Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (16 page)

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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He freed her ankles, and with an arm around her waist, he released her wrists, holding her steady when she fell forward.

Startled at her weakness, she tried to get to her feet, alarmed when her legs wouldn’t hold her.

Gathering her close, Gabriel chuckled softly. “I’ve got you. Just relax. I’m here to help you, baby. Believe it or not, we’re in this together.” He placed her on the padded bench, one that came to his thighs. Spreading her legs, he moved to stand between them, running his hands up and down her thighs with a firm possessive caress. “You look so beautiful. Now, be still. No. Get your hands away from those clamps or I’ll restrain you again. I haven’t inspected your clit yet.”

“Inspected my clit?” Her clit tingled in reaction, something she would have bet he knew very well. Her spread thighs left her slit unprotected, and with her mound waxed, she felt even more vulnerable.

Lifting a brow, he smiled coldly. “Of course. It’s mine now, and I’d like to have a good look at it.” With a hand on her mound, he used his thumb to push the hood covering her clit back, exposing the swollen and throbbing bundle of nerves. “Beautiful. Red. Swollen. Slick with your juices.” Still holding her hood back, he slid a finger from his other hand over it, stroking it lightly.

Kelsey jumped, crying out, struggling to close her legs against such an extreme sensation. “Oh, God.” Her entire body went stiff, her ass clamping down on the plug.

“Not even close.” He stroked her clit again, staring down at it for several heart-stopping seconds before releasing her.

Power. Confidence. Knowledge.

His eyes gleamed with all three as his gaze held hers. He rolled on a condom, his movements unhurried and smooth. “Now I’m going to take what’s mine. Be still.”

Kelsey sucked in another breath when he placed a hand over her mound and pushed the hood covering her clit back again. Feeling the head of his cock press against her pussy opening, she clenched her jaw, groaning as she rocked her hips in an effort to take him inside, struggling harder when he increased the pressure on her mound and abdomen.

Even the air moving over her clit inflamed her. Her movements reawakened the pressure in her nipples, the tugging sensation driving her wild.

“I told you to be still.” He surged deep, filling her and making her pussy stretch to accommodate him. His thick cock pressed against her pussy walls, the pressure to the plug in her ass making her feel as if she was being fucked in both openings.

“How the hell am I supposed to stay still? Gabriel! Oh, God. Please. Make me come. Fuck me harder.” Groaning as his slow, controlled strokes continued, she kept rocking, parting her legs wide.

Gabriel touched her clit. “Be still, Kelsey.”

She froze, her breath escaping in sharp pants, her gaze flying to the hand he reached toward one of the clamps.

She felt him everywhere. Her ass, her pussy, her nipples, and her clit burned with a sizzling heat that raced through her, encompassing every fiber of her being.

He kept his strokes even and deep, each one shifting the plug in her ass. “You’re mine, and I want you to be still so I can fuck this pussy without your interference. Lay back and grab the top of the bench.” He gripped the edge of the clamp, his slight pull making her nipple sting. “Do it. Good girl. Don’t let go.”

No warning tingles preceded an orgasm that seemed to come out of nowhere.

Screaming his name, she gripped his forearms, fighting the burn as her ass clamped down on the plug. Another wave of heat washed through her as he removed the clamps, another orgasm to layer over the last.

The blood rushing into her nipples kept her orgasm rolling through her, her body sucked into a vortex of pleasure she thought she may never escape.

She never
to escape.

Through it, Gabriel continued to fuck her, his thrusts coming harder and faster than before. “Yes. That’s it. Milk my cock, my pet.”

“Bastard! Don’t call me that. Oh, God. I can’t. Ahhh!” She reached for her slit as he began to stroke her clit, the too-intense combination of pleasure and pain sending her over yet again. Each orgasm seemed milder than the one before, but lasted longer.

She’d never realized pleasure could be so intense, or that it could last so long.

