FinsFantasy (13 page)

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Authors: Jocelyn Dex

BOOK: FinsFantasy
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As much as she tried to deny it, she wanted him and for more
than sex and a feed. She wanted to heal his hurt and spend forever making him
see how wonderful he truly was.

If she left now, like he’d told her to, he might truly never
see her again and the pain in her gut and in her chest, told her she couldn’t
handle that. She cared for him and because of her bigoted ignorance, she’d done
nothing but degrade him, hurt him.

She strode to the bathroom and opened the door quietly. Her
breathing turned ragged at the sight of his strong, muscled form through the
shower door. She shed her clothes, gathered her courage and her determination,
slid the shower door open and stepped inside.

Fin stared at her for long seconds before squeezing his eyes
shut, inhaling deeply, then opening his eyes again. “What the fuck are you
doing, Navine? Are you deliberately torturing me? Do you hate me that much?”

The pain and lust in his eyes tore at her. “I don’t want to
torture you,” she said softly.

“Then why are you doing this? Why are you here? You don’t
want me.” He slicked wet hair away from his eyes. “You don’t want me enough
anyway and I won’t settle for less.”

Steeling herself, she placed her hands on his hard chest. “I
think. No, I do.”

“You do what? Are you still hungry? Is that it?” he sneered.

She blanched at his acrid tone but pressed on. His skin
twitched beneath her hands as she slid them around his back. “I do want you. I—I’ve
been such an ass, so wrong.”

His eyes were hard, cold. “I can’t play your games anymore.
Leave me alone. Let me heal.”

She wrapped her arms tighter around him, pressing her naked
body into his. “I can’t,” she whispered. “No male has ever been kinder, more
compassionate. No one has ever heated me the way you do.” She grabbed his hand
and guided it to her pussy. His sharp intake of breath and pained expression,
spurred her on. “You do this to me. More so than any other. I’m sorry for…everything.”

His muscles tensed, a vein in his neck ticking. “Navine,”
his voice was hoarse, raw, “don’t play with me.”

She glided his fingers through her drenched slit. “Not
playing. I need you.”

“Only when you need a feed?”

She shook her head, water bouncing from her slick hair. “I
want to try for more with you.”

He gripped her waist and backed her up against the shower
wall, his hips securing her. His hand dipped back down to her wet, aching flesh
and stroked. “But I’m an abomination, a mutant,” he whispered against her ear.
His hot breath made her shiver despite the hot water sluicing over them. “I’m
wrong, not worthy.”

His thumb stroked her clit as two fingers plunged inside
her. Her knees weakened but his body pushing against hers, held her in place.

“So, tell me,” he insisted, “why would you lower yourself to
be with me?”

She struggled to answer. “I want… I care… You make me feel
alive,” she choked out.

“Alive?” His fingers thrust deeper, pressure building in her
clit. “What else do I make you feel?” His teeth nipped at the sensitive spot at
the bottom of her neck.

“Cared for,” she gasped as he nibbled harder.

“What else?”


“Yes, you’re all those things to me. Tell me more.”


He added a third finger, her quivering cunt eager for more. “But
you don’t make me feel the same. If you want me. Make me feel it, Navine. Make
me forget how you treated me. Show me you truly want me. Make me feel cherished
and cared for—not like a mutant.”

How the hell could she show him? She wanted to, desperately.
“Whatever you want,” she offered.

His left hand slid around to her ass, slipping into the
crack, and gliding downward until he found her tight entrance. His finger
massaged the pucker. “What if I want to fuck you here again?”

“Anything. Just touch me.”

He spun her around so her back was to him. One hand caressed
a firm breast, plucking at the nipple, the right hand slid to her dripping
cunt. His warm breath tickled her ear. “I want
of you. Nothing less
with appease my need, Navine.”

She wriggled her ass against his erection in invitation.

“That’s not what I mean.” He kissed down her neck and grazed
her shoulder with his teeth. “Yeah, I want your body but I need this,” he moved
his hand over her heart. “Do you understand?”

She nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. “You already
have it,” she sobbed. “I’m so sorry.”

“Shhh.” He turned her to face him and kissed her gently.

“No.” She turned to him, not believing what she was about to
say, but he deserved to know. She wanted to share her secret with him and only
him and hope he wouldn’t reject her as she’d done him. “I have to tell you
something. My father was a mixed breed. One of the demon traits dominated
almost completely so no one else even knew but…” She looked down. “But he had
demon in his blood.” She covered her face with her hands.

All Fin said was, “Okay.”

“Okay? What do mean okay? That’s why I have those damn
fangs. I’m a
with fangs, Caffin. Fangs from a mutant demon! I
spent all that time ostracizing you for being a mutant and I’m one too!”

She stomped her foot and Fin fell apart, laughing. “
demons aren’t technically mutants, they just aren’t a very desirable species to
most. Besides, I love your fangs.”

“Really? You don’t think I’m gross now?”

He shook his head. “Never.”

More tears spilled down her cheeks.

“What’s wrong?”

“I feel even worse now,” she sobbed. “You didn’t even blink
when I told you my dirty family secret, and I was nothing but a horrid bitch to
you about yours.”

He chuckled softly and pulled her into his arms. “Would it
make you feel better if I called you mutant and shunned you for a few days?”

She thought about how awful that would make her feel and
shook her head against his chest.

“I wouldn’t have done it anyway. I never want to hurt you.”

She pulled back so she could look him in the eyes. “I’ve
never told anyone about that. Baden doesn’t even know about our father and he
certainly doesn’t know I have fangs.”


Fin finally realized the significance of her confession. It
was a secret that she’d hidden from everyone her entire life, even her beloved
brother, but she’d told him. She’d trusted him and only him with it.

“Thank you for that,” he said and brushed a light kiss on
her lips.

“For what?”

“For making me feel special, trusted and cared for. You are
my fantasy, Navine. I’ll never want another.”

“My heart is yours. You stole it days ago but I was too
stupid to see.”

His eyes squeezed shut as he pulled her close, the breath
humphing out of her. “Be sure,” his voice cracked. “Because once you give it, I
won’t be able to let you go.”

She returned his bone crunching embrace. “Please don’t.”

Chapter Fourteen


The next morning, Navine awakened feeling more content,
safer and happier than she’d felt in months, years, ever. They’d teleported to
the cabin after their shower and pleasured each other through the night.

She’d found her passion. The male sleeping beside her, arm
and leg thrown over her protectively. Yeah, she needed to find something that
was all her own and she would, but for now, he was it. She still had a lot of
making up to do for the way she’d treated him. She was glad he’d forgiven her
but she still hadn’t quite forgiven herself.

Carefully scooting from under his limbs, she sat up in the
bed and stretched. As she was about to get up, strong arms wrapped around her
waist and pulled her back down.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Fin’s sleep-roughened
voice asked.

His half-mast lids and mussed hair didn’t detract from his
sex appeal. She giggled and squirmed as he tickled her. “Nowhere,” she choked
out between giggles.

He rolled on top of her, kissing her deeply. She was
breathless when he broke the kiss.

“Hungry?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows.

“Very, but,” she shot him a wide-eyed innocent look, “maybe
we could eat a little breakfast first.”

“Of course.” He gave her a peck on the forehead and got out
of the bed.

The sight of his taut, naked ass made her pause. Maybe
breakfast could wait. She rolled out of the bed and he scooped her into his
arms, carrying her to the door.

“Naked breakfast?” she asked.

He smiled and winked at her. “The best kind.”

He dipped down a little so she could reach the door knob.
She turned it and pulled the door open. Fin froze mid-step. Navine squealed.
Among the multitude of balloons floating around the room, there stood Baden,
Raimee, Araya, Kean, Valia and Rydin.

