Country Boy 2 (11 page)

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Authors: Blake Karrington

BOOK: Country Boy 2
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"Stay!" Van ordered Bear before she ran to grab her cell phone from the car.


Scar was about to give up until he saw Van retrive something from the car.


"Damn." He mumbled while grabbing his dick.


Van didn't turn in the truck's direction but knew she was being watched. She reached inside the car and grabbed her cell phone, along with her .380,
then walked back in the direction of the track.


"What's up. Shorty?" Scar yelled as she crossed in front of his truck.


Van ignored him and kept walking.


"Oh, this country ass bitch thinks she like that." He mumbled to himself. "Let me show her ass how we handle bitches up state with the attitude problem."


He jumped out the truck and followed her to the track. Van walked by Bear giving him a hand signal making him become alert. Van quickly told Dirk's Mother and Sister what was going on. Mrs. Watson was old, but hadn't lost her attitude.


"What's up, Shorty?" He said louder this time.


Van turned around before she spoke.


"Do I know you?"


"No, but you can get to know me, sexy"


"I don't think so." Van snapped.


"Bitch, who....""Watch your mouth young Man." Dirk's Mother cut in saying.


"Shut up you old bag, a nigga ain’t talking to you...."


It was Van who stopped him this time, “ watch how you talk to your elders, you niggas are so disrespectable. I already have a man and we happy, so could you please move along.”


Fuck you then bitch and your bitch ass nigga.”


Bitch? you the bitch with your punk ass, Id bet you’d like me to bend you over and fuck you with my clit, with your gay ass. Mrs. Watson and Monica couldn’t help but laugh. Scar didn’t like getting played, especially in front of people and he knew it was no win trying to argue with a women. So he raised back his hand to give her a smack and let her know he was a man and she was still a women. When he made a movement with his hand. Bear viciously attacked his arm which he intended to slap Van with. After slamming him to the ground. Bear continued his attack. He crushed bone after bone in his useless arm,


Get this damn dog off me! I’m going to kill you and this dog bitch!!.”


Scar's screams began drawing the attention of others, Van quickly clapped her hands together twice, Bear instantly stopped his attack. Van spoke


If you smart nigga we will end this here, it’s just an arm this time, next time it will be your life” He looked up at her almost in shock, as the three women turned and walked away.


The terrible pain from his badly mangled arm was momentarily forgotten as Scar wiped his forehead with his good arm. He couldn't believe what had happened, but he knew this was far from being over!!!








Dame paid the Cab before jumping out the car and running through the sliding doors of the Emergency Room. Once inside the Doctor informed him that Scar had been assigned to a room, but insisted on checking himself out.


"Please try and talk some sense into this young Man." The Doctor asked him. "He's lost a great deal of blood and will have some permanent nerve damage in his right arm."


When Dame reached Scar's room he found three or four Nurse's trying to restrain him.


"Let me go!!!" He screamed.


"Wait.... Wait." Dame said pushing the Nurse's out the way. "What the hell is going on, Son?" He asked Scar. "Just get me the fuck out of here, B." "Alight, Son."








Q took every short cut possible on "The Reaper" on his way to Browder Park. He was in the garage gettin things ready for Bike Week when Van called him on his cell phone. She was screaming so hysterically into the receiver Q could only make out the words, Browder Park. He knew that she had picked up Bear earlier for her daily exercise.


Unable to make the red light ahead of him, Q made a quick left into the Hospital's Parking Lot. Weaving his way through the parked cars he glanced to the right before pulling back onto the main road. As he did he noticed a Black SUV which had been driven almost on top of the pedestrian sidewalk it had New York plates. He quickly turned his attention back to Van who 'was just around the corner.


When Q entered the Park he didn't know what to expect, but was surprised when he didn't see the well populated spot covered with Cops. Instead he found Van with a towel wiping the mouth and four legs of Bear. He was coated with blood and still panting heavily. Q ran to her side
before he spoke.


"What the hell is going on?" Van was still angry, but managed to tell him what happened.










After rushing through the Emergency Room's sliding doors, Q quickly scanned over the Lobby for anyone with a badly mangled arm. Before Van could finish telling him what the Man was driving,.Q had already finishing the sentence for her.


The Black Suburban Denali was still parked on the curve when Q pulled into the Hospital's Parking Lot a second time. Van had tried everything she could to stop him, but Q was now completely out of control.


"Excuse me Sir, can I help you?" A Nurse asked stepping from behind the desk.


"Did I ask for any help?" Q said as he kept walking through the doors reading; PERSONNEL ONLY.


"Sir.... Sir, you can't...."


Her words were interrupted by the red laser light which now rested on the bridge of her nose.


"The Dog Victim.... Which room?" He asked.


Officer Stokely and his partner Jacobs, received the 911 call minutes before their shift change. They raced towards the local Hospital with their Sirens blaring.


"Come on, Son." Dame said helping Scar to his feet.


