Legacy of Secrecy (182 page)

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Authors: Lamar Waldron

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state at Manhattan’s St. Patrick’s

National Security Council and,

plots against, 26, 32, 38, 46, 53, 56–

Cathedral, 647; body on train from

182–183, 284; Nebraska primary

58, 68, 73–81, 88, 97, 101, 103–122,

NYC to Washington, 647;

and, 623; as New York senator, 323;

129, 134, 150–152, 159, 161, 163,

California primary and, 624, 625,

Oregon primary and, 624, 625, 627;

166, 168, 171, 182, 187, 193–200,

657; campaigning in open cars,

Oswald and, 159; pipeline into the

209–211, 225–226, 228–230, 237,

654; Castro retaliation theory and,

CIA, 330; Poor People’s Campaign

244, 249–251, 256, 271–272, 508–

392–395, 410–412, 415–421, 422,

and, 553; poverty issues, 439–440,

509, 534, 536, 746, 766, 771 (
see also

424–431, 437–439; Chavez and, 295,

487, 553; presidential campaign of,

JFK assassination); attempts to

487, 673; the CIA and, 157, 158–159,

620, 625; presidential election and,

assassinate Castro (

182, 221–222, 294, 296, 727; Civil

553–554, 558, 620, 623, 629, 653,

Almeida coup plan); Attwood and,

Right movement and, 6–7, 291–

659–660; resignation as Attorney

704; autopsy of, 122, 123, 181–188,

293, 487, 490; conservatives and,

General to run for Senate, 322; risk

355; burial of, 188, 425–427; Castro

621; Cuba and, 8–9, 12–15, 18, 20,

of assassination and, 557; Robbie’s

and, 260–261, 275, 460–462, 465;

22, 25–26, 29, 34, 146, 282, 285–286,

Restaurant in Pomono, California,

the CIA and, 727; civil rights and,

296–298, 621; Cuba Contingency

626, 657; Rosselli and, 100; Russell

490; Cuba and, 9–10, 13–15, 25–26,

Plans and, 24–26, 74, 94, 182, 184,

Parsons and, 665; Sam Yorty and,

29, 34, 75, 175, 275, 282–284, 298,

188; Cuban exiles and, 93, 94, 96,

625; in San Diego, 627; second

711; Cuban American training, 769;

285, 727; death of, 632, 636;

gunman and, 666; secrecy of, 9;

Cuban exiles and, 76, 162; Fidel

documentary about, 627; Dorman

security and, 620, 625, 626; Sirhan

Castro and, 770; funeral of, 187–

and, 622; Drew Pearson and, 624;

Sirhan and, 652, 657; speech at

188, 224, 241, 248, 257; grave of,

drug traffickers and, 92, 259;

Portland, OR, synagogue, 627;

648; Hoover and, 173; international

enemies and, 622;
The Enemy

speech in Ambassador Hotel, 630–

image of, 174–175; Latin America

, 250, 294; Eugene McCarthy

631; speech in Indianapolis after

and, 174–175; liaison with East

and, 627; the FBI and, 231, 294;

MLK assassination, 600–601;

German beauty, 32; the Mafia and,

FitzGerald and, 296; funeral of,

statements about Israel in

66–67, 69, 85, 100, 181, 771;

647, 648; Garrison and, 254; Get

synagogue in Portland, Oregon,

Marcello and, 93; MLK and, 291–

Hoffa Squad, 56; gunman on roof

656; support for Israel and, 627; in

292; November 18 speech in

in Lansing, Michigan, 620; Harvey

support of Warren Report, 314;

Miami, 282; Oswald and, 191; in

and, 207; hatred of by far Right

Szulc article about the Cuba

Palm Beach, Florida, 159, 194;

and extreme conservatives, 488;

Contingency Plans, 739; Teamsters

Palm Beach compound of, 80; at

hatred of wealthy California

and, 93; Trafficante and, 100; trip to

Parkland Hospital, 122–123, 181,

farmers towards, 622; Helms and,

Mississippi, 553; Vietnam and, 7,

182, 184–185, 186; “Plans for a

296, 418–421; Hickory Hill estate

291, 408–409, 533, 557, 635; Warren

Coup in Cuba” (1963 document),

of, 34, 92, 133; Hoffa and, 100, 294–

and, 277; Warren Commission and,

766; popularity of, 174–175;

296, 538; Hoover and, 31–32, 169,

241, 310, 353–354, 566; white

presidential campaigns of, 6, 292;

171, 173, 285, 293, 374; in

supremacists and, 256; Williams

Senate activities of, 4, 6; the South

Indianapolis, 600; Indiana primary

and, 154, 156, 157, 211, 234, 287,

and, 7; special commission on drug

and, 623; Israel and, 635, 656;

