Country Boy 2 (13 page)

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Authors: Blake Karrington

BOOK: Country Boy 2
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"I said that I thought he was...."


"No*... No ma." He said once again stopping her. "I'm talking about the Red Dots."


Dame once again sat and listened to Gazelle give a recount of the quadruple homicide which took place in their building.


"Get some rest, ma." He said as he stood and walked over to the window of their new apartment on Jamaica Avenue.


"One more thing." She said causing him to turn away from the window facing her again.


"Whoever he was, he saved our Daughter...."










It had been approximately thirty minutes since Dame walked in and out of the Real Estate Office who'd been in charge of the lease on their apartment. After giving a description of the gunman no one had seen or heard of anyone fitting it, but one of the new employees did speak with a Woman of Jamaican decent about their apartment the day before the murders.


Back in the Carolina's Van finally returned to her Nursing Job. After a three month leave during Q's Court battle she was back doing what she loved and that was caring for her daily patients. Sadly upon her return she received the tragic news that one of her long time patients passed away during her absence.


Still she kept herself as busy as possible, but it didn't matter how busy she pretended to be she couldn't get Q off her mind. Sitting alone in her Office she could, no longer hold back the tears. Vans cried for nearly an hour, but still refused to breakdown and call him.


Q tossed his Black Berry into his passenger’s seat of his "Benz." In a span of only four days he'd killed as many people.


'It wasn't as if they didn't deserve it.' He sat thinking to himself. 'But what about me.... my sole purpose for being there was to kill two innocent people."


"That was fuckin stupid!" He yelled at himself out loud.


Then he thought of Van. She was right, how could he have ever fathomed the idea of killing a beautiful Woman and a Precious little Girl. All over a fifty thousand dollar price tag neither of them knew about.


Picking up his Black Berry Phone, he tried calling Van's cell phone first, her voice mail picked up. He then dialed her Office Phone, the tender voice of her answering machine said leave a message.


"What's up, ma? I was really hoping to speak with you about our situation, but I see that you're busy dealing with more important things...."


He paused before he continued. "I Love You Shawty.... And I always will.... Q."










Inside the Salon the mood was bittersweet for the Girls. Seven days and still no one had heard from Q. But they'd found out earlier from June, who called every few hours that the State had offered the rest of the Crew members Plea Agreements.


Terri and Elbony were ecstatic over the news, but Tee didn't seem to have the energy to do anything. Q never ignored their personnel Code. She was upset with him, but more worried about his safety.


'She would kill him later.' She thought to herself.


"Where are you?" She mumbled to no one in particular.


"Did you say something?" Terri asked her.


"Aah.... I said I was hungry." She lied.


"Well, what about going to get us .something to eat." She said pointing at herself and Elbony. Without answering Tee grabbed her Coach Bag and rushed out the door.


The moment he stepped into the Salon Q noticed the worried looks on both Elbony and Terri's faces.


"Sup y'all?" He said


"Boy, where have you been?" Said Elbony pointing a curling Iron at him.


"Yeah, somebody's got some serious explaining to do." Terri blurted out.


"Thanks for the warning." Q said then walked towards Tee's Office.


"She stepped out to pick up lunch, but don't think that you're leaving before she gets back." They both said at the same time while spreading their arms blocking the door.


Q laughed at the way they looked standing in the doorway holding two Hot Curling Irons.


"OH, it’s like that huh?"


"Just like that!" Elbony yelled.


"Okay Gangsters, I see whose side you two are on." Q said as he continued walking to Tee's Office.




After picking up lunch Tee was so deep in her own thoughts she didn't noticed Q's Benz parked at the far corner of her building. Once inside she sat the other Girl's lunches down, and then headed towards her Office.


"You have company." Terri blurted out.


Tee turned around and stared at them both, but didn't respond.


"We held him hostage." Elbony said holding up a set of Hot Curling Irons.


Tee smiled at her two best friends then stepped inside her Office. She found Q sprawled out on her Office Couch sleeping peacefully. Tee was upset with him for not calling, but seeing him lying there like this reminded her how much she really missed him.


She watched him as his Muscular Chest moved up and down in rhythm with his breathing. She smiled to herself while thinking of how much their Son Gerard resembled him, having his trademark Dimples and all.


As badly as she wanted to wake him, Tee decided to let him get some rest. She closed the door then returned to her work station.


Later Q finally opened his eyes to find Tee staring down at him. His mind instantly flashed back to his talk with Inga. 'Maybe it was true about a Woman having seven thoughts to every Man's one.'


"Are you okay?" She asked.


"Yeah.... yeah.... What time is it ma?"


"Nine-thirty, Q. You've been asleep for a few hours." - "Damn." He mumbled to himself.


