Darque Wants (29 page)

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Authors: Diana Steele

BOOK: Darque Wants
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“Rise and shine, sleepy head,” Marjorie said as she ripped the covers back off of Nai's still sleeping body. “Big day today, lots of chores to do, horny miners to shoot you know, another day in the west.”


              “Go to hell, woman,” Nai grumbled as she grabbed the covers and started a tug of war with the nun. “You waking me up like this is starting to get on my fucking nerves, you know.” Nai realized suddenly that she had fallen asleep with Vagar, and now in the light of the morning, he was nowhere to be seen. She let go of the sheet and lay back on the bed completely unconcerned about her nudity.


              “Don't worry,” Marjorie said as she shook out the sheets and folded them up. “He's around. He went out to have a look in town when the sun came up.”


              “What,” Nai said, snapping her attention back to Marjorie. “What makes you think I'm worried about him?”


              “Let's see, hmmm, let me think,” Marjorie said with a grin. “Maybe it was the fact that the whole mission heard you two yesterday morning. Or maybe afternoon, then after dinner. Oh no, no, I've got it, it was the fact you two kept us all up half the night too. Yes, that's it.”


              “Bitch,” Nai said as she flung her pillow at Marjorie.


              “I'm just saying that when a woman screaming “please” that many times means she's got to have something on her mind other than your run of the mill romp in the hay,” Marjorie said as she pulled the metal wash tub out into the middle of the room. “Now the sister's are on their way with bath water for you get your bottom up and get ready for a bath.”


              “Bath, what are you trying to say?” Nai asked indignantly.


              “That you smell like sex, dear,” Marjorie said. “A lot of sex.”


              “Bitch,” Nai responded with a second pillow thrown shortly behind. “Any word about things so far this morning?”


              “Rumor has it that Richards’ men are going to make their way over this way sometime today.” Marjorie said as she open the door for the sisters who filed in with buckets of hot water for the wash basin. “That's where Vagar has gone off to, he wanted to have a look around.” Nai watched the sisters silently filled the wash basin for her as the steam rose up into the cool air of the morning.


              “Marjorie,” Nai started  as she sat up on the edge of the bed.


              “Yes, dear?”


              “Nothing,” Nai hesitated. “Never mind.”


              “No, now come on, I hate it when people do that,” Marjorie said as she laid out towels for the bath. “Just spit it out already, you can’t say anything I haven't heard before. I’m a time travel nun, remember?”


              “Yeah, that's it,” Nai said with a chuckle. “You're a nun!”


              “I'm a Priestess too, don't you forget,” Marjorie said with a twinkle in her smile. “Don't think you got anything I haven't heard before. Well, may YOU do, but most people don't.”

              “So why are you always implying that I am like some kind of super slut?” Nai asked with a tilt to her head and a firm gaze focused on Marjorie.


              “Oh honey,” Marjorie said. “I'm not implying it. You're a slut, dear, tried and true. Now, get over here, and get in the tub.”


              “Tried and true?”


              “Tried by most of the men anyway,” Marjorie said with chuckle. “Now what's on your mind?” Nai slipped off the edge of the bed and walked over to the wash tub. She dipped her fingers in the warm water.


              “Mmm nice,” Nai said as she felt the warmth soak into her fingers. “I could get used to this. I don't know, it's just Vagar.”


              “What about him?” Marjorie asked as she watched Nai slip one foot and then the other into the steaming water. “Come on now, get yourself in there, we don't have all day.”


              “It's weird. It's like he knows my body completely, every little trick, every spot.” Nai said as she sank into the water. “Did you ever have a man like that?”


              “No, I can't say that I have,” Marjorie said a she tossed a bar of soap in the tub splashing Nai in the face. “Then again, I already tried to tell you. You and Vagar are moving in opposite directions. He does know everything about you already. It may be your first go but I've spent many a night having to listen to the two of you going at it.”


              “Yeah, I still don't really get that,” Nai said as she took the soap and started to scrub herself up. “You and I are going the same way right?”

              “That's right,” Marjorie said. “I met you years ago, but you were older. It's the same with Vagar. He met the older you first, when you had known him for years. Now it's just the other way around.”


              “Does this time travel bullshit ever get less confusing?” Nai asked.


              “I'm afraid not,” Marjorie said. “But the Nai I used to know told me not to sweat the details, they will drive you crazy.”


