Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (18 page)

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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With a laugh, Kelsey reached out to him, cupping his jaw. “You really are naughty, a quality I really like in a man.”

Gabriel’s eyes narrowed, something flashing in them and disappearing before she could decipher it.

Shocked at what she’d done, she started to pull her hand away, her breath catching when Gabriel caught it in his and lifted it to his lips. Belatedly remembering she’d been forbidden from touching him, she started to apologize. “I’m—”

“Don’t.” His eyes gleamed with something that stole her breath and made her heart race. “You told me one of your fantasies. That means a great deal to me. Would you like to touch me?”

Taking a sip of wine to ease her dry throat, she eyed him warily, wondering how he would react if he knew that she wanted to touch him almost constantly. “Wouldn’t that break the rules?”

His eyes narrowed warningly as he tightened his hold in her wrist, preventing her from pulling away from him. “When I ask you a question, I expect an answer.”

The tingling in her nipples shouldn’t have surprised her. Bared to the waist, she couldn’t hide it, stiffening when Gabriel let his gaze linger over her nipples just long enough to let her know that he saw her reaction. She already knew she responded to that steely, silky tone, a tone that held a hint of a threat, and a lot of control.

Shaking her head, she pulled her hand away, relieved that he allowed it. “Yes, I’d like to touch you.” Lifting the glass again, she eyed him over the rim. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course.”

“Would you like me to touch you?” Her hands itched to stroke his skin, to feel that hard, hot muscle bunch and shift as she ran her hands over him.

She needed to know if she would see desire in his eyes when she ran her hands over him.

Reaching out a hand, Gabriel ran the backs of his fingers over her right breast. He didn’t speak for several long seconds, seeming lost in thought as he teased her nipple, never looking away from it.

Finally, he lifted his head, his expression cool. “I’d like very much to have your hands on me, but I’m afraid that’s not part of our agreement. When you want to touch me, ask. I may or may not let you, depending on the circumstances. Right now, the answer is no.” Producing a tube of sunscreen, he gestured toward her sarong. “Strip out of that and let me put this on you so we can eat. No. Stand up. I want to see you.”

She’d always considered herself slightly brazen, but still looked around to make sure no one could see her as she got to her feet, the vulnerability she felt in Gabriel’s presence emphasized when she unclasped the sarong and let it fall to the blanket.

He reached for it almost immediately, shoving it into the basket with her top. “Come here.”

She closed the short distance between them, swallowing heavily and trying not to think about the fact that her mound was practically in his face.

Squeezing a generous amount of sunscreen into his hand, Gabriel eyed her critically. “Your skin isn’t fair, but fair enough. I’m going to have to watch you closely.”

Kelsey gasped at the feel of the cool lotion touching her skin, trembling as it warmed almost immediately as Gabriel smoothed it in. Her stomach quivered under his hand, and she found herself holding her breath as he slid his hand lower. Her thighs trembled under his touch, and when he ordered her to spread them, her cheeks burned in embarrassment at the moisture coating them.

She settled somewhat when he moved lower to apply sunscreen to her knees, her shins, and even her feet.

He didn’t speak as he ran his hands over her, pausing to fill his palms several times, his movements slow as he rubbed the lotion thoroughly into her skin. Once he’d finished with her belly and legs, he concentrated on her mound.

“Keep your legs spread. I want to put on a nice thick coat because you’re going to lie back with your legs parted, and I want your slit protected.”

Biting her lip to hold back a cry, Kelsey stood as still as she could while Gabriel applied a thick layer of sunscreen to her slit, his fingers moving with firm deliberation over her folds.

A moan escaped when he got to his feet and began to rub the lotion on to her arms and shoulders, the rhythm of his caresses lulling her into a relaxed state that soon had her closing her eyes and leaning back against him.

When his hands came around her to massage the lotion into her breasts, she’d become so relaxed and pliant that she couldn’t even stiffen.

Instead, she slumped back against him with a moan.