288, 296–297, 698.
See also

abuse, 69; speech at the Interna-

Jewish constituency, 627; JFK-


tional Inn, Tampa, Florida, 107;

Almeida coup plan and, 39, 151,

Kennedy, Rose, 248

Vietnam and, 7, 275.
See also

201, 246, 280, 285–286; JFK

Kennedy administration, 106


assassination and, 42–43, 46, 49–50, Kennedy-Johnson program, 576

Kennedy, Joseph, 4, 6

54–57, 67, 71–80, 136–138, 141–142, Kennedy Presidential Library, 106

Kennedy, Regis, 516, 517, 522

147, 158, 165, 168, 199, 206, 210,

Kennedys, 671, 706.
See also

Kennedy, Robert F., 1963 Cuban

219, 223–224, 232–233, 248–250,

family members

operations, 557; 1964 Senate run,

252, 278, 284–285, 293–294, 295,

Kennelly, Tom, 405, 459

310; actions after JFK’s death, 109,

300, 314, 355, 399–403, 454, 456–

Kerner, Otto, 556

122, 133–134, 135, 147–153, 157–

463, 465–470, 534, 557–558, 567,

Kerner Commission, 556

158, 181–183, 188, 234–235, 291–

644, 727; Jimmy Hoffa and, 622;

Kerner Report, 556

293; allegation that he paid off a

LBJ and, 31–32, 101, 144, 234–235,

KGB, 83, 302–303

witness in a Hoffa case, 624; at the

276, 282, 285, 286–288, 296, 356,

Khan, Khaiber, 660

Ambassador Hotel, 626, 627, 629;

533, 576, 577; in Los Angeles, 626,

Khrushchev, Nikita, 10, 277

anti-Castro activities of, 188;

657, 674; Los Angeles Police

Kilgallen, Dorothy, 369

antiwar speech, 555; appearance

Department (LAPD) and, 626; the

Kimmel, Thomas A., 47, 751, 753,

on CBS’s
Face the Nation
, 533;

Mafia and, 49, 59–60, 66–67, 69, 85,

755, 757, 761

assassination plots against, 46, 53,

92, 93, 97, 100, 152, 171, 177, 181,

King, Coretta Scott, 291–292, 293,

294, 295–296, 405, 621; attempts to

285, 294, 363–365, 622; magic bullet

515, 522, 565, 601, 603, 647, 695



King, Martin Luther, Jr., anti-war

Kostikov, Valery, 219, 226, 237, 284

Long, Edward, 347, 348, 349, 364,

movement and, 440–441, 550;

Kotz, Nick, 553, 572, 575, 580

366, 374, 376, 534

assassination plots against, 499,

Ku Klux Klan, 164, 201, 449, 488,

Long, Russell, 366, 370, 423–424,

503–505, 507, 510–511, 530, 536,

490, 495–513, 546, 550, 688;

423–424, 460, 465–467

546, 562, 673 (
see also

Atlanta, Georgia and, 499;

Lopez, Gilberto Policarpo, 76–77,

assassination); Atlanta and, 572,

bombings and, 491; contract on

137, 197–199, 209, 271–273, 746

578; ballistic evidence and, 595;

Martin Luther King, 499, 504;

Lorraine Motel, 572–574, 579–580,

“Black is Beautiful” slogan, 493;

convictions in burning death of

582, 586–589, 593–594, 597, 599, 762

bomb threat at Atlanta Municipal

Mississippi civil rights worker

Los Angeles.
See also
Los Angeles

Airport, 578–580; bus boycott

Vernon Dahmer, 560; declining

Police Department (LAPD)

in Alabama, 292; came out against

membership, 492; fragmented as

Los Angeles Police Department

the war, 550; civil rights

organization, 492; Imperial

(LAPD), 626, 629, 632–635, 642–

movement and, 487, 490 (
see also

Wizard, 495; Joseph Milteer and,

645, 649–650, 652, 655, 657, 661–

civil rights movement); COINTEL-

500; in Mississippi, 499; New

665, 669, 671, 678–680, 682–686

PRO operations, 569; Communist

Orleans, 517; in North Carolina,

Los Angeles Times
, 545, 560, 638,

Party and, 293, 549; convicted for

499; racial violence in the south,


staging sit-in in Atlanta, 291; death

491; Sam Bowers and, 545;

Louisiana, 42, 43, 44, 48–49, 54.

of, 594; death threats and, 488;

Southern police and, 520; Tarrants

specific cities

domestic surveillance of, 516, 521,

and, 545; unions and, 500; White

Love Field, Dallas, Texas, 105

522; family of, 515, 610; the FBI

Knights, 504, 506–507, 617

Luce, Clare Booth, 164, 220

and, 293, 508, 516, 690, 737; funeral Kurtz, Michael L., 68, 69, 78, 83–84,

Lukas, J. Anthony, 715, 719

of, 610, 620; Hoover and, 293, 539;

