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Authors: Lamar Waldron

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assassination, 173, 760; 553; Carlos

688, 698, 709–710, 714–715,

Nixon and, 708; Oswald and, 137;

Marcello and, 517, 616; the CIA

719–723, 727, 731, 771; 1963 Cuban

plots against Castro and, 300, 532,

and, 376–377; Congressional

operations, 713; activities in

733; prosecution of, 701; refusal to

investigations and, 261; cover-up

Miami, 718; activities in

turn over CIA documents about

by, 225–230, 244–246; critics of

Nicaragua, 718; agrees to plead

the Bay of Pigs, 708; responsibili-

Warren Commision and, 355–357;

guilty, 725; anti-Castro associates

ties of, 142; RFK and, 296, 418–421,

death of, 719; destruction of files

of, 102–103; assignment in Spain,

418–421; RFK assassination and,

and, 719, 724; the FBI and, 246;

332; autobiography of, 763; Bay of

674, 676, 678, 681, 724; Rockefeller

Ford and, 278; inaction of, 255–256;

Pigs and, 708, 714; break-in to

Commission and, 732; Rusk and,

JFK-Almeida coup plan and, 227;

Howard Hughes organization in

233; Schorr and, 733; taping

JFK assassination and, 45, 54, 175,

Las Vegas, 709; Castro assassina-

system of destroyed, 724;

183, 193, 199, 200–201, 218, 223,

tion plots and, 319, 726;

testimony to Congress about

229, 241–242, 250, 257, 261, 273,

Castro-McGovern document and,

Chile, 724; Warren Commission

275, 294, 304, 310, 616; Joseph

717; the CIA and, 317–320, 331,

and, 300–303, 378–386; Watergate

Milteer and, 617; Katzenbach and,

523, 707–709, 717, 722; Cuba and,

break-in and, 716; White House

241–242; LBJ and, 171–172, 193,

709; Cuban exiles and, 714, 716,

dirty tricks and, 715; withholding

195, 225–228, 275; leak to

718, 719; death of, 763; death of

of information by, 723

magazine by, 279–280; the Mafia

wife Dorothy, 725; demands for

Henderson, Ruby, 111–112

and, 5; Medgar Evers case and,

hush money from White House,

Hernandez, Hank, 642, 643, 678, 679

292–293; Milteer and, 256–257;

724; DRE and, 744;
Give Us This

heroin trafficking.

MLK and, 293, 522, 573–574; MLK

, 361; Helms and, 358–360, 763;


assassination and, 616, 618; racism

incarceration of, 701; JFK-Almeida

Hersh, Sy, 15, 731

of, 292–293; RFK and, 171, 173, 285,

coup plan and, 319, 763; JFK

He Walked by Night
, 66, 125

293, 374; secrecy of, 34–35; secret

assassination and, 55, 72, 86, 93,

Hidell, Alek, 84, 128, 159.
See also

files of, 614; Secret Service and,

95, 102, 135, 136, 140, 143, 145,

Oswald, Lee Harvey

228; Warren Commission and, 241,

151–155, 171, 175, 234, 261, 273,

Hill, Clint, 114, 148, 249

278, 302, 355–356

296, 298, 303, 325, 715, 718, 763;

Hill, Jean, 117, 118

Horne, Douglas, 186

lavish lifestyle and, 330; Mafia ties

Hoch, Paul, 403, 698

Hosty, James, 89, 166, 168, 243

and, 763; Manuel Artime and, 763;

Hoffa, Jimmy, 5, 6, 457–470, 476, 502, “hotline” between Kennedy and

Mullen Company and, 707, 708,

538, 557–558, 613, 616, 623, 647,

Khrushchev, 10

709, 710; Nixon and, 709;

664, 671, 673, 687, 697, 702, 706,

House Select Committee on

prosecution of, 730; resignation

720; Castro plots and, 735;

Assassinations (HSCA), 651, 680,

from CIA, 331; retirement from the

disappearance of, 734; gave Rossel-

687–688, 693, 695, 743, 770; Blakey

CIA, 708, 709; Spain and, 708, 709;

li’s name to investigators, 728; JFK

and, 740; the CIA and, 743, 744–

spy novels of, 720; suggested that

assassination and, 46, 52–53, 59–60,

745; DRE (CIA-backed exile group)

Castro had killed Rosselli, 739;

