Crossroads (6 page)

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Authors: Megan Keith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Crossroads
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Nick suggests that we lighten the mood by playing a friendly game of cards.  After the heavy conversation at lunch, I cannot argue that the mood does need to be lightened.  He requests strip poker and I laugh because there is no way in hell I would play that with him, not now.  I couldn’t find anything but a pack of Uno cards anyway and strip Uno doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.  So for the past couple of hours we have been chatting happily while I kick his arse at Uno.  It’s been great!  I’m so glad to have my friend back.

I shout triumphantly, then lick my last card and stick it to my forehead.  It’s a silly thing that my brother Ethan and I used to do when we were kids.  Just that little bit of moisture holds it in place until you can either put the card down or pick up another.  You place it in a way that you can look up and read it, but your opponent can’t.  I stupidly told Nick about it a couple of rounds back and he dared me to do it for the rest of the game.  Of course, I couldn’t say no when he gazed at me with those incredible eyes, even though it was obvious he expected me to.  I love to surprise him.

“You’ve re
ally got to stop doing that now,” he says with a dark and desirable expression on his face.

Stop what? 
”  I grin at him.

“No, looking so adorable.  You are making it impossible for me to stay on this side of the table.
I’m gonna have to jump across it and kiss you in a minute.”  It’s the flirtiest thing he’s said to me all day.  It does wonderful things to my insides.

“Is that so?  Well maybe if you called
‘Uno’ once in a while you could stick a card on your head and we’d both look adorable.”

“Uno!” h
e calls smugly, as he tosses down a card.  He pokes his tongue out and sensually licks his remaining one before sticking it to his forehead, keeping his eyes on mine the entire time.  I squeeze my legs together under the table as a shiver rolls through me. 
Yep, he looks adorable.  Adorably sexy, that is
.  I see what he means about it getting hard to stay on opposite sides of the table.  I look at the card he has just put down on the pile, a red six on top of my yellow three.

“Hey!  You c
heated, you can’t put that down!”

Yeah?  Well, what are you gonna do about it?” he challenges, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms, his last card firmly attached to his forehead.  The look he gives me is suggestive and inviting.

I don’t hesitate.  I pull the card from my head, toss it on the dining table and push my chair back with a loud scrape.  I climb onto the table and crawl over to him on my hands and knees.  He hasn’t moved.  He is sitting in his chair like a stone statue, his eyes fixated on mine.  I reach over; rip the card off his head and let it fall to the floor. I grab his t-shirt, yank him forward until our noses are touching and pause for a moment to inhale him.  Then I kiss him. 
  He responds instantly.



That has got to be the hottest move I have ever seen, Em crawling on top of the table towards me like that.  She is sexy and flirty, and I love that she is so forward. 
I could get used to this.

I don’t even know how it happens but the moment our mouths connect I am all over her and then not even a second late
r she is all spread out over the table.  I’m stripping my top off and tugging off her dress.  She is writhing beneath me as I cover her body with mine.  Uno cards are everywhere, getting knocked roughly to the floor as she moans with desire.  I yank off my shorts and they fall around my ankles I don’t even bother to kick them off because I need her and I need her now.  Her knickers tear when I pull at them then leave them tangled around one leg as I ready myself at her opening.

“Condom,” I breathe. 
  I can’t believe I almost forgot, I’ve never forgotten before.  It’s Em’s fault, she makes me wild.  I clamber off her and bend down to my shorts at my ankles, yanking them off and almost tripping as I hurry.  I find what I’m looking for in my wallet and then stand upright again.  I groan as I fumble with the packet.  I am so hungry with need, I feel completely out of control.  Em giggles from where she watches me.  I roll the condom on myself, look at her spreadeagle on the table before me and almost lose it. 

“You drive me wild,
” I say, dragging her towards the edge and repositioning myself at her opening.  She lies with her back against the table, as I stand before her.

“The feeling
’s mutual.” She giggles again. 
Best sound ever.

I push into her hard and she lets out a shocked ‘ah’ as I fill her completely.  I worry that maybe I was too rough so I begin to go gentle and slow
, and then Em shocks me by screaming out.


So, of course, I give her what she wants, hard and fast.  I watch her wriggle against the table and arch her back.  I grab her thighs and she lifts her legs, circling them around my waist and tilting her hips at the same time.  The angle proves to provide her more pleasure and she cries out.

“I’m coming!”  And then she does, all too soon
it’s over.  I feel her tightening and quivering as I rock into her a couple more times then let myself go too.

I slide out of her and put my hand
out for her to grab then I pull her to a sitting position.  We embrace as we attempt to slow our breathing.  It may have been quick, but it was still incredible.  Being with her is unbelievably addictive, and I am already anticipating the next time as I hold her close.  After a minute or two she mumbles something into my chest.

“What was that?”
I ask, letting out a long breath.

“That was… quick.”  She looks up at me
through her long dark lashes.  “I mean, I didn’t think I could come that hard and fast… or make so much noise.”  She puts her hand in front of her face.  “I’m so embarrassed.”

I pull her back into my arms and laugh
.  She rests her head back on my chest.

“Don’t laugh!” s
he grumbles, but I can tell she’s trying to hold in her own laughter as well.

“Sorry.”  I rub circles on her bare back.  “You have nothing to be embarrassed about
, Em.  That was hot!”

She doesn’t say anything else, just sighs into my chest
, shaking her head slightly.  I love that she is embarrassed and I guess I should be proud to get her to come so “hard and fast.” I chuckle at the thought and feel her tense in my arms, probably shouldn’t tease her about it anymore though.  I move away from her slightly.

“I’ll just ah, get rid of this.
” I pull off the condom and head for the bathroom.



