Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us (12 page)

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Authors: Jessica Frost

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us
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Voyeurs, though.”

“Did she see you?”

“No, but even if she did, we never had contact before, so she

wouldn’t know who I am.”

“Good. All right.” Then there was silence on the phone.

After a couple of minutes, Theo was about to ask a question, when

Oscar added, “She probably was just scouting out the place. Did she

talk to many people there? Was she probing?”

“No, she and the guys she was with were talking to Johnny. I

think they were discussing business, if you know what I mean.”

“I hope that’s what she was there for. But if you see her again at

the Raven’s Nest, I want you to kill her.”

“K ill her? But we haven’t gone after any Voyeur Scouts before.”

He heard Oscar huff. “I’m not asking you, Theo. It’s an order. We

can’t risk her finding anything out.”

“All right. I’ll kill her if she comes back. What about the guys she

was with?”

“K ill them all. Better to be safe than sorry later.”


“I’ll let you go now. But make sure you cover your tracks, and I’ll

take care of making sure we double cloak you so that no Voyeur can

see the murders.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

Oscar laughed before he hung up. “No thanks, dude. Just covering

our tracks so what you do doesn’t lead back to us.”


Jessica Frost

As he shut his phone and slipped it into his pants pocket, Theo’s

mind began to wander. He had never tried to kill a Voyeur Scout

before. These Voyeurs were trained killers, so this would not be an

easy feat. He needed a plan, a good one, if she and her entourage

frequented the Raven’s Nest again.

Odds were they would because they were obviously working out

some sort of drug deal with Johnny. Was it a cover for something

else? Probably, yeah. The most plausible reason was they were there

undercover because they had gotten a lead and wanted to check it out.

Whatever the reason, Oscar hit the nail on the mark. They needed to

be eliminated before they could find anything else out. No one, and

especially a Voyeur Scout, could find out the real reason the Rogues

used the Raven’s Nest as one of the targets.

Now what type of plan could he use? A cunning one, obviously,

one that concentrated on Triala’s weaknesses. Weaknesses? What

could he use? All he knew about the Voyeur Scout was her sexual

escapades and insatiable appetite for sex. Sex?

In that instant, he imagined the Voyeur Scout nude before him and

him fucking her. He licked his lips with wanton desire. As he headed

for his building’s front door, a cool breeze washed over him, pushing

his wavy blond bangs into his eyes. Clearing his vision, he opened the

door and headed for his apartment. He needed to take a cold shower

to calm his hormones down.

Images of Triala naked and in the throes of sex still occupied his

mind. He doubted they’d stop distracting him. No, only when he had

jerked off in the shower would he be able to clear his mind and come

up with a good plan.

Yeah, it needed to be a foolproof one if he even had a chance of

eliminating the infamous Triala Barns.

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


Chapter 16

The walls closed in on her as she turned to stare at the ceiling. As

her breath became shallower and her eyes grew bigger with

apprehension, time slowed to practically a standstill. She knew all too

well what was coming next. A fog smothered her as she tried to focus

on the image emerging before her.

A dark, vacant alleyway formed in the dense, suffocating air. The

smell of acrid urine accompanied the apparition. She placed her hand

over her sensitive nose to stop a gag reflex.

As the vision became fixed and unwavering, she could see two

figures far up ahead, perhaps thirty feet away, one double the size of

the other. They seemed to be in combat. Then, without warning, she

felt her body being thrust forward at the speed of light, and within a

second’s time, she was directed behind a dumpster where a young

man in his early twenties stood, crouching, looking at the two figures

she had seen.

He had a twisted cigarette he held between his right index and

middle finger. He was obviously smoking pot. The tip of the joint was

an inch of compacted ash, just waiting to fall gracefully to the ground.

Only he hardly took notice. He appeared too preoccupied with what

was happening maybe ten feet away from him. Who could blame

him? Triala was distracted by it, too.

A Rogue werewolf—from its size, she figured it was a male—

grabbed hold of the weak human man and pulled him closer while the

stranger pleaded and thrashed, desperately trying to escape the beast’s

viselike grip on him.


Jessica Frost

His futile fight lasted a mere few seconds, then the Rogue bit into

his neck, tearing off pieces of flesh. The red, dripping meat in his

mouth ran blood down his chin and onto his furry chest. The crimson

liquid glistened in the street lamp’s glowing light.

The body collapsed in his hands, and he let it go, making it

crumble to the ground while he spit out the flesh from his mouth.

Stretching his neck, he transformed back to his human form. Triala

didn’t recognize him, but he did look familiar somehow.

Just then, she heard the young man beside her gasp, most probably

from shock at seeing such a freakish transformation happening before

his eyes.

Unfortunately, Triala knew his fate was sealed with his sound, for

the Rogue’s acute sense of hearing surely picked it up. And true to her

guess, he did. He changed back to his beast form, and getting down

on his four paws, he darted toward the dumpster and pounced on the

unprepared man, biting him profoundly on the shoulder, and let him

drop to the floor as his blood slowly drained from his slashed veins

and death encroached upon him every second that passed.

Since the vision came to her through her witness’s eyes, the image

began to fade as the victim’s lifeline extinguished. Before it died out

completely, she saw the Rogue sniffed the air, looking around him.

For an instant, his gaze fixed on Triala, and he squinted. Then the

vision disappeared completely.

