Darque Wants (33 page)

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Authors: Diana Steele

BOOK: Darque Wants
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              “You said,” she gulped hesitantly. “You said I'm special? Special to who?”


              “To me,” he said. Then, suddenly, the same sound came bursting through the night. It was like a cat screaming for its dinner or some wrenching bit of metal. But this time it was closer, much closer. “Anna give in. Surrender. Surrender soon,” he said, so urgently to her that she stepped back again. The slippery bricks of the sidewalk betrayed her, and Anna feel back into the snow.


              “Shit!” she exclaimed and she struggled to lift herself from the snow bank. When she was on her feet again, she looked back towards the gate. He was gone. “Of fucking course,” she said under her breath. Then the sound came again. This time, so close she could feel it ripple through her skin with a nauseating sensation. Anna stumbled back again and turned for the doorway. She quickly passed the front door and darted up the steps. She didn't stop moving until she heard the loud creak of the floor board where she froze suddenly.


              “Anna?” Her mother called from down the hall.


              “Just getting some, uhm some milk, Mom,” she said as she started to move again towards her bedroom door. She quickly darted into the safety of her room and stripped off the snow soaked robe and tossed it away.


              “Anna, sweetheart, are you ok?” her mother's voice came from the hall.


              “Yea, Mom,” she said through the door. “I'm good. I just needed something to drink. She could hear her mom's steps, then, once again, the creaking board.


              “Are you sure, baby?” Meredith's voice came back, and Anna could tell she was moving along the hall. Anna slipped back across the room and into her bed as fast as she could.


              “Yea, Mom. I'm already back in bed,” she said. “Good night. I'm going to sleep again.” Nothing could be more distant from the truth. Anna's heart was still racing, and her body felt so cold that she wondered if she would ever be warm again. She pulled the blankets around her and listened for her mother's footsteps. She could see her shadow under the door just standing there, for what felt like, forever. Finally, she saw it move, and she heard the steps moving down the hall again. Anna laid in bed shivering as her mother disappeared. She laid there and shivered most of the night and couldn't remember when she finally fell asleep again.


              When Anna woke the next day, she felt exhausted. She laid around the house all day trying to figure out if she was losing her mind or what. Meredith asked her if she was sick and needed a trip to Urgent Med, but Anna managed to avoid the doctor by submitting to warm milk.


              When it was all said and done, the break was less than the happy reunion Meredith had hoped for. She was worried about Anna. Her daughter seemed distant and didn't really seem to like being home. Of course, her friends at work said that was how all kids are when they come home from break. They miss their friends and their independence, growing up, you know, they said.


              When Anna arrived back at school, she found Kat in their room. Obviously, she had not had a much better break, but she was thrilled to see Anna. As she came through the door, Kat jumped from the bed right into Anna's arms. She burst into tears and sobbed for a few minutes as they stood in the doorway. They settled in and exchanged their stories. Kat's wasn't terribly different than Anna's actually. She had met her stranger by the wall behind the dorm. Both the girls were starting to show wear. They hadn't been sleeping much at all and eating even less. The dreams were still coming, but they seemed more desperate and full of urgency, which is how the girls felt themselves. They were scared half the time and desperately burning with lust the rest of the time. But right now, they were both just glad not to be alone. They calmed down, and Anna gave her the presents her mom had bought for her. The first was a plush bathrobe much like Anna's. It was pink with yellow rubber ducks. And then Anna gave her the present she had gotten for her. It was a silver necklace with a small dream catcher pendant. Finally, the relief of having each other's back set in, and they fell asleep side-by-side on Kat's bed.


              “Oh God, please!” Anna cried out, tossing her head side to side as the stranger moved between her legs. She tossed her head to the side towards the altar where Kat was. But the altar was empty. The pleasure flowing through her body crashed in sheer terror as she pulled at the straps, frantically searching for her friend. The strap wrapped around her left wrist gave way and she lurched up from the altar towards the empty stone bed beside her. As she slipped off the silky cloth and fell to the floor, Anna crashed down with a thud. She crawled out across the dorm room floor looking, but Kat was nowhere to be found. “Kat!” she called out. “Kat where are you?” Then she slumped to her knees and started to cry in the center of the floor. “Get up!” she told herself. “Get up, damn it!” she said out loud through her gritted teeth. As she pulled herself to her feet, she headed for the door.


              Out in the cold nighttime air, Anna was still sweating as she ran around the back wall of the dorm searching but Kat, who was nowhere to be found. She ran down the slippery sidewalk towards the drill field where she slipped and crashed through the bushes by the steps. “Damn it!” she cursed as she righted herself in the snow. At that moment a flicker of light caught her attention in the bushes. Anna reached up towards the sparkle that caught her eye. Her soul sank inside as tears rolled down her cheeks. She clutched the silver dreamcatcher to her chest and sobbed in the snow.


              As she sat there while the snow melted into her jeans, the air around her shattered with that sound. The grating rusted metal being wracked over glass sound that she had only heard one night before. Anna jumped and fell back into the snow as the sound rang out closer to her hiding place behind the bushes. She scrambled to her feet and started to run. The cold winter air burned as it flew into her lungs. Her head pounded like a hammer in her skull. Roots seemed to grab at her feet, making her stumble and sending jolts of pain through her muscles. She kept her eye over her shoulder towards the sound and paid little attention to her path as she collided with someone. Looking up she saw him above her. His arms had enclosed around her, and she was pressed into his chest. She finally stopped to look around and found herself near the back of the library. The sound called out again, causing her to jolt closer into his chest.