The three Nurse's had all rushed down stairs to the aid of the Nurse who fainted shortly after dialing 911. Dame had just managed to get Scar on the elevator when the door reading STAIRS flew open.


Q rushed down to the far end of the hallway, then suddenly he stopped. Looking down at his feet he saw the small trail of fresh blood ending at the elevator doors.


"Damn." He mumbled to himself before racing towards the stairs.


"Cover the left wing!" Officer Stokely yelled to his partner as he raced towards the stairs on his right. Once inside the left wing officer Jacobs immediately heard the sounds of heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. He quickly flattened himself against the inside wall and waited.


Suddenly the footsteps stopped.... Jacobs strained his ears listening and pick the faint sounds of a door closing.


"Police.... Police.... Freeze!" Jacobs screamed as he raced up the stairs. Whoever it was in the staircase was now on the third floor.


The office was dark, but Q managed to make his way to the small window in the back. After jumping to the ground Q came to his feet at a dead run in the direction of his Bike which was only a few yards away.


Officer Stokely, Jacobs, and several other officer's combed the area for the next few hours, but came up empty. Q was gone.



Chapter 8


[Breath Easy]





Q hadn't had much sleep over the past few days. After lying in the bed next to Van who'd dozed off to sleep, he stared at his reflection which stared back at him through his mirrored ceiling. His mind was restless every since the attempt on Van's life. Making matters worse, was the fact that this nigga Dame and his people were riding around town on some Ra-Ra type shit.


Q let out a heavy sigh, knowing that before this whole situation played out, and was over, he would definitely have to return to his murderous street ways.


His mind drifted back a few years ago when he'd lost his best friend Omar, over nothing. Now his God Son was growing up without a Father. A few month's later his Homie Tim was lying up in a Hospital battling for his life.


"Damn." Q mumbled to himself becoming angry.


Never one to be caught slipping, he slid out of bed and walked into the next room to make a call, not wanting to wake Van. As he dialed the number his mind once again drifted to Dame.


This nigga think his ass can't be touched....” Q thought to himself.


I'ma touch this nigga in the worst way....” He continued thinking.


After Tim's incident, Q made a vow to himself and his family. That vow was that when it came to their safety, anything and anyone was expendable!!!


"Charlotte Douglas International Airport.... How can I help you?" A woman's voice said into the receiver interrupting his thoughts.


"Aaahh.... Yes, I would like to purchase one round trip ticket to New York."


"Will you be flying First Class, Sir?"


"Yes, I will."


After making his flight plans, Q walked back into their bedroom to pack his bags, along with his twin Colt 45's.






The LaGuardia Airport was crowded. Q threw his Louis Vitton tote bag over his shoulder, then began muscling his way through the crowd. Still suffering from the migraine head ache he'd gotten over three hours ago during one of the most serious and heated arguments he and Van had ever had. After the incident at the local Park, Van suddenly became irate and protective over their safety.


"Baby, you have to consider us.... Have you even thought about that Q?" She asked. "They wasn't looking for me.... I was driving your car remember?" She continued saying, tears now cascading down her cheeks.


"Look ma, it doesn't matter what tha fuck you was driving.... Dem nigga's playing for keeps Shawty.... And I refuse to sit back and watch anymore of my family get hurt or killed!" Q yelled


"Q, baby listen to me.... You've never killed anyone who didn't deserve it.... Think about what you're getting ready to do Q."


"I already have." He said before grabbing his bag.


"No Q.... Either you listen to me or else I'm...."


"Or else you're what!!?" He yelled cutting her off.


After struggling with her words Van said something neither one of them thought they would ever hear.


"I'm leaving you." She managed to say.


Q stared at her a moment before responding.


"Nan ma, save yourself the trouble.... I'll leave." He said then turned and walked out the door.


As bad as she wanted to stop him, her stubborness wouldn't allow her and just like her, his pride was too strong for him to turn around.


"Over here, mun!" Someone yelled.


Q turned around and saw Baby Rasta waving both hands in the air. He was so short Q could barely see him over the crowd.


Baby!" Q yelled as he pushed his way through the sea of people.


"Yeah mun, it's me mun!"


Baby Rasta and Inga had flown ahead of him to New York. Once there his connect had no trouble adding the rest of the pieces to Q's puzzle.


"You look like ye tired mun?" Baby asked.


"Yeah, I could use some sleep, Ras."


"Alight mun, get us through dis boom-ba-clot crowd, mun."


Once outside the ninety degree New York weather and climate change hit Q in the face like a stiff jab.


"Damn it's hot." He mumbled to himself. His heat flash quickly disappeared when he saw Inga step from the back of Baby's forest green Range Rover. She had on some Dolce and Gabbana shorts with a matching spaghetti strap shirt and matching open toe sandals. The soft White Hat she wore complemented her Almond shaped eyes. As he walked towards her Inga fought from within not to run into his arms. The Black Coogie jacket he had on couldn't hide his massive frame. There weren't many people who could blend in with the native New Yorker's, but Q was an exception.

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