Country Boy 2 (12 page)

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Authors: Blake Karrington

BOOK: Country Boy 2
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"It was hot, too damn hot'. He thought for the all Black Hoodie, Jacket, and forty below Nike Boots he wore to camouflage his dirty south roots.


Inga's lips felt moist on his cheek as she stood on her tip-toes and kissed him.


"How was your trip?" She asked him.


"Long!" Q responded. His face holding a frown from the sudden change in the humidity.


They left the Airport and took the Long Island Expressway into Brooklyn. Baby Rasta had renovated an apartment building on Gates and Lewis, but the area was too loud so Q decided to pay for a room,


The Oasis Motel hadn't changed much over the years. As Q walked through the Lobby his memory flashed back to his early days in the game. All the frequent trips upstate in search of the cheapest prices on product. 149th and Amsterdam was one of his favorite spots.


After showering, he laid on the bed listening to the water bead off of Inga's body. Minutes later she walked from the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around her. The contours of her shape strained at the loosely tied knot in her towel. She walked around him towards the head of the bed and gently raised his smoothly cut head up then slid her lower body underneath him. Looking down in his eyes she spoke.


"Do you feel like talking about it?"


Q stared at her a long moment while thinking to himself, "How is it that every woman he'd ever had a relationship with could always somehow sense when something was wrong? Was it his facial expressions? The way he acted? What was it?' He continued thinking.


"Baby, don't confuse yourself anymore than you already have." Inga said. "We have a special gift; some call it a sixth sense. Back home, every since I could remember, the men in our village have said that for every one thought that they would have, their Wives’ would be thought of seven."


Q's mind quickly flashed back to several different occasions when he'd awaken from a wild night of sex only to find the woman sitting up in bed staring at him.


Feeling Inga's soft hands on his chest snapped him back to the moment. He looked up at her and smiled before telling her his painful story about Van.


Afterwards, Q sat and listened to Inga, who refused to utter one negative word about Van, instead she broke down every element dealing with a woman's heart.


"What about yours?" Q asked sitting up facing her, referring to her heart.


"You should know mun. Ye have the keys to my blood clot heart, boy!" She teased him saying. They both burst out in laughter as she uplifted his spirits by answering him in her native accent.


Inga's laughs were reduced to moans as Q kissed her nipples through her towel. He continued sucking on them while gently biting down on one after the other.


Whimpering now, Inga climaxed before the towel was ever removed. As he released the knot on her towel, Inga whispered looking through lustful eyes.


"It's just like you left it, baby. Untouched.... Unmarked.... And forever yours."


Her words only increased his appetite for her.


Minutes after entering her, Q fought off the urge to explode causing him to run out ‘of gas. But he quickly caught his second wind and from that point on, along with every position possible, Inga received a love making session that didn't stop until she had completely passed out.


The next day Q pulled in front of a small apartment building on Church Avenue and Lennox. The street was busy for a day that was brutally hot, at the entrance of the apartment he punched in the numbers 135-G and waited.


"Yes?" A female voice said into the speaker.


"I was sent by the Real Estate Office to look at the apartment.' Q quickly answered.


A few seconds later he heard the front gates lock click open. Once inside it was clear that the evidence of the complex being modest on the outside was not the case. Q noticed three or four guys hoodied-up in the far corner of the lobby area. Two females were half asleep on the lobby's couch, but after further examination and their constant scratching Q could see that they were indeed "High as gas!"


The stares felt like weights as he walked towards the elevator. He could feel the hairs on his neck prickle as he looked up at the elevator numbers slowly descending to the first floor. After hearing movement behind him, Q acted as if he hadn't noticed it. The bell sounded just as the elevator door slid open. Once inside Q turned around in time to see one of the four guys in the hoodies enter the elevator. Neither of them spoke.


After exiting the elevator Q walked down the hall and stood in front of the door reading Apt. 135. He did a quick glance over his shoulder just in time to see the cat with the hood duck back into the elevator.


Knock.... Knock.... Knock


Q heard footsteps on the other side of the door. The door-knob slowly began turning just as he gripped the butt of his Colt. All at once it was open with a chain restraining it. Q pointed his Colt directly into the small opening of the door.


'What the fuck?' No one was there Q thought, until he looked down and saw the innocent eyes of a beautiful little Girl.


"You're not my Daddy." She spoke.


"India!" A Woman's voice yelled from inside the apartment.


Q could hear someone in heels walking towards the door. He slid his 45 back in its Holster just as she reached for the door-knob,


"What did Mommy tell you about answering the door?"


"Sorry, Mommy."


She creeped out the door before she spoke.


"Hi."' She said in her Northern accent. "You must be the one the Real Estate Office called about."


"Yeah, I was at the office when they called a little over an hour ago."


"Oh.... Okay. Just a minute." She said before closing the door.


Q heard the chain being unlatched from the inside. Once opened they both stared, seeming to be caught off guard by each other’s appearance.