Neither one of them spoke as he smoothed the lotion into her skin, the feel of his warm, firm hands on her breasts building her arousal by slow increments.

By the time he finished applying the sunscreen, every inch of her skin tingled with awareness. His touch, the warm sun, and the island breeze, along with the vulnerability of being naked outside, all combined to ignite her senses in a way that left her trembling and feeling slightly primitive.

Once he lowered her to the blanket, Gabriel sat across from her again and frowned. “Give me your nipples. I want to put a thick coat on them so they don’t burn. Get on your knees and lean toward me.”

Reacting to the authority in his tone, Kelsey slowly came to her knees and leaned toward him, feeling like a seductress. Arching her breasts toward him only increased the wild hunger burning inside her.

His smile of appreciation made her want him even more, and was immediately followed by the flash of challenge in his eyes. “No, my pet. Cup them. Offer them to me.”

Her pussy clenched at the dare. To tease both of them, she ran her hands over her stomach, working her way slowly to her breasts, the thick coat of lotion making her skin slippery to the touch. Trailing her fingers over the underside, she stared into his eyes, thrilling when they darkened and narrowed. Cupping her breasts, she lifted them to him. “Like this, Master?”

Surprising herself by addressing him in such a way, she found herself even more surprised by the jolt of heat that went through her, a heat reflected in Gabriel’s eyes.

“Very good, my pet. God help me when you realize what you do to me. Now, be still so I can put this on you.”

Using the tips of two fingers, Gabriel applied a thick layer of the sunscreen in a circular motion over her nipple, his slow devious caress sending ribbons of tingling sensation to her clit. “Spread your thighs for me.”

Obeying him, she shivered as a warm breeze blew over her damp folds, once again struck by just how naked she felt now that she’d been waxed.

He left her nipples white with the thick cream and moved his attention to her slit. “We need to keep this covered. I wouldn’t want you to burn here. That would ruin all my fun.” Applying a thick coat of the sunscreen, he glanced up, smiling. “You’re soaking wet, my pet. You’re such a sensuous creature and you never even allow yourself to explore that side of yourself. Pity.”

Flattening her hands on her stomach, she tried to keep still as he massaged the cream into her skin, each slide of his fingers over her mound and folds exciting her more.

“Sex has always been fast and furious. That’s how I like it.”

Gabriel inclined his head. “It can be that way. It can also be slow and breathtaking. You like to play. You like to explore, and you’re delightfully curious. I’m honored that you allow me to show you this side of yourself. Your trust in exploring with me means a great deal to me, probably a lot more than you realize.”

When he finished, he sat back, reaching into the basket again and producing a package of wipes. “I had the chef prepare a light lunch for us. Lean back on your hands again, and you can do your sunbathing while I feed you. I want you to savor it while you’re lying there with the sun and the breeze on your skin.”

Leaning back on one arm, Kelsey trembled with anticipation and arousal as she watched Gabriel over the rim of her wineglass. Her heart raced at the sight of him as he stripped off his shirt and dug into the basket again. “So you rub sunscreen on me, wash me, feed me, and
the submissive one?”

Gabriel grinned. “I told you, it takes some time to get used to. Actually, I’m going very slowly with you. With only a week to work with, I should speed it up, but I don’t think you could handle it.”

Insulted, Kelsey sat up. “What do you mean, I can’t handle it? What kind of stuff do you want to do to me?”

She had to learn everything she could about her ability to be what he needed before the week was up, something she couldn’t do if he went too slowly.

It appeared she’d have to dare him—challenge him—to speed things up.


* * * *


Gabriel let his gaze rake over her again, his cock still throbbing at the way she’d addressed him as Master without coaxing. He watched her carefully, pleased to see that she reacted to the slightest inflection in his tone of voice.

He wanted to transport her into a world where nothing mattered except his voice, his touch, and him.

