Legacy of Secrecy (180 page)

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Authors: Lamar Waldron

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639, 641–653, 659, 662, 671–673,

Dorfman, Allen, 249–250, 294, 295,

748, 751, 753, 755–758, 766–767,

678, 682, 686, 692, 694, 697–698;

407–408, 467, 668, 713

770, 771; Atlanta office, 508–509,

Rosselli and, 106; Ruby and, 104–

Dorfman, Paul, 250, 294

585; audiotapes of Marcello, 515;

105, 238, 245; San Francisco office,

Dorman, Michael, 622, 623

barred from JFK investigation,

754; secret Marcello tapes, 762;

Dorticos, Osvaldo, 217

227–228; “Black extremist

Secret Service and, 251; Stein and,

Douglass, Emmett “Gene,” 592, 593,

organizations,” 508; Black

540–541; surveillance by, 67, 142,


Nationalist-Hate Groups (FBI list),

304; Szulc article about the Cuba

Draznin, Julius, 152, 159, 249

550; BRILAB investigation, 744;

Contingency Plans, 739; “Top

DRE (CIA-backed exile group), 37,

Carlos Marcello and, 516, 616, 690,

Echelon Criminal Informant

86, 136, 141, 143, 147, 164, 220, 228,

701; Chicago office, 52; the CIA

Program,” 244; Trafficante and,

299, 744, 745

and, 227–228, 300, 376–377, 523–

267; Warren Commission and, 299,

DR (revolutionary student group), 19

524; COINTELPRO operations,

301–302; Washington headquar-

drug traffickers, 5, 47, 58–60, 63–64,

521; Congressional investigations

ters, 751; Watergate investigation

69, 78, 80, 92, 158, 231, 258–259,

and, 261; contract on Martin

and, 723; white supremacists and,

268, 446–449, 449, 451–453, 458,

Luther King, 504; criticism of, 172,

256; WIlliams and, 771

703, 729

355–356; Cuban exiles and, 215,

Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN),

Duke, David, 163

228–229, 297; in Dallas, Texas, 168–

44, 59, 60, 104, 231, 251, 255, 448,

Dulles, Allen, 136, 277–278, 299–301;

169; Dallas office, 759; Davis and,


The Craft of Intelligence
, 319;

759; domestic surveillance and,

Federal Communications

Craft of Intelligence
, 319

253, 493, 574, 680, 771; electronic

Commission (FCC), 464

Duran, Silvia, 216–219, 226, 237, 275,

surveillance by, 691; Ferrie and,

Federal Correctional Institution,


252–254; files about MLK

Texarkana, Texas, 753, 754

assasination (codenamed

Fensterwald, Bernard, 70, 165, 228–


MURKIN), 516; fingerprints in

229, 230, 231, 356–357, 356–357,

Earman, John, 141, 433

Ray’s Mustang, 693; Florida

385, 466, 516, 534, 698, 737

Ebbitt Hotel, 159

surveillance reports, 771; Ford and, Ferrell, Mary, 698

Ebenezer Baptist Church, 603, 605

278; in Georgia, 77, 256; Giancana

Ferrie, David, 30, 366, 369–373, 387–

Eddie, 541

and, 142; Hoffa and, 672; Hoover

388, 391–392, 398, 401–403, 456,

Edwards, Sheffield, 376

and, 244–245, 246; informants for

460, 463, 465, 470, 516, 681; arrest

Ehrlichman, John, 707, 708, 710, 722,

the, 49–50, 51, 54, 171, 244, 579,

of, 177; criticism of JFK by, 253; the


750; internal memos, 752;

FBI and, 252–254; hatred for the

Eisenhower, Dwight, 4, 19, 29, 45,

interviews of Sartor sources, 692;

Kennedys, 89; JFK assassination



and, 49–56, 63–64, 82, 85, 88, 103,

Freedom of Information Act, 516

282, 286, 325, 326, 411–412, 455,

121, 129, 143, 157, 161, 167, 175–

Freidin, Seymour, 158–159

526; in Bolivia, 524, 525, 526;

176, 175–177, 176–177, 191, 196,

The French Connection
(film), 323

capture and execution of, 524, 525,

200, 239, 244, 252–253; Marcello

French Connection heroin network,

526; Congo and, 525; Cuba and,

and, 103, 175–177, 252–253, 255–

31, 42–43, 52, 59–61, 69, 71, 81, 88,

524; exile to Africa and, 328, 524;

