Juicy: The Complete Series (14 page)

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Chapter 18- Trust Me




“Mmm. Mmm.”

Diamond grumbled reaching for her head but was halted by the rope that bounded her hands and feet behind her back. Her vision was blurry and blood oozed from her hair but she was determined to pull it together to get the fuck out of there. She wiggled her hands and feet trying to get them loose but it was no use. The rope was extremely tight, almost cutting off the circulation in her wrists. Her vision began to come to as she squinted her eyes attempting to focus.

“Welcome back.” Pandora said circling her sister.

“What the fuck are you doing, Pandora?” Diamond snapped.

“Oh it
’s quite simple. You are going down for Sun’s murder and stealing his shit.”


“Yeah, they want Diamond so they’re gonna get Diamond.” Pandora laughed bringing her suitcases out of the room placing them next to the door. “So when they get here, you’ll be dead and I’ll be in the Bahamas somewhere sipping a Mai Tai under the Island sun.”

Laughter filled Diamond
’s face. Dying in any form was the biggest joke of all to her. It didn’t bother her one bit to die anymore, especially not since after the news of her condition. She was actually grateful that someone was about to put her out of her misery and that she didn’t have to wait for the disease to do it for her. Diamond wiggled some more than began laughing hysterically again.

“You think I
’m worried about someone killing me? Poor Pandora. You’re even more fucked up then I originally thought.” Diamond continued to laugh.

“It doesn
’t matter ‘cause you’ll be dead. One less bitch I gotta worry about.” Pandora smirked.

“Shit, you got that now, trick.
‘Cause don’t think for one second you ain’t dead to me.”

’d just better hope they call Lex to identify the body ‘cause the city can have your ass for all I care, Di—.”

“GREAT! A real fucking burial!” Diamond retorted shaking her head at her sister
’s ignorance.

Pandora had had enough of the bullshit between them. She began picturing that bitch dead in the middle of some brutal and bloody scene and instantly became happy. She reached down digging through Diamond
’s pockets searching for her cell phone, pulling it out of her back pocket. Diamond leaned in to bite her on the cheek but failed miserably. Pandora spat at her face coming within inches of her mouth but missed as it splatted on the side of the chair. She walked towards her shattered phone retrieving the business card and began dialing the number.

“Yeah, this is Diamond. I got your shit.” Pandora spat as she gave the man the address to their apartment.

“Do you have any idea what kind of danger you’ve put Lex in?” Diamond spat heatedly.

“Lex? Who gives a shit about that ho?” Pandora laughed as she threw Diamond
’s phone down to the floor. “Later sis oh and uh, a word of advice. Close your eyes. It won’t hurt as much.”

Pandora picked up her bags and skirted out the door frantically. Diamond looked down at her phone, which sat a few feet away from her. She knew she had to reach it if she wanted to survive but that would prove difficult with her hands and feet bound to the metal chair. Tears filled her eyes but never fell as she thought about giving up and letting whatever happened to her happened.
I’m fucked anyway.
She thought.



“Damn. It took you long enough.” Lexi spat as she crept off of Keisha
’s porch and up to Kojack’s car.

He exited the car to open her car door, perplexed since no man or woman for that matter had ever done that for her before. She politely waited for him to open as she got in and allowed him to close the door behind her.
She thought with a surprised look on her face. He entered and drove off peeping her shock at his gentleman like behavior.

“So where we going?” He asked checking his nicely lined goatee in the rearview mirror.

“Where do you wanna go?” She replied seductively rubbing the nape of his neck with her fingertips.

Kojack was like putty in her hands, as his neck grew stiff as well as his Johnson. He felt like if he moved she would take that as a hint to stop and he couldn
’t have that happen especially not when it felt so damn good. He hopped on the expressway headed for the one place he was very sure they would be alone with no interruptions. Lexi moved her hands down to his zipper undoing it swiftly. She gazed at him noticing his smile widen as she released his limp schlong from his drawers and brought it up for some air.

“Girl, you know I
’m driving right?” He said preparing himself for what was about to happen.

Lexi didn
’t mutter a word. She released herself from her seatbelt then propped up on all fours throwing her juicy ass against the window. Kojack didn’t have tinted windows on his front two windows so her ass was plastered against the glass for all to see. He kept his eyes on the road as best he could trying not to crash but her ass kept calling him to look at it. She twerked it for him then began bouncing one cheek at a time as he reached his strong-arm around to give her ass a loving smack.

