Kindle Alexander - Up In Arms (6 page)

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Authors: Kindle Alexander

BOOK: Kindle Alexander - Up In Arms
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Chapter Five

The ultimate strategy Trevor formed to get through the night hinged on two words: staying quiet. He formulated this strategic plan in the first few seconds of Reed’s arrival at Rylie’s apartment. The chiming of the doorbell set his heart racing, and his fair complexion brightened to a deep crimson just knowing Reed was here for him. Trevor absolutely hated his blush. He could never hide his anxiety because his stupid face always gave him away. Chugging the last of his water bottle, Trevor walked through the apartment to the living room, waving his hand in front of his face. He tried to take deep breaths in hopes the pink would leave his cheeks before he rounded the corner, and saw Reed.

“Did Dad get home okay? It was quite a party you had last night,” Trevor heard Reed say to Rylie as he rounded the corner to enter the small living room.

“Yeah, he drove me home and then took my truck. They brought it back this morning. You ducked out early last night. I don’t think you were there more than a minute,” Rylie answered as Trevor slipped into the room.

He dodged eye contact with both of them, and initiated his plan to just stay quiet. He took a seat in an arm chair close to Rylie, taking care not to wrinkle his slacks as he sat.

“Good evening, Trevor. Are you ready?” Reed asked, and Trevor looked up quickly, caught in the middle of running his hands down his pants legs, smoothing the wrinkles free. Trevor saw Reed standing and Rylie rising. Both looked directly at him. Rylie wore a little smirk on his face and Trevor immediately stood in a clumsy movement. After a second, he finally answered, “Ah...sure. Yeah. Yes. I’m ready.”

“We’re out of here, little brother. Enjoy your night with Elise,” Reed said, going for the front door, opening it for Trevor. It was the first of many standoffs between the two men. It wasn’t in Trevor’s nature to go first; he always held the door. He stood back now, waiting for Reed to walk through. Reed did the same, and their gazes finally collided before Trevor could shift his away. Reed’s sexy grin sent goose bumps springing to life across his arms.

“After you, handsome, I insist,” Reed said, with a soft chuckle.

Rylie took the matter into his own hands, and gave Trevor a little shove from behind, pushing him through the open door. Unsure as how to act, Trevor became upset for letting himself get into this situation in the first place. He reaffirmed his oath of the day: he would never drink again. At the end of the porch, Rylie gave him a second push. Trevor immediately saw a need to alter his strategy for the night and added ignoring his best friend to the overall plan. Between all the little shoves and all the expectant looks Rylie threw his way, Trevor became more unnerved than before. If that were even possible. With all those wiggling eyebrows and winks, it was clear his best friend was positive Trevor would be getting laid tonight.

Somewhere between the last step off the porch and Reed’s badass car, Trevor’s clumsiness reached a whole new level. He kept stepping into Reed, brushing up against him, or just flat bumping into him. Kindly, Reed seemed to be doing his best to help him out, never acting as if it were much of a problem.

Trevor absorbed himself with the car parked in front of him to help excuse his actions. It wasn’t hard. Never in his life had he ridden in anything so extravagant. Without thinking, he actually allowed Reed to open his car door and help him inside. Reed’s car was impressive, and Trevor lost himself scanning the instrument panel and all the fancy buttons across the console. He fingered the gearshift and inhaled deeply, appreciating the new car smell as Reed crawled into the driver’s side.

“How long have you had this?” he asked as Reed started the car. The stereo came on, everything lit up on the dashboard, impressing Trevor all the more.

“I got her when I got back into town a few months ago,” Reed said, gripping the stick, sliding the gear in reverse, backing out in one fluid movement. Trevor watched the movement of Reed’s hand, and looked up to meet his gaze. Trevor’s heart slammed hard in his chest. The interior of the car was tight. They were sitting very close to one another. The intensity of Reed’s stare took his breath away. Gathering his thoughts, Trevor averted his head and quickly tried to think of something to say, praying his voice didn’t betray him.

