Crossroads (4 page)

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Authors: Megan Keith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Crossroads
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I love seeing her eat her tacos
, just like the first time, yet so different.  Wow, back then, I never would have thought I would be here again, with her, like this.  She thwarted my attempt to kiss her, but I understand it wasn’t rejection, just hesitation.  And if she licks her lips one more time I don’t know if I will be able to stop myself from trying again.

“So, I um, booked my trip
,” I say, in an attempt to push those thoughts out of my mind.  I don’t want to rush her.

You did?
” she asks, unable to hide the disappointment on her face. 
  I didn’t think that one through.  “When- when do you leave?”

“December 15

… that’s like three weeks away,” she says, as her eyes get a little wet looking.

“A little over two,
” I correct her.  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought that up tonight.  I don’t know what I was thinking.” 
Way to ruin the mood, dickhead.

“It doesn’t give us much time.
” She looks sad and it hurts my chest.

“Shit, now
made it weird and you’re sad.  I didn’t mean to upset you…”

“Conceited much?” s
he laughs as she tries to discretely wipe at her eyes.

“Now I’m sad,
” I pout.  She throws a piece of lettuce at me and it makes us both laugh.  Our laughter doesn’t last long before we are staring silently at one another again, contemplating the reality of the situation.  “We’ll just have to make the next two weeks, the best two weeks ever!” I say, lifting my beer.  We clink our bottles and watch each other as we both take sips, while I start to imagine how we can spend these next two weeks together.

When I booked the tickets
, I honestly thought Em was never going to speak to me again.  I thought she was happy with her boyfriend.  I thought I was doing the right thing by steering clear and letting her go.  Now I wish I hadn’t wasted all that time and that I wasn’t leaving so soon.

So where will you be for Christmas then?” she asks.

Greece.  I'm spending Christmas with relatives I've never even met.”

Really? Well that will be interesting.”

It will.  Especially as my Greek isn't too good,” I chuckle.

Do your parents speak much Greek?”

They do.  I'm not that bad with it really, but I don't speak it often so it will be strange with relo's that don't speak any English at all.”

“I can only imagine,”
she says, an unreadable expression on her face.

I lose myself in her beautiful green eyes
, wondering what she's thinking.  What's going on inside that head of hers?  Is she thinking about me leaving?  Is she thinking of what will happen between us over the next two weeks?  Is she imagining what it will be like when we finally go to bed together? 
Because I'm having a hard time thinking of anything else.
  My eyes trail down from her face and settle on her chest.  I watch it move as she breathes a shuddery breath.

Say something in Greek,” she commands and I look up to her face again.  This time I can see the lust in those eyes.  So I do as she's requested and speak in the language that will become my first language over the next few weeks.  She stares at me with a puzzled look on her face.  “Okkaay then.  It all sounds Greek to me.”  She shrugs with a cute twist of her lips, causing me to laugh.  “It's not exactly a sexy sounding language is it?”

“No.”  I shake my head with a chuckle.

In fact, that is probably the most un-sexy you have ever sounded.”

Really?  Are you saying that I normally sound sexy?”

Nick,” she says blushing deliciously.  I think she is so embarrassed that she won't say anything more, but again she surprises me.  Em has always had this way of surprising me.  “You already know I think you're sexy,” she says in a sultry tone, making me want her even more than I did a second before.  Her eyes focus on mine and I swallow.  She leans forward with a sexy confidence that suits her so well and I haven’t seen nearly enough of. “Don’t you remember my ringtone?”

“You never changed that?”
I ask.  I just presumed she would have got rid of it by now.

“No, of course not.”
  Our eyes lock on each other for a moment.

Do you want to get out of here?” I ask in a desperate attempt to get her to myself.  The lust behind her eyes making it virtually impossible to remain seated in this booth with a table between us any longer.  She glances at her almost empty plate of food then back to me.  Suddenly, I have never been more certain of anything in my life - she wants exactly what I do.

“That depends…”


“Exactly what did you say to me
before, in Greek?”

“I said, ‘You look
so gorgeous tonight.’”  She blushes again but her eyes remain focused on mine.  “But you don’t just look gorgeous
, you
do.”  I pause for a moment.  “What I should have said is, you look so damn sexy that I’m finding it difficult to sit all the way over here. What I should have said is, I want to take you home. 

I watch as
she picks up her half-full bottle of Corona, looks to the other side of the restaurant and promptly finishes it off and I wonder if maybe I have over-stepped the mark.  I’m suddenly reminded of the last time we were here, how I almost scared her off with my over the top comments.  But at the same time, I also realise that things are a lot different to the last time.  Em slams the now empty bottle back on the table, grabs her bag off the seat beside her, slides out the side of the booth and stands.