Fin jumped backward into the bedroom and kicked the door
shut. He set Navine on her feet and they burst out laughing even though both
their faces were bright red.

“Were you expecting them?” Navine asked.

“Obviously not,” he said and they both cracked up again.

“Wow. Awkward. No naked breakfast today.” She pouted as she
pulled on a snug t-shirt and pair of shorts and Fin did the same.

He scooped her up into his arms again. “Let’s try this
again, shall we?”

Everyone’s eyes were covered by their hands this time and
they cracked up at the ridiculous sight.

“What the hell is going on out here?” Fin asked.

He set Navine down, grabbed a heart-shaped balloon by the
string and handed it to her.

They all uncovered their eyes and laughed.

“We came over to say congratulations,” Baden said.

“Yeah, didn’t know I’d be getting an eyeful of your balls
though or I woulda stayed home,” Kean said.

Araya elbowed him and then ran over and gave Navine a hug. “I
knew you’d come around.”

“I don’t get it. How’d you know we got together?” Navine

Everyone pointed at Raimee.

“Why do you think she was being all stalker-like with Fin at
the party?” Valia asked.

Navine and Fin looked at each other and back to them.

Valia tapped her temple and rolled her eyes. “Duh, she was
purposely making Navine jealous.”

“Insanely jealous as it turns out,” Raimee offered. “And
angry. When I split you two up on the dance floor… Whew. Both of your auras
went ballistic.”

“Why make her jealous?” Fin asked.

“She was being stubborn and needed a push,” Baden said. “Then
we all pushed you to go after her.”

“Okay, but how’d you know where we were?” Navine asked.

“Hello. Your brother has awesome spy powers,” Valia said.

Fin hugged Navine into his side. He hoped Baden’s spying had
happened during breaks between their lovemaking and not during. “But how did
you know it was more than just a,” he cleared his throat, “one night thing?”

Raimee raised her hand. “There was a lot more going on in
both your auras than I said. I’d have been shocked and would have vowed to
never again use my abilities if it hadn’t turned into more.”

Kean rubbed his stomach dramatically. “Yeah, so congrats and
let’s eat.”

“Pizza is in the kitchen,” Baden said. “Everyone dig in and
find a spot to sit.”

“Pizza for breakfast?” Fin asked.

“It was Kean’s idea. I made scrambled eggs and bacon pizza
and fruit pizza.”

Navine and Fin let everyone go to the kitchen ahead of them.
They wrapped their arms around each other.

“We’re going to have to talk to our families about calling
first,” Fin said.

Navine nodded. “Yeah, it’s sweet but I’d rather be alone
with you right now.”

“Would it be rude if we disappeared?”

She shrugged, a mischievous twinkle lighting her eyes. “You
know how rude I can be.”

They grinned at each other and ported to his bedroom at the

Navine let the heart balloon go, grabbed the hem of Fin’s
shirt and pulled it over his head. She tried to go for his shorts, but he
grabbed her hands and pulled her close.

“I thought you wanted breakfast,” he said before brushing a
light kiss on her forehead.

“Breakfast can wait.” She wrapped her arms around him,
loving the feel of his warm skin and the newly realized happiness coursing
through her. Only three weeks ago, she’d been a prisoner, abused, lonely and
without hope. Now she had something to look forward to. Something that gave her
hope at a happiness she’d never imagined. Fin had called her his fantasy, but
in truth,
fantasy. “I have a different hunger that
needs satisfying.”

“Hmmm.” He nipped at her neck, sending shivers through her
body. “Are you always going to be so insatiable?”

He groaned when she flicked her tongue across his nipple. “With
you? Yes.”


They made quick work of stripping each other before he swung
her into his arms, deposited her onto the bed and covered her body with his.
She couldn’t believe she’d considered this gorgeous, caring specimen of male, a

He took her lips in a slow, tender kiss that curled her
toes. A groan escaped her when he pulled back. “Mmm. Don’t stop,” she said but
he only stared at her. “Is something wrong?”

