Country Boy 2 (19 page)

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Authors: Blake Karrington

BOOK: Country Boy 2
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She stopped then turned in his direction. After that, all hell broke loose.








Early the next morning Q found himself in the motel’s gym engaged in a rigorous workout, still somewhat heated about the near fatal brawl the night before. Desirae's first reaction upon seeing him was a loud scream followed by her collapsing to the floor. Just as Q reached her, security wasn't far behind. Without asking any questions they just assumed that he was the culprit behind her mishap. Before Q knew it, he was engaged in a fist brawl with two three-hundred pound goons that he wasn't winning. It all happened so fast that he'd forgotten about June and Tim being inside the club until they made their presence known.


Boom... Boom... Boom.


"Hi, stranger," someone said behind Q, snapping him out of his temporary daze.


"Stranger,” Q said as he placed a set of dumb-bells back on its rack.


He turned and stared a moment before saying, "Do I know you?


"Oh, you don't remember me Quentel Jackson. Maybe I should've worn my officer's uni...


"Oh shit!!! Is that you Tameeka?"


Damn Quentel! You mean a sista's aged to the point that you can't recognize her?"


"Nah, ma. It ain't even like that, but damn, you wasn't dressed quite like this the last time I saw you, either."


She smiled.


"Tameeka, I..."


"It's Mercedes; Quentel,” she said, quickly cutting him off.


Beep... beep... beep. Q looked down at his iPhone, He noticed that it was Tee texting him. She'd made her reservations at the Marriott, she already knew Van would be at the Westin.


Q walked Mercedes back to her car while June and Tim kept a look out for the girls pulling up. Q didn’t want any trouble on the first day.


"Will we get to finish this conversation later?" she asked while staring at him mischievously.


"No doubt," Q responded.


He put Mercedes in the car and assured her they would get together before he left. As she was pulling out, Q gave Tee a quick call back.


What’s up lady? You trying to see a nigga right quick or what?’


Q thought maybe this would be a good time to get with Tee, because once Van got there it would be hard to get away.


Yea, you want me to come pick you up, or are you going to come my way?” Tee asked


Well it depends, are you trying to see me, or see me see me”?


Tee laughed, “No nigga, I’m trying to go somewhere, one of my girls from Beauty College, is having something at Ruth’s Chris. I was hoping we could go and hang out there for awhile.”


That’s what’s up! But since I’m right here I will meet you over there later, what time it start?”


Around 10pm.” Tee responded


Cool I will meet you there then,” Q hung the phone up and went upstairs to shower and get dressed. While he was getting off the elevator he noticed a beautiful young lady on her cell phone cussing someone out.


Well fuck you then , you sorry ass nigga! You know I caught a ride down here, and I don’t have no money or place to stay.”


Q thought about running to her rescue, cause she definitely look like the type to not let a good deed go unrewarded, but he knew he already had too much shit going on. He didn’t need to add to it, so he walked on by and went into his room. He looked at the comfortable bed and knew he wouldn’t get to enjoy too much sleep in it. After getting out the shower, Q stood there looking in the mirror. He wondered how long he would be able to keep up on Tee and Van. The situation was starting to take a toll. Especially with the baby now, but hell he thought, you only live once. Later that evening after putting on his clothes, he grabbed his keys off the dresser and proceeded to the lobby of the hotel. Once he arrived at Ruth’s Chris the place was packed from wall to wall. Tee’s friend from Beauty College was a girl named Lauren. When Q came up to the table, the girls were in conversation about the good ole days. Q put his hand on Tee’s shoulder to let her know he was there. She immediately turned and smiled. Lauren looked Q up and down and after taken him all in she gave Tee the, “you go girl look”.


O so Tee this is your baby daddy?” Lauren asked.


Yes this is my son’s farther” Tee responded.


Well girl if I was you he would be my husband first, ain’t no way I’m letting a fine ass nigga like that walk around here without a ring on his finger!”


Tee was about to respond, but Q beat her to it. “Look shawtey, if it takes a ring and papers for you to know a nigga yours then he really ain’t. You can take a ring on and off, but if you got real love, it ain’t nothing you wear, it’s something you show, it’s from the heart to the heart. Now that we’ve done with our Oprah couch moment, what ya’ll drinking?”


I’m drinking Ciroc and pineapple juice” Lauren replied quickly.


Q turned to the waiter and told him to bring everyone another round. He was trying not to show that he was ready leave. It really wasn’t his crowed. All the guys were dressed up in corporate gear or were corporate guys in thug gear. Either way it wasn’t working. Just as Q was about to dismiss himself from the table. Lauren started yelling across the room to a light skinned young lady with a body like Beyonce.


Bri, Bri, come over here I want you to meet my friends!” Brianna began walking towards the table. Q was trying not to stare, but Brianna was fine and she was walking like she was on a Paris runway! Damn Q thought to himself. It was the first time he had seen something worth talking to and he was with Tee.