“Let’s go,” she breathes.  Of course
, I don’t hesitate for a second before I am standing beside her.






The walk back to Em’s is a silent one.  Hand in hand we stroll, the atmosphere between us thick with sexual tension.  As soon as we reach the door to her apartment, our lips are on one another.  I’m not sure who kisses who first but the feeling of desire is definitely mutual.  I hold her against me as I fumble to get her keys back out of the lock.  When I eventually free them, I kick the door closed and toss them on the floor, backing Em into the foyer.  We bump into the little table and the glass bowl on top rattles.  She spins us slightly so that my back is to the kitchen and we continue to kiss.  Her hands are grasping at my t-shirt as she slides it upwards, at the same time she starts walking me backwards.  When I realise we are at the door to her bedroom I hesitate and pull from her kiss.



“Please don’t.” I pull him back towards me.  I don’t like that he has stopped kissing me when I have no hesitation left. I can’t wait to have him.  “I don’t think I could handle you rejecting me again.”  He pushes me further away.

What?  When have I ever rejected you?”  He looks genuinely confused, his eyes searching mine.

“Uh, after the night club,”
I answer.  He continues to stare at me.  “Seriously?  You don’t remember?” 
I cross my arms and let out a puff of air in frustration.

Of course I remember!  You thought I was rejecting you?”  I don’t answer; just continue to eye him with contempt.  “You were drunk, I didn’t want to take advantage of you,” he argues.  He tries to pull me back towards him.

“I wasn’t
drunk!  I knew exactly what I was doing!”  I move out of his grasp suddenly angrier than before.

”  His voice gets softer and loses its edge, he eyes focusing intensely on mine.  “Is that why you didn’t want to speak to me afterwards?”  I see the understanding cross his face and I nod.  “I thought you were mad at me for crossing the line, when I said that we could be friends… you thought I didn’t
want you

“Well, yeah.  What was I supposed to think?”
I yell.

Not that
.”  He pulls me tight against him and I feel his erection against my stomach.

“And my birthday?
  You stopped us then too.”  I shove him away angrily again.

You had a boyfriend!” he shouts, trying to pull me back against him, but I resist.

Well that didn’t stop you from attacking me at Ethan’s party!”

He looks down at his feet for a moment and I can see the anger
completely dissipate.  When he raises his head to meet my eyes his features soften. 

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that.
  I was out of line.”  He reaches his hand out to touch my face, grazing his fingers down my cheek.  He gazes into my eyes.  “God Em, I’ve wanted you since the first day I met you. I stupidly agreed to be your friend because I thought that’s what
wanted.  I’ve regretted it ever since.  I was trying to tread carefully for
sake, not mine.”

, what?”

Instead of answering
, he crushes his lips to mine.  His mouth is tender and hot.  He sucks on my bottom lip then moves away to start trailing kisses down my neck.


“I’m sorry I didn’t make myself clearer.  Believe me, I wanted you… I
want you.”  His tongue moves up behind my ear making me shiver.

“But you said-”
His lips reach mine again stopping me from speaking. 
Is this really happening?
  He never wanted to be my friend?  He was the one that always pointed that out to me, always reminded me we were friends and nothing more.  He kisses my jaw… my cheek… my neck… my heart rate increases and desire heats my body.  “Nick, what about-”

“Shut up Em!”

He crushes his lips back on mine to stop any further discussion.  His hands move over my back and down to cup my butt, giving it a gentle squeeze as he pushes me tighter against him.  This time he’s the one walking me backwards into the bedroom.  We both fall onto the bed. Nick is on top of me, grinding into me as he kisses me all over.  He lifts up my tank top and kisses my hip bone causing me to jump with pleasure.

“That tickles,”
I giggle.  My laughter stops as quickly as it started.  I’m no longer in a giggling mood as his mouth moves from that spot, licking me just above the edge of my skirt, making me wet with desire.

n the glow of my bedside lamp I can clearly see his blue eyes as he looks up at my face, while circling his tongue around the edge of my belly button.  I can see his glorious smile as he trails kisses up towards my chest, his mouth following his hands, pushing my top up further.  I tug on the neck of his t-shirt pulling it upwards.  He sits up between my legs, so I sit up too.  Then we take it in turns to undress each other, first my top, then his, and then my bra.  While he takes a moment to look at my body, I peruse his.  He has a solid eight pack,
eight pack what the hell,
and hard pecs that look glorious in his olive skin tone.  His defined V is slightly exposed out the top of his cargo shorts.  I gasp at his beauty.  I mean, I knew he worked out, but I’ve never seen such a defined and perfect body in the flesh and up close before, well not like this anyway.  I gulp as my hands ghost across his skin.