He caught both of her wrists in one of his large hands, using the other to keep stroking her clit, intensifying the pleasure until it bordered on pain—a pain she never wanted to end.

Reduced to ragged moans and whimpers, Kelsey let her legs fall, too weak to hold them up anymore.

“Kelsey, look at me.”

Forcing her eyes open, she struggled to focus, once again struck by what a magnificent figure he made. His eyes held a warmth now, a fire that seemed to burn out of control as he thrust into her over and over. “Again.”

Trembling, she shook her head weakly. “I can’t.” The slide of his cock and the shift of the plug in her ass kept the pleasure humming through her, while each delicate slide of his finger over her clit made her body jolt. So weak, her muscles wouldn’t even obey her, Kelsey even found it difficult to speak.

Gabriel released her hands, letting them fall to the side. “Yes, you can. This body’s mine. I control it. Come again for me.”

He surged deep, his finger on her clit moving faster. “I can make you. Now.”

Her own body betrayed her, and she came again, a strong, slow swell that held her in its grip, making it impossible to do more than whimper.

“That’s a girl. I knew you could do it.” The satisfaction and affection in his voice warmed her, easing some of the sense of loss of herself.

Kelsey opened his eyes to see his beloved face, not even realizing she was crying until she had to blink back tears in order to see him. “Gabriel.”

His smile lit up his face. “Yes, darling. I’ve got you.”

She couldn’t hold back a whimper as the head of his cock slid free, the pressure against the plug in her ass drawing another cry from her.

His eyes held hers as he moved to stand beside the padded table. “You’re amazing.” Pushing her hair back from her face, he wrapped his arms around her and gathered her close. “I wish I hadn’t promised not to kiss you.” Lifting her high against his chest, he strode from the room. “You’re okay.”

Kelsey groaned. “The plug.”

“I know, honey. Just relax. I’ll take care of everything.”

Kelsey didn’t even bother to open her eyes, turning her face toward Gabriel’s chest and snuggling against him.

She felt so vulnerable and weak, she wanted to hide. She didn’t even recognize herself. She had to bite her lip to keep from telling him how she felt about him.

The only thing that stopped her was the knowledge of how desperate she’d look to him if she told him she loved him after one sexual encounter.

Recognizing that she was way out of her league, she wanted to cry.

“Leave me alone.” Even her voice sounded weak.

“That, my pet, is not going to happen. Ever.”

Chapter Nine


Her reflexes had slowed considerably, not allowing her to do more than whimper when Gabriel sat on the lid of the toilet with her in his lap, and deflated the plug. He slid it out with ease and dropped it into the sink before moving to the tub and starting a bath for her.

Balancing on the ledge of the tub, Kelsey frowned at her lethargy. “I don’t take baths. I take showers. Just give me a minute—”

His caring and gentleness soothed her, especially now, when she’d become so needy and emotionally fragile, and she had to fight for the strength to keep him from seeing her weakness.

Her experience in the playroom had been more than just sex for her.

He’d stripped away every last defense, baring her to her soul, leaving her physically and emotionally spent.

“Shh. I told you to relax. I’ll take care of you.” He dumped some of the bath salts he’d bought at the spa into the water, sending lavender-scented steam into the air.

Blinking back tears that she couldn’t quite contain, she fought for the sophistication she didn’t have.

“I don’t need you to take care of me.” Surprised that she slurred, Kelsey slid a glance in Gabriel’s direction to see if he’d noticed.

When Gabriel straightened and lifted her into his arms, she let her eyes flutter closed, her breath catching. She couldn’t remember ever being carried before, and was surprised at how safe and secure she felt in his arms.

How cherished.

It only emphasized her weakness, but felt so good she didn’t have the strength to fight it.

To her surprise, he stepped into the tub with her, lowering both of them into the warm, scented water. “I take care of what’s mine, remember?”

With a sigh at the feel of the warmth on her trembling and rapidly chilling body, she let her head rest on his shoulder, promising herself that she’d only lie there a minute or two.

