Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (17 page)

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Kelsey stilled, her pulse tripping. “Excuse me?”

Running his hands over her bottom and down the backs of her thighs, Gabriel blew out a breath. “You,
my pet
, have already earned several punishments from me. I’ve been easy on you because you’re new at this, but I won’t tolerate insolence or disobedience from you.”

Kelsey shivered, and couldn’t resist putting up a mild objection, a little unnerved at the excitement flooding her veins at the cool command in his voice. “I don’t know why I have to bend over. This is stupid. Ow!”

Jolting at the sharp slap, she turned to look at him over her shoulder, once again struck by the power emanating from him.

Raising a brow, he ran his hand over her bottom in a warning caress, a dark brow going up when she hesitated. “Are you really going to disobey me for something so insignificant?”

Swallowing heavily, Kelsey shook her head, her face burning at the thought of appearing so naïve. Trembling, she turned back and slowly bent, placing her hands flat on the edge of the tub to brace herself. She stiffened when his warm hands settled on the cheeks of her ass, her thighs trembling when he pulled them apart and stroked a finger over her puckered opening.

Biting her lip, she sucked in a breath, locking her knees to stay upright. She couldn’t believe the vulnerability at having him look at her so intimately.

When she’d thought about submission, she’d only considered the pain, not the overwhelming intimacy, an intimacy that seemed to know no bounds.

“Very good, my pet. I wanted to check and make sure your ass isn’t too red. It’s a little pink. I’ll put some ointment on it when I’m done. Stand up. I want to finish washing you.”

Feeling foolish for overreacting, Kelsey straightened, trying to ignore the tingling sensation that lingered. “I didn’t know what you were going to do.”

“It doesn’t matter what I’m going to do. When I tell you to do something, you do it. Turn around and face me.”

Assuming he was testing her, Kelsey turned, smiling as she folded her arms across her chest.

His eyes lit with amusement. “Spread yourself.” Sitting back as though master of all he surveyed, he spread his arms out along the rim of the tub and waited.

Knowing he would only wait a certain length of time before making her pay for keeping him waiting, Kelsey unfolded her hands with a sigh, and spread her folds, once again struck by the intimacy and vulnerability of being exposed at his whim.

“Very good, my pet. You’re learning.” His gaze settled on her slit, and to Kelsey’s irritation, he waited several long seconds before reaching for the soft washcloth.

Clenching her hands at her sides against the sensation, she gritted her teeth. “I hate being patronized.”

“Then stop being belligerent.” He ran the cloth over her sensitive flesh, cleaning her with a thoroughness that left her trembling all over again.

Once he finished, he got to his feet, helping her to sit. “Stay in here and soak while I shower. I smell like lavender.”

Mentally shrugging, Kelsey sank into the water. Watching Gabriel walk into the shower, she reached for one of the towels he’d stacked on the edge of the tub and rolled it to pillow her head. Leaning back, she ran her fingers through the surface of the water in an absent gesture, while struggling to come to grips with her response to Gabriel’s brand of sex.

The raw edginess suited her personality, but she hadn’t planned on Gabriel’s effect on her emotions.

He seemed to know her body as well as she did, knew how to give her pleasure in a way no man ever had. He had a naughty streak a mile wide that she absolutely loved.

She couldn’t help but give in to it, not realizing that each touch made her love for him even deeper. As the feelings she had for him grew, she opened herself more and more to being hurt—especially if she couldn’t be the kind of submissive he needed.

She worried that her inexperience would bore him, and that her reluctance to do some of the things he might demand of her would make him realize that he’d been wrong about her after all.

She worried that she would lose herself under his dominance, and that she would once again become the scared little girl she’d been in the foster home, a girl who had no choice but to rely on others for everything.

Gabriel seemed to have no trouble controlling her, leaving Kelsey wondering just how much of her he would demand.

She didn’t know how much she could give, and at what point would she have nothing of her independence left.

He’d actually threatened to spank her, as if she was a child to discipline.

