Kindle Alexander - Up In Arms (10 page)

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Authors: Kindle Alexander

BOOK: Kindle Alexander - Up In Arms
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Disoriented, Trevor shook his head, trying to clear his lust filled haze. Reed stayed wrapped completely around him, and he was now pushed against the railing. Looking down, Trevor blinked in surprise, realizing his pants were undone. Reed’s hands stayed buried inside his pants, still lightly stroking him. For the briefest of moments, Trevor realized how much he loved Reed’s hands on him. The feel of Reed’s smooth palm fondling him was such a fucking turn on. It robbed him of coherent thought. He brought his hands up to Reed’s neck, wanting the man’s lips on his again. In the effort to turn Reed back to him, he heard someone talking briskly...but who? Reed was talking to Rylie while never stopping the flow of his hand on his dick. FUCK, they were caught!

Trevor pushed his hands forward against Reed’s chest, untangling himself from their embrace. He shoved Reed’s hands away from him. He pushed harder at Reed, breaking free from his hold to quickly tuck his shirt back in. He hadn’t worn underwear tonight, because he hadn’t wanted to walk back out in his room to get them with Reed standing there. Now he regretted that decision as he stood exposed with the tent of his erection sticking out. Reed finally turned away from him to face Rylie.

“Well, little brother, are you going to tell me why I’m standing here looking at you instead of enjoying my balcony time with Trevor?”

“Dear God, Reed, are you corrupting my best friend?” Rylie laughed, stepping a little further out on the balcony.
Reed fixed his shirt while walking toward his brother. “I was doing my best until we were...interrupted. The sooner I get you out of here, the sooner I can get back to corrupting your friend.” Reed looked back at Trevor, but he stayed in the corner, out of view, watching the two brothers. Reed walked around Rylie, putting his hand on his shoulder. “What’s this all about? Why aren’t you in there dancing with your new bride?”
“Elise will be tossing her bouquet from the balcony. The DJ announced the throwing of the bridal bouquet after this next dance. The song’s almost over, and I thought you might want to know,” Rylie said, looking over his shoulder in Trevor’s direction. “Trevor, I knew you would hate being caught out here like this. It’s the only reason I came out.” Rylie didn’t say anything more, and went back inside. Reed slowly wound through the tables, back to Trevor, but stayed a step or two away from him, running his hands through his thick blond hair.
“Are you ashamed of being with me, Trevor?”
“I’m ashamed of getting so carried away here on a public balcony. What was I thinking? Anyone could have come out here. There are children here, Reed. We’re at a hotel. We could just get a room. I wasn’t thinking. Hell, my only thoughts were about how much I liked your hands in my pants, not the total embarrassment of your entire family when they came out to see me standing with nothing on.” Fiddling with his shirt, Trevor shoved his dick to the side, trying to smooth it down in order to keep it from sticking out. It wasn’t working. He never made eye contact with Reed, but took a calming breath.
“Would you like me to get us a room tonight, after everything’s over?” Trevor finally asked.
Reed didn’t say a word but turned, picking up their jackets, waiting for Trevor to finish and join him. Trevor reached for his jacket, but Reed took his hand, dragging him forward along the balcony. Reed snaked his way through the back of the hotel to the front desk. Once Trevor realized where they were headed and what they were doing, he pulled back.
“Reed, we can’t do this now. You’ll be missed. You’re like the most popular guy here tonight. We need to get back to the reception.”
Reed ignored Trevor, talking to the clerk instead. “Hello, Sarah. What’s available in your Presidential suite series? And how long will it take to prepare?” The clerk’s name tag was the only thing visible on the front of her dark suit, but Reed said her name like he’d known her for years.
“Sir, it looks like we have one suite available. It has a poolside view, it—”
Reed cut her off while she kept looking at the screen providing Reed the details, and selling points of the room. “I’ll take it. How long to prepare?”
“We will need about thirty minutes. This hotel is full—”
Reed cut her off again, pulling his wallet from the breast pocket of his suit coat. He paid for the room, and doubled the charge, all in cash.