She grabbed his dick stroking it lustily and giving the head sweet wet kisses to tease him. Kojack
’s legs began to sway with anticipation wanting the action to start already. He knew what he was in store for and he couldn’t wait any longer for her to dig in. Lexi leaned her head over further placing his dick in her mouth and sucking soft yet hard at the same time. He tried not to lean his head back in enjoyment, trying to remain focused on the road, but the good head he was receiving distracted his good judgment. The car began to sway from side to side making Lexi nervous.

’t crash baby.” She spat sweetly.

“Oh, I
’m not. You just keep doing what you doing. I got this.” He replied giving her head a soft nudge.

That was her cue to go to work on his ass. She spat on his piece letting slob trail from her mouth to his shaft raising her head high enough to show the display then going back down fast and hard sucking with every motion. Kojack tried to resist the urge to moan but it flowed out of his mouth like water from a faucet. His moans became louder and louder making him feel inferior in a way wondering how she was doing those circular tricks with her tongue that caused him to scream like that. He grabbed every bit of strength he could muster and focused in hard on the road, rushing to their destination. He knew that she would never let up on him long enough to get there and truth be told he wasn
’t in the mood to stop her. Her mouth felt like fresh Gain smelling cotton drawers out of the dryer, damn good.

“Do you like that, daddy?” She asked rising up for only a split second.

“Hell, yeah!” Kojack exclaimed feeling himself about to burst.

Not yet. Not yet.
He thought as he swerved off the road towards their exit. The closer he got to their spot the closer she came to making him burst in her mouth. Lexi liked swallowing cum. It was like nourishment to her when she didn’t get it from anywhere else and she wanted to swallow his badly. Her pussy throbbed tremendously knowing his time was near. As she moaned with a mouth full of meat, Kojack bellowed behind her as he slowed the car down coming to a stop. He was there and she knew it. She began sucking harder and harder then flickering her tongue on his head bobbing faster on his piece.

“Ooo, shit!” Kojack screamed in a high-pitched voice.

“Mmmm!” Lexi retorted never skipping a beat.

Kojack held on to the steering wheel for dear life as she sucked him high and dry. She continued to bob even though she had already taken in all he had to give. His body shifted searching for a position where he could stand the high intensity of oral pleasure he was receiving. Lexi finally released him from her oral fixation wishing she hadn
’t since she still wasn’t satisfied. She sat back in her seat with the ugliest frown upon her face.

"Man, I don
’t know how you do it but damn girl!" Kojack said.

"Thanks." She replied wiping the drool from her lips.

"Well what’s wrong?" He asked perplexed.

Lexi reached into her pocket fumbling through then pulled out a Yomper popping it in her mouth undetected. She sat back letting the affects of the drug flow through her veins and soothe her organs. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head in fulfillment as she ran her fingers through her hair feeling extra sensitive to every touch.

"I’m still not happy." Lexi responded.

"Oh yeah." Kojack spat moving his hand down in between her legs.

She waited to see what he was diving at before she became excited. He was fingering around outside of her pants figuring that would make her insanely moist but it didn’t. Lexi was already moist she needed to bust to relieve her stress. She sighed loudly hoping she would not have to instruct him to give her what she needed. She hated that. Kojack reached around unbuttoning her pants and scooting them down to her ankles. Lexi kicked them off with haste allowing her red panties to follow then positioned her legs across the steering wheel and the back of his seat. Kojack brushed her pretty nicely shaved brown pussy with the back of his hand loving the way her soft skin felt against his. He looked at the discerning look on her face and realized he wasn’t doing his job right.

He reached under her pulling her ass cheeks closer to him then faced his body toward her stretching his torso to reach her small clit. The anticipation busted inside of her much like she wanted her cum to in his mouth. Lexi pulled the lips of her pussy open wide enough for him to attack her clit with no problem. He dove in sucking on her pretty little pleasure nub like it was a straw. He slurped and licked making loud noises, torturing her button with his tongue as if he wanted her to scream. Lexi felt her legs tremble but she remained calm wanting to indulge in all of his erotic performance. Kojack slipped his tongue into her slit fucking her like it was his rock hard dick going in and out then he took his index and middle finger sticking them both in as far as he could. His reach excited her more as she felt her climax rise even more.

Kojack hummed lightly sending vibrations through her body titillating her soul. Lexi thought she was in heaven from the perfect feeling shooting through her right then. She gripped the back of his head tightly not wanting to let go even though he was signaling for air. Her mind wasn’t focused on him any longer, it was her turn to get off and she was not about to let up until she did. The feeling was just like the last time and even though it felt like nothing more than pure unadulterated sex, it was the grandest either of them had ever experienced.

“I love it when you eat it.”