That was spooky!
Her heart pounded furiously in her chest. Had

he sensed her? Something like that had never happened to her in a

vision before. She had no idea if it were possible. As far as she knew,

she wasn’t physically in the vision. She only witnessed it. But what if

that weren’t exactly true? What if it was her spirit that actually

witnessed the vision? If that were plausible, then maybe he could

have sensed her.

She rubbed her face, trying to tame the overwhelming questions

that came over her. She needed to talk to Thorak and see if he could

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


help her. If anyone had answers, it would be Thorak. Being the eldest

of all the Voyeurs gave him knowledge that no one else held.

Checking the alarm clock, she noted it was six o’clock in the

morning. Thanks to that haunting vision, she wouldn’t be able to sleep

now. Glancing at Sam and then at Jake, she noted they slept soundly.

Images of their sexual adventure the night before flooded her

mind, and she smiled, reexperiencing it all in her head. Goose bumps

formed on her arms and neck. She wouldn’t mind if they did it all

over again right at this minute. Her wanton, lustful desires had started

to stir in her body once more. But this time, they were easily

controllable. What she found more bothersome was her sticky, sweaty

body. It irritated her, and she needed a shower.

After their lovemaking last night, they had lain in bed discussing

their cover and what they planned for this evening at the club. Sam

and Jake soon fell asleep once their discussion ended, but Triala

remained fully awake, unable to drift off.

She didn’t want to disturb Sam and Jake’s slumber now, so she

continued to lie there, staring at their tranquil, sleeping faces and

listening to their shallow breaths, when she heard a car pull up and

park outside. Worry came upon her, wondering who the hell that

could be at this hour of the morning.

Slowly sitting up so as not to move the mattress, she gently slid to

the edge of the bed and stood on the carpet. She turned to observe her

lovers. They continued to sleep undisturbed. Good.

Her werewolf body could go several days without sleep. She had

done it many times before when on an important mission as a Scout,

but humans needed far more sleep than werewolves did. And Sam and

Jake needed to be at their prime in alertness later tonight. Until she

knew for sure if whoever was outside posed a danger to them or to

their cover or not, she didn’t want to wake them.

It felt like déjà vu all over again as she tiptoed to the window. Her

movements were quite silent thanks to the plush, wall- to-wall, dark

blue carpeting under her feet. She couldn’t risk being heard by


Jessica Frost

whoever was outside. Werewolves’ acute sense of hearing would pick

up the slightest movement inside if they concentrated hard enough.

A few hours earlier, when she had heard a clanging sound outside,

it turned out to be a false alarm. No lurker was there. Was that the

case now, as well?

Pulling the curtain back slightly so as not to draw attention to her

actions, she peeped out from the crack. She observed a man and a

scantily dressed woman get out of the car and giggle as they clumsily

walked up to the door next to their room. The man put his arm around

the woman’s waist when she came closer to him and grabbed her ass

as she laughed loudly.

Obviously, these two were here for a sexual encounter and not

here to spy on them. A breath of relief slipped out of her lips. She

turned to gaze upon her sleeping partners and contemplated if she

should crawl back into bed with them or go take a shower. She might

wake them up with her disturbing movements if she did, so she

decided a shower would be the best choice.

Sneaking into the bathroom, she closed the door behind her and

stared at her reflection in the mirror. The tension and lines on her face

had all disappeared. Remarkable what a good roll in the hay could do

for her. Smiling to herself, she slipped into the bathtub. The cool

porcelain finish on her warm feet made goose bumps form on her

skin. A shiver in reflex traveled through her back as she bent down to

turn the water on.

First cold water pounded her back, then within a minute, it turned

warm. She placed her face under the massaging downpour and stood

motionless, just absorbing the calming energy the rhythmic massage

had on her face, her shoulders, and the rest of her body. As she

focused on nothing but the sound of the rushing water, the remnants

of worry due to the vision began to vanish.

After what seemed like ten minutes, she heard the door open. Her

heart skipped a beat with wonder who it could be. Pushing the curtain

aside, she stuck her head out to see that Sam and Jake had snuck in.

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


Both looked groggy and their hair was disheveled, but the grins on

their faces told her they had had a good and restful sleep.

“Well, look what the cat dragged in,” she teased them with a side


Sam began to remove his pajama pants as his eyebrow lifted and

he smirked. “You woke us with the noise.”

Guilt choked her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it would wake you.”

Jake laughed. “It was time we got up anyway. We have a big day

ahead of us.”

Sam smiled, asking while his gaze fixed on her breasts and pussy,

“You wouldn’t mind some company in there, would you?”

No, she wouldn’t mind at all. “The more the merrier.” She pushed

the curtain back all the way to give them room to get in with her.

Sam began to move in behind her while Jake slipped in front of

her. They stared at her body as goose bumps formed over her skin

with their appraising gazes.

“O h, baby, you are so beautiful.” Jake sighed as he leaned in to

kiss her lips.

The warmth from his full lips on hers sent a tingling feeling deep

into her stomach. She moaned in reflex when his arms wrapped

around her waist and he pulled her against him. His hard cock

pressing against her abdomen made her cunt and clit throb with want.

Warm water trickled between their pressed bodies tickling her

skin where it slowly slid off and fell into the tub below.

Sam tugged her wet hair away from her neck and kissed the nape,

working his way up to her earlobe. Shivers of pleasure shot through

her, making her nipples taut. She concentrated on each kiss,

anticipating the goose bumps it would form.

Breaking his hold and kiss, Jake glanced at Sam. A look of

understanding crossed both their faces. It seemed to Triala they had

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