Holding up a cold shrimp, he smiled. “It’s a matter of conditioning, Kelsey. You need to think like a submissive, one of the hardest things to do. I understand that a lot of this is an adventure for you, and very different. You’re alternately rebellious or a smart-ass, addressing me as Master when you want to play.” He ran the shrimp over her bottom lip, pulling it back when she started to close her mouth over it.

“No. Part your lips. Touch the shrimp with your tongue.”

He tensed, his cock jumping at the rebellion in her eyes now as her tongue darted out, the tip of it touching the shrimp. “Very good. Now, take a bite and chew it slowly. Savor it.”

As he fed himself, and her, bites of the cold shrimp, he continued their conversation. “You want the pleasure, which is fine with me. You are, however, going to have to do things my way in order to get it.”

Hiding a smile at her scowl, he fed her another piece of shrimp. “You’re doing a wonderful job. You couldn’t be expected to do all that’s required of a sub in just a week.”

He wanted to laugh out loud at her glare. He knew Kelsey would rise to the challenge, and that telling her she couldn’t do something would be the equivalent of waving a red flag in front of her.

She frowned adorably, her chin going up in that sassy way that made him want her more. “I can do it.”

Hiding a smile, Gabriel pursed his lips. “If you put your mind to it, you could.”

Once they’d finished the shrimp, he poured her another glass of wine. “Did you enjoy the shrimp?”

Kelsey waved a hand in dismissal. “Yes. What do you mean? Are you saying that I’m not doing what’s expected of a submissive?”

He wanted to laugh out loud at the insult in her tone, filled with satisfaction that he’d judged her correctly. The glimmer of hurt in her eyes, though, gave him hope more than anything could have.

No matter what she said, she wasn’t in this just for the pleasure. She was in it for him, and he couldn’t have loved her more.

Careful to keep his tone cool, he smiled instead of jumping up and shouting with joy the way he wanted to. “Of course not, my pet. I told you that you’re doing a wonderful job. Hmm. Would you like some melon?”

Kelsey got to her knees, some of her wine sloshing out of her glass. “Don’t patronize me! I’m doing everything you want. I even let you tie me up. I let that woman wax me. I have to wear those stupid outfits and everything.”

Gabriel pierced a melon ball with his fork. “I. I. I. I.” He held it at her lips. “A proper submissive isn’t just a limp dishrag, and she certainly isn’t selfish.” Ignoring her gasp, he continued, finding it harder and harder to hide a smile. “She actively seeks to please her Master. To put him first. Some women just aren’t strong enough, or committed enough to do that. Now, I think you’ve had enough sun on that side.” When she opened her mouth, he popped the piece of melon inside. “Flip over to your belly, my pet.”

Kelsey swallowed the melon, practically sputtering. “Limp dishrag? Selfish? Listen, Gabriel, I can do this. I just don’t understand all the rules.”

Enjoying the sight of her well-rounded bottom, Gabriel nodded. “Of course you could. I think that if you really put your mind to it, you could find a lot of satisfaction in submitting completely. I think a woman like you could go far. You’re strong. You could endure what it took to experience quite a bit of pleasure.”

She looked at him over her shoulder, frowning. “And you don’t think I’m doing that?”

Looking away to spear another piece of melon, he allowed himself a faint smile. “I think you’re doing as well as you can. You’re strong, but your attitude gets in the way.”

“Excuse me?”

Running a hand over her lush ass, he took another sip of his wine, struggling to keep his tone cool. “You keep putting barriers between us that you think I don’t notice. You disobey quite a bit, and I think it’s because you’re afraid that I’m going to make you feel more than you want to. I told you before that a Dom and a submissive have a very close relationship, and I think you’re scared of that.”

He gave her ass a light slap. “I want it all. I already told you that, and I won’t allow your defiance to get in the way of experiencing this thing between us to the fullest. The only way to properly train you is to punish you for bad behavior and reinforce good.” Bending to kiss a sun-warmed ass cheek, he chuckled. “You’re already trying to renegotiate and find a way out of a spanking, which is ridiculous. I won’t let punishment slide, and you’re anticipating it anyway.”

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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