Dark Desires: Genesis (3 page)

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Authors: Kourtney King

BOOK: Dark Desires: Genesis
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was wild and crazy and the most animalistic sex she had ever had. Vladimir was
a beast in the bedroom and the thought of him going for a third round before
she requested a reprieve had her smiling. She wanted good sex but got something
great instead. Paying the driver her fare she made her way into the house she
rented with a few other students and headed straight for her bedroom. She
dumped her purse on the study table and took off her clothes as she headed to
the shower. She felt hot and sticky and needed to wash off her night’s
activities. As she soaped up her body she couldn’t help think of all the things
he’d done to her, her nipples were a bit sensitive and her pussy felt tender to
the touch. It definitely needed some time off. When she was done she went back
to into the bedroom, switched off the lights and climbed into bed. She fell
into a deep slumber that was void of the troubled dreams that had plagued her
for the past few weeks.


woke up with morning wood. He knew Valerie wouldn’t be in his bed to help
alleviate this problem because he’d heard her make a speedy exit when she
thought he was asleep. Little did she know that he was a light sleeper or the
fact that he never allowed strange women to share his bed after their brief
rendezvous. She’d seen herself out saving him from the asshole routine he took
on once the deed was done. He could admit that he was miffed by the fact that
she left before he was completely wrung out, which is why he had a heavy
erection this morning instead of the usual vigour he felt the following day after
a long night of wrestling in the sack. He couldn’t ponder the events of a night
that was over, he didn’t even have her number - not that he cared to ask. He
was satisfied that he’d gotten a good lay and would find another later if he
still felt the urge to do so after he’d concluded his business dealings.
Getting up he headed to the shower to get cleaned up and prepare for a meeting
that would have him out of the country in the next couple of days.

woke up feeling hung over and sore. She blinked her eyes into focus and
recalled the events of the previous night. That was good, a very good night
indeed. Would she do it again? She had to think on that one. Yes- Vlad was
absolutely amazing in bed but no; she did not want to turn into a nymphomaniac,
using sex with strange guys as a new found coping mechanism for her new found
loneliness. She climbed out of bed and headed to the shower to start the day.
She had to get herself ready for the new semester which was starting on Monday.

decision to go back to school and finish off her degree had been on her mind
for the last year but after she started seeing Rehan and they became a couple
she put those thoughts on the back burner. Subconsciously she knew it was
because she had grown so attached to him and was already busy with work that if
she took on studying as well she would hardly have time for their relationship.
She could not believe she had become one of those pathetic women who put their
faith and life on hold for an unworthy man. It was a catch 22, if she could
turn back the hands of time she would warn her past self against placing all
her chips on said man but then again she wouldn’t learn this very valuable life
lesson that had helped her become a stronger woman. A woman intent on building
her life the way she wanted it without any man acting as a safety net.

she got out of the bathroom she heard her phone ringing but before she could
answer the call the ringing stopped. She had 5 missed calls. All from her
girlfriends she hadn’t seen over the past few years. She decided to give
Natasha a call first seeing that she was the last missed call on her log.

Natasha, I was in the shower when I missed all of the girls calls. What’s up?”

Val, the ladies and I are planning on going out to SOCO for ladies night
tonight. Please come, we haven’t hung out in forever and we miss you!” Natasha
said excitedly.

I miss you guys too, I was actually going to organise Sunday dinner for
tomorrow before the new semester kicks off” Val replied.

can do that as well but tonight it’s about letting our hair down before we
buckle down. I gotta go, will pick you up at 8!” Natasha hurried out before
hanging up.

sure” Val replied sarcastically to the silent phone knowing that no one was on
the other end of the line. She was going to back out of this outing especially
after the wild night she’d had yesterday or rather this morning. Even though
girl’s night was a cluster of fun filled with laughter and gossip among the
girls, as the night wore on she knew they would be trolling for men and she was
in no mood to socialise with the opposite sex. She mentally made a pact with
herself to have fun tonight and just enjoy being young, single and in college
again. She was taking a break from guys indefinitely as far as she was
concerned. She got dressed and headed out to finish a few errands; maybe she
could sneak in a nap before the night’s festivities began.

was glad that everything was going according to plan. The meeting was a success
and he would be on his way to Turkey by Monday morning in order to secure his
latest contract. Granted the meeting was in total only an hour of business but
the other three had been spent on pleasantries and sizing each other up through
crafty code and euphemism. He was in a very tough business and what he did for
a living was highly questionable which is why the brokering of such deals took
months to negotiate especially when one considered all the risks. He worked as
an independent contractor and wasn’t tied with any organisations that would
cover him when he went in. His solitude increased the level of danger and was
also the reason he exerted extreme caution.

been invited by his associates to an event later that night, he was not
inclined to go. Nonetheless he accepted knowing that refusal would be viewed as
a snub regardless of what excuses he made. He decided to explore the city and
play the tourist for the duration of his free time before tonight. Cape Town
architecture reminded him of some of the cities he’d seen in Europe, the large
concentration of black people and certain parts of the poverty stricken areas
he’d seen in his short travels were a replica of the media reports on Africa.
In certain areas such as the surfing beach of Llandudno he noticed that the
vast majority was white and couldn’t determine whether it was because of the prime
location came with a hefty price tag or the affluence of one group was a
remnant of the apartheid era. Having rented a board at a local shop he decided
to test out the waters by riding the waves to cool down from the hot weather.
After a few hours spent at sea, working out and cooling off he decided to pack
up and have lunch at a nearby vendor that served local cuisine before heading
back to his room to get cleaned up. He opted for the safest choice of
with its similar look and texture, it reminded him of a hotdog.

