Legacy of Secrecy (178 page)

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Authors: Lamar Waldron

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residents and, 603; auto plants,

Young, 745; Raul Castro and, 768,

422–424, 428–431, 437; CIA

495, 496; blockbusting in, 494; Ford

769; return to Cuba, 282; secret

surveillance of, 715; Desert Inn

plant, 494; integration in, 493;

work for RFK, 767; “Senstudy,”

deal, 368; Hunt and Liddy

minorities, 496; MLK assassination

736; sons of, 767; UN meeting, 745.

discussions of assassinating, 715;

and, 600, 604; MLK funeral in, 601;

See also
JFK-Almeida coup plan

LBJ and, 553; RFK and, 487, 553;

polarization of, 493; racial tension

Alpha 66, 30, 87, 136–139, 141, 178,

Rosselli and, 704, 705, 740; special

in, 493; racial violence in, 488, 493;

299, 332

about JFK, 759; targeted by White

schools desegregation and, 493–

Alton Police Department, 477

House dirty tricks and, 715; US-

494; segregation in, 493, 509;

Alvarado, Gilberto, 270–271, 275,

backed Castro assassination

Southern Christian Leadership

284, 285

attempts and, 717

Conference (SCLC), 493; United

Ambassador Hotel, 629, 630, 631,

Andrews, Dean, 404

Auto Workers (UAW), 494, 495;

634, 637, 642, 682

Angleton, James, 70, 146, 205, 208–

workers commuting from


210, 219, 232, 246, 271, 277,

Alabama, 494


299–300, 303, 360, 452, 731, 762

Atlanta General Motors factory,


antisemitism, 449, 490, 491, 506, 545

Lakewood General Motors plant



Atlanta Municipal Airport, 578–579

California, 66

and, 743; Democratic National

Atlanta Police Department, 511

Billings, Richard, 428, 449, 469

Committee and, 720; JFK

Atlanta White Citizens’ Council, 490, Bioff, Willie, 65, 66

assassination and, 187–188, 275,

491, 500, 502, 503, 506

Birmingham, Alabama, 7, 488, 493

284, 286, 288, 296–297; partner at

Atomic Energy Commission, 33

Bishop, Maurice, 30, 37, 87, 454–455,

Williams and Connelly, 720;

Attwood, William, 14, 70, 144, 218,

530, 736, 738, 763.
See also

Washington Post and
, 720;