              “That sounds like granny,” Nai said.


              “Oh, your granny way a smart cookie, honey,” Marjorie said. “I'd take her advice any day.” The door opened again, and this time Vagar stepped in rather than one of the nuns.


              “Marjorie,” Vagar said with a tip of his hat. “Nai, looking good I see.”


              “Oh hell,” Marjorie said as she looked at Vagar's face while he looked at Nai in the bath. “Well, if you two are going to do it again, at least you might as well both get a bath at out of it. Come on now, in the tub with you, mister.” Marjorie had her hands on her hips as she starred at Vagar sternly. “It's not the first time I've seen you naked.”


              “Yeah, but we were both a lot younger back then,” Vagar said as he started to strip out of his dusty clothes.


              “Wait,” Nai said looking at Marjorie. “You've seen him naked? Is there something I need to know about here?”


              “Nai honey, half the world and generations of people have seen you naked,” Marjorie said as she collected Vagar's clothes and looked his naked body up and down. “Well, at least you still look good. I'm going to have these clothes washed. If we are gonna die today at least we can do it in a tidy outfit.”  Marjorie opened the door to leave and looked back as Vagar stepped over into the tub with Nai. “You two try and not get water everywhere.” Then she stepped into the hall and closed the door.


              “So Marjorie's seen you naked,” Nai said as she slipped up towards Vagar in the steaming water. “Whatever were you two doing?”


              “It was what we were doing, actually,” Vagar said as he grabbed her and pulled her in for a kiss. “It was a sidewalk in Madrid, 1916, I believe.” He said as he broke the kiss and slid forward in the tub. Nai climbed on his lap with her legs around his back, her breasts brushed against his face as she positioned her body to drop down on his hard cock. His lips instinctively latched on to her nipple and drew it into his mouth.


              “Vagar,” Nai said as she held herself up above him. “Fuck Madrid, I want you now.” Nai lowered her body back down into the hot water. She felt the head of his cock push against her lips and part them as she sat down on his lap. His cock slid easily into her depths and he groaned as she came down on him.


              Marjorie stood outside the doorway listening to the sound of their pleasure. “I guess I better wash my clothes too then.” She whispered to herself as she leaned against the wall. “Oh, to hell with that,” She said as she stood up straight and held her head up high. “If I'm going out, I'm going with a smile on my face. Earnest!” She shouted as she headed down the hallway. “Earnest, where are you?”





Sister Margret watched over the mission wall as the riders came down from town. She had already sent for Marjorie and the others. She waited, filled with dread as the riders approached.


              “Sister Margret,” Marjorie said as she came to stand beside her at the wall. “Well, I guess it's time, then.”


              “Mother Superior,” Margret started.


              “Hush child,” Marjorie said as she took hold of Margret by the shoulders. “Just remember everything we discussed. Now go get down in the temple with the others before the get here,” she instructed Margret and gave her a shove to help her on her way.


              “Marjorie,” Nai called out as Margret ran past her. “Are they here?”


              “They are coming.” Marjorie answered as she pulled up the hem of her habit and retrieved her gun from the holster on her thigh. “They are coming.”


              “Nai,” Vagar reached the wall at a stride alongside Nai. “Just remember what I showed you last night.”


              “I don't think even Nai can screw our way out of this one, Vagar,” Marjorie said as she worked to pull the cumbersome habit up over her head.


              “Marjorie!” Nai said as the black covering slipped off and fell to the ground.


              “It's a great outfit but not really fighting clothes,” Marjorie said as she now stood by the wall in a pair of black leather hot pants and a red corset. The outfit was completed by the black garter belt and stockings that flowed down her legs to a pair of high-heeled half-boots. “What?” Marjorie asked as Nai stood silently gawking with her mouth hanging open. “Get it together, girl.”


              “Nai, I meant about shooting,” Vagar said as she completely ignored Marjorie's new look. “You were born to shoot that rifle. I've never seen a better shot. Just trust your instincts.”


              “What's with Halloween Marjorie's get up?” Nai asked pointing at the nun.


              “Nai, focus will you?” Vagar said. “You bought her the damn shorts anyway, Tokyo, 1999.”

              “Nai, we are all about to get seriously shot to pieces in about 90 seconds,” Marjorie said as she leaned against the wall and positioned herself to fire. At that moment Nai noticed the tattoo on Marjorie's shoulder, a small black figure of a bird on the woman's smooth skin.


