Juicy: The Complete Series (19 page)

BOOK: Juicy: The Complete Series
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“I do love her but you are my bitch and that
’s all that matters. I only think of her when I think of how those bitches fucked me over. I just want what they have,” Pandora spoke sweetly, stroking her hair.

“Oh yeah, what
’s that?” Ox mumbled.

“Freedom,” Pandora paused allowing time for the message to sink in, “Ox, you gotta help me baby.”

“Help you do what?” Ox inquired in a dry manner.

“Help me escape. I can
’t rot away in this jail cell knowing these motherfuckas are out there living the good life,” Pandora whispered casually licking the back of her left ear, “I deserve better.”

“I know you do boo,” Ox replied patting her hand softly.

“So how we gon’ get out of here?”

“Pandora, I ain
’t got a way of getting out of here. That’s crazy talk.”

“We got to figure something out, you know. We can
’t get married in jail.”

“Wait, what?”

“You heard me. I think you’re the bitch for me, Ox. But I can’t marry you in this hell hole.”

“Oh my God Pandora, you just made me the happiest bitch in the world!”

“Shh! Calm down before they hear us. Don’t go getting all excited and we ain’t even free yet.”

“Okay, okay. I
’m gonna think of something. I don’t know what yet, but you best believe that I’m gon’ think of something,” Ox turned over squeezing her ass as tight as could be, never wanting to release it.

“You do that.” Pandora grinned slyly.








Chapter 4

“Like I said bring it on bitch!”–Diamond


The next morning Lexi awoke in Kojack’s bed cold and alone. The sheets grazed her naked body as she sat up looking around the room hoping to find signs of his presence. When there was none, she grabbed his old large white t-shirt off the floor and stood sliding it over her head letting it drape to her knees. Once covered, she heads out of the room to search the house for signs of life but found only silence. It pained her, feeling empty inside thinking that Kojack had slipped in last night and out this morning without a trace. She picks up her cell from off the coffee table, and then fumbled through it discovering not one missed call. Her head hung low, she slew footed into the kitchen to snag some breakfast and was startled, jumping back by Diamond’s face.

“Damn girl! Why are you sitting in here quiet and shit? I thought everyone was gone,” Lexi said reaching for a bowl out of the cabinet as she tries to erase the disappointment that had fallen on her face.

“I couldn’t sleep. I know I won’t have much time on this earth so I need to get some affairs in order before I leave,” Diamond spat as she took a bite of the toast on her plate then sat it back down next to the eggs, rubbing her fingers together relieving them of excess crumbs.

“Ugh!” Lexi groans slamming the box of Apple Jacks down on the counter, “I wish you would quit talking like that. I
’ve only known of your condition for twenty four hours and already I want to cry every minute for you. You saying shit like this ain’t gonna help me.”

’s the truth, Lex. The sooner you come to that realization the better off we’ll both be.”

“But D, there
’s plenty of medications out there that can help you and the baby live a long and healthy life.”

“Baby? Bitch I
’m not raising no damn babies. This little shit is going to die in my body with me because I ain’t taking any meds, nothing. I just want to die happy knowing I’ve sought revenge on the motherfuckas who deserves it,” Diamond snapped angrily.

“You sound like a fucking demon, yo. I can
’t believe you are that thoughtless. That life growing inside of you is a blessing and didn’t ask to be made. You could at least give it a chance at life.”

“For what, I can
’t take care of it. I’m gonna be dead anyway so what’s the point. I don’t want it growing up knowing that I did this to it. So I’d rather just end its life before it starts. Besides, revenge is the only thing I care about right now,” Diamond headed over to the trash to throw the rest of her breakfast away.

“Ugh. Revenge this and revenge that. What is that even going to solve?” Lexi bellowed as she sat down at the table.

“It’s going to help me die happy knowing motherfuckas will be dancing in hell with me,” Diamond laughed swaying her hips erotically from left to right.

Lexi fiddled her spoon around in her bowl of cereal realizing she had not even put the milk in it as yet. The more she looked at it the more she felt as though her hunger pangs had diminished from Diamond
’s inconsiderate words. Her conversation with Diamond was pissing her off beyond measure making it impossible to focus on or think about anything else. She flicked her bob cut and prayed that the knowledge she was about to release from her mouth would bring her sister back down to reality.