She stood about 5"8" tall with smooth Dark Skin. Her facial features were almost perfect from her eyebrows to a full set of glossed lips. Add the long Silky Black Hair and deep black eyes she stared at him with, Q knew that everywhere she went she was definitely a head turner.


"I'm Gazelle." She said extending her hand.


"Nice to meet you. Gazelle. And what is your name, Lil Lady?" Q asked the little girl,


"I'm India." She answered.


- "That's a beautiful name, just like you." He said while rubbing the same beautiful mane of hair she'd obviously inherited from her Mother.


As he talked to her Daughter, Gazelle got a good look at the stranger with the seemingly warm heart for children. Even if he didn't have the deep Southern Drawl which was beautiful to most New Yorker's, his size alone was a dead giveaway.


"You're not from around here?" She asked.


"Nah. I'm from down South, but I have some family over on Gates and Lewis. A friend of mine works for the realty company you hired to handle the lease on your apartment. Do you already have another place?"


"Yes we do, it's over on Jamaica Avenue.... I was just on my way over there to drop a few things off." She said.


After giving him a tour of the apartment Q prepared to leave.


"Well it was nice meeting you." He said as he turned towards the door.


"Bye, Mister!" The little girl yelled.


"I think she has a crush on you." Said Gazelle.


Q smiled at the comment, but it quickly faded away when he spotted two black hoodies once again duck into the elevator not wanting to be seen. Instinct made him pat the outside of his jacket feeling for his Colts.


"Are you expecting more company?" He asked.


She wasn't.


On the way out Q didn't use the elevator to reach the first floor, instead he used the stairs. Once inside the stairwell he stood listening.... Something wasn't right he began thinking. 'How could someone be watching me when they had no idea I was coming. Then it hit him.... It wasn't him they were after!'


A loud scream came from the lobby area drawing his attention.


"Please don't hurt my Baby!!!"


"Shut up bitch, or I'll kill her ass!'!"


"Anything.... I'll.... I'll give you anything, just don't hurt my Baby!"


"I'll ask only once, bitch. Where that nigga keepin that paper?"


"I don't kn...."


Smack.... Smack.... He hit her knocking her to the floor. He was about to tell his partner to kill the little girl until he saw the two single red dots on his forehead. Before he could give any type of warning, both of Q's Pistols spoke at the same time.


Boom.... Boom..,.


He stepped from the staircase firing both Guns. Everywhere the infra-red dots landed, Death wasn't far behind!


Gazelle had recovered and pulled her Daughter away from the headless corps. Q stood over the wounded kidnapper who was so willing to kill the little girl.


"Don't.... Don't kill me." He managed to say.


Q looked at him in disgust before he spoke.


"What about that beautiful little girl nigga, huh? Would you have given her a chance to live?"


Raising his Guns, again he spoke.


"When you get there nigga, if they happen to ask who sent you, just mention the name "Big Fuckin Country" I'm sure somebody will know me."


Boom..,. Boom.... His Pistols spoke one last time.


Before making a break for the door he turned to Gazelle and her Daughter.


"Are the both of you okay?" He asked.


"Thank you.... Thank you." She kept saying over and over, not hearing his question.


"You guys better get out of here, somebody had to hear the gun fire.” He said before turning to leave.


"What's your name?" She quickly asked.


Q once again turned facing her and the little girl. He stared for a moment before responding.


"Country" He said. "Just call me Big Country."



Chapter 9


[Can It All Be So Simple]


Dame was exhausted. He buried his Baby Brother Quake, less than two weeks ago. Before he could get back to the Carolina's, regroup, then begin touching every nigga responsible for his Brother's Death, this had to happen.


"What did you say he looked like?" He asked his Baby's Momma, Gazelle again.


"I've told you a dozen times Dame, he was not from around here... He had a deep Southern accent and was very, very big."


Dame sat silently thinking to himself, as he stared down at his woman who held their beautiful Daughter in her arms. Upset that four motha-fucka's would try him this way left a sour taste in his mouth that could only be matched by the bitter pill he had to swallow losing his Baby Brother, Quake.


Still lost in thought. Dame replayed the description Gazelle had given him in his mind. It was almost identical to the one Keshia and Candy had given him and Scar about the Man heading them P.G. Crew nigga's.


"Big Country." He mumbled to himself. /'-


"Dame?" Gazelle called his name barely above a whisper.


"Yeah ma." He answered.


She sighed wanting to forget the whole ordeal.


"What is it ma? Do you remember something else?"


She nodded before speaking.


"In the lobby, after they'd taken our Baby away from me...."


She paused before continuing, "He appeared from out of nowhere....


"You mean this Big Country nigga?" Dame cut her off asking.


She nodded again then continued. "I.... I thought he was gone, until I saw the two Red Dots on the Hoodie of the Man holding our Baby...."


"What did you just say?" Dame asked.

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