Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (13 page)

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Gabriel shook his head, smiling. “I can’t wait to see your face when it hits you.”

“When what hits me?”

“You’ll see.”

The elevator opened, and he took her arm again, leading her out and turning left to go down a long hallway, his expression thoughtful. “I want to check out the lotions and oils they have here. I haven’t bought any for you yet and they’re supposed to carry the best. I’ll check them out after I have you waxed.”

Kelsey couldn’t help it. She burst out laughing. “Don’t be ridiculous. If I need hand cream, I buy it from the drugstore.”

Gabriel frowned. “I buy the best, and certainly for you. I told you that I take care of my possessions, and for this week, you’re mine.”

Trying to pull him to a stop proved useless. “Gabriel—”


” She couldn’t understand the thrill that stroked every erogenous zone each time she called him that.

“Yes, darling?”

Bristling at the satisfaction in his tone, she glared at him to hide the surge of lust. “I don’t need to be waxed. In case you hadn’t noticed, I shaved my legs before we left.”

Smiling faintly, he held her gaze. “I noticed. I notice everything about you, Kelsey.”

They’d reached the end of the hall, and Gabriel opened the large, frosted glass door, ushering her inside.

They were greeted by a woman dressed in a gold outfit similar to the one Kelsey wore. Comparing them, she realized that hers had large jeweled clasps, while the woman who worked at the spa wore a much more utilitarian clasp. The other woman didn’t have the beading and crystals at the hemline that Kelsey’s did, either, but with her slim, petite frame, and dark exotic beauty, the other woman didn’t need them.

“I’m Master Gabriel. We have an appointment.”

The woman smiled at Gabriel, not giving Kelsey any more than a passing glance. “Of course, sir. We have everything ready for you. Will you be staying with her, or would you prefer that we deliver her when we’re finished?”

Shocked at their wording, and the way she was being practically ignored, Kelsey opened her mouth to speak, only to snap her mouth closed when Gabriel yanked her against him.

Bending close, he whispered in her ear. “You are not to speak without permission. Lower your eyes. You will not make eye contact with anyone but me.”

Straightening, he squeezed her hand in warning, raising his voice to answer the other woman. “I’ll be staying. She’s new at this and is still learning. She may need my guidance.”

A deep male voice came from her left. “The restraints are in place. Would you like me to take care of it?”

Kelsey began to shake, wanting to look up at the other man but determined to meet the challenge Gabriel had given her, she kept her eyes averted. She didn’t know how many people worked here and didn’t care for the fact that she could be handed over to a total stranger.

Gabriel seemed to take pity on her. “If you’ll show us to the room, I’d like a few minutes alone with my sub before we continue.”

“Of course, sir.” The satisfaction in the other woman’s voice grated on Kelsey’s nerves, and she couldn’t help but turn her head to glare at her as the other woman led them down a short hall to a room at the end.

As soon as the door closed behind her, Kelsey lifted her head. Looking around the well-appointed room, Kelsey found her gaze drawn to a large padded table with restraints at both ends.

“Gab—Master, I don’t understand this. Why all this fuss to wax my legs? I know you’re probably trying to scare me, but—”

“I’m not trying to scare you. I’ll be happy to answer your questions, but I know you’re going to have to experience a lot of things for yourself before you’re curious enough about something to ask. One step at a time, darling.”

Tracing a finger over the clasp between her breasts, Gabriel smiled. “You’re not getting your legs waxed, honey. You’re getting your sweet pussy waxed.”

At her gasp, he gathered her close. “Then I can inspect you properly. You’re not going to believe how much more sensitive you are after you’ve been waxed.”

Looking up at him through her lashes, she sighed, hiding the thrill of excitement that swept through her. “This is going to hurt, isn’t it?”

Gabriel chuckled and slid his hand under her sarong, his firm caress over her bottom reminding her just how easily he could get to every part of her. “Pain can bring pleasure, something you’ve already learned. Do I need to put the restraints on you?”