“I’ve never ridden in anything so nice,” he said lamely, turning to look out the front windshield.
“Perhaps we could take her out for a ride before you leave town. There’s a beautiful mountain range close by. I think you may enjoy the scenery,” Reed said, pulling from the apartment complex out into the busy streets.
Trevor could feel the heat from his blush creeping back up his cheeks. He hoped it was dark enough for Reed not to notice. Straightening his slacks, Trevor forced himself to relax. He did a couple of breathing exercises, and leaned back against the seat, placing his arms down along his sides. He never looked back at Reed, and kept his eyes fixed out the front window. Somehow, his left hand landed right on Reed’s hand. Trevor jerked it up and away from the clasp it apparently tried to make on its own accord.
“I’m sorry,” Trevor croaked again, clearing his throat. No way Reed didn’t notice that one.
Way to fucking go, Trevor.
His eyes darted to Reed’s to see his reaction, but darted away just as quickly as Reed looked at him.
“You have nothing to be sorry about,” Reed said, trying to watch both Trevor and the road at the same time. He knew his cheeks were bright red and he tried again to take a deep breath to calm his nerves. He thought about the time ticking away the minutes until this night was over and he would be back in Rylie’s apartment. Reed kept up with a steady stream of chatting, never really requiring him to speak, which was good since Trevor refused to say anything more, for fear of embarrassing himself.
“We’re here. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving,” Reed said, pulling onto a tree-lined street in a gated community. Within minutes, he slowed to turn into his drive-way.
“Come on, let’s eat.”
Again, there were more awkward stalemates as to who would open Trevor’s car door.
“Trevor, I’ve invited you to my home. It’s my responsibility to get your doors.”
Trevor had no idea how to respond, so he just stood there, dropping his hands into his pants pockets, and looking blankly at Reed. They stood just like that for several long moments until Reed chuckled, lifting a well arched brow, and then extended his arm. “Please, after you.”
Trevor finally gave, just to get out from underneath the weight of Reed’s smile. He stepped past Reed only to bump into him as he walked by. Trevor jerked out of the way, giving a quick apology for being clumsy as he walked straight to the front door. His heart pounded while his mind ran double time, mentally chastising himself. He needed to focus on staying as far away from Reed as he could. He reached for the door knob, turned it, and used his body to push against the door, but it didn’t budge. How did it never occurred to him the door might be locked?
“Here, let me get this for you, handsome.” Reed stepped right behind Trevor, brushing his back and arm. When he felt Reed’s hand run across his ass and around his waist, Trevor’s arousal jerked forward, straining against the binding material of his dress slacks. Trevor became effectively trapped between Reed’s muscular body and the front door for several long seconds. Reed’s fingertips briefly caressed his hand, and his breath tickled across his neck. Trevor’s dick couldn’t help but take notice before he was able to think to get out of the way. Reed didn’t step back, but worked the lock as Trevor scooted out the side.
No way did Reed just caress him. It was an accidental touch, nothing more. Trevor stepped further back on the wraparound porch, trying to move out from under the porch light, hoping Reed couldn’t see what was going on in his pants. He grew more frustrated with himself by the second, and demanded his body get a hold of itself. Dropping his hands in his pocket, he tried in vain to adjust the hard-on tenting out for all to see. He spun around, feigning interest in the front porch and yard, as he begged his body to cooperate.
“I could have borrowed Rylie’s truck. You didn’t have to come get me,” he finally said, after several long minutes of desperate adjusting. When Reed stayed quiet, he looked over his shoulder to the front door. Reed stood in the open door, leaning against the frame, watching him with an amused grin.
“Welcome to my home, Trevor. I’m glad you’re here.” With a wink, he gestured for Trevor to step inside.