67, 93, 100, 107, 129, 167–168, 180,

and, 744, 745; Final Report of, 746,

Warren Report and, 315; Watergate

241–242, 244–245, 252, 267, 272,

748; Fonzi and, 742; hearings of,

and, 319, 707, 714, 716; White

285, 310, 744; leaked story about

547; JFK assassination and, 42, 52,

House dirty tricks and, 715; work

CIA Mafia plot to Church

73, 76, 147, 187, 198, 214–215, 238,

on plots to assassinate Castro,

Committee, 734; Lewisburg

247, 271, 331, 515, 546, 740, 743,


Federal Prison, 672; the Mafia and,

746; Marcello and, 743; MLK

Huntley, Chet, 26–27, 156, 160, 190

250; Marcello and, 363–364, 407–

assassination and, 476–477, 479,

Hurt, Henry, 125, 128, 243



Hussein, Sadam, 142

conspiracy and, 533, 545; cover-up Johnson, Lyndon B., 3, 7, 31–33, 462,


by US officials, 259 (
see also

763; actions after JFK’s death, 109,

I Led Three Lives
, 82, 89, 161, 170

); efforts to declassify files,

172, 189, 275; anti-Castro activities

Immigration, U.S. Department of,

762; evidence in, 181–188, 193, 194–

under, 299–300; “anti-Commis-


195; eyewitness accounts of, 115–

sion” forces of, 242; blamed for JFK

INS (Immigration and Naturaliza-

129; FBI investigation of, 251,

assassination, 760; cabinet of, 233;

tion Service), 49, 52, 70, 71, 75, 209,

255–257; goal of, 238–239;

Castro and, 275, 282, 299; Castro

231–232, 263, 448, 704, 705, 735

Hoover’s investigation of, 229; JFK

retaliation theory and, 392–395,

Inspector General (IG) Report,

Assassination Records Review

410–412, 415, 424, 437; the CIA and,

433–438, 433–438, 441–445, 451,

Board (ARRB), 65, 73, 186, 200, 766,

275, 298–299, 523; civil rights and,

710, 724

767; JFK Assassinations Records

490; Cold War and, 224; Cuba and,

International Inn, Tampa, Florida,

Act of 1992, 515; JFK committee,

224, 225–226, 234–235, 237, 260,

79, 107

738; JFK conspiracy books, 763;

274, 275, 283–288, 298–299, 322;

International Society of Hypnosis,

“lone assassin” scenario, 174, 524;

Cuban exiles and, 284, 298–299;


the Mafia and, 152, 159, 199, 249,

Drew Pearson and, 624; Earl

Invaders, 572, 579, 587

534, 698, 712; “magic bullet”

Warren and, 356; FitzGerald and,

The Invisible Government
, 320, 360, 383

theory, 185, 187; Marcello and, 515,

283; Helms and, 234, 276, 277, 286,

Iran, 681, 732

521, 535, 546, 557–558, 596, 671,

432–433, 437, 443–445; Hoover

Iran-Contra scandal, 327, 453, 741,

702, 743–744, 746, 754, 760, 761–

and, 171–172, 193, 195, 225–228,

742, 749

762, 770–771; media reaction to,

275; JFK-Almeida coup plan and,

Iranian dissidents, 660, 681

174, 190–201; Milteer and, 388–394,

146, 171–172, 201, 223–226, 282,

Israel, 447, 523, 650, 656, 666

396, 520; Naval Intelligence

285–286; JFK assassination and, 46,

ITT, 711, 738

investigation of, 247–248; number

54, 101, 141, 144, 146, 151, 153, 159,

I Was a Communist for the FBI
, 170

of shots, 464; official cover-up of,

171–173, 180, 204, 213, 219, 223,

520–521; official version of, 109–

242, 246, 248–249, 270, 273, 446,


110, 124–125; press coverage of,

455, 457; JFK assassination

Jackson, Bob, 119

276; pro-conspiracy books and,

investigation refused, 377; the

Jackson, Jesse, 573, 580, 588, 589

524; public interest in, 732, 760;

Mafia and, 101; Marcello and, 101;

Jackson, Scoop, 715

public reaction to, 174, 188–192;