231, 275, 281, 285, 399, 704, 737

David Atlee

Watergate and, 721

Ayers, Bradley, 67, 738

Black, Edwin, 74

CAMCO, 769

Blackleaf-40, 97

Campbell, Judith, 66, 92–93, 737


Black Panthers, 488, 492, 550

Campisi, Joe, 52, 53, 101–102, 240

Bailey, Virgil, 231–232

Blakey, G. Robert, 238, 252, 284, 532,

CAMTEX (“Carlos Marcello,

Baker, Bobby, 32

651, 740, 743–745, 748–749;
The Plot

Texas”), 47, 671, 750, 751, 756, 757,

Baker, Howard, 708

to Kill the President
, 748

758, 761.
See also
Marcello, Carlos

Baker, Marion, 120, 121

blockbusting, 493–494, 509

Canada, 449–451, 646

Baldwin, Arthur, 519

BNDD, 704

Canipe, Guy Warren, 591, 593

Banister, Guy, 46, 52, 55–56, 68, 71–72, Boggs, Thomas Hale, Sr., 277, 278,

Canipe Amusement Company, 590,

78, 88, 143, 157, 170–171, 191–192,

280, 301, 313, 357

592, 593, 599, 694

200–201, 244, 252–253, 263, 265, 310, Bohning, Don, 65

Cantillon, Jimmy, 675

354, 492, 516, 520, 522, 529–539, 546, Bolden, Abraham, 74, 193–194, 309,

Capital Homes (Atlanta Housing

681, 728; hatred for the Kennedys,

508, 534, 728, 771

Project), 605, 606

89; Marcello and, 177–178, 248,

Bolivia, 455, 524, 525, 526

Capone, Al, 57

252–253, 255–256; Milteer and, 230; Bolten, Seymour, 15, 733

Caracci, Frank Joseph, 513, 536, 561,

Oswald and, 84–85, 86, 88, 91, 229,

bombings, 450, 453

580–581, 593, 693, 761

247, 255–256; role in JFK

Bompensiero, Frank, 675

Carlin, Karen, 235–236, 239, 240

assassination, 177–178, 266

Bond, Julian, 620

Carousel Club, 53

Bardach, Ann Louise, 549

Bosch, Juan, 453–455

Carrico, Charles, 122

Barker, Bernard, 41, 102, 154, 162,

Boswell, J. Thorton, 183

Carroll, Joseph, 8, 22, 24, 56, 94, 95,

220, 262, 715–716, 718–721, 722, 727 Bowers, Lee, 112, 112–113

134, 140, 151, 165–166, 247, 302

Barker, Lawrence F., 37

Bowers, Sam, 506, 507, 510, 545–546,

Carter, Jimmy, 697, 741, 743, 744, 745

Barry, Bill, 389–390, 389–390, 618,

560, 593

Carter, Marshall, 33

620, 629, 633, 640

Bradlee, Ben, 158

Castaneda, Jorge, 525

Battle, W. Preston, 696

Bradley, Omar, “The Wise Men,” 565

Castro, Fidel, 3, 9–17, 20, 25, 40–41,

The Bay of Pigs
(by Johnson, Williams Branch, Ben, 588, 589

49, 63, 78, 106, 233, 261, 272, 288,

and Artime), 361, 404

Branch, Taylor, 554, 565, 573–574,

296, 304, 526, 531, 716, 748–749,

Bay of Pigs operation, 8, 11–13, 19,

576, 586, 588

766; 1964 plot against, 310–311;

24, 26–27, 33, 40, 316, 319–322, 330, Bremer, Arthur, 719

Allende and, 711, 719; anti-Castro

449, 454–455, 461, 529, 704–710,

Breslin, Jimmy, 621

operatives, 492, 529, 548, 570, 625,

714, 722–723, 736, 765; Hunt’s book BRILAB operation, 51, 517, 671, 730,

636, 714; assassination plots

about, 361; JFK assassination and,

748–749, 751, 759, 761

against, 706; Bay of Pigs operation

58, 64, 65, 74, 94–95, 98, 136, 144–

Brinkley, David, 26–27, 156, 190

and, 27; casinos and, 58–59;

145, 156, 158, 161, 174, 178, 275,

Brookings Institution, 714

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

286; Oswald and, 85; pilots from

Brown, H. Rap, 488, 612

and, 746; Che Guevara and, 525,

Alabama and, 688; veterans of the, Brown, Neil G., 60, 61–62

527; in Chile, 711; the CIA and, 5,

76, 80, 159, 160–161, 162

Buchanan, Thomas, 321

270, 273, 361, 446–456, 460–462,

BBC News Service, 71, 682

Bundy, McGeorge, 20, 248, 268, 565

676–677, 701, 704, 710–711, 716,

Becker, Ed, 46, 54, 59, 244, 456–457,

Burba, Harold, 633

717–718, 723, 742, 746; covert US

615, 616, 759

Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous

war against, 720, 727; documen-

Belin, David, 731

Drugs (BNDD), 703

tary about, 767; James Earl Ray

Belli, Melvin, 252, 295, 688

Burkley, George, 122, 182, 183, 184,

and, 696; JFK assassination and,

Bellino, Carmine, 56, 354, 726, 728

194, 285

148, 163–164, 201, 220–221, 234,

Benevides, Domingo, 127

Bush, George H. W., 83, 316–318, 735,

259–262, 270, 276–277, 284–285,

Bennett, Ned, 380–381, 380–381

736, 740, 741, 765

286, 365–367, 392–395, 410–420,

Bennett, Robert, 707, 710

Bush, George W., 15, 174, 769

422–431, 434, 715, 760, 770;

Benning, Fort, 451

Brushy Mountain State Prison, 743

Kennedy administration and, 260–

Benson, Michael, 120, 122

Butterfield, Alexander, 296–297, 720,

261, 275 (
see also

Benton, Sam, 54


Coup plan); Latin America and, 36;

Berlin, Germany, 142

Byers, Russell, 501, 502, 503, 538

LBJ and, 275, 282–284, 299;

Berlin Tunnel, 206

McGovern and, 716; Oswald and,

Bernstein, Carl, 195–196, 316–318,


163, 165, 248, 260–261, 262; plots

320, 721

Cain, Michael, 143, 309

against, 14–23, 29, 34–36, 55–56, 64,

Bernsteins, 634

Cain, Richard, 61, 75, 88, 193–194,

67–68, 70–71, 74, 88, 93–97, 102,

Bertrand, Clay, 404

216, 220, 238, 240, 266, 309, 470,

106, 133–134, 138–146, 147, 150,

Beschloss, Michael, 412

531, 534, 728, 771

153–166, 171, 196, 201–204, 209,

Bethesda Naval Hospital, 122, 181,

Caldwell, Earl, 597, 598

223, 245–246, 260–261, 268–270,


Califano, Joseph, 8–9, 22, 377, 566,

274, 278, 284–288, 297–301, 325,

Beverly Crest Hotel, Los Angeles,

720, 722, 727, 743, 766; Cyrus Vance

365, 529, 534, 548, 613, 664, 705,



711, 716–721, 733, 735, 746 (
see also

doctor that supplied poisons for,

Rosselli and, 705, 706, 740, 741;