“We’ll need the room much sooner. I was thinking more like ten minutes,” Reed said with a wink, his sexy grin spreading across his stunningly handsome features. The front desk clerk stood there staring for a long moment. She opened her mouth to speak, but her eyes stayed glued to Reed’s face and no words came. After a minute more she closed her mouth and turned back to the keyboard, fumbling as she typed. Trevor watched the scene unfold, chuckling a little; clearly the front desk clerk was enthralled with the man standing in front of her. He knew exactly how she felt. Trevor struggled to keep coherent thought anytime Reed directed his charming smile toward him.
“Yes sir, I will...I’ll tell them...”
“Perfect! Thank you, Sarah. I’ll also need the Karma Amenities for men. Now if you will just hand me the door key, we’ll make our way up. I appreciate your consideration and personal attention in this matter, Sarah.” Reed never took his eyes from the clerk, making her a little clumsy in her movement. Sarah finally just shoved the key and the receipt in Reed’s direction. “Ten minutes, correct?”
“Yes, sir, I’ve made the notes in the system. It will be ready!”
“Perfect. Thank you again, Sarah.”
Reed didn’t wait, and gestured Trevor toward the bank of elevators. At Reed’s insistence, Trevor walked in front of him, although he didn’t know which elevator to go to. He quickly learned why Reed had him lead the way. Every wrong move Trevor made earned him a grope to his ass, or a sweep of Reed’s hand down his chest, conveniently finding the front of his uniform slacks. Finally, Trevor stopped, making Reed go in front of him, and all Reed did was chuckle as he walked past, that sexy grin still in place.
“You take all the fun out of things, Trevor West. I’m surprised you didn’t figure this out while walking through my house last night.” Reed pressed the UP button, turning back to Trevor with a sly grin.
“You did it all on purpose! I thought I’d suddenly become a bumbling, clumsy moron. I couldn’t seem to stay out of your way.” They were close to one another, face to face, laughing. Trevor stood no more than an inch shorter than Reed. Every time Reed stepped in, Trevor took a small step back, keeping some distance between them. They were still in public; this bank of elevators could be seen from the lobby. Any member of his team could see them if they left the ballroom for any reason.
“Once we’re out as a couple, I won’t have to manipulate ways to touch you in public. I want that day to come quickly, Trevor. I find it so very hard to keep my hands off you.”
The elevator bell rang behind Trevor, and he turned his head to see which door opened. Reed gave him a little shove, and he stumbled back a step into the elevator right behind him. Once inside, Reed was on him immediately, fusing their mouths together in an urgent, demanding, and captivating kiss. Reed backed Trevor against the elevator wall, securing him tightly in his arms. Trevor followed Reed’s lead, but it was hard to keep up. Reed was all over him. The kiss turned aggressive and extremely hot in a matter of seconds. The feel of Reed’s rock hard body pressed against his brought a small noise from his lips, urging Reed on. The elevator wall and rail pressed against his back, keeping him in place. Reed’s roaming hands and heated kisses caused his body to harden. Desperately needing to slow it down, Trevor tore his mouth away from the kiss, trying to pace himself. He was on major Reed overload and his release already too close for comfort.
“I want you, Trevor. I can’t wait much longer.” The sound of Reed’s breathless plea brushed his ear, and tightened his already painfully hard cock.
“You have me all messed up. I can’t think straight when you’re around.”
“Good, that makes us even. Let’s keep it that way, sexy.” Reed reached over, pressed a button, and the small elevator came to a complete stop. “It will take approximately three minutes for the system to recycle itself, getting us moving again,” Reed said, while Trevor pulled him back in the circle of his arms, a grin spreading across his lips.
“I bet you know all the tricks. You’ll have to teach me as we go.”
“Mmm, you have no idea what I want to teach you, but right now if I remember correctly, you said something about loving my hands in your pants. Let’s see how much...” Reed reached down, working Trevor’s belt free, releasing the button and sliding the zipper down. Trevor’s cock sprung out, seeking Reed’s touch. The anticipation was nothing compared to the feeling of Reed gripping his aching dick. A deep moan escaped his lips and his hips bucked forward on their own accord, seeking the friction of Reed’s palm. Trevor wrapped his hand around the back of Reed’s head, pulling him forward. He captured Reed’s lower lip between his teeth. He sucked the plump flesh of Reed’s lip, thrusting his tongue into Reed’s mouth, over and over, matching each stroke of Reed’s skilled hand.