Gabriel’s lips touched her forehead as his hands slid soothingly over her skin. “You’re still trembling. Are you okay? Sore anywhere?”

Still a little shaken at her response, and embarrassed that he considered her frail, Kelsey shrugged and forced herself to a sitting position. “I’m fine. It was sex, Gabriel.” She reached for the bottle of scented body wash he held, only to lower her hand again when he held it out of her reach.

Gabriel uncapped it and poured a generous amount into his palm. “You’ve called me that several times tonight. Have you decided that you want more from me than the relationship we’ve already agreed to?” Staring into her eyes, he placed his hand over her breast.

Kelsey gasped, shivering at the feel of the cold body wash on her tender nipple. Alarmed that she’d let him see too much, she fought to add a hint of coolness to her tone. “No. I can’t. Just sex. Just for the week.”

Gabriel’s hands moved over her, his touch so soothing and comforting that she wanted to cuddle again him. “It isn’t just sex, Kelsey. It’s domination and submission—or have you forgotten?”

She tried to glare at him, but she couldn’t quite work up the energy. A moan escaped when both of his hands started moving over her with increased firmness—heaven on her sore and quivering muscles. “No. I haven’t forgotten. I just think that some of your rules are silly, and some are downright degrading.”

He glanced up, continuing to wash her arms. “Like what, my pet?”

Inwardly wincing, she reached for the bottle, her movements clumsy and uncoordinated, only to have him brush her hand away. “Like that. Why do you have to call me
my pet
? I’m not a damned dog.”

Could he care for any woman who submitted to him so completely?

“Of course you’re not.” He rinsed her, running a hand over her shoulder. “It’s a reminder—and an endearment. You’re new to this, and I’d hoped that it would help you, and to reinforce the relationship you’ve asked for.” He smiled, and bent to kiss her shoulder. “I know it can be confusing. I see it in your eyes. Even though you welcome the pleasure, you’re uneasy with the way you respond to me.”

Stunned that her cheeks burned, Kelsey tried to look away, sighing when Gabriel caught her chin and prevented it. Shrugging, she shifted restlessly on his lap. “I was just surprised.” She smiled. “I know I shouldn’t have been. I’m sure you have plenty of practice pleasing women.”

Gabriel chuckled and turned her, settling her with her back to him. “You sound jealous. You’re getting just what you wanted from me.”

“I wasn’t complaining.” She hadn’t meant to sound jealous, and vowed to be more careful with her tone.

He started washing her back, his hands slow and smooth over her skin. “What else bothers you?”

“Why do I have to call you Master?”

“I’ve explained that. Only my friends and lovers call me Gabriel. You’re not interested in being either one. Many Doms prefer to have their slaves call them
. It’s a sign of respect, and in some cases, affection. It also reminds the submissive of her place, and in your case, our arrangement.”

Kelsey cringed at the word
. “Have you ever had another woman call you
?” The question slipped out before she could prevent it. The slippery hands moving over her back lulled her, relaxing each muscle one by one, and she’d blurted it out before she’d censored herself.

“It’s none of your business.” Gabriel rinsed her back. “Stand up.”

Kelsey got to her feet, standing on shaky legs. She started to turn toward him, but he stopped her.

“Stay still.” He lathered her bottom, his fingers pressing in and massaging the muscle there. “Anything else bothering you?”

Besides the fact that you’re staring at my ass?

“I can’t deny that you’re good. I liked it. I mean, I can’t even remember how many times I came—”


Frowning, she looked over her shoulder at him. “I can’t say I’m comfortable with liking it so much. Hell, I don’t know what the hell to think after what just happened, but I know I’m definitely not the submissive type. In the playroom is one thing, but dressing me, and this…”

Gabriel smiled, glancing up at her. “You couldn’t prove it by me. I don’t even think you know what the submissive type is. I told you that a submissive has to be strong. She has to be willing to put herself in another person’s hands. You trust me more than you know. Bend over. Keep your legs straight.”

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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