JFK-Almeida coup plan);

715; Domestic Operations Division

Ruby and, 245; Saez and, 272, 273;

resignation of, 769; Ruby and, 262;

(DOD), 523; domestic surveillance

secret operations in Laos, 523;

rumors about, 768; security

and, 253, 523, 678, 731; Duran and,

security memo and, 549; Southeast

precautions of, 17; support in the

217–219; espionage and sabotage

Asia and, 679; Special Affairs Staff

US for, 76, 77, 85, 199, 205, 280;

by, 717; exemption from

(SAS), 63; Special Operations

surgery of, 768; suspicions of Che

investigation by the Justice

Group on U.S. peace movement,

Guevara, 280–281; at Varadero

Deparment, 246; the FBI and, 227–

523; stonewalling by, 737, 748;

Beach house, 17, 35, 36, 96, 137,

228, 300, 376–377, 532; files of, 771;

Szulc article about the Cuba

139, 144, 201, 282; Venezuela and,

Fowler and, 161; Harvey and, 207;

Contingency Plans, 739; Trafficante


Helms and, 245–247, 297–298;

and, 267; Viet Cong forces and,

Castro, Juanita, 208

Hoover and, 613–614; House Select

554; in Vietnam, 38; Warren

Castro, Raul, 11, 18, 96, 282, 286, 326,

Committee on Assassinations

Commission and, 300–301;

446, 767, 768, 769

(HSCA) and, 744, 770; informants

Watergate investigation and, 723;

Castro-McGovern document, 717,

for the, 264; information on plots

WIlliams and, 153, 771


to kill Castro, 312; INS and, 704;

Cesar, Thane, 630–632, 639–641

Castro retaliation theory of JFK

intention to keep JFK assassination Chaney, James, 506

assassination, 365–367, 392–395,

files secret until 2018, 763; internal

Charbonneau, Jean-Pierre, 451, 478;

410–420, 422–431, 434

investigation of JFK assassination,

The Canadian Connection
, 478

CBS News, 174, 190, 463–465, 463–

204–205, 207–210, 246; internal

Chase, Gordon, 248

465, 470, 533, 732

Kirkpatrick Report on the Bay of

Chavez, César, 487, 555, 622, 647, 673

Central America, 142, 327, 748, 749

Pigs, 710; internal review in April

Chavez, Frank, 295, 405–407, 459, 557

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),

1972, 718;
The Invisible Government

Cheney, Dick, 715, 740

3–5, 9, 28, 306, 468, 515, 521–527,

and, 321; James Earl Ray and, 532–

Cheramie, Rose, 80–81, 178, 197, 258,

574, 703–704, 709, 714–716, 720–

534, 546, 548–549, 570; January

259, 477, 481

725, 734, 736–747, 762–767, 770–

1967 anti-critics memo, 524; JFK-

Cheshire, Maxine, 408

See also
CIA-DIA Task Force;

Almeida coup plan and, 31, 33–39; Chicago, Illinois, 92, 163; assassina-

CIA-Mafia plots; JFK-Almeida

JFK assassination and, 43, 70–77,

tion attempts against JFK in, 38,

coup plan; actions after JFK’s

83, 86, 93–97, 108, 133–134, 150–

57–58, 73–75, 93–95, 100–101, 129,

death, 207, 209–210; Agency for

151, 156–157, 159, 163–164, 175,

152, 163, 168, 171, 187, 193–194,

International Development (AID)

196, 201, 241, 243, 252, 261–262,

199, 209–210, 226, 228–229, 249–

and, 679; Allende and, 728;

269, 274, 277, 282–283, 287, 534;

251; Chicago Mafia, 52–53, 61, 65,

Alvarado and, 270; anti-Castro

Latin America and, 679; Law

75, 161, 246; JFK’s motorcade in,

activities of, 276, 283, 299–300,

Enforcement Intelligence Unit

26, 129; riots following MLK

446–456, 461 (
see also

(LEIU) and, 678; LBJ and, 275, 298–

assassination, 600

Coup plan); anti-Castro

299, 314; Lee Harvey Oswald’s

Chile, 37, 208, 717, 719, 724, 736, 741

operations, 321, 681; Artime and,

connections with, 464–465; Los

China, 8, 119, 142

127, 211; assassinations and, 732;

Angeles Police Department

Choaden, Michael C., 37, 220

assassination threat against de

(LAPD) and, 678, 680; the Mafia

Chotiner, Murray, 701

Gaulle and, 257; in Athens, 737;

and (
CIA-Mafia plots); Marcello Christensen, Dan, 606, 729

Bay of Pigs operation, 8; Bolivia

and, 255; Mertz and, 230–232;

Christian Identity Movement, 544–

and, 526; books by CIA authors,

Mexico City station, 37, 202, 214,


361; Bradley Ayers and, 738;

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