Trevor gave Reed a wide berth, going around him, making sure to stay out from under the porch light. Reed didn’t move from the door so Trevor pressed his body sideways to ensure their bodies didn’t touch as he entered the house. Trevor didn’t pay much attention to his new surroundings; all thoughts were devoted to making sure he stayed at least three feet away from Reed. It wasn’t an easy task. Reed insisted Trevor lead the way, so, inevitably, Trevor took a wrong turn here or there. And when he did, Reed would reach a hand out to guide him back on course. Those small touches caused Trevor’s already strained body to harden to even more painful degrees. His hands remained crammed in his pockets to keep his traitorous dick from bulging out. And for about the hundredth time, Trevor swore if he made it through this evening, he would never willing put himself back into this situation again.
“It must...” he began, voice breathless and strangled. After clearing his throat, he started again. “It must be hard to have all this, and not have your friends around to share it with. Rylie’s glad to have you back. After things get settled for him, I’m sure he’ll be around more and friends will happen. Do you keep in touch with any of your old friends? Or is that just weird with all the time that passed?”
Knowing he was rambling, he was relieved when Reed finally stepped around him as they entered the large kitchen. Trevor searched the room for anything to hide behind, and spotted a large center island. He grinned. Perfect! He could move around in a full circle, and still keep his lower half hidden from Reed.
“I have plenty of friends in town.” Reed went to the refrigerator. “I grew up here. In fact, last weekend I had a big party for Rylie’s return. I wish you had been here. You could have met my friends. I’m indeed looking forward to spending more time with Rylie and hopefully you too, Trevor. I understand you’re being relocated here very soon.” He began pulling the vegetables and steaks out, setting them on the closest counter.
Confusion clouded Trevor’s mind. His brow narrowed. Why was he here if Reed had plenty of friends in the area?
“What would you like to drink?” Reed asked, poking his head around the refrigerator door.
“Whatever you’re having is fine. What can I do to help?” Trevor continued to stumble over his thoughts as Reed handed him a bottle of wine.
“Here, you can open this,” Reed said with a smile.
Possibilities charged through Trevor’s mind. Maybe Rylie wanted to be alone with Elise tonight. Maybe Elise and Rylie set up a date for Brody, and needed to ditch him for the night. Maybe Rylie figured out Trevor was gay, and asked Reed to spend some time with him to let him learn to feel okay with it. The possibilities were endless, but no matter how he tried to spin it, none showed him in a positive light.
Trevor concentrated on the bottle opener, wrenching the cork from the top. The little pop sent the fruity aroma from the bottle into the air. Thankfully, his stomach didn’t roll. Reed came in from behind him with a couple of wine glasses, which he placed on the counter. Trevor felt Reeds chest brush against his back, and he quickly looked down making sure his erection stayed hidden. The few minutes of trying desperately to figure out why he was in this house had allowed his hard-on to soften just a bit, but all it took was one touch from Reed and his dick stood at attention, demanding to be noticed. Trevor forced himself to focus on pouring two glasses of wine.
“I thought we might eat outside this evening. The weather’s been beautiful. All of the flowers are in bloom. I think you’ll like the view from the deck; it’s rather charming in the spring.” The entire time Reed spoke, he watched Trevor over the rim of his wine glass before taking a sip. Setting the glass down, Reed slid the cutting board, with a pile of vegetables on top, toward him. “Are you handy with a knife?”
They began to work on dinner together, and thankfully, as his hands became occupied, so too did his lustful thoughts. Reed prepared the steaks while Trevor diced the vegetables, and for a moment, Trevor began to think he could handle this evening after all.
“My mother’s excited about Rylie being home. Excited you and Brody will be relocating soon. Do you have living arrangements yet?”
Popping a piece of zucchini in his mouth, Trevor’s hard-on slowly began to fade. He was able to answer Reed’s question without sounding like a fool. “I’ll be staying in the barracks for awhile. I’ll get a place somewhere close to base. I haven’t thought that far ahead yet.”
“Mmmm, well, I’m sure I can point you in a direction if you need help finding a place. Rylie told me your parents are no longer with us. You know, if there’s anything you need, my parents and I are here for you. My mother considers you one of her own already.”
