Isela's Love (29 page)

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Authors: Sasha Cain

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Contemporary, #Paranormal & Urban, #Futuristic/Sci-Fi

BOOK: Isela's Love
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Isela knew Brendan had been disappointed when their time alone had been interrupted, but the way he’d reassured Mae, calming her fears, Isela would definitely make it up to him at her earliest opportunity. She smiled to herself, thinking it would probably after they left Midland altogether.

She breathed deeply, wondering how it would feel to step into Inland. What would it look like, sound like, smell like? Was it everything her father had dreamed of? She hoped so. It didn’t matter, though. It had to be better than where they were now. Anything would have been.

Brendan stood up, smiling at Isela. He kissed her on the forehead. “It’s late. We need to get a good night’s sleep. We’re going to need to be on top of our game tomorrow...all of us. You and Mae crash here. I’m going to go back to my cell and I’ll see you in the morning for duty.”

Isela stood on her tip-toes and kissed Brendan tenderly on the lips. She mouthed a silent
thank you
and squeezed his hand. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Let Mae have you tonight. We’ll have a lifetime of nights to spend together.”

Isela sucked in a breath, desperately hoping he meant it.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Isela woke up before dawn, full of energy. She washed up, dressed, then shook Mae awake. Mae sat up, rubbing her eyes.

“C’mon, Mae, let’s go check the board.”

“Are you all packed?” Mae asked.


“Yeah. Aren’t we leaving here today?”

Isela cocked her head to the side. “Yes, but I’m not taking anything with me. I want nothing to remind me of this place or the time I spent here. I wouldn’t take the clothes I’m wearing if I didn’t have to, but I think Brendan might have a problem with Darrios and all his men seeing me naked.”

Mae sighed. “I guess you’re right. Plus, the less we have with us, the easier it will be to get away.”

“Right, now let’s get going.”

“You go on ahead. I’m going to wash up and get ready.”

Isela nodded. She squeezed Mae’s hand and left. She figured Mae needed a few minutes alone to come to terms with what lay ahead.

Isela found her name, as well as Mae’s on the duty board. They were both assigned to dining room duty. Brendan was assigned to polish the parlor floors so they’d essentially be in adjoining rooms. That would make things easier. Isela hoped Darrios would make things happen quickly. She didn’t think she could stand waiting.

Her breath hitched when Brendan came through the door with Pete. He was so gorgeous, with that wavy brown hair and eyes like melted chocolate. His broad shoulders and strong arms reminded her of one of the Greek gods she’d read about in the books Bashua had given her. A flash of heat passed through her when she thought of those arms around her. He smiled and winked at her. Isela blushed as if he’d read her thoughts.

They worked separately, but stole a glance at each other here and there throughout the morning. Isela found herself smiling to herself as she did her chores. Her smile faded, however, when Guarros entered the room. She tensed when he approached Brendan with two of his guards.

“Well, well, Mr. Malone. Where is your lover this morning?” he asked smugly.

Brendan stood, but didn’t respond. Guarros glanced around, narrowing his eyes when he noticed Isela staring. She quickly averted her eyes. Smiling like he’d just discovered a secret, Guarros turned his attention back to Brendan. Mae stepped up alongside of Isela, taking her hand. Isela held her breath, afraid to look Brendan’s way. Mae nodded, understanding.

“I asked you a question, Mr. Malone. Did you not hear me?”

“I heard you. I just don’t have an answer.”

“You couldn’t possibly have moved on to someone else already. I mean, After all, I thought you and Amber reached Avascon.”

Resisting the urge to look around for Isela, Brendan said, “Um, we did. It was magical.”

“Uh huh. I’m sure we’re all quite curious about the unbridled passion you share with Amber. I mean, every person in this place would give just about anything to have that, don’t you think?”

“I wouldn’t know.”

“Of course you wouldn’t. You already found it.”

He motioned to one of the guards. He left the room for a few seconds, returning with Amber. The puzzled expression on her face suggested she had no idea why she was there.

“Are you upset with me, Warden?” she asked apprehensively.

He patted her face. She winced.

“Why no, my dear. Why would you think that?” He leaned in closer to her. “Have you done something very naughty?” He laughed at his own joke, causing Amber to laugh nervously herself. “Brendan told us about the two of you and we’re just all very curious about the affection you share.”

