Country Boy 2 (15 page)

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Authors: Blake Karrington

BOOK: Country Boy 2
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"Bitches!" Van screamed.


"I was only kidding shawty, come mere."



Chapter 11


[A Change Gonna Come]


Q was lounging around the house, mostly on the Semi-Circled Leather Sofa, knowing that Van would kill him if she caught him with his Nike Boots kicked up on the expensive cushions. He was glancing over the blueprints and final layout of their dream house and noticed that Van had labeled every room in the future house, from the kitchen to each of the five bedrooms. Keonne and Lil Gerard had their own bedrooms along with the Guest and Master bedrooms. The final bedroom had a small drawing of four balloons, two pink, the other two blue with the words “Our Future” written in small letters.


Q smiled.... He knew how badly Van wanted to have a child, and he knew no matter how much it cost, he couldn't wait to honor her wish.


UGK's old school joint 'I left it wet' began playing on his Black Berry, indicating an incoming call.


"Yeah." he answered.


"Hi there stranger." It was Tee.


"Stranger?" Q asked.


"Well, I haven't seen you in what Q.... A week?"


"And whose fault is that?" he asked.


"A-N-Y-W-A-Y.... Are you coming by the shop today? I really need to talk with you about something."


"Is everything okay Tee?" Q asked with concern.


"Your son and I are fine baby."


"I'll be there in about an hour. Do you need anything?"


"I'm starving Q."


"We all are starving." Terri and Elbony yelled out in the background.


Q laughed before responding.


"Alight ma, what do y'all have an appetite for?"


"How about some soul food." Tee answered.


"Soul Food it is." Q said before ending the call.








"It's beautiful out here Dame." Gazelle said to him.


He'd taken her and their daughter India, out sightseeing and looking at the different houses within the area with large front and back yards, most of them were fenced in. Dame stared at his woman in the passenger’s seat of their rental car. It would be at least another week before the new carpet and seats were installed in his truck. He still couldn't believe that Scar had managed to drive himself to the hospital after seeing the amount of blood he'd lost. Now his partner in crime would spend the rest of his life with the scars from that attack.


Dame continued to stare at Gazelle and their little girl. He had known that little India would be excited, but seeing Gazelle so happy really touched him. Especially after the close call in their apartment building, Dame, having been in the game for over ten years, knew the streets were watching. Jamaica Avenue was still one of the most dangerous sections of New York.


"Are you okay?" Gazelle asked breaking his train of thoughts.


"Yeah.... Yeah." Dame answered snapping out of his temporary daydream.


They turned into an entranceway that read, "The Meadow-Wood Community".


"Where are we going?" Gazelle asked looking at the beautifully manicured lawns in the quiet neighborhood.


"Chill ma, I've got a surprise for the both of you."


About five minutes later they pulled into the half circled driveway of a beautiful split level home. There was a Century 21 sign in the front yard with the word SOLD written across it in bold letters. Dame jumped out the driver’s seat.


"Are you coming?" He asked.


"This is someone's House Dame." Gazelle said while pointing at the sign. "Now get back in this car before you get arrested."


Dame ignored her last statement and walked around to the passenger side of the rental car.


"Come on doe, we're only looking ma."


"What about the owners, Dame?"


"They're not here ma." He said grabbing Gazelle's hand pulling her from the car. "Trust me ma." He quickly said.


Dame walked Gazelle and little India up the beautiful walkway leading to the front door of the house.


"It's alright ma." He comforted her saying as he felt the slight trembling of her hand.


"But Baby, we're trespassing on someone else's property. I mean, it's beautiful, but I.... I mean we...."


"It's ours!" Dame blurted out.


"What did you say?" Gazelle asked turning in his direction.


She thought Dame had fallen down when she turned to find him down on one knee. For a split second their surroundings seemed to come to a complete standstill. Dame stared up into the most beautiful pair of green eyes he'd ever seen while he spoke.


"Baby, these last few months have been really tough on you and our little Princess. When I had nothing and was hustling on the block for a pair of British Walkers or limbs, you held me down remember? "


Gazelle smiled reminiscing on those days. Dame continued.


"What about the stretch I had to do on the Island, G- You never missed one visit, ma. Word up!"


Gazelle stood and listened as Dame continued to serenade her on her soldierette status, but was unable to hold back the tears when he pulled the 2.5 carat diamond ring from his pocket before proposing to her.


"Yes! Yes! Yess!” Gazelle screamed before falling in his arms causing them both to crash to the ground. "I Love You."


Gazelle said between wet kisses.


Aiight ma.” Dame answered trying to cover his face at the same time.


Before she could gain control of her excitement, Dame slid some keys from his other pocket.


"Welcome home!" He said.


Before Gazelle could claim anymore kisses Dame raced towards the front door.