85, 86, 87, 201–202, 223, 256, 265,

Lyon, Verne, 523, 524

“I Have a Dream” speech, 7;


influence of, 492; injunction to

Kyles, Billy, 588


stop planned April 8th demonstra-

MacDill Air Force Base, 166

tion, 580; James Earl Ray and, 571; L

MacNeil, Robert, 117, 120–121, 190

JFK and, 291–292, 565; Joseph

La Charta, Salvadore (Sol), 541–542

Macon, Georgia, 453

Milteer and, 500; Ku Klux Klan

Lakewood General Motors plant,

Maddox, Lester, 493, 496, 510, 605

and, 499, 517; last speech of,

494, 496, 498, 510, 511

Mafia, the,
specific members
; Alabama

580–581; LBJ and, 293, 575, 577; in

Landis, paul, 114

Mafia, 44–45; amusement

Lorraine Motel, 588; the Mafia

Lane, Mark, 353–354, 357, 383, 534;

companies and, 593; Artime and,

and, 536; Marcello and, 762; march

Rush to Judgment
, 353–354

215; attorneys for, 664; Chicago

and, 588; as Marxist/Leninist, 549; La Rue, Jack, 5–6, 242, 294.
See also

Mafia, 6, 43, 45–46, 52–53, 58, 61,

in Memphis, 561, 568, 572, 574,

Ruby, Jack

65, 73, 75, 80, 92, 161, 193, 246; the

576, 578, 579, 597; Milteer and, 510; Las Vegas, Nevada, 65, 66, 92, 456,

CIA and (
CIA-Mafia plots);

negative attitudes towards, 509; in


contract on Robert Kennedy, 672,

New Orleans, 561; in New York,

Latin America, 36, 717.

673; Dallas Mafia, 52; Dorfman

564, 568; non-violence and, 488,

See also
specific countries

and, 250; Florida Mafia, 49, 58–59;

572; peace movement and, 523;

Law, William Matson,
In the Eye of

Helms and, 151; Hoffa and, 250;

planned march in Memphis, 580;

, 182, 186

Hoover and the, 5; illegal arms

plot to assassinate, 493; Poor

Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit

sales by, 163; infiltration of JFK-

People’s Campaign and, 553; race

(LEIU), 574, 678

Almeida coup plan, 724; James

riots and, 488; reaction to JFK’s

Leake, Hunter, 83, 84–85, 86, 103,

Earl Ray and, 479–481, 484, 608;

assassination, 293; RFK and,

157, 201–202, 205

JFK and, 85; JFK assassination and,

291–293, 556, 565; security and,

Leavenworth, Kansas, 504, 505, 506,

42–44, 47, 57, 59–65, 75, 76, 92, 102,

520; sermon at Washington


141, 143–144, 152, 159, 160, 162,

National Cathedral, 575; speech at Lechuga, Carlos, 218

199, 210–211, 249, 285, 363–365,

Mason Temple, 580; speech in Los

LeMay, Curtis, 24, 497

447, 449, 452, 456, 459, 460–471,

Angeles, 560–561; speech to

Lesar, Jim, 193, 516, 786

698, 701, 771; the Kennedys and,

Memphis striking black garbage

Letelier, Orlando, 162, 450, 719, 741

66–67, 69, 100, 181; Las Vegas

workers, 562; stabbed in Harlem

Lewis, Benjamin F., 45, 46

Mafia, 66, 92, 673; LBJ and, 101;

in 1958, 580; stalking of, 511;

Lewisburg Federal Prison, 457–459

Los Angeles Mafia, 665, 668, 671,

surveillance of, 293, 509, 550, 569,

Liberto, Frank C., 513, 519, 575, 580,

673, 675, 680; Louisiana Mafia, 43,

574, 579; threats against, 586.

583, 584, 585, 598, 602, 614, 690,

44, 48–49, 50; Memphis Cartel and,

See also
MLK assassination.

693, 762

519; Memphis Mafia (“the Cartel”),

Kinney, Sam, 76

Liberto, Jack, 456, 519, 536, 615, 693

519; MLK and, 502; MLK

Kirk, Tom, 751, 752, 754–758

Liddy, G. Gordon, 714, 715, 721, 722

assassination and, 515, 527–528,

Kirkpatrick, Lyman, 33, 93, 95, 96,

magazine, 164, 295, 449, 469–470,

531, 541, 564, 574–575, 585, 595;

134, 135, 141, 145, 153, 154, 155,

516, 533, 622, 710

Montreal Mafia, 92; in New

156, 727

Lifton, David, 182, 185–186, 698

Orleans, 513, 575, 702; New York

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