Last Hope (27 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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There was a little bit of a cease fire
for the moment. Jay found a small girl hiding in a corner crying.
“Excuse me, is your name Shala?”

Yes?” She replys with tears
in her eyes.

Your mother is looking for
you. She went into that building over there. Go to her now.”
Without hesitation the young child did what she was

Gary went over to Maire who was not
moving. She was still to weak to move and to scare to move after
that near death experience she had with the mech. “Where does it
hurt?” Gary ask as he was checking Maire for wounds. “Looks like
you got third degree burns, your armor is just, melted.” Gary said
in shock. Gary took off his jacket and place it over Maire. “How
did it felt, after getting hit by the laser?”

It was hot, and it hurt, a
lot.” Maire told Gary trying hard not to cry.

There, there, everything is
going to be fine now. Gary place a wet patch on Maire’s chest and
wrap her shooter arm up in bandage. “That should do for now. Since
you are a sniper, I suggest you stay behind for the time being.
Keep your eye on us understand?”

Jay was waiting for Gary to be done.
“Hey doc, almost done over there?”

Almost!” Gary told Jay.
Gary turn his head back to Maire and gave her some ointment. If any
part of your body starts to feel hot, ply this to the area and it
should help you for the time being.” Gary was about to leave when
Maire wrap her arm around his neck and gave him a giant kiss. Jay
was in shock and was kind of laughing. Maire was finished and let
Gary go. Gary was taken back from this kiss. “Uh, thanks? I got to
go.” Gary told her then running off to meet back with

Andrea enter a building, save someone
Boris opens the door to a warehouse. Two heavies and a brute appear
inside the warehouse, everyone pick thee target, no one died.
Andrea shot at a heavy, almost kills it. Jay moves forward shot at
brute. It starts to chase after him. Maire shot at brute from
across the map. Gary shot at brute, then Boris then Andres was the
one who kills it. One heavy went into the same room as Andrea but
killed a civilian. Andrea rush out of the room, fire at the heavy
but miss. Andres moves next to a wall, fire at a heavy, miss, that
heavy got Andrea pin down, the other heavy runs outside, Jay fire
at it, hit but no kill. “Try this one on for size big boy.” Boris
said as he fire a rocket at the heavy that went outside, kills

Geeze Boris, did you had to
do that!” Jay ask as the explosion was a surprise. Jay runs inside
the warehouse, kill the heavy that had Andrea pinn down with a
grenade, only five people we're save out of 18. Jay look around the
place and found a torn up teddy bear. “Not much of a gift, but,
it’s been so long. Think this will work?” Jay ask

I got something better.”
Andres said as he was staring at a wall. How about a picture of her
family. Looks like Sara father use to work here.”

Andrea, Jay, Boris, and Andrea are all
lieutenants while Gary and Maire are sergentas. Gary got nickname
fast lane, Maire got nickname echo, she is wounded for eight days.
At Sic-Mad Gary was talking with Maire, seeing how she is doing.
“You going to be ok?” Gary ask Maire.

Maire was barely awake, as she was
answering Gary. “Barley, thanks for everything Gary.” She told him
with a smile.

It’s nothing, just doing my
job. Glad you are safe Echo.”

Echo?” Maire said with
confusion and a bit of laughter.

That’s what they are
calling you.” Gary said with laughter as well. The two of them
chuckle at one another and Maire’s hand slip down on gary’s hand.
Gary felt weird and nervous with her hand on his. “I am going to
let you get your rest all right?” Without waiting for Maire to
answer. Gary got up and left. Jay was outside with a giant smile on
his face. “Why are you so happy?” Gary ask blunty.

Just because, you are that
one man who always get all the woman to love him and just does not
know why.”

I am in love with

I know you are Gary, it’s
just that, I wonder what Kato will think if she sees Maire trying
to make a move on her man.”

That’s not going to happen.
Maire is just confuse at the moment. She’ll be fine when she gets
out of Sic-Mad.”

Jay just let out some more chuckles of
laughter. “I am just wondering who is Kato going to kill first, you
or her.”

Over at Sara’s room, Sandra and Mandisa
was inside. “Sara, we have a small gift for you, we thought you
might like.” Sandra told her with a smile.

You two did not have to
give me a gift.” Sara told them.

Both Sandra and Mandisa bent down to
eye level with Sara, Anna was in the distance trying to sleep.
Sandra reach into her back pocket and gave Sara her picture. “You
had such a wonderful family.” Sandra told her in a soft voice. Sara
said nothing as she just stare at the picture of her family, who
was all smiling. Her father went into the military and gave her dog
tags with her name on them. That’s why Mandisa found dog tags on
such a young child. Everyone in the photo were smiling and hugging,
it look like a perfect family, until the sons came. Sara Gave the
two of them a giant hug as she silently cry.

Mission 34 What is Love

Eight days went by of nothing. Sandra
and Mandisa has been spending more time with Sara then they had
before. Gary was in the lunch room trying to get breakfast when
James Soto, and Andres call him over to there table. “What’s wrong
Gary?” James ask as Gary sat down. “You can’t keep your eyes off of
Maire ever since she was released from Sic-Mad early today. When
you do look at her your eyes are fill with sadness.”

Soto quickly came into the
conversation. “You’re not cheating on my sister are

Gary quickly came out of day dream
state and shook his head back and forth repeatedly. “No, no, no, of
course not. I will never cheat on the girl that I love. It’s just
that. Maire is just going through some hormones, after nearly
experiencing a life and death situation. That’s all.”

Andres lean over to Soto and told him
what happen. Still being loud for Gary to hear. “Maire gave Gary a
kiss after he fix her on the field.”

Soto was a bit surprise then his shock
went away. “Is that what happen?”