Kelsey shook her head, not wanting to be restrained with the other woman present. “No. I won’t move. I promise.”

Sliding a finger into the material covering her breasts, he paused, focusing his attention on her nipple. “One of the worst things a submissive can do to her Master is to embarrass him. It’s a sign of disrespect, and one that I won’t tolerate.”

“I wouldn’t do that!” Just the thought of embarrassing him made her feel gauche and unsophisticated again and brought about a niggling belief that she would fall short of his expectations.

“I’m glad to hear that. Be a good girl—”

Frowning, she ran her hand over the leather table. “I hate being called that.”

“I know.”


* * * *


Having her mound waxed hurt more than Kelsey could have imagined, but Gabriel’s watchful presence distracted her from the worst of the pain, the admiration in his eyes making the procedure easier to endure.

He stood beside her, his hand flat on her belly as if to hold her down if she tried to escape. He eyed her mound critically, his gaze occasionally going to hers, smiling in amusement each time she glared at him.

His dark eyes darkened even more as the woman finished and turned away, the promise in them making her impatient to get back to the room.

Now that her mound was smooth and bare, she felt even more vulnerable and exposed. As Gabriel stared down at her, she arched her hips toward him in offering, her skin tingling for his touch. Frowning when the woman returned, she looked back at Gabriel, waiting for him to tell her she could get up.

With a smile, Gabriel took the jar from the woman’s hand. “I’ll put that on her. I think my little sub needs my touch.”

“Of course, sir. Would you like me to wait, or come back?”

“Wait. I’d like her finished as soon as possible.”

Confused, Kelsey looked up at him, biting her lip to keep from asking what more he could possibly have done to her. Aware of the other woman standing nearby with her back to them, Kelsey let her eyes speak for her, letting Gabriel know how much she wanted him without saying a word. She lifted into his touch, a moan of pleasure escaping at the feel of the cool cream being massaged over her stinging mound.

Gabriel smiled, sliding a finger into her pussy. “You like this. You’re soaking wet, my pet.”

Embarrassed that the woman could hear them, Kelsey shot him a dirty look before turning away.

Gabriel, of course, wouldn’t let her ignore him, sliding his finger, coated with the cooling cream, over her clit with a steadiness that had her stiffening at the tingling heat.

She whipped her head around, staring into his eyes as she rocked her hips involuntarily, pressing her lips closed to hold back her cries. She didn’t want to come with the other woman present, and certainly didn’t want the other woman to hear her cries of pleasure.

Gasping at the finger Gabriel slid into her pussy, she glanced toward where the woman stood several feet away, gathering some items while putting away others. She couldn’t close her legs because Gabriel had moved to stand between them, and when she reached down to push his hand away, he slapped hers.

With narrowed eyes, he bent over her, getting in her face and keeping his voice at a furious whisper. “Give me another of those dirty looks, and I’m going to fuck you in the ass right here in front of her. Are we clear?”

Shaking helplessly at his erotic threat, Kelsey nodded, drawing in several shaky breaths. Her clit tingled so much she feared that a single brush of his fingers would send her over. Closing her eyes in relief when he released her clit and withdrew from her pussy, she didn’t object when he flipped her to her stomach, meekly allowing him to arrange her to his satisfaction. She didn’t want to embarrass him in front of the other woman, but found letting him have complete control over her body more difficult and arousing than she could have imagined. When he parted her thighs, she stiffened, alarmed that he would make good on his threat.

Even more shocked that her puckered opening tingled, she couldn’t hold back her cry when firm, male hands gripped her cheeks and parted them. “Be still so she can finish.”

A few minutes later, Kelsey wanted to kill him. Only slightly appeased at the cool cream being smoothed over her forbidden opening, Kelsey kept her burning face buried against the leather table.

“I’d also like body lotion, oil, and bath salts.” The admiration and barely leashed tension in Gabriel’s tone made Kelsey’s toes curl, the need for him making her bottom clench.