Bri this is Tee and her baby daddy Q and this is my favorite client, Brianna.” Lauren said while pointing at her. Brianna spoke and sat down next to Lauren. As the girls continued to talk, Q could not stop staring at Brianna. Her look was so exotic, she had long beautiful black hair, wore no makeup, except for the gloss that was shinning on her full lips. Q thought to himself, “I better get out of here, if Tee notice me looking at girly it will be a long night. And Van would be there tomorrow and he didn’t need the drama.”


Q stood up and asked Tee to walk him to the door.


It was nice meeting you ladies, y’all have a wonderful night.”


Y’all?” Lauren repeated, “Damn you country!” She said with a laugh.


Q smiled back, “Yep through and through, thank God.”


Brianna smiled at his comeback, “It was nice meeting you as well.” She said.


Q knew he had even a better come back for Brianna, but he couldn’t give it with Tee standing there. So he just shot her a look that he hoped said what he was thinking. It must have because Brianna bashfully looked down. Outside while Q was waiting on the valet to bring his car around, he made sure he went over the rules with Tee.


Ok you enjoy yourself, but not too much, and you make sure you text me and let me know when you get back to the hotel. And don’t be out too late, you know it’s a bunch of hungry ass nigga’s out this weekend and I don’t want to have to turn Charlotte out! In other words keep a lock on that box!”


Tee laughed “Yea right, you know this is yours and yours only, I will see you later.”































Chapter 15


That’s the way nigga’s get popped, trying to get a cheaper price”




Officer Stokely stared at the photos on his desk. He could barely make out the face on any of them.


"Three months," he mumbled to himself.


Today marked the third month since he'd lost his partner, Jacobs. Stokely never made it a full day without promising himself and Jacobs that he would get revenge. Normally when somebody loses a loved one, their wounds would eventually heal. Officer Stokely was different. He didn't need any type of evidence or proof in Jacobs' death. He knew who his killer was, and that alone was like pouring salt into open wounds.


He got up and opened his office door. “Vie is the suspect in holding cell four yet?” Vie was one of the female deputies that was recently hired. The City had decided to add some minorities to the Police force. Vie was perfect, since she was a female and African-American.


Yes they brought him up about 30 minutes ago.”


Great, did the federal agents say how long it would be before they got down this way to pick him up?” Stokely asked.


Yes they said it would be around 10 am tomorrow before they could get here from Charlotte.”


With that Stokely headed towards the holding cell. He looked through the small glass pane at the tall black male inside. After opening the door, he threw the large file of papers on the desk.


So Mr. Sims or Scar whichever you prefer, I need you to listen real carefully, because this offer will only come once, the next step will be you waiting on the federal agents coming to get you to extradite you back to New York. I have read your case file and seen the surveillance video and in case you don’t already know, you are looking at a 25 year sentence. Now because there were also automatic weapons recovered, that sentence will be in a super max facility. So again I need you to listen and make a decision.”


Scar looked up at the older white man,


Shit you ain’t said nothing, which one of these country ass nigga’s you want me to setup?” I can give you all these dudes and some from up my way too,” Scar add on.


No I don’t want an arrest; I don’t give a fuck about that. I need you to kill someone for me and if you do that, maybe just maybe, the evidence and the surveillance tape in the property room get misplaced. And you and I can have a good working relationship in the city.


Scar perked up, “Shit as long as you don’t want me to kill Obama, just show me where the nigga at?”


I don’t have to show you, you already know him.” Scar looked confused.


Who is the nigga? Scar asked not able to read Stokely’s mind.


It’s Quentel Jackson or Q as you street guys refer to him.”


Scar laid back into his chair, a smile came across his face.


Shit my man you got a deal.” But I don’t know where the nigga lay his head and when he out and about he keep too many nigga’s with him to get at him like that. I’m going to need you to give me his address so I can pull an ambush on that country motherfucker.” Jacobs pulled out his note pad and wrote an address down and placed it into Scar’s pants pocket.


Well get up because you don’t have long.”


What you mean?” Scar asked.


Boy you got to get it done tonight, the Feds, will be here in the morning to pick your black ass up, if I don’t get a 911 call to that address before 9 am tomorrow. They will have a state wide man haunt for your black ass.”


Damn you want me to get at this nigga tonight? How the fuck I’m going to pull that off?” Scar asked.


Look Boy that’s not my problem, do we have a deal or not?”


Yea, we straight, but how I’m getting up out here?”


You let me handle that.” Stokley lifted him up out the chair and escorted him out the door.


Vie I’m taking him back down to the jail and then I’m leaving for the night, call me if anything happens.” Stokely proceeded into the elevator. Once down stairs he walked Scar to the door and gave him a final warning. “And boy if you decide to get cute and try to make a run for it. I will add all the unsolved murders in this town to your jacket and you will never see the outside again, I can guarantee it!”










Back In Charlotte



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