Kindle Alexander - Up In Arms (5 page)

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Authors: Kindle Alexander

BOOK: Kindle Alexander - Up In Arms
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With each stroke, Reed’s thoughts centered in on what it might feel like to drop to his knees, and take Trevor’s beautiful cock fully into his mouth. The thought caused his hips to buck forward, thrusting his swollen dick harder into his tightened fist. Trevor’s body responded to his as if they were made for one another. The idea of making Trevor truly his caused Reed’s strokes to grow more urgent, more frenzied. His cock throbbed as he wondered what it would feel like to make love to Trevor for the first time, how it would feel to have his big body quiver with need as Reed pushed into him, inch by delicious inch. Reed moaned aloud, picturing Trevor’s body gripping and milking his cock as he pounded into him, and God, would he ever pound into Trevor.

Reed’s breathing deepened. The searing thoughts of Trevor continued to play in his mind. The hot, delicious friction of his hand caused his hips to buck. His body involuntarily arched forward, forcing his cock deeper into his palm. He continued to stroke, but aimed his dick down toward the sink. The release took him with force. His body quivered uncontrollably. The erratic pounding of his heart had him gasping. The memory of Trevor’s full lips slightly parted, lost in his own pleasure, coaxed an even stronger shudder. Groaning, his body spasmed as the last of his hot seed shot out, splattering against the marble sink.

After several long moments, Reed gathered himself together and turned on the faucet. He began to wash away the sticky remnants of his excitement when he heard his cell phone going off. Inhaling deeply, he draped a towel around his waist, making his way to his phone on the dresser but ignored the incoming call with a swipe of his finger. He needed to text Rylie to find out a few things about Trevor before he finalized their evenings plans, so he sent a quick text to Rylie.

How is my favorite brother on this very fine day?’

Reed brought the phone to the closet with him and began to dress. It took a few minutes before his phone beeped with an incoming text. Palming it, Reed read the reply.

‘Hahaha! Your favorite brother, huh? If I remember correctly I’m your only brother! This brotherly love can only mean one thing—you need something... What do you want now, big brother?’

Reed chuckled. Rylie knew him too well. He typed an answering message back to Rylie.
‘I have a few questions about your boy Trevor. Is he seeing anyone? What does he like to do? I want to know everything about him.’
A tap on the screen sent the message. Reed stood naked in his closet, waiting on pins and needles for Rylie to respond.
When the text didn’t come back right away, he forced himself to focus on getting dressed. He selected a dark red Armani button down, and a new pair of D&G jeans. He dressed quickly, watching his phone all the while. Finally, as he was sliding his shoes on, the phone beeped. Reed scrambled to open the message.
‘Trevor’s the traditional, old school gentleman type of guy and one hell of a soldier. He’s shy, hasn’t dated since his last girlfriend back when we were like 19 or 20 years old. Even then, he wasn’t into a casual relationship that I can ever remember. Honestly, I’m coming to the conclusion he has a crush on Brody; I’m not sure though. He’s never actually come out and admitted he was gay. Trevor’s very smart. He spends his free time reading and going to art showings or museums by himself. Why do you want to know? Why are you asking these questions? What happened between you two last night?’
Reed grinned at Rylie’s questions as he stepped from his closet, quick with his own reply.

Thank you for the info. Now you really are number one on my list of favorite brothers, lol! Rylie, you know very well I won’t discuss what I did or didn’t do with your boy, but I can tell you, Trevor has my interest peaked. I do want to learn more about him and you have been quite helpful. Thank you but I’ve got to to you later. Much love, R.’
With Rylie confirming his mother’s opinion on Trevor’s shyness, Reed didn’t want him to be uncomfortable tonight. He would change his plans and move slow, like his gut told him to do. It didn’t appear Trevor ever came out to anyone besides him last night. He suspected most military men didn’t let too many people know, out of concern for their jobs. He grabbed his car keys while forming a mental shopping list. There were a few hours to kill before the date, and he needed to have everything just right.


“Oh fuck,” Trevor groaned, turning over only to stop in mid-roll. The movement along with the sound of his own voice pounded through his head. It took a full minute for Trevor to realize something woke him other than the nonstop pain shooting through his brain. It took another full minute to decide if he cared what it might be until he heard Brody letting out a string of obscenities.

“Damn, man, what the fuck did you do to your bathroom? You tore that shit apart.” Opening one eye, Trevor slowly raised his head to see Brody coming from his bathroom to stand over the bed. Brody was up and dressed, looking pretty much ready to take on the world. It didn’t surprise Trevor; Brody partied hard all the time.