256, 265–266, 753; Oswald and, 84–

91–92, 98, 104, 146, 230–231, 311,

Fidel Castro and, 329, 525, 526

85, 86, 88, 176, 229, 255–256; trip to

449, 458, 480, 531, 608–609

Gulf of Tonkin incident, 274

Houson, 176–177

French Intelligence (SDECE), 69, 71,

Guthman, Ed, 398, 555

Festerwald, Bernard, 725

98, 146, 208–209, 257–258, 703

Figureres, Jose, 63

Friar’s Club scandal, 311, 457, 467–


Finck, Pierre, 185

468, 547, 625, 663, 669, 675, 682–684 Hahn, Thich Nhat, 440

Fiorini, Frank, 30, 41, 68, 102, 154,

Fritz, Will, 105, 190, 239, 258

Haig, Alexander, 8–9, 22, 187–188,

161, 261–262, 264, 530–531, 703,

Fruge, Francis, 80–81, 178, 258, 259

288, 296, 417, 711, 720, 725, 727,

706, 714–725, 731, 763

729, 748, 749, 770

FitzGerald, Desmond, 29, 34–37, 300, G

Halberstam, David, 490

771; anti-Castro activities of, 299;

Galante, Carmine, 458–459, 467, 478, Haldeman, H. R., 706, 707, 708, 710,

Church Committee and, 733; JFK


714, 722, 730

assassination and, 63–65, 75, 95,

Galloway, Calvin, 183, 184, 187

Halfen, Jack, 622–623

102, 136–138, 140, 142–145, 146,

Galt, Eric, 609

Hall, Manly Palmer, 661

156, 202–204, 206, 209, 211–212,

Garrison, Jim, 163, 253–254, 358, 370, Hamill, Pete, 637

215–216, 219, 221, 233, 262, 268–

372–373, 387, 391, 395–396, 401–

Hamilton, James, 626

269, 282–284, 296, 311, 317, 325,

406, 409–410, 420–421, 427–428,

Hancock, Larry, 189, 258, 268, 507,

358, 420, 447, 451–452, 454;

449, 454, 456–457, 460–466, 470,

522, 527, 574, 593, 630, 633, 639–

promotion, 331; RFK and, 296

516, 524, 533–534, 536, 616, 681,

640, 642, 649, 654, 657, 661, 685

Fitzsimmons, Frank, 702, 713, 728

687, 697–698

Hanes, Arthur, Sr., 293, 481, 688, 689,

Florida, 42–43, 49, 69.
See also

Gaudet, William, 87, 161

690, 694

; drug trafficking in, 446–449;

Genovese, Vito, 44

Hardin, J. C., 584, 585

Florida Police Intelligence Unit,

Georgia Bureau of Investigation, 508

Hargis, Bobby, 114, 115

509; numbers of Cuban exiles and

Get Hoffa Squad, 6, 46, 56, 93

Harker, Daniel, 220–221

refugees in, 446

Giancana, Sam, 6, 29, 467, 470, 531,

Harkness, D. V., 117

Fonzi, Gaeton, 30, 37, 83, 87, 98, 178,

664, 674–675, 705–706, 720, 732,

Hart, Gary, 732, 737

179, 299, 526, 698, 737–738, 742,

737; Chicago grand jury and, 729;

Harvey, William, 29, 65, 70–71, 206–

743–744, 748;
The Last Investigation

deported from Mexico, 729;

210, 232, 271–272, 376, 410, 414,

744, 748

involvement in narcotics ring, 729;

424–425, 467–468, 532–533, 548,

Ford, Gerald, 277–278, 299, 731, 735,

JFK assassination and, 43, 60, 61,

574, 613, 674, 677, 680, 704–705,

739; Dick Cheney and, 715; JFK’s

66–67, 75, 92, 142, 152, 193; in

738, 763

neck wound, 308; pardon of

Mexico, 728; murder of, 729, 734,

Hauser, Joe, 51, 54, 671, 730, 744, 749

Nixon, 730;
Portrait of an Assassin

735; subpoena of, 734

Havana, Cuba, 5, 49, 452, 769.

314; reelection, 740; statements

Gill, G. Wray, 176, 177, 253


about assassinations and CIA, 732;
The Godfather
, 44, 66

Heckscher, Henry, 37–40, 156, 211,

sworn in as president, 730; Warren Goldfarb, Ronald, 44

711, 728

Commission and, 729, 740; Warren Goldwater, Barry, 10, 66, 101, 490,

Helms, Richard, 3, 9, 13–14, 20,

Report and, 314


28–30, 33, 35–37, 39, 454–456,

Ford administration, 737, 740

Golz, Earl, 52, 124, 243

461–462, 565, 698, 704–705,

Foreman, Percy, 295, 481, 485, 539,

Gonzales, Dr..
Morales, David

707–710, 718, 722–723, 727–729,

694, 695, 696

Gonzalez, Virgilio, 716, 721

732, 734–735, 762–763; 1963 Cuban

“Forever White” organization, 513,

Goodman, Andrew, 506

operations, 713; actions after JFK’s


Good Samaritan Hospital, 635

death, 109, 133–146, 201–206, 212,

Fortas, Abe, 356, 565

Goodwin, Richard, 353–354, 524, 525,

234–235; AMWORLD and, 733;