“Your parents have been very good to me. Your mom sends birthday and Christmas gifts every year. I try to do the same for her, and on Mother’s Day. She’s the best. She met my mom one time briefly at graduation, right before she died. Your mom and dad even came to the funeral. They flew out since Rylie couldn’t be there. My mom was sick for a long time. Breast cancer. She fought a hell of a battle, but she couldn’t shake it. I’m happy she’s not in all that pain anymore. Your mom helped me see that too.”
“Yeah, my mom’s incredible. I’m lucky to have her. I’m glad you have her too. What happened to your dad?”
“Dad died in the line of duty. He left the military and became a police officer. Six months later, he was shot serving a warrant. I was about a month old.”
“You don’t have any brothers or sisters?” Reed asked, looking up at Trevor while seasoning the steaks.
“No, Mom never remarried. It was just me and her. She was a good woman, a great mom.” Trevor continued dicing, his body finally settling down enough he could move around a little more freely, and actually make brief eye contact as they spoke.
“Your mother had an amazing son. I’m sure she was very proud. I’m going to get these started outside. Come out when you’re done,” Reed said, balancing the steaks in one hand, and his wine glass in the other. Trevor waited awhile, letting his body completely relax before manning up and following along.
“The night’s perfect,” Trevor said as he opened the door and stepped outside. Despite his more relaxed state, he still stayed many feet from Reed.
“It is. How do you like your steak?” Reed asked from the front of the grill. “Wait, let me guess. I bet you’re a medium type of guy.”
“That’s right. How do you like yours?”
“I’m a medium type of guy myself. Have a seat, or take a look around. I’ve been working on the spring garden over in the far corner of the yard. It won’t be much longer before these are ready,” Reed said, carefully turning the steaks over.
A small breeze blew across the back yard. Trevor decided to take that tour around the yard as opposed to sitting and staring at Reed. Walking the length of the deck, Trevor finally brought the glass of wine to his lips. With the smallest of sips, Trevor carefully swallowed, relieved the wine stayed down.
He walked alongside the swimming pool, then out into the yard. The night was dark, and the moon peeked from behind a cloud, lighting the yard just enough for Trevor to notice exactly how well manicured Reed kept everything. Trevor used this time to think back over the events of this evening up until now. He assessed his current position as somewhere between awkward and bumbling idiot. Trevor seriously needed to spend more time with people in the future, because after tonight, he saw himself clearly as social imbecile.
Heading back up on the deck, Trevor saw the smallest of blooms just starting in a flower bed along the deck. He loved flowers. He loved the process of growing flowers. Bending at the knee, he looked over the new blooms, still contemplating the evening. After this first hour, surely Reed would see a friendship with him didn’t fit in his world. He figured Reed would probably take him back to Rylie’s apartment immediately following their dinner. Reed was too nice of a guy to ditch this meal he’d already started and take him back now, like he surely must want to do. Besides, Trevor did have the pity card going in his favor. They talked about his mom and dad. Guilt, if nothing more, would force Reed to keep him here through the entire meal.
Rising, he started to move away from the flowers, and took another small sip as a new thought occurred. Maybe this whole night was at Rylie’s mom request. It was the one idea that made the most sense, and it surprised him that he hadn’t thought of it sooner. What would Reed go back and tell his mother about their evening together? They were clearly as different as two people could be. Lost in thought, Trevor walked back up onto the deck, scanning his eyes over the backyard again, taking in the swimming pool and the large custom built deck and huge flower garden. His gaze strayed up to the beautiful Victorian style home, which he stared at as if seeing it for the first time. Trevor chuckled to himself. Reed was so far out of his league, he had nothing to worry about. No way would Reed want to spend any more time with him after tonight. Regardless of what embarrassing details Reed might relay to his parents, Trevor felt much better about things.
But his heart gave a small, odd little ache at the thought this night would be the last he spent in this home.

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