Juicy: The Complete Series (17 page)

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“Humph,” Pandora sighed with a distressed look on her face.

“What? What
’s wrong now? Please tell me you ain’t having second thoughts.”

“Naw, naw nothing like that, I just realized that my little sister
’s birthday is tomorrow. She’ll be seventeen.”

“Humph.” Oxy grimaced.








Chapter 2

“Cause you my little sister and I love you…” —Diamond


Lexi plopped down on the couch next to Diamond leaning her head on her shoulder. They were all still so relieved that they had come out of that whole ordeal unscathed and without consequence, that they have been discussing the details of that day for weeks. Crackling noises penetrated their ears as Kojack made coffee and cooked steak and scrambled eggs in the kitchen. The smell flowing into the room heightened their senses and elevated the rumble in their stomachs. Nothing was uttered as they sat quietly in the house even though everyone was surely thinking the exact same thing. They knew they were damn lucky to have gotten through that mess.

“Do you think we were bogus as hell for letting her go down by herself?” Lexi asked finally breaking the stillness, sounding as concerned as she possibly could.

“Naw, she’s a big girl and can take care of herself. Besides, she would have dimed us out in a heartbeat,” Diamond replied rubbing her hair gently.

“You think?”

“Lex, she tried to kill both of us and run off with all the damn money. That bitch didn’t give two shits about us.”

“Yeah, I know. It
’s just fucked up though. Whatever happened to the three musketeers?”

“What? Lex, have you been poppin
’ today? I sure ain’t seen you pop them Yompers, but I know you keep a stash hidden somewhere. You’re trippin’, straight up.”

“No Diamond I haven
’t popped in about two weeks. I’m thinking about quitting.”

“Oh shit! Lil
’ sis got some good dick in her life and now she ready to turn her life over to Jesus. Hallelujah!” Diamond laughed hysterically.

“Naw, bitch I ain
’t say all that. I’m just saying I may slow down and quit that’s all. Anyway, I just don’t think Pandora is gonna last five seconds in jail.” Lexi rolled her eyes at her sister’s remark.

“Shit she should
’ve thought about that. I mean, are you even listening to yourself? You are so concerned with her but she didn’t give a damn about what was going to happen to you! She…wait!” Diamond raised her eyebrow eyeing Lexi, “Did you fuck her Lex?”


“Bitch you heard what I said! Did you fuck her nasty ass?”

“No, Diamond no! Why would I do that? That
’s my sister yo, you crazy as hell.”

“Awe bitch you did, didn
’t you? Awe Lex you can’t be out here doing shit like that man. You bogus as hell! That’s your damn sister, man. Y’all are fucking blood yo.” Diamond covered her mouth with both of her hands in disgust. “All those times you tried to get me, I thought you was bullshitting girl, damn.”

“Come on Diamond, you know me better than that. I wouldn
’t do any nasty shit like that.”

’re lying, Lex. I know you are.”

“Is that something that she does often, lie?” Kojack interrupted with three cups of coffee in tow.

“No I don’t lie often.” Lexi snapped snootily.

“Then tell the truth. How did I find out that you two were sisters?” Kojack smirked taking a sip from his cup.

“Yeah Lex, you say you gonna stop poppin’ Yompers and turn over a new leaf and shit. So start with telling the truth and not lying all the damn time.” Diamond spat.

“Ugh, this shit is really starting to bring me down from the little happy high I did have.” Lexi replied.

Silence fills the room. The only thing that could be heard around them was the sound of lips sipping from hot coffee mugs. Diamond and Kojack side eyed Lexi waiting to see if she was going to own up to her lies and finally come clean. They could tell by her demeanor of slouching down deep in the couch and her low eyes that she wasn’t in the mood to change that instantly. Diamond had to admit that she already knew the answer to the question she had asked but it did not make her feel any better. As the older sister, Pandora should have known better even though it was apparent for years that she was not the brightest crayon in the box upstairs. Only after their dangerous encounter with Sun did Pandora open the evil, vindictive soul within her.