“Diamond, you are grown and I can
’t tell you what to do. But if you think that killing off the people who wronged you will make you happy, you’re crazy. You need to focus on the life inside you and give yourself a chance as well. You are too young for this shit.”

“Okay you know what? I
’m gonna need for you to drop this shit. I’m not going to change my mind and I’m going to do what I want to do. So you either get over it or you leave me the fuck alone. You’re my lil’ sis and I love you but don’t get on my bad side, alright?” Diamond walked off heading to the living room.

“Well what about the baby, Diamond?” Lexi roared following right behind her.

“What about it?”

“Give it to me.” Lexi spewed tears from her eyes as she gazed upon the confused look on her sister
’s face, “Give it to me and I’ll take care of it. Just um, take the meds for as long as you’re pregnant and then when you give birth, give it to me. Please!”

Diamond exhaled lowering her head then raised it smiling back at her, “Why do you want this so badly?”

“Because you keep saying that you’re gonna die, if that’s true, I at least want a piece of you still around. I’ve lost one sister; at least I can have a part of the other one.”

The tears flowed like a faucet from Lexi
’s eyes. She did not know what made Diamond so coldhearted but she felt that giving up on her would be giving up on her, would be niece or nephew. There was a life so innocent and so pure growing inside of her and she had no emotional ties to it whatsoever. Staring at Lexi’s tears made her feel remorse, briefly.

“The baby didn
’t ask to be made, Diamond. Please just think of someone harmless. Think of someone other than yourself,” Lexi pleaded.

“Okay! Sheesh, don
’t lose your mind. I’ll think about it. Think! Do you understand?” Diamond retorted sternly pointing her finger.

’s all I could ask for right now. Now where are you going?” Lexi asked as she watched Diamond slip on her coat.

“I need to go do some research about something. I
’ll be back later.”

“Diamond,” Lexi side eyed.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry. I’ll be back,” She laughed as she heads out of the front door.

“You missed my damn birthday!” Lexi bellowed trying to get a word in edgewise before Diamond stumbles out the door.

Diamond retraced her steps back inside shutting the door behind her in total dismay. She could not believe that she was so caught up in her own stalking affairs that she forgot her favorite sister’s birthday. She saw the pain and hurt in Lexi’s eyes and knows that her hurt runs deeper than just her forgetfulness. There was an underlying problem there and judging by the food that was left out on the stove and the well-designed layout on the dining room table that was left untouched, it had something to do with Kojack.

“Baby sis, I am so sorry about yesterday. I hate to say I totally forgot but…”

“It doesn’t matter. I mean you’ve got your own thing going on and I respect that and Kojack has work. It’s cool. It’s cool,” Lexi interrupted while she allowed the tears to continue down her chubby cheeks.

“No it is not ok. We are going to go out and we are going to do whatever it is you want to do! Come on, get dressed,” Diamond sat beside her stroking tears from off her cheeks as they fell.

“D, I don’t feel like doing shit now. I just wanna lay here and wither away.”

“Up, now, bitch! I ain
’t got time for you feeling sorry for yourself now. You’re better than that. Fuck that nigga. If he can’t see how special you are then fuck him.”

’t talk bad about him, Diamond. He probably just got caught up at work.”

“Hmm. Yeah whatever, just get dressed,” Diamond said checking her cell for the first time, “I just gotta make one stop first and by the time I get back you should be ready right?”

“Yeah I guess so,” Lexi shook her head thinking bullshit just flew from Diamond’s mouth. She knew they were not going to celebrate and did not even bother to oblige her request to get dressed.

Diamond jetted out the door quickly and walked over to her car then hopped in. Driving down the road all she could think about was what she would do when she got to her destination. Her adrenaline was pumping through her veins like gas at a station and it felt damn good. Twenty minutes later she pulled up in front of the house next door to Tino
’s. She sat there as if she was on a stakeout waiting for something to happen, waiting for the moment to present itself on the outside of the house. For the last week, she had been watching Tino’s every move making sure she had him down to a science. It was important for her to study him so she would not be caught slipping once she moved in for the kill.

