Juicy: The Complete Series (20 page)

BOOK: Juicy: The Complete Series
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“I don
’t know what the hell you’re talking about and you scare no one bitch. Bring it on. Oh and Lex told me to tell you that Kojack’s dick tasted mighty good last night. A taste, you’ll surely miss,” Diamond laughed as she hung up the phone.

The phone immediately rang back. It rang again and again until Diamond reluctantly answered, “What!”

“When you die, I’m going to take pleasure in watching you beg for your life. I’m going to cut off every limb you have including your tits and watch you bleed to death while you beg for mercy, bitch.”

“My tits, ewe, sounds like sexual harassment if you ask me or should I say incest. I mean, Lex told me she banged you but I never thought she would be able to turn you into a dike!” Diamond guffawed wildly.

“Argh! Shut up, shut up! You and that little bitch are fucking dead!” Pandora screamed in a low voice through the phone.

“Meanwhile, don
’t they record these phone calls in jail? They really gonna keep your ass now. Watch out for those spoons!”

“Who said I was using a jail phone? Watch your back, ho.”

“Like I said, bring it on bitch,” Diamond recited to herself as she pushed the END button and placed the phone back inside her pocket.









Chapter 5

“Not until you’re eighteen.”—Kojack


Kojack moved through the crowd tapping his hard hat making sure it was on securely. It was lunchtime and his face adorned the same look all day, distress. The thoughts in his head plagued him all day no matter how hard he worked to get his mind off of the situation. He talked with his workers and buried his self in blueprints but it seemed like the more he worked the more the thoughts flooded his brain.

“Hey guys I
’m out for the day,” Kojack hollered to his main manager as he waved them off and headed back to the car.

He sighed deeply as he sat in his car staring at his phone struggling with whether or not he should make a phone call. His heart was beyond heavy as he tried to calm his nerves. One touch of the number in his call log sent the call as he placed the phone up to his ear waiting for an answer.

“Hey baby,” Lex answered enthusiastically.

“Uh, hey,” Kojack breathed as he started up the car.

“Okay, so I was thinking we would go out for dinner tonight, just you and me. What do you say?”


“Because I was thinking like I could cook something but you don’t really have any food in there and I’m not really a good cook so it’s a no brainer,” Lexi giggled as she rambled on.

“Listen, listen, we need to talk.”

“If this is about this morning, I’m so sorry I overslept. I wanted to be there for you before you went to work but you didn’t wake me up. Shit after waiting up so late for you last night baby, I was dog tired,” Lex snickered playfully.

“No, no it
’s not that. I didn’t even come home last night, Lex. You didn’t notice?”

“Oh God,” Lexi said gripping her stomach feeling as though it was jumping through hoops, knowing the storm that was coming.

Apart of her knew that the unspoken elephant in the room was eventually going to mutter its first words. It was the inevitable but she had hoped that it was something that would work itself out without complication. Her forehead became riddled with sweat bullets as she took a seat at the dining room table, breaking from the cleaning she was doing.

“Yeah, you have to understand Lex that I truly do love what we
’re doing here but we can’t go on like this. I’m risking my reputation, my business, and my freedom fucking with you.”

“Jack we
’ve been through this…”

’m just afraid of losing everything that I worked so hard for over some pussy.”

“Well, what if I said I wanted to be more than just pussy to you?” Lex sounded like she was about to break down in tears.

Even though she put on the facade like she could never love anyone, she could not help the feelings she felt for him. He was something real in her world full of mystery. He was the calm in her world full of chaos and destruction. She knew if she lost that goodness that her world would go tumbling back down again. Her age was the only deciding factor in their relationship and though it was a major factor she could not allow it to be the only one.

Lexi slapped her hands against her forehead multiple times before it gives her a headache. She was fucked up in the head by Kojack
’s cold words. It sounded as if he did not care about her. Her heart cracked into a million pieces wondering if he had ever allowed himself to feel anything for her. The age difference was the one hurdle she did not know how to get over. All she could do is replay the moment he found out and the person who spoke the thought into his mind.

“That bitch!” she screamed as she wiped tears from her already drenched cheeks and swung her arms knocking the flower vase off of the table.