Shaking his head, he smiled, his gold eyes glinting without
the green contacts. They were still shocking to her but gorgeous and she wished
he never had a need to cover them again.

“I’m just taking it all in.”

She lifted a hand to his cheek, the light stubble rough
against her palm. “What all?”

“You. Here in my bed wanting me. I had hoped…” His eyes
closed as he inhaled deeply. When they opened again, she saw the moisture in
them. “But I didn’t believe it would really happen. I still feel like I’m

Her heart lurched, his sincerity, his emotion touching her
deeply. Her vision blurred as her eyes misted too. “You wore me down. Made me
see how wrong I’d been about you. After the way I acted, I can’t believe you
still want to be with me.” She lifted her head and pressed a quick kiss to his
lips. “But I’m so glad you do.”

“Always.” He kissed the tear from the corner of her eye. “No
tears. Be happy.”

“I am.” She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. “More
than I know how to express. It’s weird.”

He chuckled. “Weird? I’m not sure how to take that.”

“I just meant that I never really saw myself wanting a
relationship.” She placed a palm on the other side of his face to emphasize her
next words. “Until you.”

“Well, I’ve wanted it but no one fit quite right. Until you.”

Her heart fluttered when he bent down and kissed her forehead.
Such a small gesture but coming from him it meant so much.

“You know, we should probably plan at least a small
celebration with the family soon to make up for skipping out on them.”

“Mmm. We will,” Fin agreed. “Do you want to invite them to
the cabin or do it here?”

“I think it’d be nice to do it at the cabin since that’s
where it all happened. And we already have balloons.” They both laughed.

“Agreed. I’ll whip up a small feast. We’ll eat, drink and be

“Can I help you?”

“Absolutely,” he said, sounding excited. “Can you cook?”

She blushed. Being a
, with her limited diet,
she’d never bothered to learn. Her brother was a pizza guru and she didn’t have
the first idea about what went into making pizza. “Not at all,” she admitted.

He chuckled. “Well, I’ll teach you how to make a few things.
You can be my sous chef. It’ll be fun.”

She imagined it would be fun. She wanted to do everything
with him and learn all that made him tick. “I’d like that. Especially those
fantastic fruit smoothies and that fruit sushi.”

His expression switched from playful to sober. “Hey now, I
can’t show you all my tricks or you won’t need me around anymore.”

“Oh don’t worry about that. You have other tricks I can’t
replicate alone.” She wiggled her hips beneath him seductively.

A little growl escaped him as he nipped at her shoulder. “Good
to know.”

“Hey, um, how are we going to work this?”

“Work what?”

“You living here, me living at the cabin.” This was new
territory for her and she felt more than a little awkward bringing up the

His brows scrunched together. “We can teleport to each other
in seconds.”

She ran a finger back and forth over his shoulder blade and
shyly averted her eyes. “Yeah, but I was thinking maybe when you’re not busy
with your work here…” She shrugged. “Maybe you could leave some stuff at the


“You know, like clothes, toiletries, whatever.”

His expression turned serious. “I don’t know if I’m ready
kind of commitment.”

What? Oh god. Her face burned. She’d thought—

His laughter cut off her thoughts. “I’m sorry.” He sucked in
a breath. “I couldn’t resist.”

“That was mean,” she pouted, then pinched his nipple for
teasing her and he let out a satisfying yelp. “But I guess I deserved it.”

He rubbed at his nipple and grimaced exaggeratedly. “No you
didn’t. And I’d love to spend all my free time with you at the cabin or in my
bed, in my arms, in my shower, on that chair over there, outside in the orchard—”

She smiled and stroked his cheek. She felt the same way, as
long as they were together, it didn’t matter where they were. They wanted each
other—in and out of bed—and they shared a connection that she couldn’t wait to
explore in depth.

She pressed a finger to his lips. “Make love to me, Caffin.”

His gold eyes clouded with desire. “I’d enjoy nothing more,


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