“Alright, you want me to start telling the truth? Then here
’s my fucking truth.” Lexi said sitting up and placing her mug on the coffee table. “Yeah I fucked her, more than once too. She was damn good and her pussy tasted as sweet as honey. I tried to get you, but you were on some bullshit so I got the weakest one of the bunch. She liked that shit too and I’m almost pissed she’s gone. I convinced thick dick over here into fucking me so we could get caught by her so we could both fuck her brains out, which was damn good too,” Lexi answered.

“Oh my God, Lex—”

“Don’t interrupt me. You wanted to hear it, right? So, after we fucked her I started wanting him because he was the only man that could make me cum like that and have my legs trembling. I couldn’t quit fucking him, he was like my fix. I don’t even need Yompers to fuck him that’s how good he is. So as long as I got him I don’t need shit else and that’s part of the reason why I said I would quit poppin’.” Lexi turned to her sister. “He’s like my stress reliever, happy now?”

Kojack was so enamored and flattered by her confession that he could not even muster up a reply behind it. Diamond sat her cup on the table also impressed by her sister
’s affirmation and wanted to do one of her own. She knew that her truth would undoubtedly lead to dropped mouths and shocked eyes throughout the group but she figured it was as good a time as any to release her demon. She interlocked her fingers then placed her elbows on her knees looking around to see if anyone would say anything first.

“Lexi, I
’m very proud of you for wanting to turn over a new leaf. I’m concerned that you are doing it for that reason but it is what it is. I’m also disappointed that you had to sleep with your sister in order to achieve that goal, but that is also some shit for another day.” Diamond began.

“Well thanks, I guess.”

“But since we are all airing out our dirty laundry I feel there are some things I want to get off my chest as well,” Diamond continues, “So here it goes.”

Diamond took a deep breath feeling the wind build up in her lungs as she closed her eyes and exhaled. She did not know how to deliver the information inside of her but she had a feeling her mouth would just naturally blurt it out like word vomit. She needed to get her mind together before it came out even though there was no time to do so. All eyes were on her as they waited patiently to see what she had to say. Diamond grabbed the hair in her ponytail twisting it around in her fingers searching for the right way to tell them her issues. A loud vibrating noise rattled the change in Kojack
’s cargo pants pocket as he dug deep into it pulling out his cell phone.

“Ay, hold that thought. I don
’t wanna miss this.” Kojack said throwing his hand up for her to halt her announcement.

’t he have the sweetest little ass?” Lexi admired as her eyes followed while he gets up to leave the room.

“Lex, don
’t think you’re off the hook for that nasty shit you did. I mean truly, that shit was foul. I could beat your ass for that, for real.”

“Damn Diamond, learn to let shit go. It
’s obviously over between me and her and I’m never gonna see her again.”

“Naw, I can
’t let it go, and actually I got a few motherfuckas on my list that got some shit coming from me too. I ain’t never letting shit go from that,” Diamond said curling her lips, “And I’m damn sure not through with Pandora’s ass yet.”

“Girl what the fuck you gonna do? She already suffering enough ain
’t she?”

“Naw, you don
’t know all the shit this bitch did to me.”

’m listening.”

’ll tell you later.”

“Damn you always do that Diamond. Why you be trying to save me from reality like I
’m a little kid or somethin’? I can handle bad shit. Don’t you know all the shit that I’ve done and been through?” Lexi snapped.

“If you think you can handle it, Lex,” Diamond snapped, “Every time somebody tells you something you take it to heart and get to crying and shit.”

“No I don’t.”

“Yes you do! You cry like a motherless child every time,” Diamond paused realizing her onslaught of words might have been of poor choice, “Anyway, did you go to the doctor like I told you?”

“No, I haven’t had time, D dang.”