It felt good to hit something. She lifted the dining room table tipping it over letting the loud crash sound that it made soothe her some more. Her eyes cased the living room for more things she could destroy before they zeroed in on the bright yellow sunlight shining through the kitchen window.  Kojack heard the crashing of things in the background and automatically knew she was destroying his house. He lowered his head deciding not to confront her about it feeling like if that was what she needed to vent then so be it.

“Lex, there
’s no way I can have a relationship with you. Not until you’re eighteen.”

“But I just turned seventeen yesterday, that
’s almost eighteen and might I add that you didn’t even think enough of me to come home or call or shit to wish me a happy one. But I’m willing to look past all of that and assure you that no one will ever know. I’ll…I’ll dress older and only go out where people won’t notice how young I am.”


“I’ll act very adult and make sure that I don’t act immature and shit around your family and friends.”


“Kojack, please!” Lexi sobbed, “Please don’t do this to us. We need each other. I need you. You’re the only thing that keeps me clean.”

“See girl. That
’s insanity. You think just because I eat pussy really good that you don’t need Yompers but you never needed or wanted them in the first place. You’re too young for me but you’re old enough to realize that what we’re doing is wrong.”

“Kojack, I am begging you. Do not do this to us.”

“Lexi, you and Diamond can live at my house for a few weeks until you guys find someplace to stay. I can find somewhere to go for a while.”

“Kojack! Kojack, wait!”

“You’d better go get tested, Lexi.”

He had hung up the phone as her cries blurted through his receiver. He tossed the phone in the passenger seat as it rang and vibrated profusely hopping around. He ignored it turning the volume up on the radio to drown out its excessive badgering. As he drove on, he tried to put Lexi out of his mind for good. It was usually easy for him to write people out of his life for the sake of protecting his own feelings but the fact that his emotions were deeply involved with her made it difficult.

Kojack knew it would not be easy but he had to forget her. He had to block the erotic nights and sensational mornings out of his mind. He needed to get her sweet watermelon smell out of his head and her angelic touch off of his skin. Lexi had made her mark on him like a dog marked a tree. She was his and he knew it but the smart thing to do was the right thing to do. Kojack pulled up in the Northwestern Memorial Hospital parking garage. As he pulled his ticket out of the machine and drove under the raised partition, he began to fear knowing the results of the test he had taken this morning. Truth was, he was far past scared of even taking the test but he had to know. As he exited his Lexus truck headed for the elevator, he felt lumps of coal develop in his heart. He could not decipher if it was love or lust for her that he felt, he just wanted whatever it was to go away so the hurt would not bleed out of his veins.




“What the fuck just happened in here? I was only gone for a minute,” Diamond asked stepping over the debris of Lexi’s storm with her black suitcase in hand.

She walked up to a balling, wet faced Lexi sitting in front of the sofa on the floor and sat down stroking her hair gently for comfort. The whole house was a mess, riddled with broken glass and apparently a broken heart. Much like Lexi, Diamond knew it was only a matter of time before the shit hit the fan. Kojack was obviously more man than she could handle anyway. It was just sad that everyone knew it but her.

“You were gone for four hours Diamond. You’re so full of shit,” Lexi sobbed as she shook her head at her sister’s previous lie.

“Okay but what
’s wrong, Lex?” Diamond inquired worried that a burglar might have come in and raped her.

“He broke up with me,” Lexi stumbled through her cries. “I never knew I could be in love with somebody like that until I met him.”

“Awe baby, you can’t break up with someone you were never with,” The words flew from Diamond’s mouth without haste and once they did she instantly felt that they came out the wrong way.

“Huh?” Lexi used the back of her hand to wipe the drippings from her nose, “If this is your fucking way of cheering me up then you are failing, miserably.”

“Lex, all I’m trying to get you to understand is that you both knew what this was, sex. So for you to try and make this arrangement more is crazy, especially when you both knew you weren’t supposed to be fucking in the first place.”

“I just thought he would be the one person to look past all that shit, D.”

“He can’t look past it because if he does he risks going to jail for you. This is Illinois baby. They ain’t playing that shit here. Your homey, lover friend will get locked up in a heartbeat.”

“But I want him. We are soul mates. We
’re meant to fucking be!” Lexi yelled as she banged on the coffee table hoping to break it.