Amber glanced between Guarros and Brendan. She blushed, dropping her gaze to her feet. Then her face lit up. She gazed at Brendan like a puppy craving attention.

“Oh my God,” Mae whispered. “She’s hot for him...and she thinks he’s hot for her too. She doesn’t have a clue what’s going on.”

“Maybe that’s good. At least for Brendan,” Isela whispered back.

“Go to him dear. It’s all right. Embrace your lover, Guarros encouraged.”

Amber’s expression changed from hesitant to elated. She stepped forward facing Brendan as if there was no one else in the room. Isela held her breath. Amber reached out, placing her hand on Brendan’s arm.

“Is it true?” she whispered. He closed the distance between them, took her in his arms and kissed her, effectively shutting her up before she said anything to make Guarros suspect anything. Isela sucked in a breath. Mae whimpered audibly.

“What the fuck?” Pete breathed.

A surge of jealousy engulfed Isela. She bit into the back of her hand to keep from crying out. She knew Brendan was only trying to protect her, but to see him kiss Amber, even knowing he had no feelings for the woman, still threatened to crush her, twisting her heart until she thought it might burst. She wanted to run from the room, but she couldn’t look away. Mae tugged at her arm, but her feet stayed firmly planted where she stood.

Amber had wrapped her arms around Brendan’s neck like some sort of serpent. She was practically dry-humping him right there in the parlor in front of everyone. Guarros cleared his throat.


Relieved to hear Guarros subtle interruption, Brendan broke the kiss. Nausea roiled in his stomach. Amber’s tongue reminded him of a lizard the way it had darted in and out of his mouth. It had taken every bit of acting ability Brendan possessed to make that kiss happen. He knew he had to make it look convincing if he was going to protect Isela. Guarros seemed suspicious at first. He only hoped the warden now believed his feelings for Amber were genuine.

Amber literally swooned. She opened her eyes. Smiling at Brendan, she ran her hands over his chest. “I can hardly believe it,” she exclaimed, breathlessly.

“Hardly believe what?” Guarros asked.

“That we kissed so publicly,” Brendan answered before she could reply. “I’m more of a private kind of guy.”

“I see, well make a wish, my dear. You certainly have one coming, don’t you?”

Without taking her eyes from Brendan, Amber said, “I’ve already had my wish answered, Warden.”

He furrowed his brows, clearly disappointed. “And when was that?”

She smiled broadly. “Just now, of course.” She gave Brendan a gooey, gushy expression. “That kiss. It was amazing.”

Guarros rolled his eyes. Isela caught his eye. She tried to force an ambivalent expression on her face, but by the look she got from Guarros, it wasn’t working.

He turned back to Brendan and Amber, rubbing his chin. He threw another quick glance to Isela and then he said, “I’m simply not feeling it. Show me again, Mr. Malone. Don’t hold back. I want to see raw emotion. Kiss her. Show Amber how much she means to you.”


Isela didn’t think she could endure seeing Brendan kiss Amber again. The thought of that woman’s tongue in his mouth and her hands on him caused an outpouring of rage she wasn’t sure she could conceal.

“Sir, I don’t think—”

“You don’t want to kiss her?”

“Of course I do, but—”

“Then do it. We’re all mesmerized by such a love. We want to see what it looks like. It’s inspiring, truly. Kiss her.”

Amber slid her arms around him again. Isela’s gut clenched.


Brendan closed his eyes and kissed Amber, trying to pretend it was Isela standing there so he could at least make it look real. When he stepped back, Guarros was staring at Isela. He couldn’t help but follow his gaze. The hurt in her eyes burned into him. He’d caused her pain. Anguish washed over him, and God help him, Guarros noticed. His eyes darted back and forth between Brendan and Isela.

He pointed his finger at Brendan. “I knew it!” he roared. “I fucking knew it!”

Isela gasped. Mae whimpered again.

“Seize him,” Guarros hollered to the guard on Brendan’s left. Brendan dodged the guard just as a massive rumbling, much like thunder, silenced the room. Everyone looked around nervously, unsure of what had happened. Everyone except Brendan and Isela. Then the wall exploded, sending bricks, glass, and debris hurtling into the crowd.