He let out a heavy sigh before being interrupted by her. "What is going on Q?" She asked.


He stared at her again before letting out another heavy sigh. Tee then listened as Q relived the last seven days of his life.


Afterwards they picked up little Gerard from her Mother's house.










East Washington Street was busy for a Wednesday night. Q watched as the dope fiends walked around helplessly, some pleading with the corner Hustlers for another hit of the poison they were selling. Shaking his head in disgust Q exited his car then walked inside the Chill-Grill Lounge. June and the two remaining members of the Juice Crew, Game Tight and Doe were at the bar stuffing their faces with Mrs. Janie's Home Cooking.


"Damn Homie, you've been M.I.A. around this bitch." June said looking up from his plate of food.


"You just up and walk out on yo peoples like that." He continued saying before giving Q some dap.


"You fools know better than that.... Whassup Game .... Doe?" Q spoke to both of them at once.


"Aint shit Big Homie, A nigga just trying to live, ya know?"


"Yeah, I feel you Game.”


Q Black Berry suddenly began vibrating against his hip.


Message 1 "My dearest Q.... God created me, but you molded me into the Woman that I am today.... I love you for that Quentel Jackson.... But losing you over stupidity is something I will not stand for. Whenever you do decide to come Home we'll be waiting, love.... Van." End of message.


"Van." Q said out loud drawing instant laughs from June, Game Tight and Doe.


"What's so damn funny?" Q asked.


June laughed again then proceeded to tell him about Van and the rest of the Girls, recently backing him inside the Chill-Grill, with Van being the most vocal.


"You mean they were all packing heat?" he asked.


June nodded.


"Dem bitches crazy Q."


"Watch your mouth boy." Mrs. Janie shouted from behind the bar.


"Alight Mama." Said June.


Q laughed, and then tried to picture Van and the rest of the Girls waving guns.


"Well look June I.... Aah, want to thank you for taking care of that little problem while I was on lock. Dem fuckin Feds was trying to give a nigga life. I was...."


Once again June laughed cutting him off.


"Did I say sum'en funny?" Q asked.


"It wasn't me."




"I said it wasn't me." June said again.


"You mean it wasn't you who butchered dem nigga's at the hotel?"


"I mean exactly that." Said June.


"Who was it then?"


"I don't know Homie, but you can start by asking Lil El Diablo."


"What tha fuck that mean anyway?" Q asked.


"The Black Devil!" Mrs. Janie shouted from behind the bar once again










Q left June inside the Chill-Grill at around 11:00pm. As soon as he stepped outside into the cool night air a strange feeling swept over his body. He stood there a moment, moving only his eyes taking in the surroundings. His six sense alarming him that something wasn't right, then just as quickly as it came, it disappeared. Q turned and walked towards the parking lot.


"Is that him?" Dame asked.


Scar struggled to adjust himself with his one good arm, and then strained his eyes into focus trying to get a better look at Q, as he crossed the street walking in the direction of the parking lot. The moment he stepped under the glow of the overhead street lights Scar confirmed his identity.


"That's him." Scar said.


"Are you sure?" Dame asked him.


"Hell yeah I'm sure, Son. Candi gave me this picture of him at some bike fest shit." Scar said before passing the photo to Dame.


Dame' stared at the picture, then back at the Man making his way across the street.


"Do you see the size of that nigga B?" Scar said as Dame held his gaze.


He watched as Q climbed into his Black on Black CL-600 Mercedes Benz.


His thoughts quickly turned to the description Gazelle had given him, about the shooter inside their building.


"This nigga fit that description perfectly.' Dame continued thinking.


He made a mental note to himself to do a background check on this cat, but there was one thing that he already knew, as he sat there still lost in thought.


'If this was indeed the Man inside their apartment building that day.... Not only was he big as a motha-fucka.... He also carried the remedy for bringing family members together.... Two Chrome Pistols!!



Chapter 10


[Feel It In The Air]




Tee stepped nervously inside the doors of the small building. A building she'd driven by on many occasions, but never once in the twenty-five years of her young life had she known the contents or the significance of this place. With no visible signs, windows painted black, the only evidence of life on the outside of the building was its upkeep. Flowers from Roses to Lily's bloomed everywhere, surrounded by a beautifully manicured lawn.


Once inside she walked down the recently polished floors to the door at the far end of the hallway. Taking in a deep breath she slowly turned the doorknob until it opened. To her surprise the seemingly quiet room was occupied by some thirty or so Women, some still donning ponytails, while others had facial features and hair lines that had been frost bitten with age.


"Welcome, Tashonda." A middle aged Woman said standing from her chair to greet her.


"I.... I.... I didn't expect it would be this many people." She whispered to the Woman nervously.

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