Juicy: The Complete Series (16 page)

BOOK: Juicy: The Complete Series
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Chapter 1

“Why do you want me so bad? I’m not as perfect as you think I am.” –Pandora


“Chow time, line up!” The Cook County correctional officer yelled as he guards the food service attendants at their carts.

’m so sick of this disgusting ass shit they choose to serve us every day.” Pandora snarled as she lines up to receive her lunch tray. “You’d think after 3 weeks in this shit hole I’d be used to it by now, but all I want to do is haul it across the room at those black uniform wearing assholes.”

“You say something Ms. Burden?” the officer yelled from across the room.

“No sir,” Pandora grits her teeth in response.

She shook her head knowing that the only reason why the officers kept fucking with her was because of that stunt she pulled when she first got arrested. All she could think about was if she had succeeded in killing herself, she would not be dealing with the bullshit. Ever since then, the officers have been taunting her, teasing her, and fucking with her for no reason. They don
’t like it when you fuck with one of their own, in any way, period. They had a low tolerance for dumb shit and Pandora had started off on the wrong foot displaying that she was capable of pulling it at a moment’s notice. The officers made sure to keep an extra eye locked on her.

“Simple motherfucka,” Pandora barked quietly.

“Shut the fuck up girl. Damn, all I’ve heard you do is complain for these past two weeks and I swear I’m sick of it,” Oxy snapped, slightly leaning back to give her a glimpse of the pissed look she had on her face.

Pandora took the blue tray that was handed to her of a single serving fruit punch juice box; a tossed together thick breaded grilled cheese and mystery meat sandwich and an apple. The sight of it made her gag and her hunger pangs nearly ceased. Every time they served the sandwiches it made her stay on the steel seat-less toilet for days. She side eyed Oxy as she walked ahead of her for her remark. To Pandora, it did not seem like all she did was complained, but she needed to vent to somebody and since Oxy was her cellmate, she figured what better person to listen than her.

Oxy was seated at a table alone when Pandora sat down at the same table across from her. She could read the annoyance written all over her face and chose to eat her lunch in silence rather than ruffle her feathers any longer. Even though Oxy was the first person to befriend her since she arrived, the girl had a mean streak. She was known to put bitches in their place regardless of how they or anyone else felt about it. Pandora got lucky that on the day she came to bunk in her cell with her, Oxy was in a good mood and very talkative.

A bad girl most of her 19 years of living, Oxy was a tall, rough neck girl with a bad attitude who was in for unlawful use of a weapon. Her fascination with guns stemmed from watching her dad take apart and put together his guns all the time. He was an army man making her the perfect army brat but she went rogue once her mother left them for another man. Oxy
’s whole outlook on life changed in an instant at the tender age of 14, jumping in and out of Juvenile Detention, fighting, and drinking heavily with drugs. Now that she was a grown woman in the eyes of the law, hard time in a real prison seemed to be her future.

Pandora stared at the long scar on Oxy
’s face. It curled from behind her ear and made its way to the crack of her mouth. It was heeled but it was dark and slightly rose causing anyone in its path to stop and stare. Pandora tried not to stare when Oxy was looking though. It ticked her off too much when people examined her like some sort of freak of nature. Her short buzz cut and rough demeanor made her resemble a boy, but her blue eyes, Caucasian tanned skin and awkwardly thin lips coupled with her high cheek bones made her look very feminine. Her feminine traits were what Oxy hated the most. Since girly looking Pandora showed up in her cell she had been working out doing pushups three times a day in order to bulk up past her frail looking stature.

“What are you looking at?” Oxy snarled looking up at Pandora while she munched on her lunch.

“Nothing, I was just trying to figure out what snake crawled up your butt today.”

“Man, why something gotta be wrong with me? You the one with the issues,” Oxy ripped open her juice box and threw its contents to the back of her throat, “Let
’s just drop it.”

“Have you talked to your Public Defender yet?” Pandora asked nibbling at her choke sandwich.

“Naw that motherfucka don’t give a fuck about me, and he ain’t getting any money for this shit. I don’t give a fuck. I know I’ll be here for minute.”

“Well, I talked to mine yesterday. He said the judge wouldn
’t decrease my bail. So I gotta post up for two more weeks until my court date,” Pandora shook her head, “If I had the money to get a decent fucking lawyer, I wouldn’t even be in this hell hole.”

“Yeah, I feel you. My dad wants to bail me out, but I won
’t accept his calls. I’m not ready to face him yet after running out on him two years ago. Now he just checks the county periodically to see if I’m here to try to contact me.”

“Shit, I wouldn
’t give a fuck. Anything is better than this. If he loves you enough to hunt you down like that you should call him.”

“Naw, our relationship is more complicated than you think. I can
’t do that right now.” Oxy shook her head.

“I wish I had an old man to get me out of this mess my bitch ass sisters put me in. Those hoes should be sitting right here with me. They are just as guilty as I am.”

“Have you ever tried taking some fucking responsibility for your own damn actions? Maybe you should stop to think about what you have done to get yourself in this shit in the first place. I can own up to my shit, you need to own up to yours.” Oxy barked before snatching up her tray to toss in the garbage and leaving the table.

Pandora looked on in complete shock; she wondered what brought on the sudden urge for Oxy dumping on her. The entire time that they had been cellmates she had always listened to her problems, never giving an ounce of negativity or advice for that matter. But now she was dishing out a dose of reality that Pandora was not ready to handle. It seemed now that her thinking was premature but she considered her to be something like a friend.

“Nice juice box you got there, Pandora,” a big burley inmate with cornrows smirked as she snatched the juice off of her tray and walked off.

“I didn
’t say you could have that,” Pandora whispered to herself keeping her head down.

