Juicy: The Complete Series (3 page)

BOOK: Juicy: The Complete Series
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Sun ran up on Pandora.
“Hey. Where you going?”

Pandora knew she had to keep her confidence in order to keep this ape looking dude drawn to her. She tickled the goatee filled hair underneath his chin and continued to silently walk to his car.

“Sup, daddy,” Lexi said as she bent over on his hood spreading her ass apart showing him all of her sweet assets.

“Who are you?” Sun was perplexed.

“I’m everything you want and desire baby,” she responded walking over to straddle his leg.

“Me too
, baby,” Diamond said emerging from the back of his car.

Their faces looked familiar
, but all the blunts he had smoked that night fucked his head up and he wasn’t thinking straight.

“Damn! Twins! Awe shit, get in! Get in the fucking car now
,” Sun said anxiously as he hit the unlock button on his key ring.


Chapter 3- R.E.S.P.E.C.T.




Sun gave his brother a fist in the air and honked his horn twice, but his face was so wrapped up in tittie central that he didn’t even notice his brother’s departure. The girls didn’t move or speak a lick since Sun had his music blasting Lil’ Wayne’s “Lollipop” as they drove on the expressway. What seemed like hours only took about thirty minutes, as they pulled up into the driveway of a huge two-story brick deluxe house, located in the south suburbs of Crete. It was beautiful and clean in this area; which sort of resembled the Beverly area, only the houses were spaced further apart.

’s go, ladies.” He said popping the locks on the doors for them to exit.

They all had their game faces on
, though each one was playing a different game. It was so dark inside that they were almost skeptical about going through with the plan. Pandora reached out to feel if her sisters were still around her, and they were.

“Follow my voice
, ladies.” Sun yelled from the top of the stairs where a flickering light shone brightly.

“This is some freaky shit.” Lexi said as they ventured up the stairs one behind the other.

The room was right across from the stairs with the door cracked midway open. Diamond was done playing games. She smacked her two sisters on the ass and pointed at the door with a vile look on her face. Pandora and Lexi pushed the door open entering to find Sun ass naked lying on the bed with whips and chains adorning the floor. The bed was huge and round with long silver poles attached to it. It was sitting in the middle of the room. Mirrors graced every inch of the walls, even the ceiling. Candles were lit to create a seductive ambiance and there were fake rose petals thrown all across the floor.

’t be shy. Come on in. I haven’t used this room in a long time so I lit it up just for you. You should be honored.” Sun said slapping his humongous hand down on the bed.

“Shit, you must
’ve thought this was sweet or something. We ain’t taking shit off until we see some motherfucking money, nigga.” Lexi spat, still gone off the Yomper.

“The money is right here
, ladies.” He said stroking his long nine-inch super thick dick up and down.

The fact that he had a big dick was nice but none of them could get past his face. If it weren
’t for him having money, he might not have ever gotten any play from females. Diamond stood there with her arms folded and her lips turned up, giving the vibe that they were about business. Sun wasn’t used to women being so forceful. They usually almost always submitted to him immediately and asked questions later. But if he wanted this to happen, he knew he was going to have to flash some cash.

“Okay. I
’ll show you some money since that’s the only thing that’ll make that pussy drip. But first I wanna see you suck her tits.” Sun spat pointing to Lexi and Diamond.

Diamond looked in total disgust. Doing bitches was not her forte and certainly not doing her own flesh and blood. Lexi was silent and still. She figured the show was over right then and there and
that it was time to go home. Sun got out of the bed and reached under it, pulling out a silver suitcase. He opened it revealing a load of cash. He fondled it, throwing it around the room. Then he reached under and pulled out another, doing the same thing.

“What the fuck y
’all want? Money, cars, clothes? I got all that, baby. That shit is nothing. I know y’all sisters but I wouldn’t be tricking if I didn’t have it. If you wanna get paid, then let’s go.” Sun said looking down at his feet as a .45 dropped out of the suitcase and onto the floor.

He picked it up
and the girls jumped back putting their hands in the air. He waved it off, unconcerned with its presence.