              “Help me,” she looked up at him begging with her whole body. “Please,” she whimpered as the encroaching noise made the hair on her neck stand up and shiver.


              “You have to surrender, Anna,” he said, looking down into her eyes with what she thought was as much pleading as she felt in herself.


              “I'm special?” she asked as her lips quivered and the tears started to fall again. His hand slipped up and brushed them away from her burning cheek.


              “You're very special, Anna,” he said as he leaned down and kissed the top of her forehead. Anna closed her eyes and leaned her face into his chest and sighed.


              “I surrender.”


              “Oh God!” Anna called out as his mouth lapped between her thighs. She felt him, she felt him so completely as he worked her delicate folds in his mouth. His fingers rhythmically worked in and out of her aching body. She arched her back up from the stone, pushing her body to him, feeding her own hunger more than his. She had been taken through a door in the back of the library and led down a long hall to a set of spiraling steps. The steps seemed to go down for an hour before it came to a large wooden door. He knocked on the door, and it opened. He took her inside. Standing around the room were others, others like him. She could tell the difference, a little, now. That were so much alike, but each was individual. In the center of the room were the two stone beds covered in red velvet. On the bed where she expected to see Kat was one of the strangers. His body lay still, face down on the stone. Anna looked at him and started to struggle with her tears. Her stranger took her and turned her away from the beds towards the crowd standing just in the shadows.


              “Do you surrender?” A deep rumbling voice came from one of the strangers.


              “She has surrendered, Sir,” her stranger answered as he stood up straight beside her.

              “I wasn't asking you, Connor,” the stranger answered. “The bride must surrender openly before the counsel.”


              “So he has a name,” Anna thought to herself as she looked at him to see if Connor fit.  He turned to her and took her cheeks in his palms.


              “You have to answer for yourself, Anna,” he said as he looked into her eyes. “Don't be afraid. It will be ok.” Then he let go and stepped back away from her.


              “Do you surrender, girl?” the stranger asked again.


              “Yes,” Anna managed to pipe out in a tiny voice. As soon as she did, the stranger thundered over her. His chest rumbling like Connor's had, but a hundred times deeper. The vibrations of it seemed to shake the walls in the dark room.


              “Say it!” he commanded. Anna shook but stood her ground.


              “I surrender,” she said, then stood up straighter and pulled her shoulders back. “I surrender to Connor,” she said with a sense of pride she wasn't really sure where it came from. The stranger backed down and stood against the wall. Suddenly there were two women at her side. Each had a small silver knife in hand and began cutting Anna's clothes from her body. She turned her eyes to Connor, questioningly. His eyes were already on her, and he placed his finger to his lips in a tiny gesture. She knew she was being watched, but his eyes were all she cared about. She wanted to make him proud. She stood up straight again and stayed perfectly still as the two women stripped her completely bare in front of the crowd. They led her to the stone bed and helped her onto it. As she laid back, they took her hands and extended them. Anna didn't struggle as they wrapped the leather straps around her wrists and then her ankles.


              “Oh God, Connor, please!” she screamed. The other faces looking on didn't matter anymore as he rose up from between her thighs. She burned to be his. To really be his, this time. He looked her in the eyes, and she saw the smile on his lips glistening with her juices. Her legs shook below him, and her hips writhed side to side. “Please!” she begged him more quietly as he leaned down to kiss her lips. “I surrender. I am yours.” His eyes never blinked but stayed focused on hers as his lips consumed hers. His tongue, the same tongue that had pushed so deep into her throbbing core just a moment ago, found its way easily into her open mouth. She could tell by the way it fought with hers that he wanted, he needed her, as badly as she did. His lips were still on hers as she felt him slide up between her open thighs. Their eyes were locked as the head of his cock brushed against her lips, sending a convulsion through her that broke the kiss. His teeth nipped at her lower lip as her head fell back onto the stone. Then she felt him again. She closed her eyes as the head of his cock wedged itself between her lips and slowly pushed. Anna's back arched, and her hips rose up to meet his and he plunged into her. “Fuck!” she cried out as he filled her completely in one hard stroke. Anna's body took control, and her hips bucked maddeningly under his. She had never felt so full. The sensation was overwhelming as she felt his hips push into hers, driving his swollen hardness into her deeper and deeper. She could feel it, every inch of it inside her. She could feel him swelling with each thrust. Her arms jerked at the straps as she sought to grab him, to pull him even deeper into her burning desire. “Oh God, Connor, fuck me!” she cried. “Fuck me. Please fuck me!” Her head lashed back and forth as his hips picked up speed. She could feel his balls slapping against her lips as the head of his cock touched something inside her she didn't even know was there before. She felt her body building, or growing, she wasn't sure which, and she didn't give a damn either. She heard him groan out loud. It rumbled into her like waves crashing through her, and she went rigid under his onslaught. He groaned and then called out loud to her as she felt his cock swell and then explode inside her. She felt his cum rushing into her like lava. It burned her inside but in a way that felt better than anything she had ever known. He twitched inside her, his cock spasming with each gush of fluid he gave her. Her body followed after his and erupted. The convulsions ravaged her body. She could feel her muscles squeezing against him as he tried to hold deep inside her. Her nipples burned against his chest, and her back gave way as she collapsed, taking him down with her. His heavy body felt at peace lying on top of hers as she twitched and grunted below. Her eyes fluttered and closed. Exhausted, she quickly passed out.


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