“What bitch? You got something to say? I don
’t see your funky ass body guard around here to fucking save your ass.” The woman searched the chow hall looking for anyone who would help Pandora. “I didn’t think so. Oh yeah, don’t think I forgot you owe me that ass.”

Everyday somebody new tried to pull it with Pandora. She was so tired of the shit, that she figured she would fight one of them just so they would kill her ass and free her from the torment. It was another reason why she stuck like glue to Oxy, but when her back was turned Pandora was free game. She lowered her head fighting back tears knowing she would never stand a chance against any of the big bitches that taunted her every day and decided it was time to get her backup secured. She took her tray tossing the contents in the trash and placed the tray on the lunch attendant
’s cart before heading to her cell to confront Oxy.

“Hey, what
’s your deal? All day you’ve been snotty with me and I ain’t even done shit to you,” Pandora voiced.

“Ugh, just go finish your damn lunch Pandora.”

“No I will not go and finish shit until you tell me what the hell is wrong with you,” Pandora pushed, increasingly becoming angry at the fact that Oxy was lying in the bed turned over facing the wall instead of her, “Will you please just fucking talk to me?”

“What do you want me to say? That you
’re making yourself look like a fucking ass every time you talk about being here, like it’s going to make the situation any better. Or change the fact that I’m in love with you?” Oxy bellowed as she rose from the bottom bunk.

“Huh? In love with me,” Pandora lowered her head into her hand wondering what brought this emotion on, “Oxy we barely know each other. I don
’t even like girls like that.”

“Awww come on. You gon
’ sit here and tell me all that shit you told me you did with your lil’ sister was bullshit. No sane person lies about that kind of shit,” Oxy caressed the lower half of her cheek with the back of her hand.

It was at that moment that Pandora realized she had apparently done too much pillow talking with her. Her fling with Lexi was not something she was most proud of but it did happen and she could not for the life of her get those feelings out of her head. She missed Lexi
’s warm touch and soft skin tremendously but her betrayal and the fact that she teamed up with Diamond was unforgiveable. Pandora was uncertain if she knew how to be in a relationship with a female since Lexi was the dominant one and was the only woman she had ever been with.

“No, everything I told you was true. But I can
’t tell you that I love you, Oxy.”

“You ain
’t gotta love me, that shit will come. Just tell me you will be my girl. That’s it,” Oxy could see the doubt in Pandora’s eyes, “I can take care of you baby. I’ll never let anything happen to you. All I ask is that you remain pure for me.”

“Pure? I
’m not a virgin anymore,” Pandora laughed feeling silly to have to answer that question.

“No, pure as in don
’t fuck with nobody else. If you’re my girl that shit belongs to me. The first time you give it away, it’s tainted and so are you. Get me?” Oxy replied as a dark look formed on her face.

“Oh. Yeah, I get it. But why do you want me so bad? I
’m not as perfect as you think I am.”

“Pandora you
’re far from perfect. But so am I and that’s the reason why we’re perfect for each other. You’re just as fucked up as I am but together we can be right.”

“I don
’t know, Ox.”

“Shit, what you don
’t know? We ain’t got family. We all we got up in here. There’s nobody out there checking for you or me in this bitch. Those motherfucka’s out there living right, ya’ heard me? Good. So fuck what they think, this is about me and you boo,” Oxy spat her game quickly.

“I just really don
’t know, Ox.” Pandora shook nervously.

“Just tell me that I can lick that pretty little pussy one good time and if I don
’t blow your mind then you don’t even have to answer my question. After I finish, if all you can think about is me, then we are meant to be, bitch.”

It was an offer Pandora knew she should have refused, but the throbbing in her pants told her otherwise. She knew that once she did this there was no going back and there was no backing down. Oxy would own her in the joint, but at least she would not have to worry about nobody fucking with her anymore. Oxy was a small little thing in size but she was 5
’10” and could pack a punch like nobody’s business. She needed that kind of manpower on her team if she was ever going to survive until her court date. Pandora looked deep into her eyes and knew that for whatever reason, Oxy was in love with her and that was a feeling she had not felt in a long time.

“Okay. You
’ve got a deal. But only if you blow my mind Ox, otherwise no go.” Pandora fingered her like she was a little child.

“Awe shit I ain
’t worried about that at all,” Oxy smiled as she pulled Pandora in, tonguing her down sloppily.

“Ewe, what the fuck is you doing?”

“What’s wrong?”

’s wrong? You were all over me like a nasty, drooling dog in heat that’s what’s wrong. Don’t you know how to kiss?” Pandora asked quickly believing that Oxy was going to fail her own challenge.

“Yeah I know how to kiss girl. I was just a little excited you know. I ain
’t had any since I’ve been down and that’s almost 83 days.”

“Okay well I
’m a little sex deprived as well, but damn, slow it down a notch,” Pandora curled her upper lip like there was an awful smell in the room.

Oxy took the hint, realizing she may have been a little over anxious on her first approach as she moved in slower to get it right this time. She pecked Pandora
’s thick mouthwatering lips three times slowly leaving her eyes opened to catch her reaction to her subtle touch. Pandora’s bottom lip quivered a bit as Oxy closed in, opening her mouth syncing it with hers, gently massaging their tongues together. No matter how much she tried, Pandora could not dominate her movements the way she wanted to. Oxy took control grabbing the back of her neck and pulling her waist in to brush softly up against hers.

“Oh shit, we better stop before somebody catches us in here. That shit ain
’t allowed and if they knew we were together they’d separate us quick,” Oxy said backing up and checking the skinny rectangular shaped window embedded in their cell door, “Save that hot shit for tonight when the lights go out. I swear I’m gonna tear that shit up girl.”

“Hmm, we
’ll see.” Pandora snickered.

“Yeah we will see.”

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