Legacy of Secrecy (187 page)

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Authors: Lamar Waldron

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with Cubans and Florida groups,

Vaughn, Roy, 239

184, 264, 297, 353, 357, 461, 574,

727; the FBI and, 771; in Guate-

Veciana, Antonio, 30, 63, 87, 90–91,

688, 715, 720, 721

mala, 171; Haynes Johnson and,

139, 178, 299, 332, 454–455, 527,

Watergate, 39, 41, 96, 144, 158, 175,

727; House Select Committee on

530, 711, 738, 743, 748

196, 296–297, 315, 318–319, 322,

Assassinations (HSCA) and, 743;

Venable, James, 492

331, 358, 455, 465, 523, 530, 705,

Hunt and, 358; interviewed by

Vietnam, 7, 8, 33, 74, 142, 208, 274–275,

713, 716, 719–722, 726–731, 748–

Wil iam Turner, 727, 748; JFK-

291, 523, 554, 565, 573, 575, 624,

749; aftermath of, 720; American

Almeida Coup plan and, 246, 280;

681, 697, 707.
See also
Vietnam War

journalists and, 722; arrests in case,

LBJ and, 286; reaction to JFK’s

Vietnam War, 487–488, 492, 523, 533,

720; bugging and, 719; Castro

assassination, 155–156, 211; RFK

549, 554–557, 576, 577, 624, 714

assassination documents, 721;

and, 154, 156, 157, 211, 234, 287,

Volz, John, 373

Committee to Re-Elect the

288, 296–297, 736

President, 721; connection to Bay

Williams, Hosea, 573


of Pigs, 722; connection to Cubans, Wilson, John, 242–243

Wadden, Tom, 106, 739

722; criminal prosecutions and,

WINS Radio, 410–413

Wade, Henry, 189, 191, 192

725; Cuban exiles and, 529, 716;

Wise, Wes, 119–120

Walden, Grace, 589–590, 596

Democrats’ civil suit, 725; history

witnesses, deaths of, 743; Artime

Waldron, Martin, 369

of, 712; Howard Hughes and, 721;

(unexpected death of), 743;

Walinsky, Adam, 210

JFK-Almeida coup plan and, 724;

DeMohrenschildt (unexpected

Walker, Edwin, 263, 264, 265

Joseph Califano and, 721;

death of), 743; Giancana (murder

Wallace, George, 7, 490, 491, 493, 496,

Watergate investigation, 708, 713,

of), 743; Hoffa (murder of), 743;

497, 536, 641, 719

722, 724, 726, 727, 735; Watergate

Masferrer (murder of), 743;

Wallace, Mike, 464

money, 720

Morales (unexpected death of),

Wall Street Journal
, 83, 264, 742

Watergate office complex, 706

743; Nicoletti (murder of), 743; Prio

Walters, General Vernon, 719, 722

Weatherford, Harry, 115–116

(unexpected death of), 743;

Walther, Carolyn, 111–112

Webster, Robert, 381

Rosselli (murder of), 743

Warren, Earl, 276–277, 278, 294, 299,

Wecht, Cyril, 698

Wofford, Harris, 293–294

300, 303, 304, 315, 356, 392–395,

Weisberg, Harold, 698, 729

“woman in polka-dot dress,” 634,

429, 468

Weisel, William, 632


Warren Commission, 4, 29, 53, 73,

Weiss, Victor, 81, 258

Woodward, Bob, 719, 721

82–83, 110–117, 128, 179, 193, 198,

Weitzman, Seymour, 116

World War II, 494, 495, 565

200, 206, 214, 238, 243–244, 246,

Welch, Richard, 737–738

Worrell, James, 120

273, 276–280, 294, 295, 298–299,

Westmoreland, General, 557, 565

Wright, Marian, 553

304, 320, 457, 464–465, 728, 740.
Wexler, Stuart, 507, 522, 574

Wright, Peter, 208–209

Warren Report; account of JFK Whidbee, Harry, 172

assassination, 124–127; the CIA

White Citizens’ Councils, 265, 490,


and, 300–301, 358; criticism of, 172,

492, 494–498, 500, 501, 503, 507,

Yarborough, Ralph, 118

353–356; Cuban exiles and, 299–

509, 513, 518

Yaro, Boris, 638

300; Dulles and, 277–278; failings,

“white flight,” 509

York Arms Company, 583, 591

307; the FBI and, 299, 301–302;

White House “Plumbers,” 714, 715,

Yorty, Sam, 625, 644, 661, 662, 669

Ferrie and, 254; Helms and, 300–


Young, Andrew, 562, 573, 580, 588–

303; Hoover and, 241, 278, 302,

White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan

589, 594, 597, 620, 745

355–357; LBJ and, 241; magic bullet

of Mississippi, 510, 617

Zapruder, Abraham, 113, 117, 174,

theory, 306–308; Martino and, 299–

White Paper
(television special), 463–

235, 308, 651, 732

300; McCone and, 302; Mertz and,


ZRRIFLE operation, 35, 71, 206

300; Odio and, 299–300; Oswald

white supremacists, 77, 78, 162–163,

and the, 89, 90, 241, 264, 299, 302;

170, 174, 200, 201, 256, 263.
See also

Powers’ testimony, 308; RFK and,

Ku Klux Klan

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