“What time is it?” Trevor croaked. His one opened eye went back to its preferred position: closed.
“Late. It’s two in the afternoon. I gotta get these women out of the house before Elise shows. I was just checkin’ on you. You just disappeared last night.” Brody picked up the glass of water, handing it and several aspirin to Trevor. “Looks like someone hooked you up, bro.”
Trevor rose on his elbow to swallow the water and aspirin, staying perfectly still, waiting to see if his stomach would cooperate in keeping everything down. Satisfied, he gently laid his head back on the pillow, hoping the intense throbbing might magically come to an end. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Brody pick up a piece of paper.
“What’s this shit about? What the fuck happened last night?”
Brody’s voice pierced his brain. A whole new round of pain shot through Trevor, and he flopped back, shielding his eyes with his arm. Brief images of girls and lap dances filled his mind, making him sicker over that than what he appeared to have done the night before. Things were just too hazy in his mind. “You didn’t bring me home?”
“Nah, man, but it looks like someone else did.” A none too subtle sneer caused Trevor to lower his arm to watch Brody flip a piece of paper onto the bed. Then Brody reached down and yanked the bed spread away from Trevor’s body.
“You’re naked. You never sleep naked. What the hell happened last night?” Brody demanded.
For the first time in his life, Trevor didn’t care if someone saw him in the buff. He just needed the throbbing to stop, and that meant Brody needed to shut the fuck up. Rolling to the side of the bed, Trevor lifted, sitting there for a second while assessing his body’s current situation. A loud beep jarred him. He squinted, looking up at Brody. “Take your girls home. Check me later. I have no clue how I got here. Shit, my stomach...just go, man.” Trevor stood in front of Brody, dropping his hands down to cover himself but let his bare ass show. He walked to the dresser, picked up his phone, and stopped the offending beeping. Thankfully, Brody finally made to leave the room. He didn’t say a word, but kept his eyes pinned on Trevor, looking as if Trevor had suddenly grown two heads overnight.
Trevor took the phone, and inched back to bed. He crawled back under the covers before opening the text message to the unknown number.
‘Good afternoon, Trevor. I hope you’re feeling better this afternoon. I wanted to make sure we’re still on for tonight. I’m looking forward to spending time with you. Reed.’
Scanning the words with little interest, Trevor closed his eyes only to have them pop back open. Trevor sprang forward, coming to a quick sitting position. Ignoring the pain the sudden movement caused, he racked his brain over what may have happened the night before. Strippers, lap dances, and Reed just didn’t fit together no matter how hard he tried. He couldn’t even remember
Reed last night. Panic gripped his heart, and he sent Rylie a quick text asking how he got home.
His pain became second to the fear of what he may have done. Trevor rose from bed and wobbled to the bathroom, frowning when he got to the door. The bathroom looked like a disaster zone. Pushing towel rods and a toilet seat cover aside with his feet, Trevor reached the sink and splashed cold water on his face. After brushing the fuzz from his teeth, he again doused his face, as if the water would give him insight to his missing chunk of time. Nothing came to him as he toweled himself off. Wrapping the towel around his waist, he headed back into the bedroom where he saw a note lying on his bed for the first time. His eyes focused immediately on Reed’s signature.
Hesitantly, he picked up the letter, reading it closely. Nothing made sense. Trevor plopped on the end of the bed when the phone alerted an incoming text. Rylie’s reply didn’t help in giving him any clues.