Our eyes connect as we reposition ourselves on the soft bed.  I lay back
, and his mouth finds my breasts, his hand slowly moves its way up my skirt.  I moan with pleasure when he finally touches me there, and he moans in return when he feels how wet I am through the fabric of my g-string.  He nudges my legs apart with his knees then sits up, lifting my skirt to take a look at my now exposed lacy white underwear.

“Hmm I like these,” he says before gently stroking me through them, making me moan
and writhe with pleasure.  Then he forcefully kisses me over the top of them making me almost go over the edge.

I gasp.  He looks at me with a wicked smirk, obviously pleased at my responses.

I lift my hips to help him remove my skirt.  His hands slowly and tortu
rously drag it down my legs onto the floor.  Then he loses his patience and is not so gentle when it comes to my g-string.  He tugs it down roughly, almost painfully, and with urgency, as if his life depends on it.  It’s animalistic, and passionate and it only makes my desire for him come harder and faster.  I am panting with anticipation as he drops my underwear on the floor, then kisses me passionately in the apex of my thighs.  I gasp at the ferociousness of it, the sensation is powerful and I almost come straight away.

Mmm,” Nick groans as he moves back slightly and then teases me by kissing and licking everywhere around where I need him to be, only every so often touching my clit, making me shudder when he does.

“Nick,” I plead
, when I can hardly take it anymore.  I grab his head to force him to finish me off, but he pries my hands from his hair and kisses my fingers as he looks up at me.  The heat in his eyes as he sucks my middle finger, and the feel of the inside of his mouth, all hot and wet, almost pushes me over the edge anyway.  I groan with pleasure again when he finally lets both hands go and flicks my clit with his tongue. Gentle and slow, over and over and over again.

When I finally
come it’s in the most powerful way.  I feel the orgasm in every nerve ending of my entire body.  I have trouble stopping my involuntary spasms.  Nick keeps going and going, relentlessly moving his tongue on my most sensitive spot.  Wave after wave of pleasure ripples through me until I can’t take it anymore.  I use all my strength to raise my jelly arm from my side to give him a shove on his shoulder.  He looks up at me devilishly.  I feel the need to assure him with a smile, but my mouth won’t curve the way it is supposed to. I feel pins and needles all over my body.

“My face won’t work,” I manage to blurt out
, in between gasps.  He smiles his sexy smile, looking up from between my legs.  I let out a small giggle, surprisingly not feeling embarrassed at all by my weird statement.

“That good huh?” he chuckle
s.  All I can do is nod, I continue to breathe heavily and my body trembles.  He slowly and gracefully moves up my body, placing his hands on either side of my head.  Looking into my eyes he says in a sexually-charged, deep and husky voice, “I’m not done with you yet.”  The jolt of energy those words, in that voice, put through my body is enormously electrifying.  I watch as he stands and removes his shorts, turns out he hasn’t got any underwear on, so he springs free straight away. 
Now that’s hot.

When he lowers
his weight onto me, my jelly arms somehow find a way to tightly grip onto his back, pulling him closer.  I feel his hardness against my thigh and when the tip of him touches the wet, sensitive, heat between my legs, I almost convulse yet again with wild pleasure.  He wriggles teasingly and lightly against me with a smile of enjoyment at my torture.  When he suddenly sits up on his knees in between my thighs, I feel disappointment that the connection is gone, and then relief when I realise his intention.  He has a condom in his hand.  I don’t even know where it came from.  He can’t put it on fast enough for me, so I give him a hand.

Mmm,” he groans, as I roughly push the condom down the length of him, and a long, thick length it is.

He slowly slides into position and it feels heavenly
, it’s a perfectly tight fit, he fills me completely.  He glides back out even slower and we both groan in pleasure.  In and out once more, and then he surprises me by sitting up, tucking his legs underneath himself, sitting on his knees and pulling me up on top of him.  He is so strong; it doesn’t take him any effort to throw me around like I’m a rag doll.  His strength is just another turn on for me; it just makes me want him even more.  He grabs my hips and lifts me up and then impales me onto him.  He fills me completely and it makes me shudder with exhilaration.  I begin to move slowly up and down, with the aid of his hands on my hips, while he rotates his own.  It feels amazing and so sensual.  Our bodies align perfectly.

Our pace increases as our eyes
link.  The intensity of our connection overwhelms me and I force my eyes shut when I feel tears prick the back of my eyes.  I don’t understand why I have the urge to cry, maybe because I have wanted this, with him, for so long… I don’t know.  The passion behind his eyes is too much to look at, so I kiss him instead, keeping my eyes shut tight, and I let myself go.  I get lost in the sensation of it all, and our pace quickens even more.  I make all sorts of noises that I don’t think I have ever made before as our bodies meld and move in sync with one another.  Our arms tightly hold us together while Nick moves inside me, hard and slow.

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