’all ain’t gotta worry about that. Shit, I’m just trying to fuck.” Sun said walking over to Pandora running his fingers across her nipples making them erect. “Now you suck your sister’s tits.”

’s pussy tingled with every single touch as he nibbled feverishly on her ear. Diamond nudged Lexi as they laughed at Pandora, who was all into the ugly man’s advances. They quickly turned their attention onto the money scattered everywhere. Their hands immediately began itching with greed and wanting to dive right into it.

“Now do it.” Sun demanded interrupting their thoughts.

Lexi faced Diamond standing nose length away from her. She hesitantly reached her hands up grabbing hold of her sister’s tits. It was like she was tuning a radio as she winded them back and forth. Diamond couldn’t see herself getting into the act at all. She watched as Lexi lowered her dress straps and then forcefully yanked them down under her well-developed tits. They sat up and bounced out like perfect little melons as she caressed them. Then Lexi began sucking away at Diamond’s dark gumdrop nipples.

"Oh my God!" Diamond moaned feeling her sister
’s tongue flicker back and forth.

It was unimaginable that she could ever feel aroused by something so vulgar. Lexi moved back and forth simultaneously between
Diamond’s tits, loving every taste of her blood relative. She moved her hands down under Diamond’s dress to feel if she was moist. Indeed she was. Pandora wanted to vomit right there at the scene. It was like watching a dog take an ugly shit in her mind. It was all she could stand as Lexi and Diamond enjoyed themselves in front of her.

"Now you come over to this bed and get on your knees while I watch that action." Sun demanded, tugging gently at Pandora
’s hair and leading her over to the bed.

The disgruntled look on her face said it all. His dick was curved slightly to the left and it looked like it was having a herpes outbreak on it. She kneeled
, gawking only at her sisters and keeping a safe distance between her and the seemingly diseased dick.

"Grab it. It don
’t bite, baby." Sun said, smiling.

"The fuck it don
’t." Pandora retorted.

thought she said that in her mind but for some reason her mouth felt the need to express it.

"What bitch? You acting funny?" Sun sat up and yelled.

Lexi and Diamond stopped their sexual escapade and focused in on the commotion. They knew it was about to go down and knew their plan had been foiled. The operation was supposed to be clean and swift, but it was turning out to be everything but. Diamond saw the blood boiling inside of Pandora. She shook her head at Pandora, trying to get her to calm down, but it was too late. Being called a female dog sent lightning bolts through her spine.

"Bitch? I got your bitch
, you blistering dick ass nigga!" Pandora spat attempting to rollback to get up.


Sun laid one dead in her jaw, sending her to taste the floor. He wasn’t one to be disrespected by anyone for any reason. Diamond was fed up with this nigga’s antics and ran up slapping him hard in the face. Nobody fucks with her blood. He was stunned for a brief second but his 220-pound body wasn’t fazed one bit. He reached his large hand up, ready to deliver a powerful pounding to her face.

’t move you, silly motherfucka!” Pandora said pointing the .45 up to Sun’s head.

, is you crazy? Do you know who I am? Look at my tattoo, bitch! I shine brightly around this motherfucka! You done fucked up now, dead bitch! All of y’all are dead!” Sun said breathing heavily and pointing to his tattoo of an evil looking sun and the words “Shine Nigga” right under it.

“Diamond, Lexi, get this money and put it back in the suitcases. If this sucka even blinks twice
, his ass is out.” Pandora said aiming right between his eyes.

Diamond and Lexi did as they were instructed with no questions. Lexi threw some cash in one of the cases and saw three huge white bricks wrapped neatly and packaged side by side.

“Ay, yo’! What’s this white shit in here?” Lexi asked picking up one of the heavy bricks.

, it ain’t sugar, if that’s what you asking.” Diamond retorted snatching it out of her hands and throwing it back in the suitcase.

Sun kept his mouth closed. He knew they weren
’t getting away that easily with his hard earned money. In his mind, it would take more than three bitches to bring his ass down. Diamond and Lexi loaded up the last bit of money. Then she locked the cases and sat them over by the door.

“Mount up. We outta here.” Pandora said as the ladies walked toward the door.