Brendan dove, tackling both Mae and Isela, covering their bodies with his. A second smaller explosion occurred, followed by a third. Several inmates lay on the floor, injured. Those that remained unhurt ran around in a panic. The entire parlor as well as the dining area erupted in full chaos. Guarros was screaming and barking orders, but no one was listening. Everyone was too busy trying to save themselves.

Brendan recovered quickly, jumping up and grabbing both Mae and Isela by the hand. “C’mon,” he said, and took off running.

He burst through the door, still clutching Mae and Isela’s hands, with Pete right on their heels. His focus on reaching the prearranged rendezvous point drove him on. Several more explosions resounded around the prison, causing chunks of the walls and ceiling to shower down around them. Screams of the inmates and guards filled the corridors as they ran past.

The door leading outside came into view and then the blast destroyed it. Brendan stopped. “Isela, you, Mae, and Pete run through there. Haul ass as fast as you can to the rendezvous point. Do you remember where it is?”

Isela nodded. “Yes, of course I do, but we have to get the folders we stashed in my room first.”

“That’s what I’m going to do.”

“Then I’m going with you,” Isela insisted.

Brendan grasped her upper arms, stroking them with his thumbs. “You know where the rendezvous point is. Mae and Pete don’t. I need you to get them to safety. I’ll get the files and meet up with you there. Please, babe.”

Isela nodded. “Okay. Brendan? Hurry. I love you.”

He kissed her hard. “I love you too.”

He released her arms and turned her around. “Go,” he ordered.

Isela grabbed Mae’s hand and ran, looking over her shoulder at Brendan running the other way as she ran. They jumped over the debris, through what used to be the door.

When they were about halfway there, a man came running toward them. Isela tensed, at first, but relaxed when she recognized him from that first day the hunters had come to the prison. He was one of them. He smiled when he reached them, urging them on toward the destination they’d agreed upon.

“I’m Bernie Bell. I’m here to help you. Isela, right?”

She nodded, glancing back again. “Here, this is Mae and Pete. I’m going back for Brendan.”

Before he could stop her, Isela took off, sprinting back the way they’d come. Mae called after Isela, but she didn’t turn around.

Isela crept through the now destroyed hallway, trying to remain undetected. The chaos still remained high if the noise in the distance was any indication. The sounds of screaming, running, and rushing water filled her ears. She ignored them, determined to find Brendan and make their escape.

Her back pressed to the wall, Isela edged toward her former room. Where the hell could he have gone? She tamped down her growing anxiety and focused on finding him. She refused to allow herself to think he was in trouble of any kind. Nothing had happened. He was going to pop around the corner any second and they’d be off and running. The seconds ticked by, then the minutes, without any trace of Brendan. Isela’s worry began to trump her resolve.

She rounded the corner, gasping when she saw the man slumped over in a heap, his blood pooling around him. Closing her eyes, she leaned against the wall, thanking the heavens it wasn’t Brendan. She recognized the man as one of Guarros’ guards.

Isela bent over him, biting her bottom lip. She pried the knife he still clutched from his dead hands. “Yuck,” she said aloud as she wiped the blood and gore from the blade. She wondered where or who all those body fluids had come from. Terror gripped her as she remembered her vision of Brendan injured.

Abandoning stealth she broke into a run, desperately searching for Brendan. She ran down the hallway, frantically searching every alcove, every shadowed corner, anywhere he could possibly be.

Isela turned the final corner leading to what used to be her room. She stopped cold, gasping. A stifled cry escaped her lips as she came to the realization that the man lying just outside of her door was, in fact, Brendan. She ran to him, not even considering his assailant might be waiting for her. Panic as well as rage fueled her as she hurdled a large pile of debris in order to reach him.

One of Guarros’s guards stepped out from behind the door just as she was about to drop to her knees next to Brendan. The guard raised his fist to her, but her adrenaline took charge. Somehow, she managed to pull the knife she’d taken and plunge it into her adversary’s chest. He fell in a heap at her feet. Using her heel, she rolled him out of the way and checked for a pulse.

Confident he was dead, she retrieved the knife, wiped it off, and slid it into the back of her waistband, point up. She crouched protectively over Brendan. “Oh God, Brendan, come on, please be okay.”

He moaned, turning his head to reveal the gaping head wound he’d sustained.

“No...No, no, Brendan. Come on. I need you to work with me here,” she urged, shaking him. He moaned again and his eyes fluttered open briefly.

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