when your ass is red and hot, and the heat spreads through your slit, I’m going to remove the plug and fuck that tight ass hard and deep until you come, calling me


The word of denial slipped out before Kelsey could prevent it, an instinctive resistance to the cold superiority and calculation in his tone. She wanted to challenge him. Dare him. Excite him so much that he forgot about control and took her in a wild frenzy they would both enjoy. “I won’t give you the satisfaction. I’ll be so good—better than any woman you’ve ever dominated.”

Gabriel’s hands went to her waist and moved higher, covering her breasts. “Do you really think you can be so good? Do you really think I can’t push you into disobeying me so I can have this sweet ass over my lap?”

Kelsey cried out at the light slaps he delivered to the underside of her breast. “Not a chance.”

She was very much looking forward to it.


* * * *


Gabriel smiled, delighted with her defiance, and her plan to please him in order to avoid punishment.

If he could direct all of her stubbornness and courage into pleasing him, she wouldn’t realize that he was drawing her in emotionally until it was too late.

He hoped it worked, because he only had until the end of the week to make her fall in love with him.

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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