McCone and, 224, 237, 275, 276,

Jackson CLarion-Ledger
, 545

reactions to by adminstration, 133–

282, 284, 286–287; meeting with

Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, 83, 84, 263

149; release of files, 770; RFK inves-

Robert Kennedy, 576; MLK and,

Jenkins, Herbert, 511, 603

tigation of, 399–403; Rockefeller

293, 575, 577; MLK assassination

JFK Act of 1992, 73, 306, 515, 766,

Commission, 731; Senate Judiciary

and, 487–488, 533–534, 550, 553–

770, 771

committee hearings, 702; single

557, 565–566, 574, 577, 578, 600,

JFK-Almeida coup plan, 13–42, 54–

bullet theory and, 307; Soviet

612; Oliva and, 287–288; at

57, 74–76, 86–87, 93–103, 106, 119,

Union and, 148, 213; suspects

Parkland Hospital, 123; pressured

134–166, 171, 174–175, 179, 182–

detained after, 121; triggered by

to invade Cuba, 217; reaction to

184, 187, 193, 196–197, 201–207,

CIA assassination attempts on

JFK’s assassination, 199; RFK and,

212, 216, 223–227, 237, 241, 246,

Castro, 723; Warren Commission

101, 144, 234–235, 276, 282, 285,

249, 259–261, 278, 280–288, 291,

and, 276–277; weapon allegedly

286–288, 296, 487, 555, 557, 566,

294–310, 320, 460, 462, 466, 524,

used (Mannlicher-Carcano rifle),

576–577; RFK assassination and,

526, 677, 706, 711–713, 718, 724,

122, 193–194; white supremacist

622–624, 636, 648, 690–691; Soviet

726–727, 735–736, 740, 753, 762–

involvement in, 162–163; in

Union and, 274, 284; Tet Offensive

See also

Zapruder film, 235.
See also

and, 555; Vietnam and, 274–275,

JFK assassination, acoustic tests and,

Kennedy, John F.

330; Warren and, 276–277; Warren

746; as alleged Communist plot,

JFK Assassination Records Review

Commission and, 241, 278, 312;

265; assassination files, 765, 771;

Board (ARRB), 65, 73, 186, 200, 515,

Williams and, 286; withdrawal

Banister and, 520; blame for, 760;

766, 767

from presidential race for

Castro and, 148, 163–164, 259–262,

(film by OIiver Stone), 598, 760,

reelection, 565, 566, 575, 576

270; Castro retaliation theory, 365–


Johnson, Rafer, 629, 633, 640

367, 392–395, 410–420, 422–431,

JFK Presidential Library, 210, 307

Jones, Solomon, 589, 597, 598

434, 738; the CIA and, 150–151,

JGCE (“the Junta”), 161

Jowers, Lloyd, 598, 762

163–164, 204–205, 267–268, 297–

Jim Crow laws, 292

JURE (Junta Revolucionaria

298; CIA-Mafia plots and, 740;

Jim’s Grill (Memphis), 598

Cubana), 27, 28, 30–31, 68, 146, 178,

CIA’s internal investigation of,

JMWAVE, 37, 245, 452.
See also

212, 260, 297, 298, 299, 332

204–205; Congressional investiga-

Morales, David

tions into, 4–5, 15, 24, 29–30, 35, 43, Joannides, George, 136, 143, 147, 164, K

49, 53–54, 66, 75, 87, 104–105, 135,

744, 745, 771

Kaiser, Robert Blair, 665, 682

154–155, 158, 165, 176–177, 183,

Joesten, Joachim, 265, 353, 385;

Kantor, Seth, 105, 128

194–196, 205–207, 214–218, 221,

Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy
, 321,

Karamessines, Thomas, 454

227, 246, 261, 263, 298–301, 484,


Katzenbach, Nicholas, 241–242, 323

513, 517, 527–529, 560–561, 571,

John Birch Society, 68, 75, 170, 201,

Kauffmann, John, 501, 502, 503

701, 731, 743 (
see also
House Select

260, 263, 315, 490, 492, 497, 500, 607 Kay, Everett, 257

Committee on Assassinations

Johnson, Guy, 252

Keenan, Laurence, 173

(HSCA); House Select Committee

Johnson, Haynes, 12, 26, 27, 153, 156, Kellerman, Roy, 184, 187

on Assassinations (HSCA));

157, 158, 182, 361, 403, 621, 727

Kelly, James P., 70–71



Kennedy, Edward, 148, 248, 555, 557,

assassinate Castro and, 706; as

theory, 307; Marcello and, 93, 100,

623, 647, 671, 706–707, 765

Attorney General, 4, 6, 7, 8, 52, 59,

249, 294, 557–558, 622; McCone

Kennedy, Ethel, 133, 148, 627, 633,

60, 92, 94, 101, 151–152, 156, 180,

and, 147–153, 159, 223–224;


250, 259, 285, 295–296, 306;

meeting with black celebrities, 620;

Kennedy, Jackie, 79, 83, 92, 113, 148,

Attwood and, 704; authorization of

Mississippi trip, 487; MLK and,

181–183, 248, 557

wiretaps on MLK, 624; autopsy of,

291–293, 556, 610; MLK assassina-

Kennedy, John F., JFK-Almeida coup

683; at Bethesda Naval Hospital,

tion and, 600; motorcade in Los

plan; affair with Judith Campbell,

182, 183–184; body flown from

Angeles, 626; motorcade in San

66, 92–93, 737; affair with Mary

California to NYC, 647; body in

Francisco Chinatown, 627;

Meyer, 381–382; assassination

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