Darque Wants (30 page)

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Authors: Diana Steele

BOOK: Darque Wants
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              It took two more days in the mission, as Sister Mia had said, but Nai's shoulder had healed almost completely. There were some advantages to being a Priestess after all. Aside from a little stiffness, the only sign she had been shot was the scar, a nice round slightly pinkish circle on the front and the back of her shoulder just below the black jaguar tattoo. She noticed people staring at it on the plane ride back home, but she wasn't ashamed of it, she had earned it. Nai saw no reason to hide it. Besides, she loved her tank tops. She was happy to be back in her apartment, though it did feel strange after what seemed like a lifetime.


              “Time,” She chuckled to herself as she thought about it. “It really does move in different ways.” Nai tossed her bag in the floor and headed for her bed. That was what she really wanted, the comfort and security of her own bed. As she jumped on the mattress and rolled around, the letter, still sitting on her bedside table, caught her attention once again. “Well, no time like the present.” She said with a grim smile as she reached for the envelope. The paper felt old in her hands as she tore it open. Her fingers found the letter inside and pulled it out. As she did, a photo fluttered out and drifted to the bed. Nai held the letter up and read it to herself.


              “Nai, honey, I know you are doing well, and I am sure you miss me. I have so many things I want to say to you, so many secrets I want to share, but I know you will find them in your own time. Time. You will see the joke in that soon enough. As for me, I get the feeling my time is almost here. I can't explain everything to you I want to, but I can leave you one special clue. Just know that I love you very much, and I am counting on you more than you can ever imagine. And I hope you enjoy the photo I sent you of the day we went to Bush Gardens together. The photo has special meaning from a very special day. Love, Granny Nai.”


              Nai picked the photo up from the bed as she held back he urge to cry. Everything she had been through lately had almost made her forget how the loss of her Granny had been so devastating to her. She looked at the photo and remembered the day. It had been a special day. The picture had been taken before they got kicked out when Nai had climbed into the tiger enclosure. The memory made her chuckle. She had a much better understanding of granny's zest for life now. As she looked at the photo something suddenly caught her eye. Nai jumped from the bed and ran to her desk. She jerked open a draw and rummaged through the junk until she came back up from it with a magnifying glass Granny had given her.


              “Son of a bitch,” Nai said as she looked at the picture. “Son of a bitch!” She repeated to herself with a chuckle. In the photo, Nai stood arm in arm with her granny in front of a store front window. In the mirrored glass behind them, was a clear reflection of granny's shoulder as her tank top sleeve had slipped aside. Clear as day in the reflection was the tattoo of a black jaguar across Granny's shoulder. And there was one more tiny detail you had to look hard to catch. Just below the tattoo was a small, round, pink scar.


The End


Here’s an excerpt from
Reckless Initiation, Book 1 in the

Time Keepers: Guardians of the Mayan Secrets


“Oh, fuck!” Nai said as her fingers slipped down between her legs. She lay in the steel tub the Sisters had brought into her little room and filled with hot water. Her long dark legs stretched out over the rim as her fingers pushed down on her clit. “Mmmm, yes!” she hissed out between her pursed lips. She leaned her head back against the towel behind her and rubbed her wet soapy breast. Her rich, deep-colored nipples pushed up from the water in the growing need as she flicked her fingers over one and then the other. Her hips spread as she laid her knee wide apart and started pushing the tip of her middle finger between her lips until she found the firm little nub she had been searching for. A moan drew out of her mouth as she pressed the tiny button firmly and began to move it in circles. Her fingers pinched a nipple and pulled it from her breasts. “Shit yes, mmm, there we go,” she said as she held it out and rolled it between her fingers. The surface of the bath water rippled as the hand beneath it picked up pace between her thighs. Her flat stomach pushed for the sky as her aching body began to writhe and her belly button rose up into the cool air. “Mmmm, God!” she said louder as her fingers pushed down between the trembling lips and found their way to her sensitive opening. As she pushed hard, they sank deep inside her and began to pump in and out quickly. Her other hand moved rapidly grabbing her other breast with a tight squeeze. “Oh yes, fuck yes,” she cried out as she shook so violently the water splashed out on the dingy wooden floor. Nai's head tossed back and forth and she cried out in ecstasy, the sounds drifting through the open window.


              The white wall of the mission glowed in a dull blue shade in the moonlight. He leaned below the open window quietly as he listened to the sounds of her passion float out into the night.  He knew her sounds. He knew how her body built up and when to push her harder. But she didn't know, not yet. He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a small silver cigarette case and fished out a smoke. He held it between his lips, savoring the taste of it, as he breathed in and the red light of the cherry glowed in the darkness. He heard the sound he had been expecting. He heard her reach that point she couldn't pull back from, even if she wanted to. And he knew her well enough to know, she never wanted to. He knew the moment Nai came, and a thin grin crept across his lips. His hand reached the brim of his hat and gave it a little tug. “Good one, Nai,” he whispered in a gravelly voice. He tossed the cigarette on the ground as he walked away. He knew the look on her face, and he pictured it in his mind as he faded off into the night. Hell, he knew everything about his wife, and he looked forward to meeting her, again.