              The sound of the horses grew closer. A few random shots rang out over the wall as Nai stood still, trying to grasp at the wheels turning in her brain. Something, something made sense, she just wasn't exactly sure what it was yet.


              “Nai, get the hell down,” Vagar called out as the whistling sound of bullets sprang out over head. Nai dropped down to her knees.  She turned to make her way to the wall beside her friends, who were taking careful shots back at the oncoming crowd. When she looked up at the two of them standing side by side at the wall, she saw the tattoo again, the small black bird.


              “Marjorie!” Nai screamed out as the dream came back into focus suddenly.


              “Little busy, dear,” Marjorie called back over her shoulder. “In fact, it would be nice to have a little help.” She said as she fired back at the henchmen. Nai pushed herself up against the wall and rose to her feet between them. She peeked over the edge and across the dusty ground between them and the gunmen. “Any time, Nai, seriously.” Nai could feel her heart pounding, the adrenalin rushing through her veins. She was scared to death. She clamped her eyes closed hard. In her mind, she pictured the big black cat from the jungle. She pictured the way it trotted up to her that first time, so powerful, yet calm and sure of itself. She took a deep breath, worked the lever on the rifle and pushed her body back up against the wall. She didn't think, she didn't aim. She just shot. One, two, three, the lever flew back and forth as shell casings popped from the gun. And as fast as she had come up, she fell back down to her knees behind the wall.


              “Holy shit!” Marjorie said as she watched three of the men across the courtyard fall to the ground.


              “Marjorie!” Nai said as she looked back up into her face. “You are just full up surprises today.”


              “I will cuss you a river if you keep shooting like that.” Marjorie said.


              “What, I actually hit something?” Nai asked in disbelief.


              “I am going to slip around and try and get them in a cross fire,” Vagar said as he pulled back from the wall. “Get up, and keep shooting, Nai!” He ran along the wall and cut behind a building as he worked his way around to the other side of the court yard. Nai stood up again and looked over the wall. Her confidence growing with each shot, Nai was starting to get the hang of it.


              “This isn't so bad,” Nai said as she watched the henchmen fall one shot after another. “Maybe I am pretty good at this.” The dust was flying around the court yard, the sound of the screaming and guns exploding bounded off the walls and ricocheting back and forth across the open spaces. Then Nai froze as the world seemed to slow down around her. The sound faded from the scene as if she was moving away from it quickly. Nai's eyes saw a small flicker of flame growing underneath the edge of a pile of wooden crates where one of the henchman's body lay. Then she heard it, she heard it, and nothing else.


              “Pop.” And suddenly the action raced back up to speed and the sound of the calamity around Nai came crashing back down on her. 


              “Nai,” Marjorie called out from behind her. As Nai turned toward her, she watched Marjorie teeter and fall backwards into the dirt.


              “Majorie!” Nai called back to her as a man stepped out from behind the pile of crates and charged towards them. Nai spun around and fired, she fired again and again as she watched the man stumble and drop to his knees holding out his pistol. She fired again, and he fell face first into the dust. Nai ran towards Marjorie and fell on her knees beside her. “Marjorie, are you ok?” Marjorie's mouth fluttered briefly as she looked up into Nai's eyes, but no words came out. Her hand reached up and brushed Nai's cheek and then fell to the ground. Her eyes closed, her mouth fell still. “Marjorie,” Nai said as she shook the woman's shoulder. “Marjorie?” Nai looked up across the courtyard. The shooting had stopped, nothing moved but the dust and a small black thrush perched on the edge of a wagon who ruffled her feathers and then leaped into the sky. Nai watched as it sailed into the distance.


              “Come here, you little bitch,” The voice came out of nowhere as Nai felt herself jerked from the ground and held tightly with an arm squeezed around her neck. She tried to scream, but the man's grip nearly closed her wind pipe.


              “Let her go, Santiago,” Vagar shouted as he came into view across the courtyard.


              “I'm going to shoot you, Vagar,” The man shouted as he hunched down behind Nai as a shield while he held his gun on Vagar. “Then I'm gonna mess this woman up bad.”


              “You know I'm not about you let you do that,” Vagar said, his pistol pointed at them both.