“Oh, but you
’ve had time to spread your legs like an open book huh?”

“Damn, why you always trippin
’ on me?”

“Cause you my little sister and I love you. I
’m not about to have you out here bogus and shit Lex. You gotta do better, you gots to. If not for me and if not for you then do it for momma. You know she wouldn’t want us living this way,” Diamond encouraged leaning her back against the couch focusing on the ceiling, “Damn I wish she was still here, man.”

“Me too, maybe none of this shit would
’ve ever happened to us,” Lexi replied shaking her head.

’t a maybe, I know none of this shit would have ever happened.”


Kojack slid sluggishly back into the room and sat down in his chair. He looked at the girls realizing they were in a heartfelt moment that he had missed. He didn’t want to seem rude or inconsiderate of their feelings but he yearned to know what they talked about figuring Diamond had already spilled the beans. His cell went off again but he was determined to ignore it, pressing the silence button to shut it up. The job could wait a few minutes while he got the truth out in the open.

“So, what did I miss?” Kojack asked staring simultaneously at the girls for a response.

“Nothing, I was just telling Ms. Lexi here that her ass was grass once we get alone.”

“Ugh.” Lexi breathed rolling her eyes and slumping down in the couch.

“Alright then, spill it Diamond.” Kojack said folding his hands eagerly.

’m not sure that this is the right time or place to have this discussion anymore. I mean, things are really crazy right now. We should be focusing on a plan to keep Pandora’s ass in jail. You know, for her upcoming court date,” Diamond said getting up from the couch and strolling over to the window.

“Keep her in jail? How she gonna get out?” Lexi inquired with a puzzled look on her face, “That bitch is dirty and it
’s going to be all over the nine o’clock news. She’s fucked royally.”

“Yeah but we need to get and keep our story together because we
’re going to need to testify. We need to work to make sure that the police and prosecutors have everything they need in order to convict that bitch of capital murder,” Diamond replied looking out the window checking out the passing cars. “Even if that means we need to lay it on thick. We don’t need that bitch twisting the story putting us in shit.”

“D, the only way for us to do that, is if we implicate ourselves in that shit too. I
’m not about to put myself nowhere near that scene or they gon’ lock us up too,” Lexi shook her head worriedly. “Bitch you crazy.”

“Well maybe not. If you guys anonymously tip everything you know and maybe where they can find evidence then you should be okay. They may not need your testimony,” Kojack interrupted, Google searching ways to report crimes on his phone.

“I’ll testify.” Diamond said softly.

“Excuse me, sis?”

“I said, I’ll testify.” Diamond was matter of fact.

“What? No, no you can
’t do that.” Lexi freaked.

“Why not, someone has to be the witness right?”

“No Diamond! I’ve lost one sister; I refuse to lose another one.”

’ll just tell them that she told me about it when she came home. And when they ask me why I’m just now coming forward, I’ll say because I was scared for my life.”

“And if that doesn
’t work?” Kojack asked.

“Then I
’ll just take one for the team. But at least that bitch gets what she deserves.”

“So you gonna sacrifice yourself for a vendetta? What about me, D? You
’re not even thinking about me. I can’t lose another sister!” Lexi began to cry.

“See. I told you, you couldn
’t handle it,” Diamond walked over and stroked her hair to console her, “Well dear sister, you might have to get used to one day living without me anyway.”

“Huh?” Kojack raised his eyebrow.

“No never!” Lexi cried.

“Why Diamond?” Kojack asked curiously.

Diamond’s palms filled with tiny droplets of sweat, afraid to tell them for fear of them treating her like a leper. Her heart could not bear that, as she looked deep into the eyes of the man she once craved and that of her seemingly naïve little sister. There were no words that would be able to prepare them for that kind of news. Her thoughts were as heavy as her heart as she looked deeply into her sister’s inquisitive eyes and then cut away to the window, staring out into the white snow. For some reason she felt the truth would set her free right at that moment.

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