Just as the sun crept across the snow shining brightly on the house, she noticed there was minimal movement at the front door. A female exited the house and walked around to the back carrying a small plastic bag full of trash. Right after her, Tino and a man exited the house standing on the stoop together. His very existence made her skin crawl. Her breathing increased as her eyebrows frowned. She wanted to hop out the car and slit both of their throats much like Pandora had done to Sun, a clean sweep from ear to ear. Diamond tried to envision what it would be like to watch his blood squirt out of his neck and stand over him as he struggled to breathe. She wanted his gurgling to manifest in his brain so that it was the last thing he heard before his heart stopped and his soul drifted off to his rightful home, hell.

“Ugh!” she growled lightly as she watched them make out heavily on his door stoop, “Nasty motherfucka, so that’s how you got AIDS…fucking other niggas with no condoms.”

Diamond popped her knuckles, one right after the other, licking her lips simultaneously as if she was about to pounce and maul her prey. She quickly ran ideas through her head as to how she would make him suffer. Once the light bulb went off, she knew what tools she needed to get the job done. The anticipation grew with every waning second fucking with her mental, desiring his blood sooner than later. She waited for the love fest to end as the chick returned from behind the house, walking up to them and joining them in their tongue lashing. It sickened Diamond even more to watch, turning her head until the man walked off. The clock on the dash read 9:30 am on the dot as the man headed towards his car and his playmates headed back into the house.

“You sorry piece of shit, dying of AIDS is too good for you. Naw, you’ve gotta pay for what you’ve done, for all the lives you’ve ruined. Give me a few days and I got you motherfucka,” Diamond snarled as she started her car and drove off finding herself unconsciously following the man in the car.

The man seemed to be swerving as if he were drunk or high. It was dangerous for her to follow him especially with the slush and sleet on the road but something inside of her needed to see his face. Diamond pressed her foot on the gas to speed up before the other cars got in the way. It was morning rush hour traffic, which made it difficult to keep up with anyone. The man appeared to have sped up his car and as he bobbed and weaved in and out of lanes, he nearly nicked a car trying to run a red light. He made it but she did not, having been stopped by the Ford truck in front of her, infuriating Diamond to no end.

“Dammit!” she snapped banging her fist on the steering wheel profusely in a wail of a tantrum.

As she sat there she realized how foolish she was to follow him when her beef was not even with that man. It had become apparent that after a week of stalking Tino and learning his everyday habits and rotation, she had become not only obsessive but also insane. She could think, eat, or drink of nothing else but her revenge on this man.  The light turned green and as she merged on to the expressway she knew that it was time to eliminate her obsession before it destroyed her. It was one thing to consume her life but it would not kill her, at least not before she had the chance to kill him first. She was no clown though.

Bringing nothing to a gunfight would surely get her planted six feet deep with nothing to show for it. This was a game she was going to play well but not fair in order to win and knew she needed some heavy firepower to get the job done. En route, her cell buzzed like crazy in her pocket and as bad as she did not want to answer it, she did it only because she knew who it was.

“Yeah Lex.”

“It’s not Lex, bitch.”

“Pandora…if it isn
’t my selfish, evil, bitch of a twin, how are you toots? Jailed, I hope,” Diamond’s voice sounded smug.

“You would like that wouldn
’t you? That was a bitch move you pulled and you know it. You know just as well as I do that you belong in that fucking jail cell right along with me!” Pandora bellowed. “That shit was all your idea.”

“Yeah, but it wasn
’t my idea to cut him open like a Christmas ham now was it? No bitch that was all you.”

“Well somebody had to stand up and take control of the situation. Your weak ass didn

“Ugh, what the fuck do you want, Pandora?”

“Oh, right. I almost forgot. I just called to tell you that I love you big sis. But your ass is going down. You and that slut of a sister of yours are dead.”

’t speak love to me hoe, when you damn sure don’t know the meaning of it and as for your idle threats, I’m shaking in my boots, P.”

“You should be. See you would
’ve been dead but I guess if you want shit done you’ve gotta do it yourself,” Pandora sucked her teeth. “And I want my fucking money back. I know you and that slut stole me shit.”

“What money? Awe sis, you know me better than that,” Diamond grinned.

“You’re right. I do know you better than that, we’re twins, remember? I know you are the only one who could pull off taking my shit without a fucking trace. So here’s how it’s gonna go down. You give me my fucking money and I just might think about letting you two bitches live,” Pandora smirked.

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