              “How ya gonna stop me,” The man shouted. “I got ya this time Vagar.” Nai's eyes filled with tears from the lack of air as the man held her clenched against him. “And then all those women in there are gonna get what they deserve.” 


              “I said, I'm not about to let you do that,” Vagar repeated. He looked into Nai' eyes as they swelled under the strain of suffocation. Her vision was starting to blur, but she saw him clearly enough. She forced every ounce of strength she had up from inside her as her lips parted in a simple plea.


              “No,” Nai choked out as she clawed at the man's arm around her neck. Then she heard the shot. Smoke billowed from Vagar's pistol as he stood before them. The man's grip around her neck lessened as pain exploded through Nai's chest. She turned her head to look as she watched the blood start to spill from her shoulder, and they both fell backwards to the ground.


              “Fuck!” Nai managed to say as she rolled off the dead man and gasped for breath. As she spilled out on the ground, Vagar was over her.


              “Nai,” he said as he rolled her face up on the ground. “Nai, are you ok?”


              “You fucking shot me,” Nai said clutching the wound on her shoulder. “I can't believe you fucking shot me.”


              “Yeah well, I kind of had to shoot through you to get to him,” Vagar said as he looked at the wound on her shoulder. “Don't worry though, it was a good shot. It went right through and didn't hit anything important.”


              “Important!” Nai shouted. “You shot me!”


              “Yes, I shot you,” Vagar said as he pulled her to her feet.


              “It was a good shot though, ow!” Nai said trying to stand up straight.


              “Not good enough,” Vagar said as his face went pale.


              “Vagar, Vagar, what's wrong?” Nai asked holding onto his jacket as he slipped to his knees. She saw the darkness spreading out under his shirt. “Vagar!”


              “It's ok,” Vagar said looking up at her, his hands clutching the sides of her face. “It's ok Nai. I, I am just glad I got to see you again. I love you Nai,” he said, and then his eyes went dull.


              “Vagar!” Nai screamed trying to hold his body upright as it slumped down. He slipped from her grasp and bent backwards on the ground as she cried out. Nai looked around the courtyard at all the dead bodies, Marjorie lying by the wall, Vagar at her feet, and the darkness swelling around her. The tears flowed down her cheeks freely as she felt dizzy and staggered towards the mission. After a few steps Nai stumbled and dropped to her knees. As she turned her head back towards the gate, she saw Vagar laying in the dirt. Sobs exploded from inside her. Nai listed forward and fell to the ground.




“Nai,” Sister Mia said as she hovered over Nai's bed. “Nai, wake up, dear.” Nai heard the voice as she struggled to regain consciousness. She felt the pain in her shoulder before her eyes even opened, but it was much less than she remembered. “Nai, wake up.” Nai eyes blinked at the light for a moment, and then Sister Mia's face came into focus. She had to work for a minute to remember the woman from her granny's funeral.


              “Mia,” Nai said as she tried to sit up.


              “No, no, don't sit up, not yet.” Mia said gently pushing Nai back down on the bed. “Priestesses heal fast but not that fast. You have only been back two days.”


              “Back,” Nai asked still struggling to get up. “Where am I?”


              “You're at the mission, we have been taking care of you since you got back.” Mia said as she wiped a cool wet cloth over Nai's brow.


              “No,” Nai pushed away the cloth. “When I mean when am I?”


              “Oh, I'm sorry,” Mia said, backing away slightly. “It's 2014. You appeared just after 4:00 like Sister Margret's journal said you would.”


              “But why, why am I back? I didn't get Richards,” Nai asked as she wiggled her way into a sitting position in the bed. “What happened?”


              “According to Sister Margret's journal, Mr. Richards left town as soon as he heard that all of his men had been killed. So the Jar was safe, and your bracelet brought you back here. Now you really should lie back down. You're healing fast, but it will be another day or so,” Mia said as she rose from the bedside.


              “I'm, I'm ok, really,” Nai said her mind flashing back to the events just before she passed out. “The others?”


              “Mother Superior, Sister Marjorie is buried in the cemetery.” Mia said as she hesitated briefly. “And Mr. Vagar, he uhm. Well, you saw, he is buried next to your grandmother. I guess I will leave you alone a bit and go get you something to eat.” Mia picked up the wash cloth and quickly left the room. Nai laid back down as the room started to spin. She struggled to stop herself from crying. She rolled away from the door despite the pain in her shoulder and curled up as she choked on her tears.

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