felt rejuvenated after her nap and when the girls decided to stop by her place
to get ready together and have pre-drinks she felt the excitement building in
anticipation of the night ahead. God she missed this. She’d forgotten what
college was like: no pressure to hit performance targets, no weekly reports to
send in and no hard-to-please-boss with a disinclination of using the words
please and thank you. She wanted to open up and tell the girls about her wild
night, it was liberating but she felt guilty about sleeping with a complete
stranger knowing how judgemental she had been a few years back. Her friends
always managed to shed light on questionable situations through insights and
philosophies she had never considered. Heading into the kitchen, she made some
punch using a mix of all the alcohol that the girls had brought along with them.
Coming back into the room she brought in the potent jug and four plastic cups.
When the Awesome Foursome got together she knew that something breaking was
inevitable and she wasn’t willing to step on any shards tonight.

it time to play Never-Have-I-Ever” she suggested nonchalantly. Looking at the
young women gathered in her room in their various stages of preparation she
didn’t miss the gleam of excitement in everyone’s eyes. Never-Have-I-Ever had
been their favourite drinking game from the first time they got together as a
group. It was an ice-breaker that revealed secrets and highlighted mutually
shared adventures one often kept hidden, no matter how odd or wild they were.
Everyone would get a cup of alcohol and each person would start with
“Never-Have-I-Ever” then finished it off with something they did or did not do.
If any of the people had done it then they would drink and if not, they would
pass on consuming the alcohol. Toni squealed in excitement clapping her hands
together. She was the wild card in the group and this was her only chance of
getting juicy details about her friends dark sides when the majority of the
time they displayed semi-nun behaviour.

in the jug?” she asked, probably wanting to ensure there was more alcohol than
juice in the mix to loosen everybody’s tongue.

little bit of what everyone brought topped up with the miracle OJ” Val replied proudly
as she poured everyone a cup.

that you’ve been gone for two years little miss why don’t you start?” Macy
asked handing everyone their cup.

Never-Have-I-Ever given head” Val stated and took a sip along with everyone

eaten pussy” Macy stated and took a sip. Everyone else just stared not taking a
drink. She was the only one to have done that in the group.

be honest” Natasha began and everyone laughed at the innuendo “who’s carpet did
you munch?”

your information it was a Persian rug and it was Holly, we met on contiki”

took a moment to consider this little nugget especially coming from the most
put together individual in the group.

tossed a salad” Natasha threw out and took a gulp alone as everyone turned to
look at her for an elaboration.

swear habits by day and harlots by night” Toni chuckled.

was with Brian, we got really high and really experimental and we tried it on
each other so yeah…” was the only explanation Natasha gave.

had an orgy” Toni said and took a sip. Everyone else looked quizzically at each
other. “What?” Toni asked.

orgy exactly how many people are we talking about here” Macy enquired.

anything more than 3 is considered an orgy” Toni remarked with a devious smile
on her lips.

was shocked but considering the free spirit Toni was, their surprise died down
to quiet acceptance. She was wild by anyone’s standards but she always played
it safe and was academically the strongest woman in the group. The friendship
they shared with each other was a judgement free zone and knowing how diverse
each of their backgrounds were, being open-minded was a pre-requisite.
Regardless of the reckless actions taken and the crazy decisions that were made
they knew they could lean on each other for support, encouragement or advise.
“If anyone wants to ever give it a try let me know and I’ll sign you up with
the club” Toni offered. The rest of the girls shook their heads and Natasha
gave a polite decline. Knowing Toni and the circles she ran in after-hours
everyone happily stayed in their lane of moderate deviance.

had a one night stand with a complete stranger” Val blurted out and chugged the
rest of her drink, needing the liquid courage to tell her tale. she had
attended an all-girls school and up until recently, she had been crowned the
sexual innocent, there was a lot of explaining she would have to do. When she
finished her drink she felt a little dizzy but smiled knowing how unbelievable
this would sound coming from her.

better explain yourself” Macy quipped. She was always the silent but deadly one
when it came to getting to the bottom of things.

I went out last night, got really drunk and met a cute guy at the bar who took
me to his hotel. We knocked boots and I can safely say the pussy is out of
commission for a while.”

he take advantage of you?” Natasha asked tenderly

No, it was nothing like that. I just decided to do something wild and impulsive
after realising that caution and exclusivity is just not the be-all-end-all of
life especially after He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named happened. I flirted my ass off
after seeing how fine his body was and that face…” Val rolled her eyes heavenward
“heart stopping”.

the girls burst out laughing. Toni stood up and gave her a hug. “It’s good to
know you’re balls have dropped sister” she said wiping away mock tears as she
stepped back.

didn’t even know I had any until last night” Val said smiling. She felt
relieved to get the confession off her chest and after hearing the crazy things
that the Awesome Foursome did, she didn’t quite feel like the harlot she’d envisioned
herself to be earlier in the day when she crept out of the hotel and pondered her
actions in the confines of her bed.

can’t believe you guys are doing these crazy things without me. The minute I
get into a relationship it seems you ladies have dropped your panties and
started waving to all the sailors passing by” Natasha pouted.

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