I watch his perfectly naked arse, on his perfectly naked body, as he walks confidently to the bathroom. 
I wish I was that confident.
  Nick has a swagger in his walk that is hypnotizing to watch, particularly when bare.  When I can no longer see him I decide to get dressed.  I tug what is left of my knickers off my thigh, toss them in the bin, a little shocked, and excited, that he did that.  Then I hunt for my dress and bra hidden in the pile of Uno cards.

I can’t believe the way Nick makes me feel when we have sex. 
Though it isn’t just sex with him.  What we just did was
.  I would call it hot and heavy, hard core fucking!  And I can’t wait to do it again.  I can’t get enough!  I feel so alive, so caught up in the moment with him.  It feels primal and I feel fearless.  I have never felt anything quite like it, I’ve never had the urge to scream and carry on the way I do when I am with him.  I don’t think I have ever shown such reckless abandon during sex.  He gives me a confidence that I didn’t know I could possess, at least until I come snapping back to reality, and want to hide in embarrassment at my behaviour once the sexual fog has lifted.

“Dressed already?”  Nick’s arms encircle my waist from behind just a
fter my dress falls back into place.  He nuzzles below my ear.  “I was hoping for round two,” he whispers, causing desire to flood me yet again.

  I turn in his arms and he pulls me up against his deliciously naked body.  “You can go again so soon?”

“Not quite yet,
” he says, as he looks down at me with those gorgeous blue eyes that I could get lost in for days.  “But almost.”  He pushes into me, proving his point when I can feel his semi-erect cock between us. 
  “But first, I need a drink.”

He lets me go and walks naked to the refrigerator.  Nick has always made a habit of looking at home at my place, but never quite as much as he does right at this moment.  He stands in front of my open fridge, guzzling
from a bottle of water in his unclothed glory.  I have never wanted to be a bottle of water so much in my life, I’ve never understood when people say things like that about inanimate objects, but in this moment, I get it.  He removes it from his mouth with an “ahh” and I feel the naked apex between my thighs dampen and throb again with desire.  He turns to me with hooded eyes and I have to look away.  I could get used to this, having Nick around…
I can’t get used to this, he’s leaving.

I turn my attentions to the Uno cards instead as I swallow the lump in my throat.  Nick
returns the water to the fridge then comes over to where I am, effectively kneeling at his feet as I collect the cards from the floor.  He pauses in front of me for a moment as if in contemplation, before walking around to pick up and put on his shorts.  When I have collected all from the floor I stand up next to him as he sorts the last of the cards from the table into a pile.  He silently hands them to me.

“Well I guess I won,
” I say with a triumphant smile, as I put the rubber band around them.

, you definitely
first.”  He winks then chuckles.

I give him a slap on his bare chest but I can’t help but giggle
at the joke too.

Ow, you scratched me!” he chokes out through his laughter.


“There!”  He points to his ripped chest, smiling.

“I don’t see anything.”
Except a glorious body.

“There, look at that mark!  I’m almost bleeding.”  I lean in closer to his chest but I still don’t see anything.  His arms come around my back and he squeezes me tightly.

“Oh I see, that was just an excuse to get me in your arms,” I say playfully.

“I don’t need an excuse,
” he says more seriously.  He rests his chin on my head and squeezes me tighter. 
No, he doesn’t need an excuse, I feel right at home in his arms.  This is not good.
  I breathe him in deeply, savouring the fragrance that is uniquely Nick.  I love the feel of his hard bare chest against my cheek.  I can feel his heart beat and I sigh, thinking again about how I need to pull back, I can’t get too attached.

After a
few seconds, I reluctantly push away.  I can’t look him in the eye.  I turn away from him and for a moment I cannot decide what I am doing, or where I am going.  Should I find another pair of knickers to put on?  Probably no point in that, I think with a smirk to myself, happy to know I mean more to Nick than just a one night stand.  I decide on a drink, but I need something stronger than water, so I go to the fridge and get out a beer.

“Do you want one?”
I ask Nick, holding a bottle up in his direction.

“No thanks, I’m driving.”

“Oh that’s right, I forgot.  When do you have to leave?” I ask, disappointed that he has another DJ gig tonight. 
More time I won’t get to spend with him.

“Not for hours yet.
  Actually, I can have one I suppose.”  I hand him my unopened beer and grab another for myself.

Nick helps himself to my stereo and changes CDs.  The volume is down low, has been all day, I cannot even pay attention to the song that is playing as I stare unabashedly at him wearing nothing but shorts.  His defined V is on display specifically to taunt me, I’m sure
. To remind me of what I cannot have for very long.  Knowing he is going commando doesn’t help in my torture either.

I can’t believe I have become this person. 
Friends with benefits.  What the fuck was I thinking?

I know what I was thinking.  I was thinking abo
ut sex. 
Amazing sex with Nick.



I knew sex for us would be great, but I never imagined it could totally rock my world.  I never thought Em would be so wild and loud and carefree and utterly beautiful. 
Okay, that’s a lie, I always knew she was beautiful.

Sit with me,” I say over my shoulder to her from where I sit on her couch.  I half expect her to sit at the opposite end, but again she surprises me by sitting flush against my side.  I put my arm up behind her and tug her closer.  So close in fact, that when we face each other I can feel her breath warming my skin.  “Are you okay?  You’ve gone all quiet on me.”

“I’m fine,” she replies
, but I’m not convinced.  I squeeze her closer still and she tenses.

“Are you sure?  Did I do something wrong?  Because I thought-”

“No, not at all.  That was great!” she says as she blushes again with embarrassment.

“I’m glad you said that because that, back there,” I motion slightly to the table with my head, “was just… Wow!  That was incredible

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