“Any special scent, sir?”

Gabriel rubbed a hand over her bottom before releasing her, using the sink to wash his hands. “Anything except vanilla. Perhaps something in a floral. Something feminine and calming.” Using one of the towels stacked beside it, he moved back to the table.

“Of course, sir. Would you like me to send it up to your room?”

“No, thank you. I don’t want to be disturbed. I’ll take them with me.” Lifting her from the table, Gabriel gathered Kelsey against him.

The other woman smiled. “Of course. I’ll get them ready for you.”

Kelsey waited until the other woman left before lifting her gaze to Gabriel’s, reaching out a hand to lay it on his chest. “Did you notice that she never looked directly at you?”

He took her hand in his.

“Rules of the island, Kelsey.” He ran a hand over her hair before reaching for her sarong. “You were very good. I’m proud of you.”

“You threatened me.” Tilting her head, she eyed him curiously. “Would you really have fucked me in the ass in front of her?”

“If I don’t encourage good behavior and punish bad, how are you going to know what’s expected of you?” Grinning, he ran a hand down her back. “Besides, I’d wondered if being with a beautiful woman would excite you, but it didn’t.”

Surprised, Kelsey blinked up at him. “I thought you knew that I only like men.” Squirming under his touch, she lifted again. “I thought this was supposed to be about sex, not about doing things like this to me.”

Gabriel paused before answering, making her wonder what he was thinking. “It is about sex. It’s also about your ability and willingness to submit to my desires.”

Gripping her hands, he pulled her closer and tugged on her ponytail, tilting her face to his. “A Master’s needs are all that should matter to his submissive.”

Struggling to ignore the awareness of being waxed, Kelsey couldn’t help but notice the bulge at the front of Gabriel’s trousers, a large bulge that made her pussy clench. “Does it excite you to know I’m bare, or that I let you do that to me?”

Hell, she’d never be able to resist him. If he asked her to jump on the table and spread her thighs, she would have done it in a heartbeat.

Running a hand down her back as though he couldn’t stop touching her, Gabriel pulled her closer. “Both. Why did you let me have you waxed?”

Leaning back, she looked up at him with a smile. “Good question.” Shrugging, she flattened a hand against his chest, smoothing it over the firm muscle there.

Gripping her chin, he tilted her head back, his eyes flat. “You want adventure and pleasure. You have no say in anything I do to you or make you do while we’re here.” His eyes narrowed. “Because you’ve never experienced this lifestyle, I’m allowing your questions, but I won’t allow you to dictate what’s done to you or when.”

Taking her hand, he led her to the door, caressing her bottom as she went through the doorway. “And believe me, my pet, I’m doing to do things to you this week that have never been done to you before—things that you’ll either love or hate—but that will shake you out of that shell you’ve built around yourself until I get to the real you.”

His gaze moved over her breasts before settling on hers again. “And when I get to the real you, I’m going to do everything in my power to keep you. You might want to ask yourself what you’re going to do when that happens.”

Chapter Eight


Kelsey stiffened at the ominous sound of the lock clicking into place, jolting when Gabriel’s hands closed over her shoulders.

Turning her in his arms, he reached between them to finger the clasp between her breasts, his eyes unreadable. “Slip off your shoes.”

Kelsey shivered as the material covering her breasts fell away, his cold tone filling her with anticipation and apprehension. Smiling, she kicked her sandals off and arched toward him. “Anything you say,
. You gonna fuck me now?”

Aching for him, and thrilled at the flare in his eyes each time she challenged him, she looked up at him expectantly.

Gabriel’s expression never changed, but his eyes flashed with something that looked like a combination of satisfaction and amusement. “You’re going to be such a trial to me.” With a flick of his fingers, the sarong fell away. “I’m going to enjoy turning that defiant attitude of yours into something a hell of a lot more productive.”

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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