“Stop!” Diamond shouted grabbing her sister
’s arms and holding them close, “Honey, you are so young and beautiful. You can have any man out here or woman for that matter; just choose someone your age.”

“But I don
’t want anyone my age. I want him, Diamond, just him.”

Diamond knew that no matter what she said to try and break her thoughts of being with him, Lexi was adamant on loving only him. Having been there and done that before, she knew exactly what her young sister was going through. She realized that stubbornness was a trait that ran in their family. They were relentless women who never stopped until they got what they wanted. Checking the room for its disaster once more, she felt it was best she just changed the subject.

“Pandora called me this morning,” Diamond said wiping the tears from her sister’s eyes.

“What? She
’s out of jail?”

“I don
’t know. She claimed she wasn’t using a jail phone so I’m thinking that someone probably posted bail for the bitch.”

“Well…what did she say?”

“She knows about the money…” Diamond sighed leaning back on the sofa, locking her eyes with the ceiling, “And she threatened us. She said she wants to kill us. I think she thinks that will keep us from testifying against her. Either way, I know she wants revenge.”

“Ugh, now this shit. What the fuck are we gonna do? We ain
’t got fucking heat and I know that bitch gon’ cop her something. She ain’t gon’ bring just a knife to fight,” Lexi stood walking around in circles.

“Calm down. That bitch ain
’t gon’ make her presence known til she’s ready. The fact that she called let me know that she’s looking for a battle. That bitch thinks she’s an army or something. So we got the money to do what we need to do.”

’s still not telling me shit, D., and how the fuck did she find out that we stole the money? It could’ve been anybody.”

“She thinks she knows we did it but I gave her no info. I guess she thinks we
’re the only ones capable of doing it. We’re just gonna gear up and be ready for that bitch, simple as that,” Diamond smirked, “If we go down, we damn sure will do it swinging.”

“Man, I ain
’t got time to be going to war with this bitch,” Lexi replied picking up broken pieces of glass to throw in the trash.

“Huh? Awe, come on now. Shit, I
’m glad this nigga broke up with you. He’s makin’ you soft as hell. Girl you need to get up out of that shit.”

“What the fuck you mean, Diamond? This shit was always between you and Pandora. I was never in that shit; y
’all just put me in it.”

“Alexis Burden, you were in it the minute you decided to keep Kojack for yourself. Don
’t you see, kitten. He’s the root to all evil,” Diamond said shaking her head in disbelief at how naïve Lexi really was.

“No. No I won
’t believe that. Pandora’s just a crazy bitch who needs to be stopped.”

“And none of us had any problems until he came into the picture. We were a team.”

“Diamond you need to get it together. Pandora never cared shit about us after that night. The night she tasted blood for the first time, you said it yourself. It’s all about money; it was always just about the money,” Lexi grabbed the broom and began sweeping up the broken pieces of her relationship, “Get a clue.”

“Ugh, whatever bitch, just take that fucking suitcase and put it under the kitchen sink for me, would ya?” Diamond snapped as she headed for the staircase beginning to mumble. “And shut the fuck up. Damn.”

Diamond ran upstairs heated from their discussion while Lexi did what was asked of her. No matter how naïve Lexi seemed, she sure had a way with words. She headed into Kojack’s room looking at the unkempt king sized waterbed in the middle of the room thinking about all the wild nights they could have had. As quickly as those thoughts ran through her head, soon did ones of despair from the reality of the life threatening disease that she could not get rid of. With that thought she began to think of everyone else she could have passed it to as well. It only fueled the anger inside of her more to want to get rid of the problem once and for all so that he could not destroy any more lives with his infection.

She went over to his dresser where he held a collection of colognes and grooming products. It was nice to know that he was indeed the well-groomed stud she had always believed he was. As she walked away she saw something using the sun to make a shiny reflection. It was very small but with the sun
’s rays it shone brightly. She kneeled down reaching her hand behind the dresser where the shine was coming from and pulled out a clean silver Revolver. It was small but a gun nonetheless. Diamond felt like she hit the jackpot, just in case she was unable to get one before Pandora caught up with them. She quickly stuffed it in the back of her jeans and left the room sight unseen.

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