Lexi could feel her climax reach its boiling point and there was no way for her to compose herself. She moaned irrepressibly making high pitched screeching noises as she struggled to breathe. Her grip tightened on his head so he didn’t move from the good spot and throw the whole mood off. She fucked his mouth back as he moved his tongue rapidly giving her clit a well-deserved lashing. Lexi grabbed her nipples flicking them fast to aid in her pleasure as she released significantly into his awaiting mouth. Kojack sucked all that she had given him with no problem as she rolled her hips around enjoying every minute of it. She was more than ready for her dick now as he mounted her without question ready to give it to her deep.



Chapter 19- Just Got Real




Keisha jumped back staring into the eyes of four dudes standing next to the man she thought she was about to fuck. She wanted to reach for her piece but she knew them niggas wouldn
’t come up in there deep and not be strapped. It was in her best interest to play in cool at first to feel those niggas out but her first mind told her to give them whatever the hell they wanted because her life wasn’t worth a few measly dollars from Pandora’s stingy ass.

“What y
’all niggas want?” She spat rocking back and forth and slapping her hands together.

“I think you know what we what. Where did you get this shit? Before you answer that, you should know that the streets been talking. So we know who you are already.” The man said winking his eye at her with a smirk.

“I saw a man about a dog. What of it?” Keisha spat sarcastically.

The men were not amused by her bullshit comment. They neared her watching as she stepped further away from them, backing into the garage wall.

“My patience is wearing thin. So where did you get this shit?” The man asked again pointing a shiny silver Glock in her direction.

“I don
’t know where it came from. Somebody gave it to me alright.” She exclaimed putting her hands up.

“Who?” The men seem to ask simultaneously.

Keisha wanted to hesitate but she knew they would surely kill her if she did. These men apparently meant business and she wasn’t about to die over some shit she never wanted to be a part of in the first place. She looked down at the ground then back up into their eyes opening her mouth to tell them just what they wanted to hear.

“It was Pandora Burden. She used to stay in Evergreen. That
’s all I know.” Keisha said feeling a sense of relief to finally get that off her chest to someone.

“Keisha? What
’s going on in there?” Ms. Rita said pushing the house door to the garage open.

“Nothing mama. Go back to bed.” Keisha yelled not wanting her mother to die of grief from the sight of the men.

The men stood there as still as bats when they sleep not wanting to make any sudden moves when grandma walked through the door. They prepared themselves to leave searching around the garage for traces of the rest of the merchandise. Keisha glanced over to the old wooden desk in the corner hoping they didn’t go over there and find the rest of the stash.

“Got it boss.” One of the men exclaimed as he threw the uncut brick to the main man.

“It’s not mine.” Keisha said shaking her head, silently asking herself why she got involved with this bullshit.

“Keisha, what the fuck is going on in here?” Ms. Rita said busting in the door startling all the young men. “Oh hell naw!”

Ms. Rita pulled her long black nine-millimeter from behind her back barely able to hold it straight and began blasting those dudes in their faces. She didn’t have much strength in her right arm but she went in guns blazing, no holds bar on them niggas without a care, pushing Keisha to the ground.

“Ahh!” Ms. Rita roared, continuing to bust at those fools.

“Y’all done fucked up now!” Keisha yelled pulling out her piece, wailing back at those niggas.

The gunfire went on for a few minutes striking down two of the men there and throwing a couple in Ms. Rita. Keisha got up off the floor busting her chop at the main nigga not wanting him to get away especially since he played her in the beginning. She fire twice at him and he fired once hitting her dead in between the eyes and grazing her left ear. She hit the floor deader than a doorknob. Ms. Rita was curdling on her own blood, fidgeting her feet and hands seemingly trying to escape the catastrophe she had created but not getting anywhere with her scooting. Only two men remained as the others lay on the floor with bullets to the brain, not breathing.

“We just got that call man. We gotta ride.” The remaining man spat.

yo’, check that bitch’s pockets for dough.” Shug said as he walked over staring down at Ms. Rita puffing for air. “And grab that work out of there and mount up.”

Shug had stepped away then gawked back as they raised the garage door ready to leave. He looked down at his buddies shaking his head at them.
There was no remorse ‘cause they were killed by two bitches who weren’t shit in his eyes. His buddy pulled the truck around signaling out the window for him to bring his ass before anybody saw them. Shug nodded his head toward him them looked back to see if Ms. Rita had gone yet. She had taken a lickin’ and kept on tickin’ determined to be ruthless until her last breath. Shug plowed two to her dome, easy, and then ran off to the truck.