Dark Protector:

Legacy of the Goddess

Book 1


Surrender to the Nightmare


Morgana Patrick


Anna writhed on the sweat-soaked sheets. Her body burned with fear and anticipation. He hovered over her, gazing down at her naked body, stripped bare and exposed to him. His hand reached out and stroked her cheek as she trembled with her mouth open. Her body shuddered at the touch of his cool skin against her flaming cheek. His eyes never left hers as his head lowered towards her heaving breasts and his hand traced its way across her lips and down her slender neck.


              “Oh God!” Anna gasped as his lips wrapped around her engorged nipple and drew it deep into his mouth. His tongue thrashed wildly over the delicate skin as he sucked and applied ever increasing suction. His hands firmly stroked down her body in what seemed a calm and completely controlled fashion compared to the chaos Anna felt erupting inside her. She opened her eye and looked down at him as he carefully devoured her aching breasts. His cheeks sucked in, and his lips pulled hard at her tender nipples, but his eye were focused on hers. His eyes, they seemed so dark, so deep in a seemingly endless way that made her start to draw back from him. But his lips held her still as he magically transfixed her with the sensations his mouth could create. Anna submitted, closed her eyes and laid her head back on the pillow.


              “Oh God, yes!” She whimpered at the attention of his lips and ravenous tongue. “Yes, please!” The power of the moment raced through her, and she lifted her tingling arms to grasp his head in an attempt to get a hold of him, a hold of the situation, a hold of anything. Sudden panic burst through her pleasure, shattering the peaceful acceptance of it as her eyes shot open. Anna's head jerked from one side of the bed to the other. Her hands hung dangling, as if they were someone else's, from the headboard in thick leather restraints. Her breath stuck in her throat as she tried to pull her body back from him. She laid trapped on the bed below him. She stared into his eyes as they burned right through her, but his mouth never slowed. As Anna's mouth opened in panic to beg for release, his teeth sank firmly down on her nipple. She clamped her eyes shut as her body exploded.


              “Fuck!” Anna screamed as she shot up in her bed. “Oh fuck!” The room was lit in pale blue light, shimmering in the window from the street light. Her lungs puffed wildly as she clutched her arms across her chest. Her sheets were soaked in sweat, her skin burned like a furnace and she trembled from head to toe. Her naked body clutching the sheets around her quivered in the center of the bed. She was alone. “A dream.” She said it almost as a question as her little voice slipped raggedly from her tired lungs. “It's just a dream. But damn, that was some dream.” As her body cooled and her breath calmed, she realized something. A slight twinge of embarrassment rippled through her as she pulled back the sheets and slipped her hand down below the cloth. Her fingers slid between her still slightly shaking legs and found their way to her throbbing lips. They were delicate to the touch, almost sore. “Oh God I'm soaked!” She said loud enough that the echo off the empty walls startled her.


              “Anna?” Her hands shot out from under the sheets and jerked the cloth up to her neck in one quick motion. Her mother's voice from the other side of the door startled her. Or was it embarrassment?  She wasn't sure. “Anna, are you OK?” Her mother called from the other side of the door. “I heard you scream. Are you alright?”


              “Yes.” Her voice stuck in her throat as she tried to answer. “Yea, Mom. I'm fine,” she said.


              “Are you sure?  I know I heard you scream,” Anna's mother said, her voice riddled with concern.


              “I'm fine mom. I just had a nightmare,” she replied. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up.”


              “Oh, sweetheart! Do you want me sit with you a little bit?” her mother asked from beyond the door.


              “No!” Anna shouted. “No, Mom, I'm fine. It's OK.” Anna was sitting naked in her bed. Her thighs still shaking from what was obviously one hell of an orgasm. Her embarrassment made her cringe. “It was just a nightmare. I'm good.”


              “Oh, Anna, another nightmare?” her mother asked. “Are you sure you don't need me to sit with you? Maybe get you some warm milk?” Anna rolled her eyes as she listened to her mother. Anna was 19 and in her mother’s eyes, she knew she was still just a child.


              “Mom, you know I'm leaving for college tomorrow, right?” she shouted back. “I think I can handle one little nightmare.” Anna's mother leaned against the door, a pouting lip protruding distinctively as she listened to her daughter.