Not real sure, buddy. I talked to Reed this morning. What did you do last night? He wouldn’t say.’
Trevor racked his brain as he dropped back on his bed. He lay there several minutes, looking at the rotating ceiling fan, willing himself to come up with something. When that failed, he decided not to respond to Rylie’s text, because really what could he say? He returned to the bathroom to examine its torn up state. Some of the repair would require a trip to the hardware store. He found his clothes folded on the sink which absolutely didn’t make any sense, given how everything else was trashed. He dug through them for clues but came up empty-handed.
Taking these clothes, he packed them, and then dressed, trying hard to manipulate his mind into believing he felt better than he really did. He stayed just as lost, with no memories resurfacing. Trevor reread the text from Reed again, as well as the note. Both were short and sweet, giving him zero clues as to what he may have agreed to last night.
On so many levels, this was a horrible thing. What the hell was Reed talking about? Trevor never let anyone know his feelings on his own personal relationships, but he figured Rylie and Brody knew the truth— heck, they were his best friends. But if Reed had been there last night, after Trevor obsessed about him all day yesterday, after he had gotten to such a state of drunkenness...who knows what he let slip.
At this point, all he could do was hope he hadn’t looked like too big an ass in front of Rylie’s family. But that wasn’t the worst of it. Sudden fear gripped his heart, making it hard to breathe. What had he done in front of his team?
Damn, did he come out last night? Surely not! Rylie didn’t know how he got home. If he left publicly with Reed, Rylie would have known. Right? Regardless of
don’t ask, don’t tell
, Trevor didn’t want anyone to know. The military was his life. He had nothing without it. With those dread-filled thoughts, he finally texted Reed back.
‘I need help with remembering what happened last night. I’m sorry. And what exactly did we decide to do tonight?’
Trevor typed the text, retyped it, and finally hit send before letting himself fall back on the bed while he waited for a response.
Thank GOD Reed’s text came back quick!
‘Hahaha! I’ll tell you tonight. We’re just going to hang at my place and cook some steaks on the grill. Or if you’d rather go out, we can go to dinner somewhere. It’s up to you.’
Relief flooded Trevor. So he
been freaking out for nothing. Just because he crushed on Reed all day yesterday didn’t mean he acted the ass. He was now picturing a much better scenario than anything his over active imagination conjured up. Tonight just sounded like a couple of guys, budding around.
Reed was a seriously hot guy who could have his pick of men. Trevor certainly didn’t fall anywhere in that category. At very best, and in a dark room, Trevor might be considered average. So it couldn’t be an interested ‘let’s date’ thing. Reed just moved back to town. He needed a friend or two. Yeah, Trevor could see that so much easier than thinking Reed wanted a date. Feeling better, Trevor went downstairs to find something to eat.
Nothing more than sheer will-power kept the sandwich down. Trevor chugged a large glass of Coke, and sat at the small kitchen table in Rylie’s apartment, finally manning up to text Reed back.
‘Your answer makes me nervous. I hope I didn’t embarrass myself or Rylie too badly. I’m not a big drinker. I’m good with just hanging. Whatever you want to do is fine by me. I could meet you wherever. You don’t have to drive all the way here. I can borrow Rylie’s truck.’
It wasn’t a moment later before Reed’s return message came back.
‘I don’t want you nervous, Trevor. We’ll discuss what happened later. You didn’t embarrass yourself at all. I rather enjoyed our time together. I gathered you weren’t a big drinker; I’m not either. I look forward to hanging out with you. I have to go to the store anyway, so I’ll pick you up.’
After scanning the message a couple of times, Trevor decided it all seemed reasonably clear cut in his mind. He cleaned his dishes, but kept a steady stream of hydration pumping into his body. Grabbing two water bottles, Trevor went up to his room to get ready for the night. A long hot shower helped his head and the food seemed to settle his stomach. Wiping a towel over the bathroom mirror, Trevor began the whole manscaping routine: shaving, clipping his fingernails, removing all unwanted hair. Hair gel came next, and who would have thought hair gel could be such an issue? Trevor always used gel when going out. Lifting the plastic tube, he stopped and put it back down. This wasn’t a formal going out deal; they were just going to hang out. Trevor picked the gel back up; it always helped to look your best. But once more, he put it back down. Standing in the mirror, Trevor stared hard at himself for several long moments.
“Looking your best for what? Reed’s fo-reekin’ HOT and you’re NOT. It doesn’t matter how you look tonight. It’s just two guys hanging,” Trevor said directly to his reflection, and then reached his hand back out to pick up the gel, cocking an eyebrow at himself in the mirror.
“But what if he has friends over? Maybe there’ll be someone better suited for you to meet. Ever think about that?” Trevor put the gel down, still talking directly to himself as if saying it out loud made it an easier debate.
“If Reed has friends, he wouldn’t need to hang with you, dumbass.” Finally, Trevor swiped the gel off the counter top and squeezed a small amount onto his fingers. He ran itthrough the wayward pieces of hair, trying to tame those few odd strands which seemed to always fall straight onto his forehead. Then he padded to the closet. Time ticked by while Trevor contemplated all the clothing he brought. He tried on jeans, slacks, then back to jeans, only to finally decide on slacks. He went from a short sleeve button down to a long sleeve, to a pull over, to a polo, then back to the short sleeve button down. A critique of different belts lead to a crisis over the shoes. He tried on every pair he’d managed to stuff in his duffel bag: dress shoes, loafers, even tennis shoes. While stuck in the middle of his quandary, the doorbell rang. Completely caught off guard, he quickly looked down at his watch and was surprised at how much time he’d taken to dress.

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