“But what about him?” Diamond asked looking back at his naked body.

“Leave him.” Pandora replied.

“Yeah, leave me, bitch! I promise you, my goons will be on your door step in five minutes shooting up ya’ crib. Say night night to ya’ moms and dads bitches!” Sun spat waving his hands angrily.

’s gonna come after us.” Lexi said anxiously.

, he won’t. He’s just a bitch ass nigga.” Pandora said.

“You right. I
’m just as bitch ass nigga and soon I’mma be busting my dick in that sweet little ass watching it bleed as you scream who’s the master!” Sun laughed.

“Tsk, Tsk. Watch your mouth when you
’re in the presence of grown women. Now tie him up with that whip.” Pandora ordered.

Diamond grabbed the whip and Lexi wrapped his hands around each other
. She struggled as he tugged away trying to fight it. Pandora pointed the gun right at his temple just in case he thought he would make any sudden moves. Diamond secured the knot around his wrists. Then she tied them to one of his bed poles. They took the blanket from the bed and began wiping everything they touched, hoping to have gotten rid of all of their fingerprints.

“Nice ass, though.” Lexi said
while giggling and giving his ass a little smack as they headed for the door.

“Dumb ass
, bitches!” He snapped.

Diamond ran
out of the room and down the stairs first with one case in tow, leaving Lexi and Pandora behind in the bedroom. Lexi tapped Pandora on the arm, signaling for her to follow Diamond. She gave her a short nod to go on ahead. Lexi headed out of the room and down the stairs with the second case. But she stood at the front door waiting for Pandora to come down, not wanting to leave her. Pandora’s thoughts boiled over ten times. She was tired of raggedy ass niggas like him objectifying women and treating them like whores.
was the whore and he needed to know that.

“You know, if you respected women more, your ugly ass could
’ve had you some pussy.” Pandora spat at Sun.

“Pussy comes a dime a dozen for me
, baby. Do you think I’m hurting for that?” Sun retorted.

“But you
’ve never had this kind before, baby. See this is the kind that’ll make your head spin. This is the kind that makes future senators and presidents. This is not that and that can never be this. It’s that virgin pussy, baby, and there’s nothing else like it around.”

“Man, fuck you, BITCH!”

“I just have one question.” Pandora laughed. “Do you know Jesus?”

Pandora stuffed the .45 in her left bra strap
. Then she jumped on top of the bed behind him. She used his underwear from the floor to cover his mouth. She pulled his neck back while slipping the box cutter out of her thong with ease. His screams were muffled, yet the piss coming from his dick made it apparent that he was terrified of what was about to happen to him. Sun squirmed and fought as much as he could as he tried to get her off of him. A creepy smile filled her face as she gripped his mouth tightly and slit his neck from ear to ear with one steady slash, sending a gush of blood flying around the room. His body dropped like a bag of ice as gargling sounds sluggishly dissipated from the wound. Pandora ran out like a thief in the night.


It was dead time and they were walking down an eerie road in a part of town they weren’t familiar with. The night’s wind was brisk but still tolerable. Goose bumps grew on their skin and, to top it all off, Pandora had a hand drenched in blood. She took the box cutter and stomped it into the ground of an abandoned field and then wiped her hand on the leaves of a nearby tree. Her sisters watched out while she cleaned herself. She ripped the leaves up and let them blow in the wind. The little bit of blood that was left was just enough for her to hide until she got home to bathe.

“HEY!” Lexi yelled flagging down a cab, waving her hands. “Ugh! That son of a bitch could
’ve stopped.”

They kept walking
and headed for the gas station down the road. It was so dark that they could barely see the long blades of grass surrounding them and the road wreaked of old motor oil and country meadows. The night air grew colder as air sifted up their skimpy dresses. It seemed like they had been walking forever without any cars in sight. Diamond’s heel began to crack as bright lights shone from behind them, becoming closer and closer with every step. They turned around to see it was the same cab they had tried to flag down a few minutes ago.

“Hey, hey. Where you pretty ladies going?” The older man said looking at them from out the top of his thick paned glasses.

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