              “Yes, Anna, I know,” she said as she struggled against the tears welling up in her eyes. “But after tonight, who am I going to make warm milk for, little Miss College Girl?” A touch of guilt came over Anna as she heard the change in her mother voice. She knew exactly what the look on her face was. She had seen it a thousand times in the last few weeks as she prepared to head off to school. Suddenly the thought of a cup of warm milk sounded like the best thing on earth. She never really liked the warm milk itself, but she loved the way her mother comforted and calmed her as she drank it. Anna started to tear up herself, but no.


              “I have to tough it out,” Anna said to herself, sitting up straight and steeling herself against the onset of nostalgia. “That's little Miss College WOMAN, thank you,” she retorted with a flip of her hair.


              “Oh well then, little Miss College WOMAN doesn't need me anymore? Is that it?” her mother answered back as a smile started to build across her face. She really was proud of her daughter. She had avoided all the trouble and drama that her friends had always seem to find. Her grades were great, and she got into a good school. She knew Anna would be ok. She just wished she wouldn't be completely ok without her old mom so soon.


              “No, mom,” Anna's voiced softened a bit but tried to maintain its playful tone. “I'm fine really. Just the stress of packing, I guess. Go back to bed. Tomorrow is a long day.”


              “Wait a minute, young lady,” her mother snapped back. “That's my line, not yours. You aren't supposed to be that grown up, not yet anyway.”


              “Mom, for God's sake, go back to bed,” Anna replied. “And Mom?”


              “Yes, sweetheart?” she asked, still leaning against the door.


              “I love you,” Anna said feeling the start of her watering eyes returning.


              “I love you too, sweetheart.” Anna's mom was suffering the same problem as she pushed herself away from the door. “Now, it's probably just the stress from packing,” she said as she tried to smile. “So try to get some sleep. Tomorrow’s going to be a long day.”


              “Oh yea, yea that must be it,” Anna said cracking a little smile and holding back the tears. “Goodnight.”


              “Goodnight, sweetheart,” her mother said as she pulled herself away and started down the hall.


              Anna heard her leaving. She heard the squeak in the floor just past the bathroom door. And then she heard the one by the stairway. She closed her eyes and pictured her mother and knew exactly where she was in the hall. She knew this house. She knew it's creaks and groans. Each little sound, even the strange smell of the basement was always there. It was home. She looked around her room. In the cold light of the night, it struck her, seeing the boxes stacked up along the wall, the empty places where her posters hung just a day before. It was home, but now all of a sudden it was different. She felt herself shiver as a little sob stuck in her throat, and she cursed herself for not saying yes, oh God yes, to the warm milk.


              Anna laid back down and curled up under the sheets. The sweat had cooled around her and she felt cold in the now glaringly empty room that wasn't quite hers anymore. She forced her eyes closed and tried to go back to sleep, but she felt afraid. In the dark, alone, she couldn't hide from it. As she laid there with her eyes locked shut she saw glimpses of him. The man in her dreams. The images made her shiver even more as she curled into a small ball beneath the blankets. She had had the dream before, or others like it. It started just after graduation. First, the man was just a face she noticed in a crowd. Then he was outside her house. As she kept having the dreams, he kept getting closer. He was at her window. Then he was in her room. The dreams always made her feel nervous, scared but somehow more excited than she had ever been. Then tonight he was in her bed, and God, that was something. The fear of it, the thrill was more than she could handle. She started to shake, but then she remembered her mother's word, or were they hers?


              “It's just the stress,” she whispered to herself. “Yes, that's it,” she thought. It made sense. The dreams started after graduation. The man got closer and closer as time to leave for school got closer and closer. “It has to be my mind symbolizing the fear of such a big life change,” she thought to herself. “But why the sexual aspect?” she wondered. And why did I cum like that?” As she lay curled up in her bed, she felt her body start to tingle again. She recalled the conversation she had had with her best friend Judy a few weeks earlier.


              “You can't leave for college without getting it popped,” Judy said with a sense of concern that just didn't fit with the bubble gum popping that had erupted from her mouth just a second before. “I mean, it's college, Anna. You can't go to college a virgin.”


              That was it, Anna thought. “It's a man who represents my fear of leaving home and losing my virginity.” She uncurled a bit under the sheets, feeling rather proud of her intelligent and mature analysis of the situation. She shook off the strangeness of it all, the dreams, the boxes, and the missing posters and tried to nestle herself back into sleep. As she slipped away into slumber, she saw him again, his face, and she shivered slightly and then smiled. She knew something wasn't right about this. Something wasn't right about her analysis. But most of all something wasn't right about him. The growing warmth inside her, swelling from between her still-moist thighs was inviting, and she was so tired. Her slender hand slipped between her legs as she drifted off to sleep.


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