Gary blush a little. “That’s what
happen. Then when I went to visit her in Sic-Mad she place her hand
on top of mine and would not let go.”

Soto pounder over the situation for a
little. “You did not told Kato did you?”

Gary slowly answer Soto. “Kind of, no.
Not at all.”

Here is what you do Gary.
You go to my sister, tell her what happen, and maybe she won’t kill
you for not telling her earlier.” Soto explain.

Gary let out a little sigh. “Yea,
you’re right. All right I’ll go tell her.”

When Gary got up and start to walk away
James made a little joke. “If she does kill you Gary, may I have
first dibs?” Soto push James's face in his bowl of food.

When Gary got back home he found Kato
who was inside eating some food. Kato moans out of boredom. “I am
getting really bored here still waiting for our child to be born. I
can’t wait tell it does so I can finally get out of

You know you can’t do that
just yet. Don’t forget about breast feeding.”

Kato lay back on her bed, put a pillow
on her head and gave out a loud moan. “Can’t formula milk do the
same thing?” She ask Gary through her pillow.

Gary sat next to Kato. “In some cases
yes, others no. I would personally go with breastfeeding. However
with our lifestyle, and the health factors, I think formula may be
a better option.”

Kato lift the pillow off her head and
sat right back up. “See? Just a few more months, the baby gets born
and to top it off we can start living a normal life.” Kato says
with joy.

Gary also gave a little chuckle. “I
can’t wait. There is one more thing I should tell you.” Gary said
in a more quiet tone.

What’s wrong?” Kato also
said in a quiet voice.

Gary let out a small sigh. “I did not
really cheat on you but-” Gary was cut off when Kato punch him in

You said you did not really
cheat on mean. Which tells me that another girl place her lips on
my man and you did not stop her.”

Gary pause for a minute. “Yeah, that’s
about what happen.”

Who was she?” Kato

Her name is Marie, before
you kill her let me at least explain the situation first. She
almost died from a mech, I heal her. she was fighting and the first
thing she did was kiss me.”

I almost died before Gary,
the first thing I do is not kiss my teammates!”

She is just a little bit
different than you.” Gary explains.

You think? Here I am
bleeding out in pain, I better get my last kiss in!” Kato rant
stops when Garys pager went off, then Kato calms down. “All this
anger is bad for the baby. Just go and be safe. Who else am I going
to yell in pain when I am giving birth?” Kato ask with a smile.
Gary also smile at Kato but shiver when he thought about seeing
live birth. “Oh come on dear, you kill people and stitch others
back up. Don’t tell me labor scares you?”

Of course not, it’s just
like a giant shit, thats alive, with a cord.” Gary says in a soft

You’re sick.” Kato told him
as she shook her head.

James and the others were waiting at
the plane when they found Gary coming from the distance. James was
laughing at what was on Gary’s face. When Soto saw it, he had the
biggest smile that anyone had ever seen. “You got something, right,
there.” Soto points out.

Gary just shrug it off. “She did not
kill me yet, but after that punch I think a quick death would had
been less painful.”

Maizah was already waiting on the
plain. “Are we going to stand around and gossip like a bunch of
school girls or are we going to do our mission. Coming

Gary gave a fake laugh. “You know,
because I still got one good eye, funny, never thought of that one
before.” Gary says with a sigh as he got on.

The aircraft was about to take off when
Maire came running from the behind. “Wait, I’m on my

James was confuse that Maire was
getting on the mission. “Didn't she just got out of

Andres gave James his answer. “She was
getting bored and beg Commander to let her go on another mission.
Since Gary was on this one he thought it would be a good idea to
send her on this one. In case she injures herself again Gary could
fix her.” Maire got on and sat next to Gary. Gary just nod his head
up and down slowly, put his hands together and made a silent pray
that his wife won’t kill him when he gets back home.

Gary moves forward, found a brute and a
heavy, the brute ran inside the house while the heavy starts to
run. Both Soto and Maizah fire but miss. Maire killed the heavy
with a headshot. “Headshot, looks like I am back in action. I am
totally under control now.”

Andres ran to cover shot at brute. The
brute starts to chase after him. as the brute was running both Gary
and James fire at it, both miss. The brute runs next to Gary
instead and three more sons appear. James fire at the brute to save
Gary and have the brute chase after him instead. Gary shot at a
son, hit but light damage. Andres shot at same son, hit not kill.
Soto shot at the brute. The brute change directions and starts to
chase after him. Maizah shot at the brute and the brute starts to
chase after her. Maire shot at same son, kills it. The brute starts
to beat maizah up, one son went behind the squad, the other son
gets Gary pinn down. “Maizah!” Andres shot at brute, making it get
off of Maizah who is now injure and charge at him

Maire kills the brute. “Don’t worry
Maziah I got your back. She told her through her headset,
forgetting about the one son that went behind the squad.

Maizah got up and mumble some foreign
words to herself and then toss a grenade at the son that has Gary
pin down. blew up his cover, did not kill him, or stop the
suppressing fire. “They are not giving up this time?” She said in

The son that went behind
cover shot at Maire, almost kills her. Maire screams in pain.
“MAIRE!” Gary shouts back. He could not move, if he does there is a
good chance that he may get shot at. Gary fire back but miss the
other son that was suppressing fire him. That Son change his fire
and shot and killed Maire. “NO!” Gary shouts back. Two more heavies
are in the building plus a brute, one heavy try to move, James fire
at it, hit but not kill. Maizah fire a rocket in the building,
killing the heavy that James hit plus hurting the

Soto fire a rocket, hurt the son that
went behind the squad, James was close to the blast radius got hurt
but he heal himself. “Sorry James!”

Friendly fucking fire
Soto!” James told him.

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