Chapter Ten

The elevator doors opened to several gasps, breaking the hypnotic trance Reed held over Trevor. Both broke from the kiss, turning to the opened doors. Trevor shot his gaze up, seeing they were on the fifty-sixth floor. Their floor. Ablonde woman, one of the three standing in the opening, jumped in the elevator, clapping her hands.

“No, keep going! I’ve waited all my whole life to see something like this. God, you’re both so hot,” she exclaimed, pure joy in her deep Southern accent.

Reed chuckled. “Hello, ladies, I’m sorry to disappoint, but this is our floor. Will you hold the door for us?”
Trevor fumbled, trying to get Reed’s hands out of his pants. Reed didn’t seem to want to cooperate with that plan and fought Trevor on removing them with a gentle pinch on his sac below.
“NOOOOO! You can’t stop. I love gay boys! Please let me watch!” The blonde motioned her hand for her friends to step in before the door closed. She pulled her phone from her small black Prada bag at her hip.
“Here, Kay, record them, here, here, hurry! I’ll pay you two. I have money!” The blonde began rummaging through the contents from her overstuffed purse, letting them drop to the floor of the elevator, until she pulled money from her purse. “I can pay! I can pay, just don’t STOP!” she begged.
Reed held a hand out, holding the door, pushing Trevor through the opening. To his deep embarrassment, his pants began to fall as he moved forward. All he could manage was to hold them up and get out of the elevator before the doors closed again. Reed tried to help, but it was too late. The buzzer sounded and the doors began to close.
“Good night, ladies. Enjoy the rest of your evening. It was a pleasure meeting you,” Reed said, giving the blonde a wink. Trevor could see her darting for the small opening, unwilling to let them go without her. But the doors were in force close mode, and she couldn’t make it through.
“Insistent little thing.” Trevor laughed at her determination as he stood watching from the other side of the hall, still holding his pants up. “Three minutes goes by fast,” Trevor said, watching Reed pull the card key from his pocket.
“Room 5612,” Reed said, looking up at the ornate gold hall direction sign before turning back to Trevor, who worked at tucking in his shirt. Reed placed a hand on Trevor’s, stopping him from fastening his pants.
“No, babe, why bother? They’ll be coming off soon enough. Less work for me when we get to the room. God, you look delicious. I can’t...” Reed didn’t finish the sentence, but pegged him with a hungry gaze and stalked closer. “I need another kiss. I love the taste of your sweet lips on mine.”
Reed pulled Trevor forward a few steps, only to pin him again against the wall. He shoved his tongue back into his mouth and Trevor opened for him immediately. Reed groaned loudly when their tongues met. Their kiss lasted several minutes. Trevor pulled Reed’s shirt tails free. He couldn’t wait, and ran his fingertips up under the shirt, loving the feel of Reed’s skin. Trevor slid both palms to Reed’s back, massaging before he pressed Reed firmly against his chest. His fingers slid into the waistband of Reed’s slacks. His hands slid forward, finding Reed’s belt, and began loosening the metal fastener on the expensive leather. The elevator doors rang again. This time, Trevor wasn’t so completely lost. He pulled them both down the hall, searching for their room, still working the belt. He feared the blonde might have returned.
Their hold on one another never broke. Reed continued to grip and tease his cock with long even strokes. Trevor finally got the belt undone, and started on his slacks. He moaned into Reed’s mouth, already so close to release. Slowly, they made their way down the hall. Once the slacks were freed, Trevor moved to the shirt, working the small buttons on Reed’s white silk shirt free. He ached to feel Reed’s skin against his. He craved everything being offered, and needed it all right this moment.
Trevor shoved Reed’s shirt apart, and over his shoulders. He ran his hands over Reed’s sculpted chest, loving the feel of his muscles flexing and twitching under his touch. He moved up around Reed’s shoulders, massaging and caressing his long neck, then trailing his palms back down Reed’s back into his slacks. He drove his fingers deep below the waist band, pushing the material low, allowing his fingers to slip down the crack of Reed’s ass. He gripped Reed’s ass cheeks, pulling him tightly to him, making their steps more awkward than before.
They found the room, which happened to be the second from the last door down the long hall. Reed pulled away, turning to slide the card key into the slot before pushing open the door. Trevor found his opening and came in from behind, shoving his hands down the front of Reed’s slacks. Reed let out his breath in a deep throaty groan. Everything stopped for both of them in that moment. The hotel room door stood open, but neither man moved. Reed stayed where he was, leaning his head back against Trevor’s shoulder, reaching a hand up behind his head. He tangled his fingers into Trevor’s hair, pulling him into a heated kiss. The entire time, Trevor worked Reed’s cock in awkward strokes, cupping, rolling, and gently pinching his sac below.
Pulling free, Trevor continued the massage and whispered into the kiss. “We need to get inside the room, Reed. I want to feel you inside me,” Trevor said, gently nudging him through the opening, then kicking the door completely closed with his foot. Reed turned in his arms, dropping their jackets, and letting his silk shirt slide to the floor, but Trevor stood momentarily stunned. The room was set aglow in candle light. Soft music played in the background, and rose petals were scattered across the bed and floor. Awine bucket sat close to the bed with what looked to be champagne chilling for them. The room looked perfectly prepared for a romantic evening.
“How did you do this?” he asked, looking back at Reed, who tugged at his shirt before pulling it up and over his head. As he gazed at the sheer romance of the room, Trevor realized he’d been unconsciously keeping his heart separate from this moment. It all crumbled down around him now, leaving his heart in serious Reed overload.
“Toe off your shoes, handsome,” Reed said, not answering the question, but moving them along as quickly as he could. Trevor didn’t hesitate in kicking his off. Reed’s mouth was pressed against his before his shoes hit the floor. The kiss grew hard and heated as Trevor realized they were finally bare chest to bare chest for the first time, and, God, how he loved the feeling.
Reed ran his hands up and down Trevor’s chest, finding and rolling Trevor’s nipple between his forefinger and thumb. Trevor worked at pushing Reed’s pants down and over his hips. His hands gravitated back to Reed’s ass. He gripped and massaged the perfect globes until he yanked Reed forward, pressing their bodies tightly together. It became a struggle to finish undressing one another fast enough while never breaking from the kiss.
They made it to the bed, locked in each other’s arms. Reed pushed Trevor down onto the mattress. By the time Trevor hit the silk sheets, Reed had stepped out of his pants and pulled his socks off, tossing them across the room. A sexy grin spread across his lips, sending Trevor’s heart racing and his cock twitching. He’d never been more ready for anything in his life. ****

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