Gabriel stuck his head out of the large shower stall, his thick hair like a black curtain to his shoulders. “I can hear your brain working from here. What’s bothering you now?”

Kelsey shrugged, looking away, once again struck by how much he saw. “You’re not really serious about the spankings, are you? I mean, I’m not really doing anything that violates those stupid rules of yours.”

The water from the shower stopped, and a few seconds later, Gabriel stepped out. Naked and with water streaming down his body, he stole her breath. His cock, semi-erect, hung, dark and thick between his thighs, the sight of it—and him—far too intimidating and deliciously irresistible for her peace of mind.

Grabbing one of the towels, he rubbed it briskly over himself before wrapping it around his waist. “First of all, the
aren’t stupid, and they serve a purpose—which we’ve already discussed. And yes, a submissive must follow those rules. You don’t have to agree with them, and you certainly don’t have to like them, but you
have to obey them. If you don’t for whatever reason, you have to accept the punishment.”

Grabbing another towel, he started toward her, holding out a hand to steady her as she got out. “It wouldn’t be punishment if you liked it.” Sitting with her on his lap, he eluded her efforts to take the towel from him and began to dry her. “Knowing that you’re going to have to drape yourself across my lap if you disobey me should go a long way toward curbing your defiance. Stand up.”

Standing in front of him, Kelsey grimaced. “I can dry myself, you know?”

“Yes, I know, but that’s not the point now, is it? You’re mine, at least for the rest of our stay here. It’s up to me to care for you.” Blowing out a breath, he swatted her ass. “I’ve told you that enough times already, Kelsey. Stop trying to renegotiate our agreement. It’s done. Stand still.”

He reached for a jar that sat on the counter with several other supplies from the spa. After scooping out some of the thick cream with the tips of his fingers, he turned to her and began to smooth it onto her mound.

Bracing a hand on the countertop, she bit back a moan at the cooling sensation. “You were right. It’s a lot more sensitive there. It makes me feel even more naked, if that’s possible.”

Gabriel nodded and finished smoothing on the balm. “Turn around and bend over. I want to put some on your bottom. It’ll soothe you there.”

Uncomfortable doing something so intimate, she hesitated, earning a disapproving look from him.

Shaking his head, he smiled faintly. “You can’t follow the simplest instructions, can you?”

Clenching her jaw, she turned, sticking her ass out at him. “I can follow them. It’s just different when I’m not aroused. It’s…

Gabriel chuckled softly, spreading her bottom cheeks and rubbing some of the soothing balm on to her puckered opening. When he finished, he stood and washed his hands, looking at her in the mirror as he dried them. “But what I did to you in the playroom wasn’t intimate?” Rubbing her hip, he guided her into the bedroom.

Walking beside him, and warmed by his touch, Kelsey looked up at him and frowned. “I told you, it’s different when I’m aroused. I guess most people are the same. You’d do things when you’re aroused that you normally wouldn’t do.”

Going to the closet, Gabriel picked out another outfit for her, this one in red with gold beaded trim.

“You’ll find that I don’t have to be aroused to touch you intimately.” He ran the backs of his fingers over her breasts as he fastened the jeweled clasp. “I love your soft skin and I’m going to touch you quite often. Everywhere.”

Ignoring her glare, he slipped on another pair of cotton pants in white, and a black cotton T-shirt, somehow looking sophisticated and elegant in the casual clothing. Grinning, he held out a hand to her. “Of course, as soon as I touch you, I’m aroused. Come on. Let’s go down and pick up the picnic lunch they’ve prepared for us. We can eat on the beach.”

Chapter Ten


Gabriel made a call before they left the room, telling someone on the other end that they would be on the south side of the island.

As they left the room, Kelsey eyed him curiously. “Who did you just call?”

“Steve’s men. I don’t want anyone spying on us.” Sliding a hand under her sarong, and over the cheek of her ass, Gabriel smiled. “It’s a very private picnic, and I don’t want anyone to see my exclusive property.”