"Wait, Daddy!" India yelled as she tugged her Mother close behind.


The house was just as beautiful on the inside. The master bedroom had more space than their entire apartment back in New York. Out back was an in ground swimming pool along with a small playground for India. Gazelle was speechless.


"I made arrangements to have our furniture shipped the first of the week, ma."


"What about you’re Mother, Dame?"


Dame's mother suffered from Lupus. After her youngest son, Quake, was murdered she'd been having a lot of trouble keeping her illness under control. Dame took care of her. He'd hired a full time nurse to care for her while he was out of town. Dame sighed before responding.


"I'm hoping she'll move down here with us G, but the city life is all she’d known. It would be hard to convince her to leave a place she had lived in for over sixty years."


"Well, maybe we can convince her that it's time for a change Dame.... Besides it's just.... It's just beautiful out here." Gazelle said.


"I don't know ma.... Mother can be a stubborn woman when it comes to her native New York."


"What about a vacation then?"


"A vacation?"


"Yes, a vacation Dame.... I think that once your mother sees this place she will love it.... Then maybe she will make her own decision to stay."


"I think that's a good idea Doe, but...."


"Mommy.... Mommy!" India cut her Daddy off screaming.


"What is it India?"


"Can we go swimming Mommy? Please."


"No India, we don't have a hair dresser down here yet."


India began to cry.


"India don't."


"It's okay Doe.... We can find you a hair dresser; let our Lil Princess enjoy herself."


"Spoiled... Spoiled… Spoiled..!" Gazelle screamed as she grabbed India tickling her.


After enjoying their new home, and pool, Dame and his family were back inside the rental car.












"And what is your name. Beautiful?" Tee said to the little girl.


"India." She shyly responded.


"That's a pretty name, little Lady!"


Just before Q turned his CL into the salon's parking lot a cold chill came over his body forcing him to instantly become alert. Checking the rearview mirror, he saw the burgundy rental car attempting to make a u-turn in the heavily congested traffic.


Dame sat in the heavy traffic impatiently trying to get the rental car turned around. He spotted the Black on Black Benz just as he pulled out of the hair salon parking lot. He wasn't sure if it was the same car the cat from East Washington Street drove and contemplated on letting the thought pass, until he saw the car turn into the salon's parking lot.


Meanwhile, Q sat in the driver’s seat glancing out the side mirrors of the Benz. He reached over and grabbed both of his Colts sliding them both down in front of his loosely fitted True Religion Jeans.


"Damn." He mumbled to himself as he tried to conceal the two ivory butts of his pistols underneath his wife-beater.


As soon as he exited from the driver’s seat the rental car slowly drove past the parking lot. Q held the four foam plates of food directly in front of him with his left arm. Leaving his right hand within easy reach of his guns.


Dame stared hard in his direction;
a little


Q thought to himself. He turned and walked into the salon.


"Hey baby, it's about time you showed up. I'm starving!"


"You mean we're starving!" Terri yelled.


Q didn't respond, instead he sat their food on Tee's counter. After getting no response Tee looked up from her client just as he sat down the food. Tee noticed the seriousness in his eyes and knew something was wrong. Q gave her a double nod before walking toward her office. Tee raised Gazelle's head from the sink and wrapped her hair with a towel.


"Could you excuse me for a moment?" She asked.


"Sure." Gazelle answered as Tee turned in the direction of her office. Dame's voice stopped her when he spoke to Gazelle.


"Yo G, did you see somebody come in here, ma?"


Gazelle was confused by his question.


"What are you talking about Dame? I was...."


The sound of Q's voice penetrated her words when he stepped from the office.


"You looking for me, nigga? If so, save all the talkin for the Preacher, Homie!"


Dame stood only a few feet from Q as he sized him up. His wifebeater seemed to be doing a poor job of hiding his massive frame. He then looked down at the chrome plated Colt 45 loosely tucked behind his waistband. Q's other hand was hidden behind his right leg, but Dame was no fool. Ten years in the murder and hustle game gave him a lifetime of reality and right now reality was the single red dot resting on the floor next to this big nigga's Air Force One's.


"Big Country, huh?" Said Dame.


"The one and only." Q assured him as they both crept towards one another. Gazelle's screams from within would have pierced every eardrum in the salon if she could have managed to release them. Her body seemed to be hyperventilating from seemingly unwanted forces.


Standing less than ten feet apart, Dame stared directly into his nemesis’ unblinking eyes before he continued


"I see you got the upper hand, Son." He said glancing down at Q’s right hand.


"Ain't no rules in dying playboy." Q responded.


"Look Son, all I want is the nigga who killed my Brother, B. Word up. I'ma murk his ass."


Dame's threats of killing Q's homie caused him to loose control. He raised his Colt until the red dot landed on Dame's forehead.

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