Diamond wobbled the chair left and right trying to reach deep down in her drawers for the sharp object sticking her in the ass. She had originally put it there for use as revenge on the pastor but she had sought a much more powerful and tastier one then just slicing his throat. Her fingertips touched the top of the blade
’s handle while she scooted back and forth trying to push it upward and out. She strained and flinched as the blade poked her numerous times. The handle slipped back down in her panties.
She thought. She tried again to fish the knife out of her pants, struggling and cutting herself along the way. It was out.

The phone began to ring, startling her like crazy. Diamond frenziedly positioned the knife strategically in her hand trying to cut the cord she was bound with. Even though the rope was impossible to escape by her own force it was rather thin and cut easily. She freed her hands first then her feet dropping the knife and removing the rope quickly as she grabbed her phone and jetted for the door. At the door she listened to see if she could hear anyone in the hallway. Silence was golden to her as she opened the door prepared to run down to the end of the hall to the elevator. She opened the door running smack dab into a large broad chest.

“Leaving so soon.” The man said entering the apartment.

He backed Diamond up forcing her back into the apartment shutting the door behind him. She looked around to see if anyone was behind him but oddly he was alone. The fact that Pandora had sent one lonely nigga over there to kill her was laughable. Diamond could drop him like a bad habit with no problem. Her confidence boosted an extra inch. She glanced over at the knife on the floor then back at the man not wanting to alarm him of her plan.

“Where’s the shit, Diamond?” He spat flexing his muscles.

“Okay, check it. I
’m Diamond but I’m not who you think I am. I know that sounds fucked up but it’s real shit.”

“What the fuck does that have to do with my man
’s shit?” The man said as his cell phone buzzed in his pocket.

He wanted to ignore it but it began to buzz abundantly. His large hand removed it from his back pocket answering it.


Yo’. We got the merch.” Shug said.

“One.” The man replied hanging up the phone. “So we got our shit. I guess this is goodbye.”

“WAIT! You got the wrong bitch. Please!” Diamond said putting her hands up. "I know who killed Sun!"

Diamond closed her eyes preparing for the bullet to crack through her skull. All that could be heard in the room was dead silence. So dead, in fact, that she believed she was just that. She squinted one eye open, hawking around the room peeping to see what he was doing. The man dropped the weapon to his side.

"I’m listening." He spat.

"Okay. This may be hard for you to believe but...I have a twin. Her name is Pandora and she is this one who killed him." Diamond spat quickly.

The man looked at her side eyed before raising his gun back up to her face. “Is this some kind of joke?”

“NO! Please! It
’s no joke. I have a twin a she is the bitch behind all of this. She just left here not too long ago and she’s trying to frame me so she can get off scott free with her boyfriend.” Diamond caught her breath from nervousness. “In fact I think I know where she’s headed.”

He didn
’t know if he should believe anything she was saying but he was intrigued to know if she was telling the truth about having a twin. It really didn’t matter to him either way. They both had to die in his eyes; he didn’t have time for snitches or setups. The man scratched his head wondering what he should do knowing Tino wouldn’t want any stray enemies out there. He slapped his gun behind his back and grabbed Diamond by the arm escorting her to the door.

“If you lying, you
’re fucking dead on the spot.” He spat furiously.

He had already had it in the back of his mind to kill them both on the spot anyway but he remained cool so he could at least get to the other one, killing two birds with one stone. Diamond had a feeling she was dead on the spot one way or the other. She had to think fast because if she got in the car with him she was surely dead. She yanked her arm back as quickly as possible but tried to remain friendly to keep him cool, calm, and collected.

“Wait. If she sees you she’ll know something is up and try to run. The only way to get her is to follow behind my car so she doesn’t see you. Then you can sneak up on her and do what you need to do as far as I’m concerned.” Diamond said.

’t try anything stupid or that’s your ass.” The man watched as she walked to her vehicle parked out front and jumped in his.

He never took his eye off of her; he knew if he lost her it would be his ass on the line. Diamond pulled out slowly keeping a side eye on him through the rear view mirror. She pulled out her cell phone dialing sluggishly on the keypad as not to alarm her voyeur of her actions.

“Yeah, I got some information that you might be interested in.” Diamond spat as she revealed her destination. “Meet me there in thirty minutes and you’ll have your man.”

Diamond smiled to herself checking her mirror making sure he was still back there. She fixed her hair glancing slightly back and forth in the mirror. It needed to be on point for the gathering they were on their way to. She couldn
’t let her old flame and her ex-sister see her looking a mess. The only thing she was missing was dark red lipstick to complete her devilish look.
That bitch has got another thing coming if she thinks I’m going quietly into the night.
Diamond thought.


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