Stepping into the elevator, Kelsey frowned up at him. “You know I hate it when you call me your pet or your property. I think you do it just to piss me off.”

When the doors closed, Gabriel ran a finger down her arm, making her shiver. “For this week, you’re both. You’re also the most important thing in my world, and what I value and cherish above all else.” Grinning, he leaned close. “And yes, to piss you off. You’ve been giving me trouble ever since I met you. You’re not an easy woman to know, Kelsey, and can be as frustrating as hell, but I understand you, and I sure as hell understand what you need. You’ve made me see what I need as well.”

Not knowing how to respond to that, and uncomfortable at the rush of warmth that his words and the affection in his eyes created, she looked away. Stiffening at the feel of his hand sliding under the sarong again and over her mound, she whipped her head around. “Stop that.”

“No. I want to touch you, and I won’t be ignored. Here we are.”

When the elevator doors opened, he led her to one of the chairs in the lobby. “Wait here. Our basket should be at the desk.”

Several minutes later, Kelsey found herself sitting on a blanket in the soft sand, with Gabriel sprawled out next to her. “You know, I never would have taken you for the picnic type.”

Gabriel reached into the basket and pulled out a bottle of wine, sitting up to uncork it. “Oh? And what type am I?”

She opened the basket with the intention of retrieving the wineglasses, blinking up at Gabriel when he slapped her hand away.

“No peeking. So, what type do you think I am?”

Stretching out, she leaned back on her hands and looked out at the ocean, feeling more relaxed than she could ever remember. “I take you as the fancy restaurant type.” Gesturing toward the bottle into the two crystal glasses he’d retrieved from the basket, she smiled. “Wine. Crystal. A closet full of designer suits.”

He offered her one of the glasses. “I like the finer things in life. I work hard, and I enjoy surrounding myself with beautiful things, and I like my comfort. Is there anything wrong with that?”

“No. It’s just that you and I have absolutely nothing in common.”

Reaching out, Gabriel slid two fingers behind the clasp between her breasts and undid it. Still holding one end when the other fell away, he brought it toward his face, running it under his nose and inhaling deeply, while his gaze moved over her exposed breasts.

Raising a brow, he eyed her searchingly. “I didn’t think you particularly cared if we had anything in common. I think I like you in lavender. What do you think?”

Inwardly wincing at her slip, she kept her features carefully schooled so as not to let him see just how fascinating and erotic she found his sensual actions. She loved the feel of the sun on her breasts, thrilled at the warm breeze blowing over her nipples. With her hair still up in a high ponytail, there was nothing to cover her, and she loved it.

“I don’t care. I just find your lifestyle interesting.” Laughing softly when his eyes narrowed, she shook her head. “I could never live it, but it’s interesting.” Gesturing toward strip of silky fabric he’d set aside, she raised her glass. “I don’t wear perfume. I’m surprised you picked something floral. I’m not exactly the feminine type.”

Gabriel reached into the basket again. “You claimed that you weren’t the submissive type either, and yet you’re both. I think I know you better than you know yourself, my pet.” Frowning, he glanced up at the sun. “Even though it’s late afternoon, we’re going to have to watch your skin. I don’t want you getting burned.”

Enjoying the sensuality and freedom of the being naked from the waist up, of being outside with no chance of being seen, she smiled and took a sip of her wine. “This is one of my fantasies, you know?”

“What is?”

Lifting her face to the sun, she closed her eyes, humming with pleasure at the feel of the warm breeze blowing over her breasts. “I’ve always wanted to sunbathe in the nude. I know sunbathing is bad for you and all that, but it’s something I always wanted to do. It just seems so decadent.” Shading her eyes, she looked at him again, expecting him to make some sarcastic remark.

Instead, he looked pleased that she’d confided in him. “We wouldn’t want to deny you any of your fantasies. I’ll let you sunbathe for a little while. I want to put some sunscreen on you, though.” His wicked grin sent a surge of lust through her. “I wouldn’t want sunburn to get in the way of my plans for you.”

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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