Fort Benning, Georgia, 23, 28, 31, 44,

526, 726

anti-Castro operations and, 299,

63, 69, 93, 95, 153, 287, 297, 298,

Great Society, 488, 556, 566, 577

681; appointment as ambassador

451, 769

Greece, US backed junta in, 707

to Iran, 723; assassination attempts

Fort Jackson, South Carolina, 23, 287, Greenbaum, Gus, 66

on Castro and, 432–445, 432–445,


The Green Felt Jungle
, 92, 456

724; autobiography of, 763; belief

Fort Worth Star-Telegram
, 190

Greenspun, Hank, 367, 715

that Castro did not kill JFK, 763;

Fowler, Alberto, 80, 159–161, 162,

Greer, William, 113

biography of, 136; Castro and, 717,

163, 373, 404, 428, 449, 454, 465

Grier, Roosevelt, 627, 629, 633, 634,

763; Castro-McGovern document

Fox, Sylvan, 353;
The Unanswered


and, 717; charges about lying to

Questions About President Kennedy’s
Griffith, Michael T., 124, 125, 126, 464

Congress, 743, 745; Church

, 353

Grimsley, Frank, 462

Committee and, 732; the CIA and,

Frank, Gerold, 598

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 16, 93, 96

225, 246, 297–298, 304, 308, 311,

Franqui, Carlos, 30, 151, 286, 527

Guatemala, 45, 47, 56; 1954 coup in,

312, 315, 321, 325, 328, 330, 331,

Fratianno, Jimmy (“The Weasel”),

39, 39–40; AMWORLD camps in,

333, 523, 527, 723–724, 743;

468, 675

302; assassination of president in,

CIA-Mafia plots and, 701, 718, 762;

Frazier, Wesley, 90


closed session testimony and, 733;

Free Cuba Committee, 191, 709

Guevara, Che, 11, 14–15, 280–281,

cover-ups by, 201–206, 212–215,



217, 219, 222, 233–235, 245–247,

408; murder of, 729; original

485, 501–503, 509–511, 514–515,

266, 268, 269, 273–274, 299–303,

liaison between the CIA and Mafia,

528, 537, 539–542, 546, 563, 573,

432–445, 724, 733; death of, 763;

735; release from prison, 713; RFK

573–578, 581, 584–586, 589, 595–

Duran’s arrest and, 217; exposure

and, 294–296, 405–406, 622, 672;

603, 607, 609, 617–618, 740, 743, 746

of secrets and, 733; the FBI and,

role in 1959 CIA-Mafia plots, 734;

Howard, Lisa, 14, 275, 310, 325

376, 723; FBI Watergate investiga-

Ruby and, 249–250; Teamsters and, Hughes, Howard, 367–368, 467, 704,

tion, 723; Ferrie and, 398; firing of,

713, 728; tells Senate Watergate

706, 707, 715, 721

709, 723; House Select Committee

Committee about CIA-Mafia plots, Huie, William Bradford, 481, 485,

on Assassinations (HSCA), 745;

728; trial in Chattanooga,

499, 522, 539, 542, 544, 562–563,

Hunt and, 358–360, 720; James Earl

Tennesee, 294–295

568, 571, 694–695, 697; article in

Ray and, 554; JFK-Almeida coup

Holloman, Frank C., 585, 586, 614

magazine, 694;
The Execution

plan and, 232, 297–301, 733; JFK

Hollywood, California, 65, 66, 170,

of Private Slovik
, 481; investigation

assassination and, 56, 63–64, 67,


of, 690; James Earl Ray and, 689;

71–72, 83–84, 95–98, 102–103, 144,

Hollywood blacklist, 170

The Klansmen
, 499;
They Slew the

154, 156, 158, 180, 201–206,

Hoover, J. Edgar, 3, 6, 13, 31, 33, 457,

, 694;
Three Lives for

209–210, 212–219, 222, 233,

461–462, 469, 509, 515–516, 522,

, 499

234–235, 245–247, 257, 260, 266,

539, 550, 569, 573–574, 585,

Hume, Brit, 715

268–269, 270–271, 273–274,

609–615, 621, 624, 648, 686,

Humes, James, 181, 185, 307

283–285, 287, 299–303, 446–447,

691–692; actions after JFK’s death,

Humphrey, Hubert, 508, 566, 576,

724; LBJ and, 234, 276, 277, 282,

109, 133, 141, 147, 153, 157, 158,

610, 623–624, 629, 656

286; the Mafia and, 151; McCone

168, 169, 170–171, 173–174, 182,

Hundley, William, 106, 285, 739

and, 282, 299–300; media and, 145;

190, 225–230; “anti-Commission”

Hunt, E. Howard, 18, 27, 28, 30, 37,

MLK assassination and, 613, 724;

forces of, 242; blamed for JFK

39–41, 454–455, 523–524, 526–527,

MLK contract and, 530, 532, 534;

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